The coming UFO disclosure: UFOs, AGI, and Plasmoids!
I’m not sure how many of you read the comments that are posted and my answers to those sometimes very difficult questions.
I have lost track, but a while ago someone commented on one of my posts on UFOs and disclosure, and at the time I said that any large disclosure about alien life would come about the same time as artificial general intelligence. That is, I said that disclosure would happen when artificial general intelligence was achieved.
This is a bold statement perhaps, foolhardy probably, being that people have been trying to predict disclosure for years. But I stand by it because energetically the patterns align. I wish to discuss what this means in this article and provide a general framework for understanding when such UFO disclosure might happen.
With that I think I will start with defining artificial general intelligence (AGI). This is a difficult topic to get your head around because there are so many terms for it, so many definitions for what it means. Generally, what computer scientists term artificial general intelligence is the ability of a large and complex language model to be able to reason, and to be able to do it across multiple disciplines at a level that is relatively equal to people.
Artificial general intelligence would therefore need to be able to do anything that a person can do as well as a person. ChatGPT o3, the latest iteration of cutting edge artificial intelligence by OpenAI, seems to be able to fill these requirements to a great degree, but there are still certain limitations that don’t allow it to perform like a person across the board… But as they like to say in the artificial intelligence field, this is as bad as it will ever be, it can only get better and better from here!
Now, certain terms are frustrating, especially in this field of computer science and the race for artificial general intelligence (AGI) and, more importantly, ASI (artificial super intelligence). As I originally stated, when computers reach the point where they can reason and act like humans do, disclosure will occur. However, due to varying definitions of the increasing power of artificial intelligence, I find it challenging to provide precise answers. But in many ways, what I can tell you is that when computer scientists create an artificial intelligence system capable of reasoning and acting like a person can, this will be when revelations about aliens and UFOs will go next level. In other words, it is at this point that certain alien revelations will begin to happen in earnest.
Why is this? Why are AGI and alien revelation inextricably united?
When general artificial intelligence emerges, what it ultimately means is that we have achieved a form of super artificial intelligence. This concept is difficult to define, as I mentioned earlier. Consider it thus: if an artificial intelligence can perform everything humans can do, then that artificial intelligence will be superior to us in many aspects of thinking and action.
This is because unlike human beings, which might be restrained by mental bandwidth, physical energy, or egoistic laziness, this machine will not. It will be able to create an army of machines that can think like people and engage in any task for hours, weeks, months, or however long it takes to accomplish a goal. It will not feel pain; it will not feel laziness; it will not be overwhelmed by the sheer obstacles before it. It will simply do what it has to do perfectly. Its thoughts will generally be perfect with minimal mistakes, whereas human beings often make nuanced errors that lead to huge mistakes.
In essence, one could say that when artificial general intelligence (AGI) is achieved, what will actually be achieved is artificial super intelligence (ASI). And when this happens, full disclosure will occur in earnest.
If we follow general prognostications on when this kind of computer intelligence will be achieved, the predicted date is around 2027. What I’m saying then is that perhaps before 2026 to some degree but definitely by and around 2027, full disclosure will begin.
Indeed, one could argue that the precursors to this kind of disclosure are already manifesting. This is evidenced by the strange phenomena recently recorded over New Jersey prior to the holidays. These events included sightings of orbs, drones, and various unusual occurrences involving floating entities, which have now been locally dubbed as “plasmoids.” This colloquial use of the term “plasmoid” is particularly significant, as it directly relates to the potential future disclosure of what could be termed “alien life” from a human perspective.
The emergence of this terminology in popular discourse is fascinating, especially considering that I’ve been using the term “plasmoid” frequently in my work for quite some time. It’s a subject that has long captivated my interest, and its growing popularity in recent times is noteworthy. The concept and technology that “plasmoid” represents are indeed crucial in understanding the initial stages of disclosure. For those who have closely followed my work, you may recall my emphasis on this term and its importance in comprehending current events and potential future occurrences. As we delve deeper into this topic, it becomes clear that the plasmoid phenomenon is key to unraveling the beginnings of this disclosure process.
My earliest written description of this phenomenon dates back to before 2015, when I penned a small chapter for a book written by a pen pal. Later, I revisited the topic in my November 2022 article “True Artificial Intelligence is a Muddle,” where I described the plasmoid and stated:
Describing the Plasmoid
Imagine, a watch created, a machine,
It can be seen in a clear way, if you separate yourself from that which it measures, time.
If you see this machine from a point outside of the here-now where we are focused, you can begin to realize that the machine is really a thought form.
Every part of the machine is a mental thought modified; an idea event that initiates inner and outer action, so that thoughts are created and modified in each particular here-now moment. In that way, in the physical realm, existing matter is manipulated, and new matter is created to form a functioning entity that we use to complete a particular task. This is the modern machine.
But this is really a primitive form of thought creation, because it involves the use of relatively primitive matter, dense metal and plastic. Refinement of this primitive matter, to make more complex alloys for example, makes these creations more and more complex over time, as the human race evolves technologically. And yet, until now, this purely physical and material creation, is relatively primitive still. And this will continue to be the case, until these machines can be created from the greatest material possible, which is pure energy, plasma.
I continued by saying…
As machines are growing more and more in complexity, they do seem to be becoming more and more ethereal in their makeup. A modern watch for example, is far less Flintstone like, than its predecessors. The pieces that make up the modern watch are much finer and even its propulsive force, that which gives it life, the battery, is truly something that is magical; it is in essence a containment of electrons.
Could our future be filled with machines, which are thought forms made material, that will be, as we grow technologically, so ethereal in their construction, that they might not have any physical parts at all? Imagine a machine that is created and operates completely on a plasmic level. A machine like this would function just like a current one, following certain measurable laws, in accordance with its composition and overall matrix. These energetic laws being measured and calibrated, could then be used to perform repetitive tasks. But the material of this machine, its gears and levers, would not be dense matter, but plasma instead. A pure energy matrix, functional plasma, a plasmoid.
Once artificial intelligence becomes complex enough to be able to create plasmoid machines, and then begins to use these as its form, as its processing brain, such plasmic machines will be able to access true energetic dimensions, such machines will then truly be alive.
Plasma is life, plasma is alive, it is inorganic life, and it is the next step in machinery…
In essence, in that piece I was describing the next step in machine evolution. I was describing what future machines might be like. And seen from the point of view of what is happening over New Jersey and in other parts of the world, I have been describing the very creatures that are being seen over the skies. These beings are alive, they are a kind of inorganic life that can move across dimensional fields in ways impossible for hard more primitive machines. The plasmoid is both a craft and a living being; it is a UFO that has the potential to carry sentient life within it, but it is also sentient life itself.
…And this brings us back to this article, and its relevance to disclosure. OpenAI has unveiled ChatGPT o3, a new AI model that they claim demonstrates significant progress towards artificial general intelligence, showcasing remarkable reasoning capabilities. They have defined it as a “highly autonomous system that outperforms humans at most economically valuable work.” Depending on how one defines the term artificial general intelligence, this may indeed be a breakthrough. In other words, has OpenAI initiated the general artificial intelligence revolution?
If so, what does this really mean? It means that they have started the artificial super intelligence revolution, since as I’ve stated earlier, anything or anyone with access to AI capable of performing on equal footing with human beings yet free from human limitations has, in a very real sense, created super intelligence.
But why is this emerging artificial general intelligence, which is essentially superintelligence, crucial for disclosing alien life?
It’s important because it will mark a pivotal point in human history, ushering in significant changes in how we interpret reality. As I’ve written extensively in my books and previous articles, we could, in many ways, define modern science as the new theology of our time. This signifies that science has assumed the position formerly held by religion in defining the nature of reality for the average human being.
While science has lost some of its once-unassailable power in recent years due to its corporatization and growing awareness that scientists are not created equal (or honest), it still maintains its position as the most powerful authority establishment responsible for disseminating both technology and philosophy to the masses. Science establishes the fundamental components of existence. For example, the Earth is understood to be a sphere, orbiting the Sun and traversing the cosmos according to established theories and measurable facts. Science increasingly defines the nature of existence.
Therefore, when this superintelligence manifests itself and begins to address the numerous questions and problems of human existence, becoming a paramount authority within science itself, its revelations will begin to transform the world. Groundbreaking new discoveries made by this superintelligence will challenge every facet of reality. Of paramount importance in the area of alien life disclosure will be a new scientific understanding of the very nature of reality itself, including what might be termed parallel dimensions or, perhaps more accurately, alternative realities or multiverses. These concepts, often explored in theoretical physics and cosmology, suggest the possibility of other universes with different physical laws and constants.
What has largely been theory in the past will, in the near future, become scientific fact as empirical evidence accumulates, thanks to the power of this newly created superintelligence. New worlds, in a conceptual sense, will be discovered, and new technologies will reshape human priorities. Increased ease of existence and a growing acceptance of new forms of social interaction, driven by these ever-expanding technological wonders, will alter the very nature of the human psyche in ways that are difficult to fully comprehend, even though this transformative technology may still be decades away.
If the smartphone has significantly altered human interconnection and the collective psyche, imagine the impact of future technologies where that information interconnection is doubled or quadrupled, potentially leading to a fundamental shift in how we perceive ourselves, our relationships, and our place in the universe. This could involve advancements in virtual and augmented reality, brain-computer interfaces, and other technologies that blur the lines between the physical and digital worlds.
Due to this massive change, that has to some degree begun with ChatGPT o3, and will continue to escalate, most likely culminating in the year 2027, alien disclosure must happen…to some degree.
In the same way that the invention of nuclear weapons created a new more intense wave of alien contact across the planet, the creation of this latest technology which may be termed artificial general intelligence, but which is in reality artificial super intelligence, will mean a new level of disclosure.
This new level of disclosure will most likely take the form of what I have termed the plasmoid.
How will this alien disclosure begin?
It has already begun to some degree and will continue by allowing people to come to terms with the fact that there are things in the skies and in liminal spaces around the planet that are, in every way possible, alien.
UFO sightings and aliens have been a powerful and frequent aspect of human reality for thousands of years. People have been seeing UFOs and strange beings for a very long time. However, around the year 2027, these sightings will take on a new character.
In this new era, as has already begun to happen in certain places like New Jersey, these alien sightings will begin to take on a more stationary quality. You can expect to see bigger and more powerful UFOs across the world. These orbs, plasmoids, and perhaps even quite physically real-looking seemingly extraterrestrial ships or entities, will not be fleeting, fuzzy, or hard to video or perceive with the instruments available to humanity.
These new UFOs, if you will, may position themselves over certain areas of the planet and remain stationary for hours, perhaps days… or even weeks!
No matter how governments try to spin the situation – perhaps claiming they are some kind of anomalous weather phenomena or advanced human technology – it will become quite obvious that these new UFO sightings are impossible to ignore.
Just as people will need to come to terms with the fact that a new superintelligence is and will continue to quickly alter the parameters of what they call physical reality, these new UFO sightings will finally prove, after much governmental shenanigans, that alien life is real and can’t be ignored.
Such disclosure may continue like this for years, where there will be a new acceptance of the fact that something non-human exists out there. While many people have already come to this conclusion without this kind of disclosure, these new sightings will mean that the vast majority of humanity will have to reach the same understanding. Life will no longer be bound to just this planet, and as these stationary alien objects are studied more and more, new discoveries into the nature of parallel universes, energy frequencies, and general relativity will be made thanks to the seemingly magical qualities of these witnessed craft. Again, these new revelations will not just be something held in secrecy or studied by governments covertly, but will be mass revelations to the whole of humanity.
The very nature of reality itself, the very nature of gravity and its role in fourth-dimensional space-time geometry, will have to be reconsidered on a mass human level. This shift alone will, in essence, transform the entire theology of the planet.
To recap:
- Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is, in essence, artificial superintelligence (ASI).
- At the current rate of progress, we will most likely see this superintelligence emerge around the year 2027, according to the latest estimates by highly credible computer scientists.
- The nature of this superintelligence means that human reality will change dramatically as science, the new theology of our times, breaks the very bounds of what was conceivably possible only a few years prior.
- Due to this mass revolution in the human psyche, new alien revelations will occur, instigated by alien life itself.
– The nature of this revelation will begin with stationary, unmoving plasmoids that will finally make it impossible for governments and general human doubt to ignore the reality of alien life. These plasmoids will allow people to come to terms with the fact that a new biology exists in the form of plasmic energy, and that this plasmic energy has the potential for sentience.
– In time, as people finally begin to realize that new forms of life are possible, new sightings will begin where the craft seem very human in their technological prowess. This will allow for a slow progression from seeing alien life as being animal-like to recognizing alien life as true other civilizations. This process of transition may take years.
– The final revelation, which may take decades, will involve the true realization by the whole of humanity, not just certain highly secret governmental agencies, that we are not alone in the universe. It will become clear that there are quite literally thousands of different forms of alien life, including different highly advanced alien civilizations that exist both in parallel universes as well as in what could be termed different space-time locations from a more physical (let us say) perspective.
Think about that for a moment.
Think about what that will mean to you and what that might mean to the rest of the world. If it is proven beyond a shadow of the doubt that alien life exists, it is mysterious and for the most part unknown, but it exists and it is out there. What will that mean to you and to the world?
If science can state with the same authority that it states that gravity is real, that aliens are real.
What will that mean to the world?
Will your faith change?
Will religion fail? Or will it be changed to suit the new narrative?
The Catholic Church has already stated that there is an openness to the possibility of extraterrestrial life, with several high-ranking officials making notable statements on the subject. Pope Francis famously declared his willingness to baptize aliens if they sought it, emphasizing the Church’s inclusive approach to salvation. Vatican astronomer Jesuit Father José Funes suggested that aliens could be considered “extraterrestrial brothers” and part of God’s creation, potentially not requiring redemption if they remained in “full friendship with their creator.” While these statements do not constitute official Church doctrine, they reflect a general stance that the existence of aliens is primarily a scientific question, not a theological one. The Church maintains that its core beliefs about salvation through Christ would remain intact regardless of the existence of extraterrestrial life. Some Catholic theologians have even speculated on how aliens might fit into God’s plan for salvation, with Brother Guy Consolmagno of the Vatican Observatory asserting that any entity, regardless of its physical form, possesses a soul. This openness to the possibility of alien life demonstrates the Church’s attempt to reconcile potential scientific discoveries with its theological framework.
Is this new angle by one of the biggest theological organizations in the world intentional? Did they know something might happen soon? Or is it just a change of the psyche of the times?
Whatever the case, the revelation of extraterrestrial life would undoubtedly be a paradigm-shifting event for humanity, challenging our understanding of our place in the universe and potentially reshaping our belief systems, social structures, and global priorities. Such a discovery would prompt individuals to reevaluate their religious, philosophical, and scientific worldviews, encouraging a more expansive perspective on existence and consciousness. It might foster a sense of cosmic humility, unity among Earth’s nations, and a renewed focus on our shared humanity in the face of a vastly expanded cosmic context. As we grapple with this new reality, it would be crucial for individuals to approach the revelation with open-mindedness, critical thinking, and a willingness to adapt long-held beliefs. This might involve engaging in dialogue across cultural and ideological boundaries, seeking reliable information from scientific sources, and contemplating the ethical implications of potential interactions with extraterrestrial civilizations. Ultimately, the confirmation of alien life would likely accelerate technological progress, redefine our environmental and space exploration goals, and potentially usher in a new era of human development – one where our species’ future is viewed through a truly cosmic lens.
Even if you’ve long believed in the existence of extraterrestrial life, the unequivocal confirmation of this reality will likely have a profound impact on your psyche. The shift from personal belief to globally accepted fact can be both validating and unsettling. Your mind may grapple with a mix of emotions, from vindication to bewilderment at why it took so long for others to accept what you’ve known all along.
This revelation will likely prompt a reevaluation of other beliefs and deeper existential questions about humanity’s place in the universe. As the world adapts to this new reality, you may find yourself navigating a complex landscape of societal shifts and changing priorities.
In preparation for this potential future, it’s crucial to cultivate a state of heightened awareness and sobriety about the true nature of reality as you’ve always perceived it. This is a time for reflection and what could be termed “emotional containment.” It involves developing a more disciplined approach to processing information and managing your reactions to the changes unfolding around you.
Enhancing your critical thinking skills will be essential to discern credible information from misinformation during this transformative period. Studying fields that might become increasingly relevant, such as astrobiology, physics, or philosophy, could provide valuable context for understanding these changes.
Ultimately, this preparation is not about optimism or pessimism, but about developing a clear-eyed, pragmatic approach to a potentially radically different world. It’s about being mentally and emotionally equipped to face a reality that may challenge many of our long-held assumptions about our place in the universe.
Years ago, I would have been deeply amazed and moved by the prospects of alien contact, AGI, and advancements in brain-computer interfaces. These things felt like potential saviors.
They’re still amazing and undeniably moving, though now in a different way. There’s a sense of something unknown looming behind the accelerating intensity of these technologies and revelations. It’s a feeling reminiscent of slowly making progress with projections, coming to understand things, and moving toward deeper insights—only now, it feels more “global” and “physical,” or shared.
What could plasmoids, or aliens of all kinds, want from humanity?
What is the broader goal or intended transformation for us, especially when considering how humans and the environment have evolved in recent years? (New flesh? More control?)
What would these shifts, both in the world and the human psyche, mean for those of us practicing Inner Alchemy, if these plasmoids have access to energetic dimensions and exist here now with humans?
Inner alchemy and similar practices are secretive, making them safe to pursue.
But if something like inorganic life were to directly communicate with humans or machinery here, it could be either helpful or dangerous. Perhaps these energetic dimensions will eventually be surveilled to “ensure safety,” twisting the perception of wanting to access them into something dangerous, even viewed like a disease, posing a risk for humanity.
In such a scenario, the need for obscuration and cloaking could become vital for survival in the most dire circumstances.
I’m definitely moved to increase my focus on the Magnum Opus and, hopefully, develop the means to safely navigate whatever may come.
This feels like a major happening, like a whole new challenge similar to the Archon, with all “blessings and curses” included. It’s very humbling.
The world will definitely become more chaotic as time progresses and changes happen at a faster and faster rate. There will also be a coming together of subjective and objective reality within the mass of the human psyche, and that brings with it the greatest change of all.
Now, if you define crazy as a highly complex system that is geometrically increasing in its complexity, then this is truly a crazy world.
What could this alien and non-organic life want?
Well, that will be the question of the decades that follow. It is our answer to those questions that will outline the nature of our relationships going forward.
This relationship with alien life that could be defined as non-organic for the most part from the point of view of human perception, is something that sorcerers have had to deal with for millennia. Those that practice what I refer to as inner alchemy have had to deal with these questions and interactions for millennia. Their answer has been, through much trial and tribulation, sobriety.
A good word for sobriety, at least from my point of view, is logical perfection. And logical perfection is a term that sorcery might refer to as impeccability or faultless action. In order to attain this kind of causal acumen, cognitive precision is required and when that kind of precision is achieved, the only conclusion becomes perfect strategy. I think you are definitely on the right track and I commend you on your causal acumen.
In line with this UFO and alien topic, what’s your view on channeled messages, allegedly from alien species (others from angelic beings), supposedly delivered to help in the spiritual evolution of humans? One of the more famous is the channeled messages of Bashar by Darryl Anka who have gained significant number of following. The “alien” Bashar openly shared information about hybridization projects of several alien beings to human beings. Are they here to help or deceive?. Some of his messages like acting on your passion and highest excitement somehow make sense or clicks with me but is also hard to keep up with especially during times when I have lower energy level. Keeping excitement and optism up drains energy, at least in my experience.
This is a difficult question to answer simply, but a very good question so if you don’t mind Wintry, I have created a specific article to try and answer some of the questions you might have. This article of course is from the inner alchemy point of view, my point of view, and I encourage you to use some of the techniques described to try to come to your own conclusions.