Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge


Hi John
…Without wanting to talk too much about dogmas or beliefs, I am currently struggling with a question about manifestation: Let’s say the dark sea itself is a neutral field and the Archon gives our reality a default programming that is negative (or “evil”), is there in your opinion also a counterpart, let’s call it a divine force, that guides us through these lifetimes? Because I strongly believe in the manifestation powers we have, but I am not sure anymore where my intention to manifest on a personal level actually comes from: Is it from my mind that might as well be a foreign installation or is it from this divine force/inner voice, leading me in the right direction? Because my inner feeling tells me that this reality is a trick, but not a trap. As it feels good to see through the trick, which has had a great impact on my (emotional) energy, I still seem to be at a crossroad now: Should I try to personally engage and try “to change things” for the better or should I “do the work” by mainly living in the present moment and enjoying every (little) thing this experience here has to offer? Because after all, it might be the last time that I am here. I would love to hear your opinion on this.


This is a very insightful question, and one that you will have great difficulty understanding if you maintain your awareness fixed within the Archonic reality of the conscious-self.

In answering your question, I need to use words with incredible care because there are many terms possible, and so many terms you’ve been using yourself in this comment, for instance. To weave through them without triggering an Archonic loop—a reflex reaction that brings you down—I must first clarify what these terms mean to you while trying to answer your question.

Let’s start from the beginning and contemplate the nature of desires. Where do they come from?

Some might say all desires originate from the Archon, and in a certain way, they would be correct. so,is is so because it is that Archonic current (according to inner alchemy) responsible for the separated self—the ego, the conscious-self—that most people understand as being “I am.” Then they may argue that it’s this ‘I’ that desires.

But does this mean those impulses and conglomerations of value fulfillment creating desire have only the Archon as its source?

Well, the answer to that is no. While value fulfillment may be seen as a highly individual thing and therefore a part of the Archonic cloud, the underlying motion or origin of those desires comes from the creative force itself, the divine All-That-Is.

We have an impetus for fulfillment that has been further refined to include individual value fulfillment, thanks to the individuality given to us by the Archonic current. And it’s in the mixing of individuality with the divine need for fulfillment that is, ultimately, the true source of desire in modern humanity.

From here, we get a basic polarity—a simplification:

Some might say that the only way to find enlightenment and peace—equated with goodness—is through letting go of all desires. However, this is an impossibility because there’s a natural drive within humanity for fulfillment. You can’t separate the person from the spirit, and the spirit demands fulfillment.

Others might argue that the only true path to actual enlightenment and power lies in fulfilling all desires, embracing them no matter what they are. But there’s an inherent problem here: what they mean by ‘desires’ may not be the expansion demanded by the spirit but just the endless glorification of the conscious-self—the ego.

And since the conscious-self is a creation of the Archon (as explained in The Magnum Opus Trilogy), such glorification of the ego alone is usually a dead-end street—a deadly trap.

These are, of course, interpretations of the two major philosophical polarities within humanity from the perspective of an inner alchemist. Ultimately, you must pursue your own truths. But since you asked for my opinion, I include them here.

So, what is the answer?

For inner alchemists, the answer lies in the development of greater awareness.

This may sound mystical and metaphysical, but it’s actually quite simple. We all must start from the beginning, which means becoming more aware of our physical needs and conscious-self, as that is all we know at first.

To achieve this, we begin by looking at our reflection and following our natural impulses and desires. Starting from the beginning means starting with material power and satisfying physical needs until certain criteria are met physically, thereby creating an impetus for growth beyond physicality.

As our physical needs are met and our reflection allows us to gain greater awareness of our conscious-self, this expansion under ideal circumstances creates a framework for being that can then take the next step in its evolution. Once physical desires are appeased to a balanced extent, and the self becomes conscious enough to question the nature of its own existence, the desire for a greater knowing beyond the physical naturally manifests. The Spirit begins to knock.

This steppingstone is crucial because it means the individual is no longer solely interested in satisfying physical desires; instead, they want to satisfy more complex spiritual ones. Once this step has been achieved, there is no going back – the only way forward to true happiness and freedom is by moving forward, which requires exploring desires related to movement beyond the conscious-self.

Those who are stuck satisfying only physical desires are literally trapped in a small cage. Some might call this cage of the conscious-self comfortable, especially if one is rich and socially powerful, with a great view from a luxurious location, having successfully satisfied all material needs. However, in the end, this is a small cage that will only lead to greater frustration and sickness.

Regardless of how beautiful your room, delicious your food, or easy it is to get around, you will always be stuck in that room. Such a prison can only cause sickness, which will then lead to greater forms of debauchery, increasing the cycle of sickness. The only way forward is to pursue desires that lead beyond the conscious-self – those we could call spiritual.

So, what’s the next step?
The next step, in a sense, becomes complexity. What I mean by this is that the fulfillment of material desires (wealth, for example) should allow the individual to experience some relief and distance from the raw nature of physical survival and the stupidity of humanity, as defined by Bonhoeffer and Avital Ronell.

Once this window of opportunity is achieved, the natural self is instantly inclined to pursue desires of the Spirit.

That should ultimately be the limit of the pursuit of desire by the conscious-self alone. Anything beyond that is simply self-important glorification and simplistic ego gratification – in essence, stupidity as defined by the authors mentioned.

However, the pursuit of this conscious-self-based desire matrix is highly complex, allowing the individual to come to terms with some of their own limitations as a conscious-self. Left alone, the desires of the natural self will innately lead to greater expansions of being.

Once there is relief from the rigors of physical reality and once the individual has hopefully used their experiences and power gained thus far to understand its own limits, the pursuit of a greater reality becomes important.

Now, the individual must use the powers they have gained thus far (such as the development of a strong intent, for example) and utilize this gained power to pursue greater forms of wealth. This wealth could be termed spiritual wealth or seen as greater power to control more potent aspects of reality beyond physical machinations and demarcations.

This is just one particular set of possibilities that aligns with the current of inner alchemy. There are many roads that can be taken, and the individual has complete freedom from that divine spark within them to follow their own way.

What does all this mean for you as an individual?

It means that you must begin at your own unique starting point and trust in your natural self. If you are just beginning your journey, I would say that the pursuit of material wealth will eventually lead you to even bigger questions. Therefore, I recommend pursuing your desires naturally, but also maintaining sobriety and discernment so that when different desires emerge within you, you don’t ignore them but instead pursue them as well.

Every person desires material things, but they also crave a deeper connection with the spirit. With sobriety and discernment, when the spirit calls, you are able to hear that calling and use your natural desire and the growing power of your intent to pursue that spiritual path, just as you have pursued the material one.

However, the nature of your question suggests that you are already beyond this purely material focus and are deeply interested in discovering the true nature of reality beyond the confines of the conscious-self. In your case, interestingly, I can only reiterate what I’ve just advised: to follow your natural desires, which you have done.

You’re questioning the essence of these physical drives and asking yourself if there’s more. You’ve taken it upon yourself to study, and through that natural desire, you’ve gained the impetus to comment on this site in search of more refined answers

It is my desire to assist you in fulfilling some of your desires, and it is my hope that this clarification from my individual perspective will be helpful.

Now, what I am about to share is based on the view of inner alchemy, and since you have asked for my response, I will provide it. However, please remember that in all things, you must pursue your own truths in your own way. By doing so, you will find the current that suits you best, as long as you remain sober, honest, and discerning about where the inner divinity within you wants to guide you.

From an inner alchemy perspective, this reality can be seen as a trick, and thus, it is a trap. The purpose of a trick is to deceive, and in the best of circumstances, to entertain.

This reality is based on an imposition referred to by inner alchemy as the conscious-self. Being bound to that self, either because the trick is too vivid or difficult to solve, means that you are trapped. The vast majority of humanity, therefore, is not simply enjoying an entertaining trick; they are literally trapped.

Inner alchemists strive to do everything in their power to first realize and then truly believe deep down in their marrow that this reality is indeed a trick and, therefore, a trap for the unwary.

There is a need to deeply believe in the nature of this trap because if total knowing is not achieved, it is easy to slide back into the desire to simply think of the trap as fun entertainment. This reminds me of the scene in The Matrix where Cypher makes a deal with Agent Smith to return to the simulation so that he can enjoy his delicious steaks guilt-free.

What will you do?

This is your choice and your choice alone. There are more than one way to tackle this challenge. If you’ve read the second book in the Magnum Opus Trilogy, “The Way of the Projectionist,” then you know that inner alchemists believe in the concept of “eat your cake and have it too.” For them, there is the possibility of enjoying everything in this world, embracing this trick, and in doing so, they create the complexity necessary within themselves to be able to see beyond the boundaries of their conscious-self.

By understanding and uniting with other aspects of their total self – namely, the ghost in the machine and the unconscious – they finally realize that the taste of a steak in the simulation is a bland nothing compared to all that’s available beyond the three-dimensional cage. In this sense, you could say that inner alchemists are hedonists of unparalleled taste, having exceeded the paltry sensations possible within this little trick reality.

All roads lead to heaven as long as the practitioner engages in immaculate energetic action. What road will you choose?

In other words, to “desire” and “do the work” are the same thing. Even if you define doing the work as austere practice and frugality, it is your desire to pursue this path – so you’re engaging in the act of desiring. From that intentional space, you’ll create your own kind of steak to eat, a bland hard steak, but your own steak nevertheless.

Inner alchemists aim to choose a path with gusto, one that puts a spring in their step. If, and only if, you’re seeking my advice – since all things are equal in the end – I would suggest a path with gusto. Whatever you choose, as long as it’s energetically immaculate, it will get you where you want to go.


  1. Hi John
    Thank you – what a great way to answer this question. I can relate to so many things you are writing. For example having this “I can see it now!” moment on one day and then feeling sort of mind wiped the next (a bit like in the movie “Dark City”, if you have seen it). I have felt that pull by the Archonic forces to get me back into the Matrix, to stick to your example, many times. However, the most fascinating aspect of your answer is your own role in giving it, I think. Is it part of your own path with gusto to wake people up and to help them in the process of doing so? Or is it (just) a side product of your conciousness expansion without being an actual desire of yours? I am reading sevaral of your books at the same time currently (with the most recent one on the way via a friend who lives in the US) and I consider them as the best tools out there to navigate in this dreamscape we live in. Chapter after chapter, this always leads me to the same question: Why are you doing it? (sorry for this rather direct and personal question).
    Cheers, Reto

    1. Thank you very much Reto forgetting my books and devoting so much of your attention to them!

      As you know from reading my books, I don’t like to talk about myself very much. What I can say is that writing for me is definitely a path with gusto, as long as I am writing about something that I deeply believe in and practice myself, which I am.
      I think that writing for me is sort of like a mathematical equation or a logical puzzle that needs to be laid out perfectly, kind of like a computer software program. In order for me to make sure that I am immaculate in my actions as a writer, I have to make sure that this equation is perfect, at least as perfect as I can make it.
      It is also the case that I am part of a current that demands certain energetic motion in a particular direction and that direction, for me, means that I must Speak; I must tell others what I see. In Speaking I feel a forward motion that leads to lightness. This energetic motion, as long as it is as immaculate as I can make it, makes me feel lighter and satisfied. This energetic motion is quite trying for me because it demands personal order that I’m not used to sustaining; sort of like telling Loki to straighten up, unknot himself, and stop having a wickedly good time.
      All of this helps me to grow, and it is my great hope that it also helps those that are reading as well.

  2. Hi John,
    Do you have plans to create something similar to your book Art of Transmutation but from point of view of our present reality ?
    Something similar to how you become a Projectionist and your adventures in the second world ?
    It will be really motivational for your readers.

    Let’s take the example of a sports figure like Christiano Ronaldo. Seeing his life story and the steps he took in his training provides motivation to thousands of upcoming football players. I am not sure if I was able to communicate what I am thinking properly. Hope you understand the gist of it.

    1. I think I get what you mean, and it sounds like an interesting idea. There are a few big projects that I’m working on and thinking about at the moment but that is definitely an interesting future project; an inner alchemist in the present.

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