Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

What is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything?
To Deep Thought it is 42.
But for an Inner Alchemists its,
‘’Don’t feed the churn, just ride the wave!’’

Which can be explained as follows:
The human world, and all the creations of this humanity that we are a part of, is far more complex than most would imagine.
In the simplest of terms, we could see humanity, each individual person, as a particle floating within a fluid. We can then further imagine that each one of these particles has the random possibility of creating an external churn, a kind of external paddling effect.
Now, if we take 8 billion such particles and imagine them to be in a relatively large fluidic container, to which we further add this random ability by each individual particle to have the potential to create a random amount of a churn ( turbulence or agitation) then we can see how these particles within this fluidic medium create over time different currents and waves that seem to create over time, an almost conscious or stable current. That is, even in this chaotic environment, this highly complex system, there will be a time when a kind of order is achieved; a current.
Humanity believes that this order (this current) is reality, and for each individual particle, no matter where it is positioned within this fluidic medium, it will (if we assume that this particle has a possibility of being somewhat conscious) believe that its position within the fluidic medium is the center of the universe and that this point within the medium also represents the actuality of reality (true reality). Each particle therefore experiences its own reality but is nonetheless affected by the current created by the entire fluidic mass. There are orders that look down on this mass. The current is of no consequence. The order is illusion (it is just a random event in time created in a complex system, and this order will change, IS constantly changing). All that matters to those higher orders is the churn and the strength of that churn.
As to where the inner alchemist fits in all this, they are like little surfers particles that ride those currents instead of feeding the churn. They spend lifetimes learning to master their surfing skills so that one day they may have the chance to fly right out of that fluidic medium that now traps them.

Upon such dramatic departures some inner alchemists may (or may not) quote luminaries like Douglas Adams by exclaiming, ‘’So long, and thanks for all the fish.’’

You can do just about anything in

this world that you want, as long

as you can focus your attention

long enough on that one outcome.

The techniques that I discuss in

my books and in some of my

articles are all possible if only you

are willing to dedicate the time

and effort (by which I mean the

prolonged focus of attention on this one thing).

Yes, it is possible that for some people

these techniques will take longer

to master than others, this is a



There are also others that will

run into beliefs as they focus their

attention, such as the belief that

all these skills are outliers in the

human population, that they are

difficult, and that they are for the

few. And faced with those negative

or counter beliefs, many will

give up.


But some will continue and

Will face those beliefs, change

them, and continue with their focus

on what they want.


That is the only difference

between those that get something

done and those that are only

willing to believe what the world

at large is telling them…instead of

what they can actually do!

The unknown, the occult, hides within self-imposed barriers. These self-imposed barriers are our beliefs; beliefs that are so powerful that we sometimes call them facts.


A particular fact for example is the notion that time is a sequential affair. That is, we all take it for granted that time extends in a linear fashion, where there is a past and a future, with us standing in the middle… A middle which we call the present moment. This is a fact, we believe.


What if we were to take a radical new approach to time?

What if we were to consider time as not existing in a linear sequence but as existing all at once?

Since time for us is so directly linked to space, but if we conceptualized reality as existing all at once within one point?

For a moment, try to conceptualize the idea that all things in the present, past, and future are existing now, all at once.

Any action that you took in the past to arrive at this present moment, and any future consequence from the actions of this present moment, exist now.

As a fun exercise, try to imagine time in this fashion now. Perhaps the next time that you go for a light stroll around the park, try to spend that time believing that there is only a now moment; that all action is happening now, whether that action seemed to be something in the past, or may seem to be something that you might do in the future. Imagine that all action and all reality that ever was or ever will be is happening now.


If we are good visualizers, we can begin to see time in a totally different way. Seeing time in this fashion, it becomes a lot harder to pin ‘reality’ down in our minds, and things can get a bit chaotic.

We can no longer use a linear sequence to try and pin down the course of our actions, and it becomes much harder to separate that which is within the personal subjective experience and that which is physical action, or physically present now. Time experienced in this way becomes much more a matter of intensities and far less a matter of self-imposed belief structures.

If this exercise is carried out long enough, the differentiation between the physical and the imagined becomes far more difficult; the real and the imagined become one.

While this may be chaotic at first, it can also provide an incredibly powerful way to allow a person to begin to understand the manifestational order of all reality, and how it is that the inner creates the outer.

There seems to be a strong relation between the swirling colored images seen in deep internal exploration (in hypnagogic states, deep trances, and lucid dreams), and the atomic structures that make up the manifest.

It is the case that these patterns tend to follow a general spinning motion that reminds one of the spirals found in nature, such as shells, galaxies, swirling water, etc.

Indeed, there seems to be a direct relation between the colorful energetic movement, seen in this half-asleep threshold consciousness state, and the Fibonacci numbers, which are a sequence of integers that form a geometrically stable order, that can be found throughout the natural world.


Moreover, this type of exploration into the swirling and often times quite geometrically stable set of patterns, if done in a consistent and sober manner, will begin to provide clues into the underlying structures of the world, the mind, and the basic building blocks of not only the physical universe but of thought itself.

Whatever these colorful geometries and patterns may represent to the individual reviewer at any one time, this vivid kaleidoscope does begins to flood the mind as one travels deeper and deeper into, what I personally like to refer to as, INNER SPACE.

It is quite simply the case therefore, that to move within is the source of all true knowledge and the ‘operational method’ by which ancient civilizations and all illuminated houses and orders of the past, were able to discover amazing things that to this day are unknown by modern science.


And as you go deeper and deeper, these images, combine themselves to produce feelings and sounds of such intense richness, that it becomes hard, perhaps impossible, to describe them in any realistic way using mere words. The deeper that one goes, the more intense that these progressions of light, feeling, and sound become, until such swirling patterns take such a travelling consciousness to incredibly distant areas outside of the dimensional space that is commonly accessible to the average person. It is these movements through this intensity of perception that will and have revealed the great secrets that are contained within this world and the many others that are accessible to us human beings.

I sometimes indulge in the thought that perhaps someday modern humanity may begin to study these inner scapes, in the way that they were explored in the past, in an organized and logical fashion. I indulge in the possibility of a new science, based on old methods, a new worldwide discipline that, through the use of rigorous scientific principle, does begin to study this inner world with the same intensity that some scientists now explore outer space.

All growth is a blossoming.

In the objective world we can look and see how a seed might grow over time to become a towering tree. We can see a child grow in age, size, experience, and hopefully wisdom.


Those that believe that it is the inner dimension that creates the outer world, as I do, believe that this amazing growth and development that all beings go through, is the consequence of an internal source. That the exterior world is the result of complexity so vast and multidimensional that those inner forms that are the source of all physical existence, could never possibly be manifested completely in an external form at any one moment in time.


Even though such multidimensional complexity cannot fully manifest itself completely at any one moment in the physical form that it has become, it seeks to express itself as much as possible nonetheless. It is this constant and evolving expression of an inner essence, of the totality of itself which exists in an inner dimension of vast proportions, that can be seen physically as the aging and growth of any form that manifests itself or is manifested in the physical world.


In other words, in the physical dimension this multidimensional vastness can’t, for example, be both a child in a fully grown man. It can’t be sad and happy, weak and strong, a magician and a fool.

This inner essence overcomes the limitations of the physical dimension then by spreading the totality of itself through the medium of time. It seeks to literally push and project itself in all possible ways, in all possible realities, and it is this unfolding of inner dimension into outer physical form, that we identify as growth, change, and therefore time.

I will try to answer these questions then by starting with what a really smart guy once said, which was; ‘the only real difference between people is the size of their cages’, to which I would add, ‘and most people’s cages are very small indeed’.

Now, a cage is made up of three things: your intent(which is for most people their beliefs [and for the most part unconscious beliefs]), the intent of others (which is what others believe [for the most part unconsciously] about you and the human world), and the intent of the world at large (which in the end is immeasurable and controlled by forces beyond belief).

As an alchemist, I follow methodology that allows me to expand my cage, not shrink it, and part of that methodology involves becoming more ethereal to the real. My picture, my age, what I eat, what I personally believe and share with others, beyond my alchemical knowledge, is a limiter, a boundary that binds me to a limited version of me, either by my own intent or the intent of the people around me. As such, those questions about me personally, are in the end, inconsequential.


Now, alchemists do believe in cause and effect, since they are quite simply master logicians that do understand and manipulate within the realm of classical mechanics as well as other more dynamic (beyond three dimensions) forms of logic. For example, the term karma, as it is practiced by many people, is a type of logic switch; if you do this, that will happen, or if you think that way, this will happen, and it is of course a great cage because it acts like a limiter. Electric jolt if the mouse does this [or] a little cheese if the mouse does that.

But it is only a limiter in this way because simple switch logic is not how the world works according to alchemy; which believes that the more energy you gain, the more your intellect grows, which then changes the simple on [or] off, Black [or] white switch to a prism of infinite multiplicity, where in the end you have more and more shades of grey, and indeed a multiplicity of such an extent that it breaks the boundaries of the limited dimensional ranges available to the human species. Karma therefore is not what most believe it to be, and what I directly perceive as karma is part of that multiplicity beyond boundaries, beyond the on/off switch.


Why did the archon choose us? Well, why not?

As I mentioned in my books, we desired, and our desire was granted, and for all alchemists, or anyone practicing the techniques that I teach in my books; the great project we are in is a marvel, and adventure, a fantastic thrill ride that we can either hide from or face directly and win!

There are no blacks or whites, just points in space and time, each with their own perspective, and even these points are an illusion in the end because space and time, though not an illusion, are nevertheless relative to the intensities possible to any particular individual and aware entity, which again is relative to that entity’s energetic level.

An alchemist is a person who is involved in a

struggle for immortality. As a result of that

relentless battle with death, they have

developed and greatly refined a number of

different skills. The most well-known of these

techniques that they employ is the ability to

perceive and work with energy directly. Which

has been symbolically represented as the

transmutation of base metals into gold, and

the creation of a thing called the Philosopher’s


Another skill developed by alchemists in their

battle to defy death, which is just as important

as the working with energy and creating the

Philosopher’s Stone, is the ability to move

beyond the walls that keep a person trapped

within the physical, three dimensional world.

This skill is called the way of the projectionist,

and most uninitiated people will understand it

best buy terms such as lucid dreaming or out of

body experiences.

An alchemist, in order to be successful in their

struggle, needs to become a master

projectionist. But someone who could be

referred to as a projectionist, because they can

consistently and consciously have lucid dreams

or out of body experiences, is not always an


The way of the projectionist then is a skill, one

very important proficiency, of inner alchemy.

I was asked to define what I call energy, being that I often times talk about emotional energy, attention energy, and so on.

This definition applies to my work only, and it should not be applied to what other people might be writing about, with similar topics to mine, since any general statement on my part as to what they are trying very hard to express, would be an assumption, and therefore most likely be incorrect.


Further, please note that any difficulties in describing energy or anything else that I might perceive, arises out of the fact that I’m trying to use a language designed for objective reality, to try to define something that is most often far beyond three dimensional existence and classical mechanics…sort of like trying to measure a dream, a thought, or even a strong emotion.

You could try, perhaps succeed to your personal satisfaction in describing such a subjective experience, as it relates to the physically bound senses that we now operate with, but what you have really done is to bind, and therefore greatly limit, a spontaneous event, that is not bound by three dimensional space and time. Such insistence on a measured sum therefore, can become an obstacle to greater perception and ability, not an asset, unless of course you are at the moment not ready to believe in anything beyond the objective present, because by trying to bind a thing by ruling over it, by rulering it, by using rules to measure, you are simply saying that this is my world, my cube…and if your stuff can’t be ruled here then it’s not real you say, and I am not willing to look at it or think about it in any abstract way. But this is your right so no worries, we all have to decide on the content of our personal cube.


It is understandable that many of us would like cut and dried definitions, that must always involve well-defined measured demarcations, and agreed upon (that is sanctioned) by at least the ruling majority. But such demarcations, no matter how cosmopolitan, demand limitations that must be bound to either the perceptual range of the physical senses, or the measuring instruments used by the current ‘ruling’ (as in measure) class. And such instruments and perceptual demarcations are of course based on beliefs by the ruling group, that may have very insistent ideas as to what is and is not sanity and reality.


But energy for example, in accordance to some people’s beliefs (including my own), is not bound by such strict measurement or demarcations, because our physical senses and the instruments that we have developed to measure any type of energy so far, cannot measure the full range of action, since, in accordance to some people’s beliefs and my own, all energy in whatever form, is beyond three dimensional space and time.

Now, getting back to it then, I define energy (as it is used in my books, articles, and videos) as a force (a fury) that is the source of all existence. Another way to say this is to say that I define energy as action, and all action has its origin and dimensional presence, in areas that are beyond the physical plane.


Action is all, all is action, therefore energy is everything (in accordance to my work and my beliefs, that I have verified myself for myself, through my own direct perceptions).

Awareness is energy, and so the act of directing that awareness (which can be called the focus of attention) is energy as well. Moreover, cumulative action, that is action that has come together in any area, has the potential of creating gestalts that assume varied intensities and frequencies that then transform themselves into new experiences, such as emotion for example. And emotion therefore is the type of energy (that is a type of action) that has attained a certain threshold of intensity thanks to a build-up. And solid matter (from the human sensual perspective) is energy that has attained an even denser cumulative threshold than emotion. Each of these intensities, which are not good demarcation points of energy by the way, because changes in intensity and frequency can happen so fast that they defy our understanding of time, have within them a potential that can be tapped into, in order to increase perception and create structure; which again is action acting on itself, or if you prefer, energy energizing itself.

Therefore attention energy is action. Emotional energy is action, action is everything.


A field of energy then, using such terminology, is a boundary point that separates two or more simultaneously perceivable vibrational  (or intensity) energy (action) states. As such, a field is only perceptively possible when two vibrational states are simultaneously perceivable by an instrument or by whatever senses are available to the particular entity during the perceiving… Or measuring.

The double is you not bound by space and time. The double is the you that exists beyond the confines of the physical reality that you may feel is the only reality that exists now, here in this place.

But in this life you are the double and the double is you; you are two, you are Janus.

You may find that double in your dreams, and when you find this double it is not some stranger that you will find; what you will actually find is YOU.

The double is not a Stargate (it is not a dimensional portal) because the double is by its very nature everywhere and nowhere. The double is not a vessel for the immortal self because you are now immortal, you are part of that immortal self. What it is, is the vessel for your individuality; this is most important!

There is no time as we mostly understand time, there is only an infinite now.

There is no space as we mostly understand space, there is only an infinite here.

Since this is the case, since this is so, whatever you are now you will be forever; this is both the blessing and the curse of the immortality that is now yours now.


But how can you say this, are we not all going to die?

You speak of dissipation of the self, of the end of individuality when the bubble bursts.

Yes my darling dear this is what I said, the confusion lies in the fact that words are such liars and when we think with them too much they deceive us.


In the world of an infinite here, in an infinite now, there is no dissipation of you now, here, as you would understand that action, that term.

This is not what we are fighting for, this need to live forever like some bored vampire and some novel, this is not what the battle is about; in many ways, believe it or not, we are already this so there is no need to fight for that.

The battle is about expansion, it’s about growth, about the development of the individual ‘you’ through a medium of action that cannot be measured using a ruler or a ticking clock.


Some have asked me, ‘do you believe in reincarnation?’

Yes of course I do is my answer, but to explain what reincarnation means to me, I would have to point out all of the ways in which what I refer to as reincarnation, may not be what reincarnation is to you.


Think about it:

if we truly live, as science seems to be discovering, in an infinite now time-space, then our current understanding of reality is but an illusion of the senses. If that is the case then how could reincarnation be possible?

Are you bound to some karmic law were one time you may be a king or queen and at other times a worm writhing in the ground because you did something we call bad?

The answer is bound to be yes, you are a prisoner of karmic law in a sense, and also no, you are the infinite now, bound by nothing at all.

This has to be the answer because in an infinite no-place now, karmic progression cannot be what you think it is. And the immortal self beckons, but it beckons in a way that certainly is beyond physical sensual awareness.

If the double is you without the physical sensual parts that bind you to this reality now, then how can explanations of the double’s existence be simply explained using typical physical sensual terms, like words.


When I speak of the quest of the mortal self, when I talk about the inner alchemical formula in order to find the immortal within you, in order to find the double within you, I am forced to use those despicable words I mentioned.

Why do I hate these words that I so love to write?

Words must deceive you see, they don’t mean to really but by their very nature, like scorpions riding on a frogs back, this is what they do…they were created after all by the physically bound self, an aspect of the Total Self that sleeps through life as a slave, and dreams every night of a double, never suspecting that it is that double; that then never realizes what it is and what it could be, what a part of it already has to be!

Outside of these boundaries of space and time that are the illusion of three dimensional physicality, the double laughs and cries as it looks nowhere in order to find an aspect of itself the challenges itself, that is being challenged by, the limitation of the physical world.


Listen to me then fellow travelers, let us all agree to listen to our words, to all these words, because they are the only things we have to communicate within this clouded crowded place. But let us put these words under the greatest scrutiny possible because if we do not, these words will send us astray and trap us within the prisons of our own delusion.


So with these words, knowing how they may trick us, using simple terms, from my personal alchemical perspective; reincarnation is real and not real, just in case you may be interested in this one individuality’s opinion…and the double is not some kind of multidimensional portal, a Stargate. This is so because the double is everywhere and it is everyone, nothing else is possible.

The quest is not for immortality as you might imagine immortality to be, because if what you are looking for is an endless you doing some endless human thing, then you do not need to worry because in this  here and now place you already have it, and you will have it forever. That is part of the curse of physical limitation within the vastness of nowhere and every time; it is the curse of Eternal Recurrence as one lunatic ones called it.

The quest is for evolution, but not evolution in terms of a linear progressive order through time as you watch space floating around; it is instead evolution through expansion in a way that cannot be measured with your eyes, your ears, your hands, or any other physical aspect of your limited self in this place now, here. It is evolution beyond humanity.

This evolution, this projection beyond the immortal that you are now, takes you into the infinity Out There…into the very heart of what you may call Chaos.

To look upon the face of the Back Sun, to look upon the face of the singularity at the centre of this universe, to shake and quiver and lose whatever you define as mind now, to shatter into immeasurable pieces and to wake up to a world beyond your comprehension, to rules beyond belief…this is the quest of the inner alchemist, this is the true quest of the true immortal self; of the double.

How do you get there, how do you break the shackles of time and space?

Oh, I have such endless tales to tell!

The question is not as complex as one may imagine, if one realizes that everything is conscious;

from a person to an animal to a carrot, a rock, or even a chair.

The question then simply becomes, how did ego consciousness (that is human consciousness) arise?

In other words, how did the doer separate itself from the doing?


The answer is that humanity intended it; the human structure wanted to know itself,

it wanted to know individuality.

And at a point in time, which from our perspective is the past,

the world at large answered humanities desires,

and from the depth of the Dark Sea, humanity was blessed

with the gift of The Great Archon, which is perhaps the greatest

example of, ‘be careful what you wish for,’ ever!


Now humanity, as a collective of individual beings,

must intend again.

This time it must focus this intent upon true freedom;

upon breaking the hold that this meme driven reasonable

ego self imposes on it.

This does not mean that it has to go back to being

the unconscious innocent doer again, it means that

it must take the individuality that it fought so

hard to attain, and it must fly free with it,

into the great dark infinity Out There!