The Nature of Good and Evil: the many faces of the Archon
In presenting the way of inner alchemy, I must always be very careful to follow a very specific line of action that is guided by definitive energetic currents. Metaphorically speaking, we could say that it’s like being a sailor or navigator: I must follow the flow of the ocean and the wind created by it, always ensuring that I stay on course, which pertains to freedom, good will, and honesty.
The currents are all around us now; they flow, churn, and turn, creating a wind that howls and has the potential to either drag us to distant lands or keep us fixed in a certain place, forever imprisoned within an eddy that won’t let us go. Freedom can only be found by following specific currents; therefore, staying on course is crucial for an inner alchemist.
In the past, when trying to describe the nature of the Archon, I have used various metaphors. Of these, I think the one that comes closest (in my opinion) to what seers see when they perceive this behemoth is to conceive it as a radio signal constantly broadcasting a dark tune. While this dark symphony has within it the potential to expand our awareness in ways that are incalculable, for most of us this dark signal being broadcast across the world signifies only one thing: imprisonment.
The Archon eats; it is a voracious behemoth that feasts on the glitter and gold of humanity. It has milked the human race dry, draining it of its magical power and turning us all into gloomy, sedentary creatures.
In an attempt to delve even deeper into the nature of the Archon, I have previously spoken about the memetic wars. Specifically in my book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy, I provided a detailed definition of what this memetic war entails. Interestingly, these ideas have recently gained more popularity in the mainstream, with individuals like Elon Musk referring to aspects of this memetic battle as the human mind virus. As we awaken to a broader world, I am hopeful that we will all eventually find our freedom from the Archon in time.
Briefly, in the book mentioned above, I describe the memetic wars as a constant battle between humans aimed at dominating the belief structures of others. In other words, it’s a relentless struggle over beliefs. Once a belief is accepted by an individual, each person fights to convert others to their own belief system. En masse, people unite behind certain belief patterns and then, in a mob-like fashion, engage in converting, by whatever means necessary, other groups to their beliefs. In essence, the Archon is responsible for a kind of thought war – what I call the great psychic wars – because this battle is an internal conflict, not an external affair, with only the final consequences being external and manifesting as oppression, war, and censorship.
One would imagine that these beliefs have significance, particularly to us as human beings. Our beliefs hold meaning and importance, and we strive to act within their parameters. However, for the Archon, these beliefs are irrelevant. It’s not interested in dogma or persuading you to believe one thing over another. Rather, it feeds on the strife created by the memetic war itself. The Archon feasts on the energy generated by a self-aware individual as they struggle against the currents of their own beliefs and the need to impose those beliefs on others.
This is the nature of the Archon in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy. So, from that point of view, what is evil?
The thing is, this is a problematic question because the answer to it can only be fundamentally realized through direct perception. That is the way of the current that I follow; all true personal answers must come from the self alone. But if you are interested in certain parameters of this current, let us say, then what I can tell you indirectly is that I can’t tell you directly.
I hope you will forgive me, but I must be very careful here. This is so because, from my point of view, which is rooted in the principles of inner alchemy that I follow, telling you this would be a kind of evil. To try to describe what I consider to be evil from that perspective, I would be essentially engaging in evil myself.
I strive to take a different approach generally, and that’s what I’ve endeavored to do with most of my writing. What I have sought to do is get your attention so that you know there are others out there who are in a similar battle to yours. I’ve also aimed to tell you that the answers that you seek are within you, rather than outside of yourself. I’ve focused on revealing techniques to you while trying to keep dogma out of the picture as much as possible. My intention is to point you to a door, being absolutely clear about what might be behind it. I may even open the door slightly for you, but it’s then up to you to decide whether to step through and how far to go. Anything else could easily fall into the category of memetic war, you see.
But if I left it there, this would be a very short article indeed. So, if you’ll forgive me again, I must delve a little bit past technique and into potentially dogmatic territory to try to bring to light the riddle of good and evil from an inner alchemy perspective.
With all that in mind, I could tell you what a form of evil is from the point of view of inner alchemy. The odd thing is that I would need to start by saying that, for inner alchemy, evil is not a dogmatic or objective act per se, but rather a current of energy that leads towards further entrapment within the quagmire of the Archon, as opposed to freedom. Generally speaking, I could say that goodness for the inner alchemist is the ability to stay within the bounds of a current that leads to freedom, while the opposite of goodness is engaging a current that leads to further Archonic entanglement.
Defining goodness according to inner alchemy
I would further add that, from the perspective of the seers of inner alchemy, as they looked upon the world and the influence of the Archon, they realized that certain actions led to freedom, while other actions led to further entanglement and imprisonment. Having seen the nature of these currents, they then developed a system of inner action that would lead an individual unerringly out of the grip of the dark cloud of the Archon.
There are many names for this kind of inner action that leads to freedom. A great name for it is impeccability. I personally prefer a longer term such as ‘the immaculate pursuit of freedom through the use of the inner senses and energetic truth.’
Interestingly, this kind of immaculate action, seen from the point of view of an average person who cannot perceive energy directly through inner senses, seems to resemble in every way the act of being selfless, good, humble, and light. From that perspective, such immaculate action bears a strong resemblance to goodness.
While action that is not immaculate, to whatever degree, is perceived by the outer senses as generally evil, heavy, controlling, fearful, deceptive, or morose. In simple terms, immaculate action allows; it gives the freedom that one desires, equally to all others. While other forms of inner action that, from an inner alchemy perspective, are not immaculate, try instead to control and cheat people.
From a purely physical perspective, there is great complexity in pursuing immaculate energetic action, and there is the possibility of deception everywhere. However, for someone who has finally learned to see energy directly using the inner senses, such immaculate action becomes easy; it’s simply a matter of following the dictates of what I have referred to as The Spirit in my book, The Art of Transmutation.
This is a complex and sensitive topic from a verbal (just words) perspective, so let me give you an example. Some might believe that immaculate action is about dogma, thinking that it involves trying to follow an established code of conduct and having others align with those dogmatic principles as written in some text perhaps. However, immaculate energetic action, like energetic truth, must be perceived in the moment. In many ways, one could say that energetic truth and therefore the guiding current of immaculate energetic action are non-local, existing outside of space and time, while dogmatic truths are local, occupying a definite place in space and time.
As I mentioned in a previous article, energy is only perceivable in the present moment, it cannot be bound by words or expounded through any kind of dogma.
In order to make this easier to understand let me begin by first defining dogma.
Dogma is a set of beliefs or principles that people accept as true without questioning them. These beliefs are often established by an authority, like a religion or organization, and followers are expected to accept them without doubt. In simple terms, dogma is like a rule-book for beliefs that you’re not supposed to challenge or question. But beyond this, I can now expand on this definition by saying that for the inner alchemist, to a certain general degree, dogma is any perception that is solely based on the physical senses which are themselves bound to the physical dimension. Dogma is a local phenomenon, it is something that exists bound to the cage of the physical; it is in essence a particle. Energetic truth on the other hand is non-local, it exists in a kind of energetic wave form that is beyond the cage of physical time and space.
Defining non-local and local
Non-local from the point of view of physics refers to phenomena or interactions that occur instantaneously across distances, seemingly defying the usual limitations of space and time. This concept is particularly relevant in quantum mechanics, but this definition is not that helpful when it comes to understanding awareness and the nature of personal reality. In order to truly understand what an inner alchemist means by perceiving energy directly, our definitions must be even more precise.
So let me give you an even more precise definition of non-locality. From the point of view of inner alchemy, non-local means the difference between a particle and a wave; the difference between unbound energy and bounded particles that have chosen or have been assigned a position in space-time.
A wave is primarily a conceptual construct that exists largely outside physical reality and beyond direct perception by our physical senses. It represents a propagating disturbance or oscillation in a medium or field, characterized by its frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. Waves are often mathematical abstractions used to describe energy, and generally they are not directly observable entities in themselves.
A particle is a discrete, localized point in space-time that can potentially be perceived or detected by the normal range of physical senses or instruments. It represents a fundamental unit of matter or energy with definite physical properties such as mass, charge, and position. Particles are conceptualized as tangible, measurable entities within the physical realm. Particles are aspects of a wave that have been trapped in a particular field rendering them quantifiable within that field, and therefore limited and static.
Perceptions that I have called ‘energetic truth’ are only available to the individual when they engage a perceptual technique that I call using the ‘inner senses,’ which allows that individual to perceive waves or energy directly. Energetic truth is energy-based; it’s non-local from the point of view of the physical senses. It’s like an invisible ocean of energy that surrounds everything.
A Simple Analogy
Imagine you’re playing a video game. Your character (the particle) can only see what’s on the screen. But if your character could turn into a ghost (the wave), it could float through walls and see hidden levels and perhaps even learn to ride the currents of energy that are creating that video game in the first place. By switching between character and ghost, you could explore both the visible game world and its hidden possibilities. In this way, the particle-wave nature of quantum entities allows them to bridge the gap between the physical world we can see and touch, and the mysterious non-local realm of infinite possibilities.
What the inner alchemist does then is to learn how to engage in a very specific type of perception that allows them to transcend the limitations of the physical world. From this perspective, they are like a character in a video game, occupying a seemingly distinct point in space. At the same time, they can also perceive themselves as a ghost that defies those limitations and becomes aware of the energetic flux that exists beyond locality.
Energetic truth resides in this non-local, ghost-like reality, where boundaries and limitations do not apply. Immaculate energetic action is only possible when this energetic truth is perceivable. However, whenever someone attempts to impose or bring this truth into the physical world, it ceases to be truth and becomes dogma.
The physical world, with its rules and constraints, represents a static and limited version of reality – a “videogame simulation” – whereas energetic truth embodies a dynamic and flowing current that cannot be contained within such boundaries.
But that might make some think that energetic truth must therefore NOT be constant from the point of view of the simulation. The thing is, though this non-locality appears to be forever in flux from our highly limited point of view while trapped within the physical simulation created by the Archonic influence, this energetic truth and immaculate energetic action are nonetheless true commandments that are unalterable and constant. Within that wave form of non-locality, these energetic truths are a true current that, from our very limited time perspective, is unalterable – as such, some inner alchemist might refer to them as The Commandments of the Black Sun.
This means that energetic truth is a forever and constant force flowing like a current across our sector of reality. Energetic truth is, forever, from our point of view, but it’s impossible for us to pin it down into particle form not because these commandments are shaky – but because we are!
While bound to the simulation created by the influence of the Archon, we can never perceive energetic truth. It’s only by breaking the bounds of the physical senses and the walls of the videogame simulation that we can approximate the possibility of understanding that great current.
The dangers of the Archonic simulation
The greatest danger of the Archonic simulation lies in the inability of those participating in that virtual reality game to perceive the fact that they are living in a video game; that they are trapped within the simulation. Furthermore, it’s also the inability to accept the ‘energetic’ truth that what they experience within the simulation and believe to be absolute truth and justice, is merely a dogmatic interpretation of something that transcends local space.
Those who cannot perceive this greater reality will inevitably find themselves succumbing to the dark cloud, the dark lie, of the Archon. And by following these limited dictates, individuals may sometimes engage in actions that could be termed evil, even though from their point of view they believe it is utterly just and good.
For example, a person might pursue what they perceive as the dogmatic good, seeking to censor those who they think are censoring them. They might believe: ‘These people are suppressing me, stifling the truth and justice as I understand it; therefore, to bring goodness to that injustice, I will strive to silence them.’
However, I hope you can see that such dogmatic action, while seemingly rational in some respects, is actually a logical fallacy – a catch-22 that leads nowhere, an inversion that perpetuates entanglement and gravity rather than freedom. This kind of action is motivated by fearful intent and tends to project its own feelings onto others.
How does an inner alchemist survive the memetic wars?
1. Inner alchemists have been able to perceive through their inner senses that things are created from the inside out. They can perceive directly that thoughts and feelings are the underlying intent mechanism that shapes reality. So, for them, there is no need to impose their will on others; they just need to follow their own immaculate intent, and in doing so, they will find peace and deliverance from the injustices found in the simulation. At best, if they are ‘neck-deep’ in it, as they say, perhaps finding themselves in a particularly treacherous section of the videogame, they may need to sober up and physically pick themselves up and get out of the way as soon as possible. But that’s it. They get out of the way and allow the world to do what it wants to do. Through immaculate inner action and allowing the world to be and do whatever it wants for the most part, they maintain in the face of it good thoughts and intention. This intention can lead them to freedom in time, as long as their inner action is perfect; immaculate.
2. Rationality cannot see anything beyond the physical; it is stuck in the simulation videogame created by the Achon. The physical senses provide a very limited but very vivid perceptual matrix that traps many within a very restricted and dare I say highly simplistic mechanical view of reality. The full implications of logic and causality are not explored, and instead, a weird form of Occam’s razor is implemented, where complexity is ignored in favor of ‘the simplest explanation is usually the correct one.’ This, of course, is a dogmatic dictum that favors easy answers as opposed to deep inner explorations that can lead someone to question the supposed facts of the times. Think about it: the easiest answer will always be the answer provided by authority, repeated by authority over and over. It doesn’t get any easier than that. So inner alchemists seek their own individual truth by expanding their mastery of the inner senses.
[For a highly descriptive and detailed definition of how the inner alchemist thrives within the bounds of the simulation, I highly recommend the books, Overconing the Archon Through Alchemy and The Art of Transmutation.]
A final ‘shaky’ and static definition
Using cagey words, I could say that goodness for inner alchemy is freedom, while the opposite (the Archonic/evil) is the deep desire by those trapped in the simulation to censor and control others in order to convert those others to their beliefs. The rational stance with its simplistic logic creates a sense of conformity, correctness, and justification. Those trapped in the simulation then feel righteous indignation, and demand what they have fooled themselves into believing is justice and accountability. Others may even steal, cheat, or hurt others, all the while justifying their actions because of their interpretation of the laws that govern the simulation.
I could say using those cagey words that goodness for the inner alchemist flows naturally and is easy once they can see the currents of energy directly, while the Archonic always strives to invert and complicate. The Archonic turns up to down and black to white in order to fool those trapped in the simulation to entangle themselves more and more. I have said in the past not to trust others, not to trust even me, but only to trust yourself. I will expand on this here by saying don’t trust the simulation, trust instead in the inherent goodness within you that cannot be bound within the videogame that you are now playing. If you must believe in something, then believe in your inherent power. You have the possibility to go beyond the physical limitations of this vivid simulation. Use your feelings and from wherever you are, which is the center of the known universe, expand those feelings outward until you feel that current that cannot be contained.
But these are words on a page, and the instant that this was the case, these words became dogma. It is my hope that you don’t accept these words as utter truth or throw them out without thought. Instead, I hope that you use them as a catalyst to try to explore the non-local reality beyond the video simulation that the Archon has deluded you into creating. It is my hope that you use these words as a catalyst to try to find your own direct connection to those non-local currents beyond the simulation. You can then decide for yourself whether you will allow and flow like an inner alchemist or follow whatever current suits you best.
It is my hope that this splash of dogma dissection allows you to get in touch with your own energetic truth, so that you can then decide for yourself as an individual what immaculate inner action means to you.
Thank you for this article it really answered rhe question I had for couple of months how
Do inner alchemists deal with chaotic situations like war oppression etc
Thank you so much
Thanks M.
Hi John
Thank you for another great article. Believe it or not, but your website and articles seem to be one of the only harbours left not drifting towards becoming a dogma themselves. I have found so many interesting people trying to explain this reality – and almost all of them sooner or later take on this “follow me, this is the way” vibe. But not you. I think you have a gift in writing about difficult and negative subjects while still remaining positive and empowering. In our doomsday times this feels like a blessing, thank you.
Without wanting to talk too much about dogmas or believes, I am currently struggling with a question about manifestation: Let’s say the dark sea itself is a neutral field and the Archon gives our reality a default programming that is negative (or “evil”), is there in your opinion also a counterpart, let’s call it a divine force, that guides us through these lifetimes? Because I strongly believe in the manifestation powers we have, but I am not sure anymore where my intention to manifest on a personal level actually comes from: Is it from my mind that might as well be a foreign installation or is it from this divine force/inner voice, leading me in the right direction? Because my inner feeling tells me that this reality is a trick, but not a trap. As it feels good to see through the trick, which has had a great impact on my (emotional) energy, I still seem to be at a crossroad now: Should I try to personally engage and try “to change things” for the better or should I “do the work” by mainly living in the present moment and enjoying every (little) thing this experience here has to offer? Because after all, it might be the last time that I am here. I would love to hear your opinion on this.
Thank you very much for your words Reto!
This is a complex question that deserves a longer answer, so if you don’t mind I am going to turn this into an article. I will post your question and my answer.
“While action that is not immaculate, to whatever degree, is perceived by the outer senses as generally evil, heavy, controlling, fearful, deceptive, or morose. In simple terms, immaculate action allows; it gives the freedom that one desires, equally to all others. While other forms of inner action that, from an inner alchemy perspective, are not immaculate, try instead to control and cheat people.”
Does this apply to servitors, or is it absolute that servitors are a part of one’s self, where the categories “immaculate or not immaculate” do not apply?
When I communicate to a servitor, it is very easy to control and confirms “to be me” if prompted. Yet there are also seemingly autonomous, subconscious, and developed characteristic actions as opposed to a formed cube.
Would forcing the servitor to enter a sort of puppet stage and controlling form directly be a form of control?
Or not, because it’s actually just still a sort of separated thought form of our self.
I still struggle with contemplating what makes us humans so special in that regard, to be this beacon of self consciousness.
When does this beacon fully form? When are you truly responsible? Only in the limited self-conscious state and only towards other “beings” (organic and/or inorganic)?
Thanks for the great read.
This is a great and tough question, so if you don’t mind I am going to turn this into an article. I will post your question and my answer.
Dear John,
What should someone do when they realize they’re being carried by an invisible force, influenced by someone else? How can I resist this strong current that pushes me to behave in certain ways? I feel trapped by someone who effortlessly distorts reality for their own benefit. I can clearly distinguish between my own intentions and theirs, and I’m certain this isn’t a result of my own will.
I usually deal with something like this through absorption instead of barriers or any kind of traditional defense. As long as you are conscious of yourself, that is the important thing. And being conscious you might find the vampire techniques useful.
Greetings, Mr. Kreiter,
I have just finished reading your awesome book ”Overcoming tha Archon through Alchemy” and I am still processing and just beginning to practice the various exercises you recommended in the book. So, at this time I would like to pose you this question: with reference to the IN polarity, wouldn’t you agree that another good source of energy (while practicing the IN polarity absorbtion) is… the SUN? There is this practice of Sungazing that is gaing more and more traction with many people nowadays (me included) and to me, it seems that Sungazing would provide another venue for engaging with the IN polarity, besides the very valuable technique of negative energy absorbtion. What are your thoughts on this aspect? Many thanks.
Thank you very much for reading my book George.
Yes, the Sun is an incredible source of energy and using the IN technique, while making sure to never stare at the sun certainly, can be an incredible source of extra power. I am not an expert on sun gazing but I would recommend turning your back to the sun, being that the IN polarity is on the back, and using the techniques described in that book, you absorb this energy that way. You can also absorb the energy of the earth, the plants, certain kinds of landscape, water, the stars, and even infinity itself (which lends itself to dark matter as you look up into the night sky and extend your inner senses to perceive the infinity above you).