Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

The gods never left, most human beings have just lost the ability to see them, but there are ways, ways that nature makes available to us, such as the DMT molecule.

But the nature of personal awareness is complex, in order to try to understand this complexity, I recommend learning to cross the rooms of the projectionist, and in that way begin to understand the difference between mental creations, non-organic beings, the nature of dimensional travel and manipulation beyond the physical, and how these multifaceted forces available to us, can allow us to move far beyond the constricting forces of the wholly physically focused modern world.

To that end I recommend the techniques employed by inner alchemists, that I do describe in detail in the trilogy of course books made up of, The Magnum Opus, The Way of the Projectionist (which I highly recommend in this particular regard), and the way of the Death Defier. These will give you not only the how, but the reason for, the fundamental reason for, the need to move into the many dimensions available to us, even the dimension that the machine elves are trying to show us.

Anyway, generally speaking humanity has lost its ability to see the gods, which is code in a sense for losing the fundamental ability to move (perceptually or otherwise) beyond just the physical and highly material focused dimension. But even though humanity has lost, in its highly rational stance, the ability to perceive the gods and the magical realms that are all around us right now, humanity cannot escape the great current of these beings that exist in the world beyond the world described as normal, normality, by the great tide of the current human perceptive point, that traps humanity in a three-dimensional room of static spiritless things.

Within and among and as a consequence to the desire by some intrepid few, to move beyond the stasis and the great gravity of the modern rational perspective, with its insistence on completely obliterating the spirit within man and nature, there have been experiments to try and find natural portals into more expansive universes by those that truly believe that such portals, still exist.

Of these, the one that has been around humanity the longest, used by natural cultures since before recorded time, and one that is being exploited by scientists more and more in recent decades, is the symbiotic relationship between plants and these other dimensions, that is, the chemicals to be found in the flora of this world, that can allow people to move beyond the physical and into the world inhabited by the gods. To explain the nature of this symbiosis between humanity, those other realms and plants, I can begin by pointing out that humanity as a biological organism needs to ingest in order to acquire energy, it needs to eat to live, and in one way or another this food comes from plants for the most part.

Our first energy source, our first source of life and sustenance, is the sun, and while it is the case that we can get a great deal of energy directly from the sun, most usually it can be said we humans are a kind of second and sometimes third or fourth tier consumer of this energy, being that it is first the chlorophyll of the earth, the plants, that absorb this energy from the sun directly. This makes them first tier consumers, and once they transmute this energy into energy that we can more readily eat, either in the form of plant food directly (that is we eat plants) or as we eat second tier consumers, such as the herbivores of the earth like cows for example, who eat first tier plants, we get this cosmic energy through a sometimes-complex transmutational process. In the end though, to this point in history anyway, it can be said that we are completely dependent on the chlorophyll of this earth because it is this flora, like an odd kind of natural solar panels, that absorb the energy of the sun, and combined with minerals and the liquid water available on this planet, provide us with the ability to consume as a consequence those cosmic rays, that flood this earth.

Due to this dependence of fauna upon flora, the plants of the earth have become incredibly complex in their dealings with us, far more complex than it is currently understood by modern science. Indeed, the complexity is such that plants have developed an incredible array of dependent chemicals that are in essence the pharmaceuticals of humanity, both the medicine and the narcotics of the fauna. And plants use the essence of themselves as food, medicine or narcotics in the most intricate ways imaginable to control the fauna of this earth, including humanity, so as to control distributions and expansion of life on this planet. Plants are in a certain sense then, a kind of biological solar panel blanket, that absorbs sun rays and other cosmic energy and then distributes this converted energy to other life, that needs it but cannot absorb it directly for themselves. And due to this high status in the biological world, plants are tasked in a way with the distribution of the complexities of existence to be found here on earth.

In that sense, being that we are so egotistically bound, there seems to be this kind of fearful conspiracy thought within us perhaps, where the human mind might posit that the plants of the earth, the chlorophyll, somehow rule over humanity and impose upon it some kind of stringent control in order to manipulate it, in what from an egotistical point of view could be seen as nefarious and selfish ends.

But such an egoistic approach is in most terms incorrect, in that such a wrangling of the fauna by the flora has nothing to do with an overall need to subjugate and manipulate in rational definitive terms, instead there is this incredible intermingling between what could be said to be the spiritual aspects of the earth with the more biological ones, so that these compounds created by plants, that I referred to previously as dependent chemicals, that can allow plants through our need to ingest them, to control the fauna and therefore the development of the earth, the health of the earth, the growth of the earth, and this control means that certain plants can provide certain kinds of nutrition, medicine, and even narcotics that are then used by the fauna to their benefit in one way or another, and through that benefit, the earth helps itself so that all may flourish. In this intermingling that is then later related to the cycles of the earth, having to do with climate, that contrary to popular belief is not just controlled by the excesses or lack thereof of humanity, but in a greater sense by the planet’s movement across the cosmos and the great provider of the earth, the sun, as it goes through different cycles as it waxes and wanes, that do create growth cycles in the plants of all sorts. Due to these broad cosmic cycles, the cosmos controls the earth in a relative sense, the earth then controls or gives providence to certain climates and minerals, that then manipulate growth cycles within the flora which in turn moves the tides of the fauna in and across seasons and tides that have their origin in a quite literal cosmic scale. And all of this movement by the flora then allows the earth to balance itself not only in a physical sense but also in a spiritual one.

There is great synergy in all of this, a complexity that goes far beyond any kind of egoistic idea of manipulation, so that in the complete mingling of this giant cosmic ecosystem, where plants become the first-tier consumers of the earth, we end up with incredible balance, a constantly healing balance that is meant to allow every single particle of the earth to thrive, and become the most that it can be. And it must be noted that within the operating cycles of the described balancing motion, there are movements, like tides in the sea, that may at times cause great hardship on us, being that balance is never a steady thing, there are always movements in one direction and counterbalancing forces in the other, and each directional pole shift causes a correcting that then pulls the whole of the earth and therefore all of humanity, in one direction or another depending on where we might happen to be, within this great cosmic cycle as we move like a giant free falling ship across the universe.

Within each of these cycles there is a high tide in a low tide as it were. In this current epoch, humanity finds itself in a very rational place, and there are many reasons for this that again have everything to do with large cyclical movements of the earth as it freefalls across the cosmic seas.

But throughout all of this, being that they are the first tier of the earth, being that they are in essence the aspect of the earth that turns direct cosmic energy into nutrition, into actual biological and spiritual essence that can then be consumed in a more dimensionally available way let us say, plants become, or one could say are tasked with providing certain chemical components that then can balance the forces of the earth, that can heal the earth just like a giant organism can heal itself and function and move, as it makes its way through its cycle of life and death.

Plants in that sense, are a window, a kind of portal that can connect different aspects of the earth, different dimensional segments of the earth, that are then the different segments that are available to every single living thing that resides within this giant body that is the earth itself. This includes humanity, and it is therefore the chlorophyll that could be said in a non-egoistic way, to be in essence in charge of providing portals, an intricacy of them that may lead from one corner of one dimension to another, being that the earth itself occupies many dimensions, is apart and is attached to many dimensions, not just the physical one that seems to be the only real one for most people in these highly rational times.

In the simplest of terms then, there is this intermingling between plants and certain dimensional aspects of the earth. That is, certain plants can allow those that ingest the chemical dependence that they provide, because again there is this connection between them and the balancing forces of the earth, and certain dimensional locations, and in providing these chemicals, in different proportions at different times and in different geographies, the plants change us, who are the thinking aspect of the earth, and as all this transmutation happens, new cycles begin and end that provide impetus for cosmic fluctuations as well.

Perhaps one of the most famous of these dimensional portals in modern times is the connection between DMT and what have come to be termed the machine elves, the machine elf dimension.

Considering all that I have said thus far, it is now possible for me to elaborate on what these machine elves are from an inner alchemists point of view, and what I can say about that, is that in a more individual sense, that is in a more personal sense for each individual person that might be ingesting this certain chemical that is provided by the earth naturally in plants, there can be a broad range of possibilities as to what such people may experience. And whether created synthetically or ingested through plants in a more natural way, which are the first order creators of this chemical, those that use this chemical as the portal to other dimensions, may perceive something that has become colloquially termed machine elves, or the machine elf dimension, which can take the form of various things, including seeing aliens, angels, aware building blocks or cogs, or bejewelled self-dribbling basketballs as Terrence McKenna described them.

This is so because such a chemical created by plants, or synthesized artificially by people, is in the most literal terms possible a portal between dimensions. It opens a door from one dimension to another between two available positions within the dimensional operative zone of this earth. This particular chemical allows for a very particular dimensional doorway to open. A certain subset of plants are therefore providing a particular doorway, each plant one could say, has certain narcotic properties, a certain chemical mix, that is providing a particular doorway, a very specific kind of dimensional juice, again in the simplest of terms, that is a key, that can allow the thinking aspect of the planet in this case, which is mostly made up of humanity, to move across to a particular dimensional location, that falls within the available dimensions within the earth zone.

N,N, dimethyltryptamine is a particular key in other words, that is available in a number of nuanced variations in different plants. The nuance of these keys available in natural form, allows for the movement by humanity, which again is the thinking aspect of this earth, to move into different dimensional fields that then make available certain perceptions and therefore what could be termed interactions, that then can allow such people to make incredible cognitive leaps that may in time even turn the entire species in certain directions that are meant to balance it, and therefore move whole swaths of the earth in one way or another. Naturally and with a spiritual mindset, these plant based narcotics are a doorway, healers, great revealers, that have the potential to propel humanity into wholly new cognitive regions that in turn heal it and the whole of the earth simultaneously, they are quite simply healing forces meant to propel transmutation, evolution, in certain particular directions that are most favorable for not only the whole of the earth but the great cosmos as well. All is connected.

In this particular case, with DMT, this portal usually leads to a dimensional zone that makes available those very foundational forces of the earth that are going about processing and creating what can in the end be termed the physicality of the earth. DMT opens a portal into the operating dimension where finer essence is turned into physical and from our point of view coarser essence. This key allows certain people to see the underpinning of the earth, those aspects of the earth that are in charge of turning finer essence into more perceivable physical essence, and in that way machine elves can be said to be in a certain sense the very spirit of plants, in that they are those aspects of plants that are taking that cosmic energy, and turning that very fabric of cosmic reality into, at a fundamental level, the very things of the earth itself, which in the coarsest sense, in a way, may be termed the nutrition, the medicine, and the narcotics, which then give rise to an ecosystem that then can create a perfect biosphere, a sandbox, that can then produce, maintain, the entire diversity of the physical, biological, living aspect of the planet, the thinnest blanket that layers what we perceive to be the outer most coating of a physical living biology on earth. But of course, there are many layers, and the machine elves tell us about those other layers as well.

Machine elves as I have said can seem to go beyond this of course, being that there is incredible diversity and complexity in each individual persons voyage, and certain plants may take you deeper or it would be better to say, that they take you in different directional perspectives, that then allow for particular individual perceptions that include not only the chemical itself but also the psychological aspects of that individual person, as there is this psychological and chemical intermingling between DMT and the chemicals, that is the prior ingestion of that biological human individual. In the most basic sense, we are what we eat, and we are part of this incredibly complex intermingling of cause and effect that leads us in one direction and then in another, and as a result of that seemingly random movement across the totality of our lives, which then exposes us to different psychological mechanisms that then may in and of themselves cause us to ingest certain foods, or participate in certain physical and psychological actions, these actions then intermingle with this portal key that is DMT, that then brings about particular and highly individual inter-dimensional motions that may cause balance or dis-balance within us, that then in this balancing or dis-balancing bring about a greater equilibrium for humanity, and then the whole of the planet in a mathematically chaotic complex system kind of way, that is of such intricacy that it is beyond current mathematical measure.

DMT elves, machine elves, represent in most cases quite external non-organic entities that exist outside of the human mind. That is, they are quite real non-organic other lifeforms that become accessible, perceivable, to those that partake in this DMT key either consciously or accidentally in accordance with their kind of ingestion.

These elves represent a fundamental underlying force that in the best of times can show the interweaving and the creation of reality, the very creation of it, and how it is that this creational process is not only available to them in a particular dimensional point, but is also available to the human species as well, as it goes about creating the inner essence of itself through the focus of its attention, and the inclination of its physical actions.

These non-organic entities are incredibly varied and for that reason there can be some great variance between what one person may report as they go through this DMT portal, and what another person may report to some extent, being that as I have said there is an interconnection between the substance itself and the chemical makeup of the individual. But in more natural settings where particular plants are used in a conscious manner, those that are closest to the earth, shamans for example, can take very specific and highly conscious directional trips by only accessing a particular plant or combining certain plants in very specific ways. Such keys then become an intricate and beautiful opening into very specific locations, that then allow humanity to see and learn from those aspects of its reality that it has forgotten, those aspects that it has become blind to in its modern insistence on just physical reality.

In this way, there can be a very controlled interchange between very specific kinds of non-organic beings and people using very particular plants or combinations thereof. And in time such people can discover incredible interrelationships between certain plants and certain non-organic entities and themselves, which can in the best of times open up new dimensional worlds for those travellers. Particular non-organic entities for example can develop a very close relationship, a kind of symbiotic relationship with certain plants, where certain plants and even locations where such plants may thrive, become not only doorways but sort of like dwelling areas for particular non-organic entities. And being that these symbiotic relationships between plants, and non-organic entities which by the way are quite plantlike and do prefer to stay in one location just like plants do, can and does affect both the non-organic entity and the plant.

As such, a person in a more natural and balanced physical and psychological environment, can understand incredible and nuanced aspects of reality by accessing and using such symbiotic relationships, which again happen through the ingestion of the first-tier consumers of the earth, the plant world.

Machine elves therefore are a deep inner manifestation, and inner symbol for a greater reality that intermingles complex non-organic entities of a certain variety and a particular dimensional location where these non-organic lifeforms dwell in their most favored dimensional geography. How they communicate, what they communicate, and how they are perceived by each individual human can vary to some degree being that each individual carries with them their own psychological and physical characteristics.

In the artificial synthesis of DMT there is a loss of the gradations to be found in more naturally produced versions, being that as I have mentioned there is this very nuanced intermingling between individual plants and the nature of the portals that they provide. What this means, is that the symbolic but quite real experiences of a person as they make contact with non-organic life referred to as machine elves in different dimensional locations, might have a certain consistency with artificial DMT, but at the same time a loss of some of the key components found in plants make the synthetic version of this chemical generic in its propellant properties, and a great deal of the potential motion and therefore diverse wisdom and power that plants add to the mix, can be lost.

As I mention at the beginning of the video, it is possible to access all of these other operating dimensions available to the earth and humanity in a quite natural manner, one that does not require the ingestion of certain narcotics synthetic or otherwise, and that is through the techniques employed by inner alchemists as they cross the rooms of the projectionist.

Why us?

This is a question that I get sometimes, a core and powerful question, that can explain so much about our current state as a species. This question asks, why us? Why is it that we are plagued by the Archon? Why did it come here? Why were we destined in a way to face such a challenge?

This is a difficult nuanced problem to answer simply, there are many operating principles that relate to why the Archon came to this earth and why we find ourselves in the position that we are in. In order to understand all of this in fine detail, including what this means for us as an evolutionary process and how to escape this Archonic weight, moreover, how to benefit from it and escape the gravity and the life-and-death cycle of this planet, which is the greatest task possible for us, I do recommend the trilogy of course books, the magnum opus, the way of the projectionist, and the way of the death defier, where I discuss in much more detail all the history, knowledge, and the techniques needed in order to escape and even thrive within the current Archonic tide. I will leave a link to this trilogy in the video description below. There you will find step-by-step answers and solutions.

But in this video I would like to take a slightly different perspective in some ways and discuss different distinctions, ones that are more mainstream at the moment, and in doing so, give you more food for thought, because in discussing and in presenting an inner alchemists perspective on these current notions, I can clearly and through some comparison, share many secrets with you that are not often, if ever, discussed by those seriously trying to understand the true nature of the human condition and human history. In doing so I want to give a slightly different idea as to why us, and why a thing like the Archon would migrate or establish itself, move itself and its intent, in this direction. In other words, I want to discuss modern world ideas about current human history and give an inner alchemists opinion which I feel will reveal some interesting things that may be useful to you in your quest for greater individual expansion.

To begin, we can say that there are a number of different answers, theories and possibilities, that have been offered over the years by those researchers that have looked into the unexplained weirdness of the world, by those that can perceive in one way or another that the world is just far more complicated and abstract than the average rational skeptic might imagine.

A common theory for example, which I want to explore in this video and use as a stepping off point to reveal new secrets about inner alchemy, posits that the planet has been visited and tampered with in the past for mineral resource and slave labor or a desire by those visitors to somehow help humanity. That extraterrestrials or intra-terrestrials if you believe in trans-dimensional beings, but most often quite physical aliens, came here to visit and perhaps even exploit humanity, and it is that visitation by quite physical ancient aliens, that is the reason and the answer for all of the strangeness of the human world.

While I might take a more energetic approach, and speak of things in a harder to grasp perhaps way as I describe energies, currents and trans-dimensional titans, there are those that have taken a more physical perspective and used that perceptive point of view to try to answer the question of, why us? Why here? Why the odd human history with strange ancient manuscripts, lost technologies and unexplainable civilizations and megastructures?

Often for example, some researchers into the paranormal aspects of our past history and current mental divisions, might try to explain these by connecting current odd sightings of strange ufos and other kinds of seemingly impossible to explain phenomena, and past ancient human history where there seems to be an ever increasing amount of odd evidence to show that our past, our distant past, was full of things that do not make sense, that even seem to imply in the most extreme case, that ancient humans were actually far more advanced technologically and spiritually than modern humanity.

Now, I am not trying to debate or say that certain things did not happen, that ancient aliens for example are not real, or try to negate them by saying that somehow what inner alchemists believe is the only truth, but I want to explore such mysteries from an inner alchemists point of view and in doing so give another possibility to try to explain the nature of such alien life, and provide a little more information on the nature of the human species and its potential in accordance to other possibilities, and in this way point out that humanity is perhaps not just a onetime wonder as it were, but instead a cyclical species with many ups and downs that have in this cyclical way, left behind such a host of physical and other kinds of evidence that the sheer complexity of it far exceeds a purely physical and common for the times three dimensional and purely classical physics kind of approach.

I can start by saying that some of the terminology used by these ancient peoples, symbols and words used to describe aspects of how there past world came to be, might not be purely psychological, a kind of unreal myth, as typical highly rational archeologists and scientist believe it to be, and it might not be a purely physical thing either, as many modern researchers might imagine it to be either, but that it might be a nuanced intermingling that takes into account a far deeper insight into the nature of reality, by incorporating multidimensional perceptions, true nonphysical forces, and a deeper understanding of how it is that the mind, thoughts, can and are things. A deeper knowing that takes it as fact that inner dimensions are real, that they affect matter. So, to dismiss this written history as just so much ancient mythology, or even just physical only, physical ancient aliens only for example, is just utterly wrong and simple from an inner alchemist’s point of view. And to assume that you are being more intelligent than those ancient civilizations by referring to what they called gods as ancient aliens, is just a degradation of modern understanding, not an evolution by modern humanity as is almost always believed by recent researchers who are trying to study and decipher the clues from the ancient past. To call what these past people referred to as gods, physical ancient aliens only, is in and of itself a kind of degradation in understanding of the true nature of reality by the modern human, as opposed to a greater understanding, as is believed by current people, being that they can sometimes come to conclusions that make then think that truly ancient and now lost cultures were somehow less aware or more naïve than the great modern rational conceptions by contemporary humans. This is of course a deadly mistake because it is the current world, being that it is so utterly lost in physicality only, that has degraded in understanding the true nature of reality, at least this is what inner alchemists believe.

It is of course completely legitimate to study all the physical aspects of ancient archeology, what might be termed alien contact, and even alien tampering with past and even current humanity, but in trying to truly understand alien things, we must be at least willing to let go of purely physical interpretations, because it may be the case that those alien beings, past alien civilizations, or even the alien titans that I have discussed, might at the very least have the possibility of existing and manipulating within dimensional fields that we cannot consider to be physical at all.

From a physical point of view only, I think that there are many people that are coming around to the understanding that there is no possibility that we are alone in this fabulously gigantic cosmos. That no matter what some skeptic might dogmatically believe according to skeptic reasoning, the size of this universe, even the physically measured section of it, is so vast and so large, so complex in its potential, that even using the most sober estimates, such as really conservative numbers for and within the Drake equation for example, that tries to give a general and simple formula to try to discover the number of technologically advanced civilizations Out There, there has to be little doubt that we are not the only sentient and aware species in the universe, but that there might be more then we may suspect. And even though the Drake equation is often used just for technologically advanced other planetary races, there is no reason why we cannot add to this by saying that technology has the possibility of not just being physical and mechanically based, but that it could also be a kind of energetic one or a mental technology, and that there are understood to be, even within the highly limited understanding of the modern times, other dimensions accessible, other dimensions possible, for other potentially highly advanced alien civilizations to be able to inhabit and manipulate within.

But why us? Why here? Why would such a possible species, using Drake’s equation with optimistic figures, come here, to see, help, or exploit us?

The reason as to why us, could be explained and has been explained by a number of theorists and researchers already, but again, most often using only physical and three dimensionally bound conceptions. This work is quite elaborate and incredibly valid and can truly help us understand the general reasoning for all of this extreme mystery when it comes to the human race, and some of the impossible archeological finds that are increasing in number, that do point to a lost history, a lost human past. But from an inner alchemists point of view, certain much needed nuance can be brought to bear and this can help us understand even more, because through such extended perceptions, there are other possibilities that could be considered as well, possibilities that are just as valid in my opinion, and possibilities that perhaps you might be interested in because they can fill in some of the gaps that are lacking from a purely physical point of view.

Again, I am not trying to debate certain issues, but I feel that there is also the possibility of discussing the inner alchemists perspective, and in doing so give another perception that might be considered valid and worth pursuing by certain researchers, by those interested in certain possibilities that go beyond just the objective, that is purely object-based reality and rationality, to include other potentials having to do with energy, energetic reality, which is the basis of inner alchemy.

As I have explained in other videos, inner alchemists strive to master a form of perception that could be called seeing, which is the ability to see energy directly as it flows across the cosmos. To them this ability to see energy directly is the greatest perceptual ability possible for a person, the only way to truly see the underlying fundamental principles of all creation, and through that seeing, new possibilities can be witnessed that go beyond all dogma and all of the limitations that the purely physical senses impose on average humanity.

For example, by understanding the inner alchemists point of perception, which may be somewhat similar to what other occult traditions might have to say about the limitations of not being able to see the inner aspects of things, that also suggest that reality is not just so many solid objects all interacting in three dimensional space only, one can begin to come to terms with a new kind of possibility, one that posits that there is an underlying energetic basis to reality, and that this is the final denominator to true perception, at least in accordance to what is possible for human beings, and that by understanding that inner energetic perceptive point, something which may be referred to as seeing as I have said, we may perceive greater complexity and begin a finer understanding of those things that are highly important in discovering what aliens may be, who we truly are, where we came from, and where we are going.

If we look into those theories on ancient aliens for example, we may ask ourselves why did they come here? Some who believe that these ancient aliens created or modified us, that they genetically tampered with us giving us an expanded human self-aware consciousness, that took us from primitives to civilization and sentient self-awareness, might ask themselves from that theories’ perspective why did they do this, interact with us at all? And in accordance with them, those aliens came here because they, in accordance with their interpretations of ancient texts, came here to take something from the planet, like precious metals, and or because they wanted to use humanity as labor, or to help humanity to evolve beyond the animal perhaps for one physical reason or another.

Well, right off, if you are familiar with my material, you might notice that there is great similarity between these theories of ancient civilizations and physical aliens, and what I have mentioned in relation to that titan I call the Archon, or what similar occult traditions might call by other names, such as the Gnostic Demiurge for example, or Yaldaboath which is another Gnostic name for the simple god of those stuck in only the object based three dimensional world.

What I mean by this is that if you examine these theories of the Archon or the Demiurge and compare those to the theories of ancient aliens for example, there is a lot of similarity here, there is a lot of reciprocal general notion when it comes to certain beliefs about acting forces and what happened to humanity, and the only real difference seems to be that one seems to need to, explore these possibilities of an ancient conquering force from a purely object based reality perspective, that is they need to have a physical alien, a three dimensional perceivable and actionable object travelling and acting in three dimensional space, while I or people that speak similar things to what I say, tend to take a more ethereal, that is energetic or multidimensional approach.

While believers in purely physical ancient aliens may need to, must, only think in terms of physicality because they cannot see, inner alchemist can go beyond this, and even though it must be admitted that we humans on the whole seem to at the moment be stuck in the prison of three dimensions, not being able to see or clearly conceive of the possibility of a multidimensional existence beyond the great gravity of physicality, inner alchemists through their relentless focus have maintained their ability to see and they can see that our true origins are from an inner source, a spiritual source as it were, energetic, multidimensional, and all true answers need to be found there. That is, according to inner alchemists what we are is spirit first and then matter, and not just matter, or just matter that invented or thereafter in some way created spirit, or what the modern world might term the mind or the psyche, as is the notion of the modern times, of puffers, those that can only perceive the world as a three dimensional thing for the most part and nothing more. But Inner alchemists for example, believe that our roots, our true essence starts from the inside, and it is this inner essence that then pushed, pushes, itself outward into its heaviest dimensional form of us which is physicality. And further, they can see that it is an Archonic sickness to be stuck in only the physical realm, that this clouding by the Archon is brutal, severe, costly, and that the only answer as to why us then, needs to be discovered by understanding that inner reality first, because without that understanding of the true energetic essence and foundation of all outer things, nothing will ever be uncovered. Moreover, all outer physical symbols will not only limit the perception of the greater truths to be found in inner reality, but they will actually cloud and imprison those seeking answers, because physicality will never show the whole and clear picture, being that it is in essence the lowest form of manifestation and therefore the least precise, the least information full.

The inner creates the outer. Civilizations long lost through history and time, and ancient aliens travelling across vast oceans of space, are outer manifestations and indeed to some degree outer symbols, if you understand that all physical objects are just symbols for an inner essence, then these potential objects such as ancient civilizations and ancient aliens are comparable to massive and complex outer physical symbols of a greater inner reality, and that to understand the nature of the modern human we must begin with a great dark cloud, a sentient Legion I refer to as the Archon, the ruler of this corner of a certain dimensional range called physicality, the great creator and ruler of the gravity of that physicality.

But if we begin from an object based reality only, even from there we can say that, being that the general understanding of human history is such that most of the world believes that there is a very small timeline for humanity, that is, most people believe that human beings have only been around for a few hundred thousand years at most, that humans were primitive hunter gatherers throughout most of this past time, then it becomes somewhat challenging in accordance with those now accepted beliefs by mainstream science, to explain a great deal of our past. For that reason, it is perhaps sometimes easier to explain such a notion of the odd incongruencies of the human past by trying to neatly fit it into such limited conceptions of time and human existence, ideas that posit that humanity could not possibly advance, that it could not possibly create such mega structures and wonder, unless something radical happened, and that this radical happening could only have taken place during this small window of the accepted human timeline, because before this humanity did not exist and there is no physical evidence adequate enough for the modern person to believe anything but the fact that humanity is a young race that has just stepped out of the jungle. The modern world cannot account for multiple universes or even cycles of existence that have brought humanity and indeed the whole of the earth from one dimensional position to another, and from one form of being to another, as it is buffeted and bathed by what could be called positive and negative currents, with the Archon being, at least from a certain human point of view, a negative current that positions our contemporary world in a dimensional frequency that we call physicality and the bounding walls, the prison, of three dimensions.

Life in other words, at least according to the seeing of inner alchemists, is far more complex than neat postulates that either stick with the main beliefs of modern science and posit that humanity is young, one-of-a-kind, or other equally three dimensionally bound theories that might be more open to other life but still just as rational and physically based in a foundational way, posit that ancient aliens, physical aliens only, of a most likely very humanoid variety, must be the only thing that could possibly bring such a change in the species. Nothing but physicality will do for some, even by some that are willing to look beyond the accepted mainstream beliefs to a degree.

Given the notion that humanity is this incredibly young species, a few hundred thousand years at most, ancient aliens then become this odd kind of mixing of notions, some of which are accepted by the rational mainstream while other aspects are not. Yes, human beings seem to have become sentient awfully fast and once this happened civilization seems to have sprung up overnight in historical terms, but all of this can be explained rationally we are told, and by those that will not accept this but that are still trapped within a reality that can only accept physical change and certain timelines as possible, those people interject and try to neatly fit and work with notions that are not accepted by the rational majority but that nevertheless can help them explain in physical terms, those things that modern archaeology is not willing to tackle, such as ancient mega structures, the ever-growing archaeological evidence that points to forms of advanced technology in the ancient past, and a large body of evidence that points to the fact that humanity is far older than is currently believed.

And so ancient aliens are contemplated, and even pushing back on the actual age of humanity may sometimes be explored to some degree. Some might even begin to accept the fact that the movement and the tides of humanity as it goes from one type of polarity to another, might have a kind of cyclical pattern, but even this desire to expand ever still into more complex theories of human evolution and transmutation, become very difficult to ultimately explain for those that are trapped within three dimensions only, and the physical only.

And having no access to perceptual mechanisms that are able to go beyond physicality, that is, only having access to the physical senses and perhaps not even believing that humanity can access different forms of perception beyond just those physical ones, then it becomes only natural, the only possible option, to go along with the flow of only what is possible within the range of such perceptions, even by those willing to look beyond the accepted beliefs of the times, and as such the only evidence acceptable is physical evidence, not seeing, not the perceptions possible with the inner senses. And that physical evidence must then be archaeology and the modern interpretation of ancient manuscripts that can still be found, that speak of odd and strange gods, gods that are now called ancient aliens by some, and the motivation of those gods or aliens that must only take the form of purely physical wants and needs, such as slave labor and the desire to mine precious metals, most specifically that most precious alchemical metal, gold.

And such tomes, these old manuscripts from ancient civilizations say that there was a time when ancient gods, gods that came from the stars, came down and helped or subjugated humanity. Again, this is all neatly woven into the accepted historical timeline in accordance with the physical senses and the understood physical laws alone, and it is also assumed that these gods must have left and returned to the stars, being that with the physical senses, with the physical eyes they are no longer here, and yet in most of these ancient manuscripts the gods are not usually described as actually leaving at all, something that is perhaps overlooked by those trapped within physicality. But did those gods, or ancient aliens if you like, leave at all? According to the physical senses, yes, but the inner senses reveal a different truth.

So, we have this physical evidence of ancient manuscripts such as the writings that might be found in Mesopotamia or Egypt, which can be taken seriously to some degree because it is physical evidence and that is all that matters to those that are trapped within physicality, all that is possible really. We have this general set of grimoire like tomes by different cultures across the globe that in symbolic and seemingly at times quite literal terms perhaps, tell us that the gods came down from the sky, from the deep seas perhaps, which again are only explained and understood from physical terms, meaning the gods came from the sea, the earth ocean, but seldom is the thought that the symbolism might represent the great dark sea, the deep infinity and darkness of the multi-verse all around us, because such seekers cannot or will not contemplate anything but what seems to be true and real from physical terms only. And being stuck in that point of perception only, the gods can be seen as symbols, but symbols of a certain type only, symbols that must only fit within three-dimensional existence, and the symbols might represent something akin to constellations or religious beliefs according to certain archaeological groups, while to other physically bound factions of a more speculative variety they might become ancient and quite physical humanoid aliens. So, following that general limited logic, these manuscripts from ancient cultures might mean a symbolic change in the beliefs of the theology of the times, to the general archeological mainstream, or a physical tampering with human genetics perhaps by the more mentally adventures few, that altered humanity, and that this altering had everything to do with physical, only physical, slave labor, and the need for physical gold or some other precious metal. But again, all must fit within the physical conception of things.

But according to inner alchemists anyway, who are in essence alchemists, and who as a result have a great deal of experience and understanding in the use of symbols and ciphers and the use of other such styles of description, and who can be said to be deeply focused in the transmutation and the work with what could be described in a symbolic fashion or otherwise as gold, well, to them there is in those old mythological tales and poems, a hidden truth, a cipher within the cuneiform of those ancient clay tablets or papyrus scrolls, where gold has a different meaning, a different range of meaning anyway, where it can be both a kind of physical metal but also a symbol for an inner quality, an inner substance, so that when these ancients write about gold they may be speaking of the same gold that (inner) alchemists are talking about, when they speak about the supposedly physical substance, which in reality of course, at least in the way they mean it, is not truly physical at all, they are not talking about physical gold really. So that in both instances, inner alchemists and ancient manuscripts are not speaking of the metal per se as purely a metal, but that this precious substance referred to as gold is actually the final physical manifestation of something far more precious, something definitely far more difficult to find than just physical gold.

To explain this further, and with the expanded understanding that we might have in this modern era, at least technologically speaking, certainly if an alien civilization, one that could move either through space or dimensions, which in the end is the same thing mind you, could if they desired gold, just physical gold and nothing else, they could if they wanted to as we now know, take their ships or whatever form of transportation they use, and go to one of the asteroids in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and there find all the gold they could ever desire. Psyche 16 for example, is just one asteroid that humanity has discovered within this region, and there is enough gold and precious metals in that one asteroid to make every single person on this planet a billionaire, being that there is an estimated 10,000 quadrillion dollars’ worth of precious metals on just that one asteroid alone. Let that sink in for a moment. So why would ancient aliens want to come here for gold if there is so much more of it somewhere else?

And of course, in near zero gravity, mining that gold and other precious metals would potentially be far easier than doing it on the heavy, labor-intensive, gravity of Earth.

But what if gold is not just gold, what if the gold written about is not actually physical gold? What if, as when inner alchemists speak of gold, these ancient people were metaphorically speaking of something far more rare and far more pure than physical gold. What if these texts and manuscripts are speaking of inner alchemical gold, not the puffer’s gold, not simply physical gold? What if just like regular three dimensionally bound alchemists, which inner alchemist call puffers because of their insistence on physical forges and chemistry, what if these modern three dimensionally bound people, those that can only see what their physical senses tell them, what if they all have it wrong? What if the modern conceptions of gold and gods and stars and whatever else are wrong interpretations? What if what they are speaking about in these ancient tales is not physical gold but a kind of spiritual gold, true gold.

To explain this, think about what it might be like to look at the Earth from very far away, far enough that it would seem like a distant moon in the darkness of outer space as you look at it. Physically, you would perceive with your physical eyes a blue and white sphere like thing, and for the most part, there would be nothing special about it really, there are certainly planets of all sorts, and the earth is not in that sense special. But if you could perceive with other senses, inner senses, if you could perceive energy directly as it flows in the cosmic space around you, you could then see, and as you do so, that distance sight of the Earth would be far different, there would be far more to distinguish this planet as special in relation to other heavenly bodies in its general vicinity.

With regular physical eyes, the earth is just one more thing floating in outer space, but through the power of the inner senses the earth is gold, it is a brilliance that shines like a gold star in the relative darkness, a bright constant but flickering intensity amongst the endless dark ocean, that might swirl and flow as the tides and the currents of the cosmos move ceaselessly across infinity. This dark ocean may swirl with some lesser light, but nothing compares to the energy output of aware life that can access the intensity of biological organisms, that is awareness that is multidimensional, but that has this amazing power to also access a small band of reality called physicality in the form of organic life. And because of the power that we humans have to access organic existence, we the sentience of this planet, make this planet shine with a brilliance like nothing else around it. Due to our unique makeup, we human beings make this planet shine like a golden orb, a mesmerizing color like dazzling amber honey, in the middle of the great and for the most part dark cosmos.


The earth therefore is true gold, real gold not the puffers gold that can be found in many other planets and asteroids in the solar system, but a true rarity, and if you were an ancient alien civilization, and if such aliens could see using the inner senses, what they might be able to see would be gold, true amber gold, a real treasure, a far greater treasure than could be found anywhere else in this solar system anyway.

So why us? Why here? Why did the Archon come here?

From a purely physical perspective that must as a result be limited within the scope of its explanation to purely physical cause and effect relations and possible symbolism, then you could say something like, if ancient aliens did come here, then they did not come here for physical gold, they came for true gold, the true gold that is generated by, only by, a kind of highly intense awareness, an awareness that we human beings possess, especially as organic awareness, as aware entities that have a very special kind of energetic makeup that can access a biological body. And so, this planet glows like amber honey because it has on its surface a unique kind of awareness, the thinking aspect of the planet, and this awareness is highly unique in the cosmos because its intensity and the range of its operating dimensional frequencies means that it radiates a highly prized energetic glow, a kind of food energy if you will, that is rare, potent, and special.

Gold may be relatively rare, but the glow of our kind of awareness is far rarer still, and for that energetic substance true effort could be made by an ancient alien race, gods from the stars or the deep seas, or by titans of unimaginable proportion and power, because such a resource is priceless and can be used in many different ways by those that are capable of such things.

But it wasn’t, in accordance to inner alchemists anyway, ancient aliens, or it would be better to say that it was not just physical aliens, but that it was a whole wave of action, both inner and outer, that like a complex ecosystem, begot a cascade of change that had many different components, some of which could be perceived as ancient alien like, but that the true essence of all of this cyclic change was nevertheless at its foundation from an inner source, a current, most wanted and yet unexpected, that brought to this corner of the dark sea a dark cloud like legion that I refer to as the Archon. The Archon came here for many reasons, many nuanced reasons that are hard to explain within the bounds of simplistic rationality, that is simple causal and orthodox logic, but you could say that in some ways the Archon was searching, is searching endlessly, for that amber gold from specialized mass awareness like us, and that it is now its time, its cycle and that there have been other cycles, and that there will continue to be different cycles as the tides of the Archon wax and wane.

What is the most precious thing in the dark sea?

As we look out into the cosmos, as we use our increasingly complex instruments to look into the relative darkness of infinity, and even though our understanding of energy is increasing, for the most part we humans are still on the whole stuck within object like conclusions in this Archonic high tide cycle in our history, and with such eyes and with such a psychological disposition we may say that we are special in some ways being that we can recognize that we are a relatively complex biological species, which is a truthful conclusion, but seldom do we appreciate the implications of this growing understanding, because it is so hard for us to conceive that there might be other life out there that defies any notion of physical and biological existence. And so, we just conclude that we are alone in the galaxy, really really special we suppose, that our technology is what ultimately makes us special, and that through that technology we are developing the power to create anything we want. As our technology develops, we feel that it will be possible for us to go to an asteroid like psyche 16, or anywhere else, get whatever we will need and create through our inventive but physicality only focused technology anything we want. As the puffers of old have slowly turned themselves into the chemists, the physicists, and the engineers of this modern world, they have developed their techniques to the point that they can create just about anything, by transmuting in their puffer like ways, using their chemistry and their forges, anything that we humans might ever want from a physical standpoint. This is a good thing for us generally, but a limit is being discovered to purely physical technology and if this is not explored and tackled, it may stunt the evolution of the species, at the very least slow the human evolutionary process.

But there is one thing that is very difficult to make in any physical forge, by any purely three-dimensional technology, one thing that is very difficult to find even in the vast cosmos, as the more pessimistic versions of the Drake equation tells us. And that most precious substance is the energetic brilliance, the gold, the honey like gold and amber brilliance that is exuded by sentient biological awareness as it shines with great intensity, like a beacon in the dark night of the universe.

The Archon came here for nuanced reasons, not the least of which was human intent, human desire, even if it was an unconscious one, an unconscious need for more self-awareness. But the reason that the Archon was pulled here, like a giant amoeba turning towards light and food, is because of the brilliance of that amber gold, and like a horde of locusts it descended and it takes and it causes change and it is now a permanent component of the cyclical nature of human existence, which by the way as a species, humanity, is far older than the supposed few hundred thousand years that are now accredited to it.

There is an incredible array of awareness across the cosmos. This awareness is varied in size, shape, and complexity. Indeed, there are many types of awareness that are far far more complex than human awareness, and some of this awareness can span across vast distances.

But most of this awareness is non-organic, that is this awareness is not awareness that is bound to or that has the possibility of accessing dimensional frequencies that can be termed physicality, biology. They cannot access a frequency where a biological body and the intensity of brilliance of that body is possible in three dimensional like space, and being that their parameters of awareness are different, there is a different energetic quality to them, there is a backwards kind of containment to them that is hard to explain in rational terms.

Through mere looking, the human rational world might imagine that biology somehow provides greater containment of living energy, being that through looking, biology seems hard, it seems object like, bodies are in accordance to looking relatively hard and closed systems. But the energetic reality is a backwards one, at least for inner alchemists and those that can see.

The brilliance of humanity is on the outside, while the brilliance of those vast inorganic other things, that other non-organic awareness, is inside, and for that reason their power is longer lasting, more calm, less intense, and it is better contained. As such, we humans’ glow, we are gold and we shine brightly, our brilliance is not contained, that makes us special, and unfortunately more easily manipulated and consumed.

In the dark ocean we are light, we are like a golden glow. And if you have ever shone a light into a dark ocean, put out a bright light into the darkness of the open ocean at night, then you will know all too well that such a light attracts a great deal of attention, some of it curious, and some of it predatory.

What is the gold more precious than physical gold, or any other physically perceived object? That gold is the amber gold of our biological awareness, the brilliance of our living biological light that becomes far more brilliant still when it is manipulated into being stuck within the lowest form of dimensional existence available to it, which is physicality, biology, and when that three dimensionally trapped awareness, the thinking aspect of the nature of this planet, is pushed into experiencing one emotional impact after another. That is our fate, we are both the gold and the labor that some ancients wrote about. We have and are being manipulated, the ancient gods or aliens if you like that term, never left.


“…there is a factor infinite and unknown; and all their words are skew-wise.”

—-Aleister Crowley (Book of the Law)



As I have said there is great nuance to the nature of this amber gold. There is nuance to the predation of the Archon and to how this gold, which can be molded into the philosopher’s stone, can be used to allow us to begin to understand these mysteries, can allow us to fight back against this predation, and in its final form can allow us to even move beyond the walls of biology and three dimensional object-hood forever.


Perhaps one of the most interesting dualities of the human species is our ability to be great engineers and scientists on the one hand, but our utter inability on the other hand to fully understand and implement personally, individually, in our lives, those discoveries that we make as a potentially quite logical and creative species.

In this modern age we can see the great advancements made by humanity in the technological arena. All you need to do is look around and see the great technological marvels that humanity has created in order to try and better its life condition. Our houses, our cars, our bridges, our computers, our growing prowess at creating functional navigation systems, that are even beginning to break free from the great gravity of this planet. There is genius in us, true magic that is able to pull from the ether the great spark of creation, and that is then able to logically, sequentially, with great discernment, and with a deep knowledge of the laws inherent in our dimensional reality, our logic, put together incredibly complex machines, cause and effect droids of ever-growing complexity that are even developing a kind of  self-understanding, which are beginning to allow us to challenge many of the barriers that have imprisoned us to the inherent dimensional laws of this physical dimension .

And yet, for all that incredible engineering prowess, we seem to find it impossible, or at the very least very hard and seemingly beyond our current mental understanding, to be able to use that same engineering prowess to be able to fix ourselves, fix our own flawed psyches. We seem to be a species that can create incredibly advanced transportation vehicles for example, that can carry us across land sea and air, that are beginning to develop a kind of artificial intelligence so that in the future they may even be able to drive themselves anywhere, and yet how odd it is that we need those vehicles to drive themselves not just because this is more convenient, but because of a seeming flaw in us that makes us petty, cruel at times, frightened, and basically dangerous to ourselves and others. An odd inherent nature within us that can cause us to do the silliest things, that can cause strife upon ourselves and others, that seems to impel us to take those vehicles and abuse them, and use them to cause pain upon ourselves and others. We seem to need to be rescued, to rescue ourselves from ourselves with our technology. That is the conundrum, we are a species that has the potential to create marvels when that spark of genius is harnessed properly, which can be a difficult thing in and of itself because of that pettiness in us, that need for profit and domination, that inherent psychological stupidity in us. We are a creative and intelligent species, but we can at times use those windows of technological opportunity, those sparks of genius, to create more strife and dark dominion over ourselves and our fellow beings, instead of doing the truly logical thing, the truly worthy thing of such marvellous engineers, which is to break free of all bonds, even the bonds of dark egoism, and strive evermore for new vistas, new challenges worthy of us.

Part of that engineering marble and magic for example tells us, has proven to us, that there is this inherent transmutation that is happening to all things on this planet. That this progressive transmutation might be easier to perceive in biological organisms like ourselves, but that it seems that all of the things on this planet are in a constant state of transmutation, of motion and change, of manifestation towards different states, most often times more refined states. As our technological and logical structures have grown in complexity, we have started to call such a thing evolution, and due to that same increase in our ability to understand more and more complex logical structures, we have let go of the simplistic ideas about how that evolution happens through simple natural selection, and have begun to understand that evolution, something which inner alchemists call transmutation, is the result of very complex open systems, mathematically chaotic systems, that contribute in allowing for certain potentially favorable changes that can happen generationally or within the lifetime of a certain individual structure, and that these changes are not happening to just biological organisms, but that they are also happening to the geology and the cosmology of our physically perceived universe.

Now, there are of course many diverging theories as to how this transmutation happens. From a purely physics point of view, there is such a thing as entropy which erroneously, at least in accordance with the direct energetic perceptions of inner alchemists, posits that our great universe is a closed system and that everything is moving slowly from order to disorder, or from an agitated state that is full of energy, to a state that is slowly losing energy and agitation.

Inner alchemists can see that this universe is not a closed system and that we are constantly gaining and losing energy across dimensions, that are themselves access points and accessed by dimensions that are more dynamic still, so that there is not only energy leaving the system but also great quantities of energy being introduced into this system, meaning that at least in accordance to inner alchemists, there is no such thing as some quiet end for the universe, but that the universe is indeed cyclic and multidimensional, with constant and never-ending bursts of creation and vacuums of annihilation.

According to modern theories of physical reality, and according to the perceptions of inner alchemy, evolution is happening now, and it is happening to all matter. The difference between inner alchemy and modern theory, modern science, is that one posits that there is a never-ending cycle and the possibility to transmute even beyond this dimension, while the other posits that this is a closed system that must eventually come to a grey goop like finality.



In order to simplify this video from a theory of change perspective, so as not to make this video a debate about the nature of evolution or transmutation, I can say that from the inner alchemists perspective only, we are indeed evolving, that we are transmuting into a finer essence from an energetic point of view, but that the nature of that transmutation is a complex one involving many components, some of which cannot be perceived physically, even by current physical instrumentation, and that due to the complexity of these counteracting forces, the great pressures brought to bear upon humanity are incredibly powerful, diverse, beyond calculation at times, and intricate beyond current models. Like a cauldron generating massive amounts of heat and pressure, this complex system that is forging us into a finer essence of ourselves has the potential to destroy us as well, it has the potential to create a finer essence of us, and it also has the potential to revert us back to a coarser essence.

Let me begin by explaining what the nature of this transmutation, this evolution, means for us as a human species in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemists. Through their seeing, that is through their ability to see energy directly as it flows across the Dark Sea, inner alchemists can know directly in that fashion that the transmutation, the evolution of humanity, involves the ability of the individual and the mass of the species to be able to move across the complexity of the systems that it is a part of, and in doing so gain complexity itself, which means gaining the ability to become more aware and be able to have greater ability to work with energy. Using terminology that might be understood by both inner alchemists and my readers that are aware of some of the techniques used by inner alchemy, this next big step in evolution can be interpreted as moving from what could be referred to as the third room to the fourth room of the projectionist, as a quite conscious and physical operating theatre for humanity.

To define this in a more precise way, you might say that humanity is moving from understanding itself as being a three-dimensional object within a three dimensionally perceived space, which we can classify as a simple three-dimensional cube, the third room of the projectionist, to a fourth dimensional fluidity, a new room, a new kind of cube that can break free and move beyond just three dimensions, and into a fourth one. This fourth dimensional fluidity means that, such an individual can go from knowing themselves as being a three dimensional being, an object, within a certain point in space and time, in accordance with that dimensional understanding of a three-dimensional object, to a being that can begin to understand that there are more dimensions than just three, and that the next dimension available to it, the fourth dimension, is time. And that within this new dimensional paradigm that opens up as the fourth room, such a being, and the mass of the species, is able to go beyond the constrictions of three dimensions and begin to incorporate time as a new dimension, that it can manipulate within, with greater and greater fluidity.

We are a whole unit, this means that we are not just physicality, and we are not just psychology, but we are the sum of both, and of course, in accordance with the direct knowing of inner alchemists, we are far more than this due to the energetic fact that we are multidimensional beings that have barely begun to understand just how big we are inside. But going back to the general focus of this video, which is the next step in human evolutionary transmutation, I can describe the nature of this next becoming, as being the ability of the human species to apply its ever-growing understanding of time within the machinations of an expanded understanding of causality, and apply that understanding to itself, to its psychology as a collective and as individuals.

This increased causal understanding and complexity, which can be perceived outwardly, in a physical fashion as advancements in technological power, as we humans keep moving forward due to an ever quickening technological revolution, these technological advancements must and do begin to expand the psychology of the species, being that our perceptions of space and time are expanding with increasing rapidity. We can take a plane and travel across half the globe, and in a matter of hours thanks to that technology, find ourselves in a vastly different position in space and time. This now possible experience can challenge classical human psychology and does indeed demand a mental evolutionary leap. As we use now easily accessible digital devices, and use one to contact someone that is far away from us, we are instantly transported that way to new locations, new times, new experiences that were impossible for humanity in the recent past, and again traditional psychology cannot account for this new spatial freedom, and must develop new compartments as it were, new modalities and models, internal and as yet unmeasured processes, to be able to deal with this growing expansion of experience; the ever growing information that the modern self has access to.

The creative spark of humanity seems to know no bounds, and this spark is increasing the complexity of our technological development at a cumulative rate. These are the outward manifestations of forces that have an inner origin, and these forces are speeding up, there is a quickening that is happening now. As these forces speed up, they are bringing humanity to a cusp where this understanding not only evolves the nature of our psychology, but also is beginning to transmute, to unlock, deep inner structures within us that are also beginning to make changes in the brain, in our biology, that will make the perception of the direct flow of time more and more possible as this quickening hits a kind of singularity point.

Such an ability to perceive time in a more direct manner has always been a recessive capability in us to a degree, and it is indeed the case that all evolutionary possibilities available to humanity are recessive within us right now. Certain individuals that might have been termed psychic, or genius, have always been around in small numbers and they do point to the potential in us, that will become accessible to us as our technology and our evolving psychology push us to new heights. The ability to perceive the flow of time in a more direct and multidimensional manner has always been with us, and it will be possible for us to perceive and work with time in the future, in the same way that it is possible for us to now perceive clearly a physical cup, that might have been placed on a table in three-dimensional space before us, and move and manipulate that three dimensionally stable object. This recessive ability to perceive and work with the flow of time can be seen in a rare few for example, and those people have always held a special status within human culture, being called seers, prophets, the genius, crackpots perhaps, or those touched by the gods.

Currently, the mass of humanity has bound itself to only three dimensions. As such it sees itself as an object, as a stationary and stable hard thing placed within a three-dimensional coordinate that is bound to those three dimensions, an object that has one moment of inception and one moment of termination.

But there is the possibility of an evolution beyond the three dimensions, beyond the one here and now perspective only, and it is that jump beyond those three-dimensional coordinate points into a fourth dimension, into the fourth room, which will make available the coordinate of time, that will represent the next major step in evolutionary human psychology, and then bring about actual physical change in the biological brain of the species. This psychological change by the way has already begun.

Due to the fact that in the recent past we have referred to the ability to see the flow of time as being either just outright delusion, or when we are being more charitable as being psychic, as an occult ability, it is easy to dismiss the nature of this coming transmutation as impossible or highly unlikely, due to the fact that being stuck within three dimensions, the fourth dimension of time while perceivable to some degree, seems from that three dimensional point of view to be something completely out of human possibility. We may now no time and measure time, use the measure of time far more effectively than we might have 50 years ago, 100 years ago, or a thousand years ago, but what is to come is far beyond this using of time as a ruler to understand possible probability. As such, it becomes easy to dismiss the already expanding psychological evolution and understanding of relative time that has already begun, that has begun to expand the complexities of our human logic due to our advancements in technological prowess. But it is the case that this rapidity in technological advancement is already changing people far more than some might suspect, and indeed the psychology of the race is permanently changed due to the technological advances mentioned. And as this new psychology evolves, these new psychological transmutations will become so complex and groundbreaking from a mental point of view, that the nature of the human cerebral changes that are happening now and will continue to happen will be beyond doubt, and it will be at that point, with this ever quickening physiological development, that modern scientists will finally admit to and begin to easily measure using their acceptable instrumentation of the times, the mental and physiological changes in the race, as new hormonal levels will be established and hitherto unused organs within the brain will seem to become active to one degree or another.

That rational monkey mind that I speak of at times, which is the greatest gravity, the greatest downward pressure that is affecting the evolution of the human species, which I have also termed the cloud of the Archon, makes it very difficult to discuss the nature of this evolution, especially if we are to describe it in the only way possible, which at this time in history may involve such occult terms as psychic, precognition, or multiple personalities even. But nevertheless, it is this understanding of time and the ability to work with time in a more direct fashion, in a flowing multiple states fashion, which to the inner alchemist represents a functional movement into the fourth room, that is the basis of the next step in human evolution.

We are quite simply moving from the third room of the projectionist to the fourth room in a way, and by doing so we are letting go of not only our psychological idea of us being objects within a limited three-dimensional space, but also our very limited idea of our ego self. Now, it is very important for me to point out that this has nothing to do with the loss of our currently perceived individuality, being that individuality does continue, indeed it expands to a far greater level than it is now understood. So, in that sense individuality is not lost, instead the nature of the ego is expanded upon, and that ego that has flourished in three dimensional space, in the third room of the projectionist, is not left behind, but it is allowed to expand far beyond current possibilities, so that in some ways it is able to pursue not just one but a number of possible potential futures, that is it is able to pursue multiple timelines at once in a way, it can access multiple space-time coordinates simultaneously. It can begin to see also that the blurring between the subjective and the objective are illusions, and that the inside of us has more connection to the outer physical world than we might have suspected.

And as the individuality expands in this fashion, a new ego develops that is far more flexible and can begin to partake in multiple lines of potentiality at the same time, and in this way perceive the flow of time, work with it, and use that new psychological and indeed biological development that is coming, to move into new dimensional territory that has hitherto been impossible for most of the species to even conceive of.

But as I have said, all transmutation holds within it risk. All evolution posits that while some may evolve, others may be left behind or may even devolve in a certain fashion. And as such this new apocalypse, this new revelation that is happening, this quickening that can be perceived by the physical senses as the increasingly creative spark within humanity to develop new forms of technology, that has to some who understand the doubling and the flow of information been referred to as the coming singularity, will mean that some of us will go through into a new dimensional possibility, into a fourth room, while many others may choose not to go in this direction, or may choose to go in this direction but in a different fashion, a more technological fashion that may mean digital cerebral augmentation as opposed to purely biological change. This does not mean some annihilation, some typical science-fiction war or doom, but simply a separation, a true separation of the species as some move in one direction while others choose to follow another. And that separation will not even be perceived at all by most, because using the physical senses alone that separation which has already started, will only be apparent as a long and gradual transition away from the gravity of the planet itself, first as a spacefaring race and then is a multidimensional one.

And yes, indeed this transmutation from the third to the fourth room has happened before, many times before in accordance with the direct perceptions, the direct knowing of inner alchemists, and it will continue to happen in the form of cycles, cycles that the species has gone through and will continue to go through over and over again. These are the cycles of transmutation, the cycles of time and change, and perhaps may be best understood as the Yuga cycles in Hindu cosmology or the Maya cycles of time, the long count calendar.

If you would like to know more about the nature of the forces that are causing this transmutation, this evolution, that are at times helping and at other times hindering, that is applying pressure and ultimately in one way or another therefore helping to create a finer essence out of the human race, forces that I have sometimes referred to as the dark cloud of the Archon, I would suggest the trilogy of course books that are made up of the magnum opus, the way of the projectionist, and the way of the death defier. In those course books, I will not only explain the nature of this paradigm of transmutation in accordance with the way of inner alchemy, but also explain in step-by-step detail how the rooms of the projectionist work, and how they can lead to new dimensional possibilities even beyond the next step in human mass evolution, into even more expanded possibilities beyond physicality altogether, past the life-and-death cycle. I will leave a link to this trilogy of course books in the video description below.

I have been asked on numerous occasions to discuss the reasons for, and the nature of the servitor room.

If you are not familiar with my work, then I can simply describe a servitor as being a mental creation, a thought that is given form through the intense focus of attention. This intense focus, propels a kind of psychic energy essence into this form, until this form attains a relative physicality within three dimensional space. This is true transmutation of energy and allows for the creation of specific life like entities with varied functionality.

The creation of a servitor requires a great deal of focus, which I have said is something that a practitioner needs to develop over time. An inner alchemist for example, is someone who is totally focused, on containing, absorbing, saving, and redeploying energy that is normally lost by the average person, and then using that energy to increase their focus and their power. Interestingly, like all things within the doings of inner alchemy, what an inner alchemist does is a kind of incongruent congruency, a Lewis Carroll kind of wit, a catch 22. What they do is to focus on focusing, until they can focus themselves beyond this dimension.

One way that this energy that inner alchemists seek can be redeployed once it is acquired, is through the creation of servitors. The redeployment of energy in this fashion is incredibly useful because, servitors can become great allies in the overcoming of obstacles that a practitioner might face in this world, and the creation of servitors can also further enhance the ability of the inner alchemist to manipulate and transmute energy, which then helps them to free themselves from this dimension even more. All things are connected and whole for such practitioners, energy begets more energy, more power, and it all leads to lightness, to freedom. For example, this transmutation of energy which is servitor creation can be used for several purposes, including physical and psychic protection, the acquisition of things, and in relation to the servitor room in particular, as companions that can allow an inner alchemist to better face the loneliness of infinity. And in the creation of such entities, an inner alchemist learns to control and manipulate energy, that then allows them to defy all boundaries in this dimension and all the others that become available to them over time.

A servitor room then, can be a great aid in the creation and the development of a companion servitor, being that while in it, it becomes easier to focus on and interact with your developing companion, and the ‘interconnectedness’ of inner alchemy means that the development of this room can greatly enhance the ability to understand the nature of physical reality from a certain perspective. This is so because you could say that the servitor room mirrors physical reality, in that as I have said in some of my writing, people imagine the earth to be, in accordance to the many pictures provided, a floating sphere in the middle of space. But according to inner alchemists on an energetic level, this world is not a geometrically perfect sphere, but it is to inner alchemists that can see, a hyper cube, a floating servitor room of sorts, that has been created by a power, a set of powers, beyond all rational calculation.

But to begin in trying to explain all this, I must start with the nature of a servitor room, and about that, I can say that a servitor room is not something that exists within physical reality at first, it is in the beginning a place created in the mind first off, and used to interact with the servitor companion.

For those that are familiar with my work, you will note that I introduced the idea of servitors, the servitor companion, and the creation of the servitor room quite early in my work, and later, in the trilogy of inner alchemy course books, specifically in the way of the projectionist, I did introduce the concept and the techniques of the projectionist, specifically the crossing of the seven rooms of the projectionist. This order that I have used is important. First, I talked about the room in relatively simple energy manipulation to create a servitor, and then in a far more complex set of techniques, which is the way of the projectionist. The order is from relatively easy, to more difficult feats of energy manipulation, and as such the nature of the room that I am discussing here goes from relatively simple, to far more complex.

As my work progressed for example, within the schema of the later introduced projectionist methodology then, I said that a beginning step was the creation of the projectionist room, the room without walls. I want you at this time to notice the connection between the servitor room, and the projectionist room that you are creating when you are trying to cross the first and second room of the projectionist.

Both the servitor room and the projectionist room are the same thing really, in that it is a mentally created room without walls, created to be able to allow an inner alchemist to defy the laws of space and time, within the boundaries of the three dimensions of this physical world. Both rooms are the same thing, and if you contemplate their probable position in space in time, and even though they are in a non rationally definable way rooms without walls, they can be described as being (in either case) a cube that begins to attain a kind of gravity, a mass,

This connection between both of these techniques is very important, but I want you to now consider yet another connection that I have discussed in my work, and that is that these inner rooms or cubes relate to, that is they (this inner room without walls) is similar to, the cubes that I keep mentioning in relation to what are commonly referred to as UFOs, or what I have described as being non-organic traps, where certain very powerful non-organic entities are able to create a kind of travel vehicle, or at times even portal, where travelers from other dimensions can cross the boundary from one dimension (their dimension) to our dimension through the use of such a room. As such these rooms are then a type of vessel, a three dimensional capsule bound by six walls, a cube, and it is used by trans dimensional travelers at times to enter and manipulate within our space.

The cube is a puzzle made up of odd angles that can quite literally move these beings across dimensions. For them the cube can be a bridge and that bridge can also be a trap for the unsuspecting. I do wish this information would be taken more seriously by certain people studying this phenomenon, but it is the nature of inner alchemy that this information will (I suppose) always be a kind of open secret, being that it is out there for all to see, but only a few can really see it clearly.

The very important point of this article then, is not to just explain the nature of the servitor room, but to try to connect all of the material that I have written about this room without walls thus far, so as to have you notice that there is a connection to all of it, that there is a consistency, and that it all relates to the manipulation of energy by the inner alchemist. Beyond this even, I want you to notice and remember (how easily we all forget but you must remember) how in my material (and in the material discussed by certain others) it is described that this manipulation of energy is not something that is just done by the inner alchemist, but it is also a way to manipulate energy across many dimensions, by beings and forces that are trans-dimensional in nature. What inner alchemists do is that they have the power to directly witness a methodology that has its roots beyond this earthly dimension, they can see, see energy directly, see these trans dimensional energetic motions directly, and then replicate them. As they project their inner senses into infinity, and see the way of other lifeforms, and see these alien lifeforms and larger titans manipulate energy in this fashion, they are/were able to develop their own techniques to be able to manipulate energy in a similar fashion, and it was this direct perception of energy, which at times has been referred to as seeing, that gave inner alchemist the ability to do, to transmute energy, work and manipulate energy, in ways that seem perhaps magical to the average person. And of course it is not just inner alchemists that do this, other groups practice such techniques as well, and these groups can be either good or very bad, depending on your personal beliefs.

It is now important, that you understand that there is that direct connection between all of the techniques that I have discussed and written about thus far, and it is my hope that you begin to see the connections, and that you begin to put these connections together, because they add up to revelations that, in this particular case for example, I hope are transformative moments for your expanding psyche, and can add new dimensions to the quest to find your own energetic truth.

So, in order to make this clear, let us start from the beginning yet again. I have said that the servitor room is created to interact with your companion servitor. This room is sort of like a blank screen in your mind where you are able to see your servitor companion, and as you see the image of your servitor in this blank room, you are charging your servitor because you are giving attention to it, and you are also creating a space where you are able to interact with this servitor at the same time. This inner space, this inner cube, this room, begins to develop and as it does so, through the power of focused attention, Just like the servitor, this is important, just like attention transmutes the servitor, it also begins to give the cube gravity, mass, substance. This gravity develops this space, that is akin to a cube, a cube that seems to be inside but that eventually (through increasing mass) becomes something that affects what you refer to as outside. Inside and outside your head, is there a difference? what a conundrum. The conundrum of inner alchemy.

Anyhow, by engaging in this supposed inner action then, you are also able to interact with this servitor and in a way you are creating a new world, a physicality like place where two beings from different dimensions can meet, this being you who are a physically bound creature supposedly, and a servitor which is a personal creation that is bound to a different dimension, but that you are trying to move in a way, into this dimension.


A projectionist then, is doing the same thing in a way as someone creating a servitor companion, except that they are not trying to move a servitor into this dimension, instead they are learning to move aspects of themselves beyond physicality into other dimensions, and they use that inner room, that created cube, to find gaps, to find the strange angles in this dimension, so that they are able to project deeply into others, other worlds. The cube is not only a room in and of itself, but it is also a place to find odd angles that lead to other dimensions. This is also very important.

When trans dimensional lifeforms want to move from their dimension into our dimension, or any other dimension that is not their own, they create similar cubes of great intensity. These are inner rooms, capsules in a way, that allow them to move beyond their particular dimension, and cross into other dimensions. The difference between the cubes created by beginner inner alchemists and the cubes created by such trans dimensional lifeforms, lifeforms which can be of a non organic nature, is that such creations by these usually far more powerful other lifeforms, can be of an intensity of such magnitude that for all intents and purposes, to the average human being, the difference between the walls that make up those capsules, those encapsulations, those cubes, and the walls of regular physical reality are nonexistent. What this means is that these created rooms, that are cubes, that move across space in a way that you might see a UFO move across space, or that are placed upon different geographies on earth, become so real (are so real) that for all intents and purposes they are real rooms, mobile spaceships or stationary ones in a way, and they can be used to connect one dimension to another.

The power of these inner rooms, the power of these white rooms, these rooms without walls, that take the shape of a cube, on occasion hyper cubes if you like being that they defy dimensional existence and probability, is that they allow for an incredible intensity of focus. That is once they are created which is an act of focus in and of itself, they also allow the creator to focus completely and utterly on that which is inside that white room. In doing so this white room allows the creator and the manipulator of this cube, to be able to not only give life to those things that were not life before, and this is quite simply one of the greatest forms of energy transmutation possible, which is the basis of alchemy, it also allows for those new life creations to move dimensionally. So, these rooms can create a kind of life and, they can, as I can now point out, allow the creator of such a room to move themselves or others, either aspects or wholly themselves, into other dimensions.

In time these rooms and such practitioners can gain so much power, that they are able to completely leave a place, a space time location, leave a dimensional position, and move wholly or partially to others. This means that from a witnessed point of view, from the point of view of someone who is stationary within one dimension, as these travellers move from that dimension where the witness is to another dimension, such a traveller, if they have attained enough power, will completely disappear to the witness. So, from that witnessed point of view it would be like that person is whisked away by a wind or a power, in a sense it would be like a kind of instant teleportation.

This kind of thing is possible for some highly complex trans dimensional life, specifically of a non-organic nature, but it is something that an inner alchemist works for a lifetime to accomplish, and having physical death at their heels, an alchemist races across the intensity of physical three-dimensional time trying to beat that physical death so that they are able to, with enough power, create such a cube or a capsule themselves to escape this binding dimension. Once this becomes a possibility, they can move far enough away from this dimension, that at a certain point they may look back at the great distance that they have travelled, and see that they have left not only humanity and the many boundaries of physicality far behind, but that they have even left physical death in their wake.


In a previous article, I described the nature of thought forms, large thought forms in particular, and specifically I described the creation and the development of large unconsciously created thought forms like Santa Claus.

I ended that article with a simple question, which was, is Santa Claus real? And if so, could a person use this huge thought form to get the presents that they want?

I answered simply then by saying that, if a person could theoretically tap into the Santa Claus frequency, if they could tap into this great reservoir of power, then yes, they quite possibly could get just what they wanted from Santa!


In this article I want you to contemplate a theoretical, just for fun kind of thought experiment with me. What I will be discussing specifically is how someone could potentially tap into that power, into that frequency which is that large conglomeration of energy and relative sentience that has been created around the no longer fictional, as I will explain in the video, character of Santa Claus.

In other words, in this video, I want to outline a really simple (but for educational purposes only) procedural system that could be used to tap into the large and for the most part unconsciously created thought form of Santa Claus, as it exists out there in non-local space, and use that connection to get something that someone might want for Christmas, or for that matter at any time during the year perhaps.


To begin this little thought experiment, if you will pardon the pun, I want to start by giving a brief description of what thought forms are, specifically large unconscious thought forms, which some have referred to as egregors.

A general definition used by the average world, states that egregors are distinct non physical entities that arise from a collective group of people. To this I would add that an egregor is a massive thought form, and  that it is the attention of other people, the thinking of people in a certain direction, that creates such an entity, and that this kind of created entity is most often brought to life, at least from a nonphysical perspective, in a relatively unconscious manner, meaning that this collective group of people is most often acting in what could be termed mob-like fashion, meaning that there is little conscious individual effort to try to create such a large thought form. For that reason, this developed entity is brought into existence by (in a way) accidental means, as a relatively large mass of humanity focuses their non-conscious attention, with sometimes great vigor, on a particular set of characteristics and bounding principals.

The action of focusing the attention here is very important, as is the realization that this focus of attention is often not a conscious thing, that is this focus of attention by  humanity is usually done in an unconscious manner, as a large mass of people  are led to think about or focus on a particular topic, a set of characteristics, a probability, through external group pressure. This mass of focus, which could be thought of as a kind of gravity, which can be random or externally controlled, goes about turning a probability into an actual thing. In other words, non-conscious attention turns supposed fiction into a semi-autonomous non local (meaning not here or there in physical space) kind of relatively real thing, which can act upon, change the nature of, physical reality to a relative degree, depending on how much attention this egregor has and is getting.

This is a very important definition in these modern times, it can explain a great deal about the nature of human reality, and if you are interested in such things, then I would recommend that you re-read this part of the article and study that definition again, because it is the key piece that will explain a great deal about the human world.

Anyway, to begin to understand this from the perspective of this article, we can begin by defining first what a consciously created thought form is, something which I have in the past referred to as a servitor. A servitor is a very consciously developed mental creation, it is a thought that is given form through the intense focus of attention, in other words a servitor is a consciously created thought form of strong definition and vitality that has very specific function.

This intense focus of attention by the creator of the servitor, propels a kind of psychic energy essence into this form, until this form attains a relative physicality within three dimensional space (this means that a thought begins to become a thing). This is true transmutation of energy and allows for the creation of specific life like entities with varied functionality.

The creation of a servitor requires a great deal of conscious focus, which I have said in other instances is something that a practitioner needs to develop over time. Attention is energy, consciously directed attention in a very specific direction equals psychic power, which can be focused with great nuance and detail and in that fashion, it is possible to create intricate entities, which are in essence thoughts that are given form, function, and direction.

A particular individual, who has developed a great deal of ability to focus, can create intricate and quite powerful servitors. These servitors can carry out a number of particular and precise tasks, including the ability to acquire, or that is, make it far easier to acquire, through the use of synchronicity, omens, and a number of other factors, whatever it is that the creator of the servitor wants. And what it is that these servitors can acquire, can do, is directly proportional to the power level of the servitor, which again is measured in accordance with the amount of focused attention that this servitor has received by its creator.

Just like a consciously created servitor, an unconsciously created egregor can develop over time in very similar manner, but a thought form like Santa Claus is not as I have said, a conscious creation, it is instead an unconscious and freewheeling one. But under certain and controlled instances, theoretically and for the sake of this thought experiment only, such a free roaming as it were thought form of massive scale, could be used for a number of different tasks if a person has an understanding of how to tap into this power, and has worked on their own power level, as I discuss in my books, so that their focus of attention, their psychic power is strong enough to contain the power of the tapped into egregor.

First, to begin in explaining the little thought experiment that I am describing in this video, I can start by saying that an unconsciously created servitor (egregor) can in some ways at least, be far more powerful than a consciously created thought form or servitor. The reason for this is that in unconsciously created thought form can attain incredibly large proportions and power, being that this entity is being fed the attention of a very large number of people. For example, the now quite vigorous and powerful thought form of Santa Claus is quite powerful, because it is and has been fed a great deal of human attention as thousands, hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people focus their attention on this symbol, this character, this bounded ideal of a particular personality that has certain properties and features, such as for example the ability to bring gifts to not just children but adults as well on December 25th.

Every time that we think about him, sing songs about him, watch movies about him, see effigies and cathedrals created for him in malls, outdoor venues, and television programs, we are quite intently focusing our attention on him. The Christmas tree in and of itself is like a kind of antenna that can at times focus our attentions not only on the Christmas season in general, but on Santa Claus in particular on occasion. Certainly, the expectancy and hopeful desires of finding some wonderful present under the tree, can create a great deal of attention and therefore psychic energy that is focused on this personality.

There is though, at least within adults, this modified filter within the parameters of the attention given to Santa Claus, which is most important when and if such a Santa Claus thought form were to be tapped, and this filter is the fact that adults tend to think that Santa is fictional. It is generally only children, in their innocence, that truly believe that Santa is real and can get them those things that they desire if they are good. To tap into the true power of this egregor then, a person would have to be able to believe with the innocence of a child.

Understanding the general characteristics of this massive thought form, such as the distinction mentioned about child like belief, is crucial in tapping into it. As such, we must note that this is an unconscious creation, meaning that the attention that it is given comes about through a kind of manipulation, a mob created ideal through the manipulation of beliefs, advertising, and endlessly repeated media of all sorts. This means that this huge thought form can have some potentially negative and chaotic aspects attached to it. For example, during this holiday season, media advertising and perhaps old held beliefs in the form of customs, are brought forth. The symbols and advertising are everywhere, and it is nearly impossible to go anywhere without seeing the image of Santa Claus somewhere, or the many other symbols that then relate and can become a kind of antenna, like the Christmas tree, that can have one thinking about Santa Claus constantly.

Therefore, due to the fact that this is an unconscious creation, being that it is driven by the mob of humanity, not all of this attention can be of a positive nature, and as such the thought form that is Santa Claus is also made up of all of the frustrations, the disappointments, the guilt, and some of the negativity that goes along with the holiday season, not the least of which is the fact that it is only children generally that believe in a true Santa Claus, while adults usually tend to view Santa Claus as a fictional and at times a difficult ideal that they must live up to, as they try to give to others in seasonal merriment. As such, Santa can at times take on certain characteristics that are not completely positive from the human point of view. In other words, the thought form that is Santa Claus can take on the characteristics of Krampus or ‘Satan Claws’ as it were, at times. To put all this together then, being that Santa Claus is an unconscious creation of huge proportions, this particular thought form or egregor can have both positive and negative aspects that can sometimes lead the unwary in chaotic and unwanted directions. The point being then that to theoretically tap into this force is not something that should be taken lightly, and at all times, a strong focus on the goodness aspects of Santa Claus would be most essential.

To perform such a theoretical experiment, one would have to believe in Santa as a child believes, focusing for a short period only on the sheer goodness of this being, and for no longer than 5 minutes or so. During this time, the first thing that one would do is tap into this thought form, into the frequency of the large conglomeration of non-local energy that has taken on the characteristics of Santa Claus. In order to do this, a person would need to go to a place full of all of the symbology, that is paraphernalia of Christmas and Santa Claus in particular. Such a person for example, would need to stand in front of a large and beautifully decorated Christmas tree. If it is available, they might want to add to this environment images of Santa in whatever way they could find them, whether that is Christmas cards, posters, small statues, or whatever else might be available.

During this tapping into process, what they would need to do is to focus their attention on Santa Claus and all of the positive aspects of Christmas. To be precise, they would need to focus their attention on the idea of a merry Christmas in the way a child would, and as their attention becomes more and more focused, this attention would generate feelings and increasing internal perceptions of how in the Christmas season it is possible to receive, just like a good boy or girl can receive, anything that they want. A child like quality is most important in all of this. This unrelenting focus of this merry Christmas would in time allow such a person to truly feel deep in their core that a season’s miracle is possible for them, then probable, then most likely, then definite, until they would know that Santa is bringing to them everything that they could have ever wanted. For these five minutes in this place surrounded by Christmas, they would need to believe this completely.

As the northern star shines, and as the beautiful and infinitely unique snow falls, as the beautiful multicolored lights flicker, as the bells of Christmas ring, and as the light of infinite hope and brotherly love gleams, they focus their attention on the fact that like a child, they can believe that this miraculous light becomes all-powerful during this magical season, and as they do so, as they can truly believe in this light, they believe also that this light in time, and through the great focus and the goodwill of people, because there is goodwill and that goodwill is greater than all things, this goodwill that is the embodiment of Santa, the elf known as Claus, will bring them what they want.

They must ask during this time with childlike abandon and innocence, for something that they truly desire, that they truly want, as they know that Santa Claus can and is bringing it to them in joy. A total lack of self-importance would be critical.

Once they feel that they have expressed their desire to Santa as best they can, while encompassed within the miraculous light of the season, they would let out a deep breath, and from that moment forth begin to expect to receive in faith, in childlike faith in Santa Claus, and believing from that point on that Santa is real, that he is not fiction, but that he is real!

Interesting thought experiment I feel, and more importantly perhaps, is the description of what these thought forms are, how they are made and what they can do to change the face of this human world. If, let us say, this experiment did work, if this Santa could bring this imaginary person what they want, or a modicum of what they want. If it could at the very least put them on the path towards getting what they want, then what does this say about what is possible now, by these purely mental constructions, these massive thought forms given life through the unconscious focus of human attention. If such massive thought forms have such power, then perhaps it is a wise idea to become far more conscious of what you give your attention to.

In my writings on projecting as part of the art of inner alchemy, I have mentioned that it is possible to live for days, perhaps years, in another world, another dimension while projecting, and that even though these projections might seem like days to you as a projectionist, these projections may only have taken minutes, in accordance with physical clock time.

Some readers might wonder how this is possible, how can someone live out a lifetime in a dream, in a projection, while only having used up hours of physical clock time? How is this intensity possible in projections?

Well, I think that most people have, or know about someone that has had the experience of taking a light nap, and even though they were sleeping for what could have been minutes in clock time, it actually felt to the sleeper like this quick nap was much longer. In other words, many people have had an experience where internal time, dream time, seems to happen at a much different rate than external physical clock time.

Such experiences can help in understanding how a projectionist can defy the laws of rational clock time. Just like a regular person can access a seemingly extended dream-time, an inner alchemist can do the same, but for much longer and in a far more lucid manner. What is happening here, is that inner alchemists, through their ability to increase the power of their attention, can take full advantage of that flexibility of inner time. By becoming powerful projectionists, that is people that can project inwardly and then outwardly, which some may refer to as astral travel, these practitioners can move farther and farther away from what could be referred to as the objective physical and three dimensional world. In doing so they can in that fashion move into different dimensional, or psychological (inner psyche) locations, where there can be a great alteration, a great difference, between that internal time in that dimensional location, and outer physical clock time.

Through their ability to focus their attention to an incredible degree, and their growing prowess as projectionists, inner alchemists can go to places that seem like far away dream places, but that are actually out there places, other dimensional places, other locations, other very real worlds, where on occasion time works differently, it moves slower or better yet faster, than physical time. Projectionist have learnt to take advantage of the fact that in other dimensions, time can have different intensities.

When such a projectionist becomes powerful and experienced enough, they can map out new territories in locations that are nowhere in the realm of physical and rational human reality, and they can then move into these locations for extended periods of time in a fully awake manner. Once this is possible, such a trans-dimensional traveler can in those other locations live out entire existences, the equivalent of entire lifetimes sometimes, in other dimensions, partaking in what may even be great adventures, that only take up hours of physical clock world time. Such an individual then can be said to be incredibly old, even though from a physical point of view, in accordance with clock time, they do not seem to be that old at all, because such individuals have lived out many lifetimes of adventure in regions of high intensity. In other words, an entire lucid, that is conscious and remembered experience that may seem to be months or years long, can be lived out in one night of physical time. And upon waking, after such an intensity, such a traveler may wake up as a wholly different person. An increasingly alien person.


What is very difficult for the average person to comprehend is that all of us, all humans, at least those that can believe enough to at least take a chance and learn these skills, can access other dimensions as projectionists, and those other dimensions are not bound to the same rules, the same gravity, that binds this dimension. That being the case, depending on where you go, and what maps you may have been able to make, you can live out experiences that truly defy all rational ideas about life and the nature of existence.

When a projectionist has accumulated enough energy, using the containment techniques of inner alchemy, such an augmented person (such a person that has extra energy) can use that energy to increase their focus of attention, so that what they focus their attention on becomes unwavering, stable. With such unwavering focus, they can then use that extra power to become stable and lucid master inner travelers (projectionists), that can travel to particular places for extended periods. Such experienced inner travelers, after developing relentless focus and experience, can hit a kind of threshold in their capabilities, they can reach an incredible point in their perceptive power. This means that such an individual, with such power and experience does at a certain point, cross a type of energetic line, where those inner projections become so vivid, so life like, that these new places that they project to become true energetic other realities, other worlds. At that point it can be said that they have really, energetically, moved, become a part of, new locations, other dimensions, other oh so real worlds. Let me repeat that, other real worlds.

It is at this point, when these inner travels become so real through the augmentation of focus and the development of prowess as a projectionist that physical clock time is transcended. When this happens, a projectionist is unbound and breaks free to a great degree from the three dimensional cage that corrals most of humanity, and they can begin to explore worlds that are not just as real as the physical waking one, but are also other times, complete other lives, other dimensions, that allow such a traveler to transcend the average human notion of life experience.

Such people may be a certain age physically, but internally, energetically, experientially, they may be hundreds of years old, and may have experienced such wonders, such unbelievable adventure and living experience, that the average human world becomes almost boring and common place to them, and in the end this human, physical, three dimensional place becomes what it was always meant to be, just one stop in an infinitude of possible places available for us to explore.

At such a point, life changes for the projectionist, and at that point they will know as an energetic fact, as a lived and experienced fact, that those other dimensional realities are as real and stable as anything possible in the physical world.

But those that do not have this experience of knowing may wonder, how do you know that those worlds are stable? That they are as stable as the physical world? Could it be that every time that you project you are just going to dreamland or an infinity of parallel worlds, that are different each time?

That is a good question, and as a projectionist with a little bit of experience at seeing this supposedly absolute three dimensional reality from a position outside of it, I might ask such a person, how do you know that where you go to over and over again in the physical world, is the same place that you were the day before?

In other words, how do you know the locations of the places where you live? How do you know that they are not new places (new worlds) each time you wake up from sleep? How do you know that your physical world is stable? That it is an unchanging world? That it is not, at each instance, a new parallel world?


A growing number of modern scientists are saying that this world may be a persistent kind of illusion, a simulation. Is this not the developing theology of the times? And if the physical world is a simulation, how do we know that the world that we wake up to each morning is the exact same world as yesterday? How do we know anything is real, or stable?

Maybe the world is all fake in a way, a parallel world each time we wake up in the morning, what a nightmare perhaps, such a thought. But, to answer this question, the fundamental answer is I suppose, that there is no real way to know for sure that you do not wake up to a different world every day.

But I can tell you what a projectionist knows, and about the techniques that they use to map out territory and in that way find stability in alien dimensions, which can then help in understanding this dimension, simulation or not.

For them there are different ways to know, or create stability, whether you are in this physical world that may be a simulation, or another dream world, another projection location beyond this dimension, and it is something that most people, average people, do quite unconsciously, like a type of unconscious survival heuristic.

First, they internally measure how real things seem, in accordance to how real their senses say something is, they trust their senses and then they further make things more real and stable by following the consensus, the opinion of other people existing in this world. If it feels, looks, tastes, smells, and sounds real to you, and it is as real to another supposedly) as it is to you, and yet to another, and another, and another still, then such consensus in time means that for all of you this one thing, and eventually this one place, is real. The mob rules in a way. This is how we differentiate the sane from the insane, the relatively smart from the idiotic.


A map of the physical world is therefore created by your intellect, by you, through your perceptions and by the consensus of the people that you see in this world. In this physical dimension for example, you remember, memory is very important, and you trust in the consistency of your perceptions and in the consistency of all those around you, this, and those perceptions of perceptions, you remember. When this consistency is established, the memory of this consistency is your map. A map is a repeatable memory.

The fundamental difference between sanity and insanity, between a physical thing and an illusion or delusion, for an inner alchemist, for a projectionist, is dimensional stability (meaning crossing that threshold that I mentioned earlier where things become truly real for you no matter where you are as a lucid being) and the consensus by the mass of those aware entities (in this case the people) participating and focusing their unrelenting attention, on that dimensional location. Projectionists use those sanity rules to create consistency, stability, that they then turn into maps through memory.

Some say that only physical things can hurt or kill you, and yet as any experienced psychologists knows all too well, supposedly mental delusions are as real to the supposedly deluded as anything real to the sane, and those illusions from those supposedly deluded people can hurt them, and if they are believed with the fervor of the deluded, then illusions can hurt others as well.

If I tell you to think of a juicy sour lemon in your mouth, of the dripping sour juice falling into your mouth, stinging your lips, and your mouth waters because of these phrases, these idea words, then basically that illusion of an illusory lemon, is real to you in a way. These words, and this image is making your mouth water, something that is supposed to be an autonomic reaction, a reaction that you can’t supposedly control consciously, and yet you are, you are changing the supposed rationally impossible through a kind of short and shallow projection of attention.

If this is possible with a simple image, idea, held by a person with average power to focus, then what can the relentless focus of a master projectionist do? What can the delusion of a powerful inner alchemist do? And if such a delusion is held by a number of people, then is there a point when that delusion becomes real?

Inner alchemists believe that the world is a kind of highly persistent delusion where both dimensionality (a particular dimensional location bound by certain energetic laws) and group consensus; living beings either bound or freely focusing with unrelenting power on particular dimensional location perceptions, create a stability referred to as a world.

The difference between average people and inner alchemists is that people believe that this is the only real world. They believe this because they are stuck in this one dimension, but projectionist through their direct experience know, have experienced directly, that this is just one in a multitude of other worlds that they can travel to, that there are infinite persistent other worlds, out there, not just this one. And in that sense, this world is a simulation.


And just like the incredibly consistent map (through perceptive focus and consensus) that we have created for this physical world, this same thing can be done in worlds beyond the one that we call physical reality. In those other worlds, there are different things to remember and different consistency rules, but maps can be created just like the very stable and consistent one that has been created for this one.


Fundamentally, just like there is no real way to find out whether you wake up to a new world every day, there is no way to find out if you are projecting into a world that is very similar but with tiny differences. In the end all that we can do is trust in our map and our consistencies, or perhaps it is better to say that we should not trust any of our maps or consistencies to the point that we think they are all truth, all reality, but use them nonetheless while in this world or any world, because after all is said and done, that is all that we have these memories, these maps, to keep us somewhat sane, because after all (at least to an inner alchemist) the only real difference between sane and insane, is consensus.


In modern times we say that dreaming (projecting or astral travel) are a replica of the real world. Dreams are just so much unconscious noise and repression. Dreams can’t harm you; you just wake up. And yet, for those that can remember them better than most, and for those that seriously study them (and academia is not seriously studying them in my opinion), dreams can kill, they can heal, they are as real as anything could be, and yet they exist in a seeming no place, a dream-scape, that to the average person does not seem real, certainly not as real as waking life, the waking world.

But to a projectionist dream locations are real. Indeed, those worlds can be in many ways even more real than this physical place, and some practitioners have mapped out those other places with such precision that for them, this human waking world is in no way more real than those other alien places.

In the end illusion, simulation, reality, is a far more relative measure than most could ever imagine, at least for the inner alchemist, and thanks to such (from the average perspective) delusions, an inner alchemist can experience marvels.

To free yourself in such a manner, if you wish to experience lifetimes and unbounded realities like projectionists do, what you must begin to come to terms with is not whether something is real or not, a simulation or not, but that multiple things can be real at a certain dimensional, psychological, awareness, position and not real at others, and that we humans do have the possibility of existing in multiple positions, multiple dimensions. We humans can break the three dimensional cube, and when we do, when we can know directly that there are so many other real places out there, the reality of the real or the illusion of the mob consensus, becomes inconsequential.

The horror, the real horror is not that this objective world might not be real, a simulation, as some like to believe in this modern period. It is instead  that we humans (most of us) are stuck, being corralled, being kept like prisoners, in only one position, one dimension, even though we have the potential to experience so much more.

We are in a simulation, but not the kind of simulation that most people believe. Instead, the simulation is the clouding of the energetic fact that this supposed only real world, is just one possible stop for us humans.


Depending on a person’s belief system, each individual may have a different answer to this question.

And even within the bounds of certain belief structures, there are individual ideas about what life after death if any might be like.

Here in the west many of us might believe in a heavenly realm, or a fiery hell. Many people are atheists as well, and such individuals tend to believe that once we experience biological death, we are no more, like biological machines, we just turn off and then that is the end of us. Others may have other beliefs, such as reincarnation and the belief that instead of a heaven or a hell, we pay for the consequences of our actions in a future life where such incarnations may either be positive or negative in accordance with what we have or have not done in past lives.

Often, people may be quite wide-ranging in their beliefs, and may choose to take a little bit from a large pool of belief systems. They may believe in a monotheistic kind of God, but also believe in reincarnation. Some may believe that death is the end of everything as individual beings, but they may believe that the stuff that was us is recycled in a way, that what we were, the plants, the earth, the stars) is what we go back to becoming, and in that sense, they cheat in that way that utter gloom of the atheistic finality.

Whether it is reincarnation, classical heaven and hell, atheistic finality, or any of the number of beliefs that people have about what happens after you die, these beliefs are almost always dogmatic ones.

By dogmatic I mean that in almost every case, all these beliefs are based not on personal experience but on a kind of faith in the general belief systems of the times. Few people claim to have seen past the veil of the material universe. They can only see what their physical senses can reveal to them. For that reason, most believe that such a thing, seeing what happens after death, is fundamentally an impossibility, at least for them, and as such they only have the opinion of experts in this field to rely on.

Such experts can be the clergy and the theology of the times, these experts may also be the intellectuals and the philosophers that are prominent in an era, and they may even be, at least in this modern period, the scientists, and the scientific establishment.

There is certainly nothing wrong with belief in the dogma of the time if such dogma provides hope and a sense of ease in a difficult world. And while these dogma-based belief systems are and have always been, when the human population gets large enough, the main way that people can come to terms with the hardest part of living, which is the dying, you should know that this dogmatic understanding of things is not the only way to understand the after death experience. Belief in faith and faith in belief is not the only way to know about the after death experience.


In other cultures, often times cultures that have a closer relation to the earth, there are different ways of knowing, of seeing, the after death experience. There are also different groups, different currents if you like, that while in the midst of large and well organized civilizations, practice traditions, techniques and methodologies, that try to overcome the many hindrances of dogma especially when it comes to the veil of the objective world, the world of matter, and the after death experience, that is, what happens after death.

One such current, is the way of inner alchemy. Such a current has as its main focus the intentionality of first teaching those that are part of that current how to see beyond the veil, the maya, the illusion, of the material world. Once this is possible, which could generally be referred to as being able to see, to be a seer, an Oracle, such an individual is then able to let go of dogma, let go of the established dogmatic beliefs of the times and directly perceive for themselves, what exists beyond physicality and therefore what exists after physical death.

In this video I would like to discuss briefly what these personal direct individual perceptions might be, and I say might be because each individual perception is different being that each individual is fundamentally different. We are individuals, we see differently, we can, away from physicality, perceive slightly differently, and our psychology presents us with different obstacles and allegory, and for that reason the way that we perceive such energetic truth is also highly individual and may involve all sorts of perceptive mechanisms and symbolism that must be explored and plumbed into in order to find the greater reality within the scope of the human grasp of energetic truth.


In accordance with the seeing of inner alchemist therefore, the nature of the after death experience is not something that is discovered by studying the general dogma of the times, or by believing what someone else says, even what I am saying right now. It is instead discovered through the ability to see, to perceive energy directly, which can be taught by reading a book, but that must later be used to go beyond all language so that what you know from then on is individual in nature. Once this ability to perceive directly is established, these seers, this confluence of oracles, can then come together and establish a general intentionality, that creates a current, and each individual seer can either participate or not, in accordance with their own highly individual perceptions and actions. The current that I am a part of can be termed the current of inner alchemy.

While it may seem contradictory of me to try to describe such seeing to you, being that in essence this then becomes dogmatic knowledge, sometimes the descriptions of such things, such direct perceptions by the intentionality of inner alchemy for example, can help an individual to tune into their own intuitions, their own highly individual inner feeling sense about what it is that they have somehow always known to be true deep within themselves, and in discovering this inner alignment, they can then choose as individuals to try to perceive directly themselves and after doing so, by the sheer act of such perceptions, join a current in accordance with their own individual intentions.

So, after all of that, from the inner alchemist point of view, from their direct perceptions, what happens to us after we die?

Well, from that group intentionality, from that current, the after death experience in many ways resembles what the general human collective refers to as the dreamscape, the dreamtime. If you want to know what death is like, then all you must do is begin to explore your dreams and the nature of the dreamtime environment that you are part of for a third of your life.

In the dream-scape, in that dimensional zone where dreams are a reality, a real otherworld, you are there yourself and yet you have left your physical body behind. To many, this dreamtime can be quite chaotic and for the most part forgotten, but of the things that you might remember, you might notice that there is incredible flexibility here, and in this place you may partake in many adventures where you might be yourself as you understand yourself within physical space, or you might be completely other selves, at least other instances of yourself that may take forms that may be quite different from what you may consider to be your physical being. While it is generally the case that people tend to only remember those dreams that are coherent enough for them to be perceived as a rational sequence, linear and orderly, it is also the case that many of these dreams can be so expansive and the feelings and perceptions so beyond rational possibility, that such dreams are quite often either completely forgotten, or so beyond the conscious mind that they may never be known to you.

And while it is the case that in this dream reality, perhaps when it comes to the hardest dreams to dream, those dreams that we call nightmares, there is always this sense that you can wake up and return to your physical self, and to the stability and the hardness of the objective, of the object filled world, because no matter how hard both physically and metaphorically this solid world might be, it is still a refuge from the powerful expansiveness of what you truly are and will continue to be after physical death.

With that in mind, now imagine what it might be like to enter a dream, to enter this dream verse where your individuality at times seems to be so strained, so hard to hold and identify, meaning that it can at times be so difficult to maintain your individuality, your individual identity, and then find out that you can never wake up to the physical you ever again. This is death, this is the after death experience, and at least in accordance to the current of inner alchemy, it is a highly complex affair that, like a dream, involves the exploration of quite real and very individually pertinent experiences of the most sensual nature.

Many people believe dreams to be quite ethereal, that is they do not think dreams feel as real in a way as what they considered to be physical reality, and in that sense some people might even believe that the after death experience is a relatively sensually numb one, where, like some kind of wandering phantasm, they are not able to touch or feel as much as they did when they were physically alive. But, as those that can recall dreams quite vividly will tell you, the dream experience is often made up of sensual experiences that often times far surpass anything that could be felt in the physical reality, containing both feelings, sounds, smells, tastes, and visuals that far exceed anything possible in the physical dimension.

The after death experience is a highly complex one that far surpasses any dogmatic belief, and completely redefines any idea of the linear space and time that all current dogmatic beliefs rely on so much. As such, the only way to truly perceive the nature of the after death experience is for you to personally learn to become a Seer, an Oracle, an individual who can perceive energy directly yourself.

The way of inner alchemy is a multifaceted process that involves a great deal of focus and a kind of movement that completely defies both the ar conic mob mind of the times, and any notions of rationality and purely three dimensional mechanical based logic. In order to try to reveal the complexity of these motions, these inner motions of inner alchemy, I have put together a trilogy of course books that reveal the nature of this intentionality without any of the complex symbology and cipher that is usually found when this current is examined.

If you are interested in learning more about the nature of the after death experience and about how inner alchemists fight for immortality, then I recommend the book, The way of the death defier

To get the full picture and the background information needed to understand the way of inner alchemy, which includes the nature of the energetic way, energetic truth, about projecting and moving beyond three dimensions, what the ghost in the machine is, how to see energy directly, and about how inner alchemists create the philosopher’s stone and use that energy to defy all archonic control, then I would recommend the full course book trilogy, which includes, The Magnum Opus, The Way of the Projectionist, and The Way of the Death Defier.

In a number of my books, I have mentioned the force that rules this world, the world of humanity.
I have said that secret societies have known about this force for a very long time and have either worked with this outer world titan or have fought against this dark cloud over humanity since the dawn of recorded history.
This controlling entity has gone by many names and its attributes have been known to a lesser or greater degree depending on the power of the factions or the individuals that try to directly perceive this Titan.
In my writing I have refer to it as the archon and have described it and its influence in accordance to the current of inner alchemy.
This archonic power is a colossal and multidimensional sentience with what could be described as vampiric abilities and predispositions. It essentially feeds on the light of relatively evolved biological sentience it drains the energetic power the magical essence of humanity turning it into a slave race, a domesticated animal to be used in the same way that we domesticate and use and consume certain animals ourselves.
While it is the case that the great mass of humanity is under the spell of the archon, there are those that fight this predation. One such group may be termed inner alchemists, and as a writer and an inner alchemist myself, I have written about the techniques and the methodologies used by inner alchemy.
And after having access to this information, which has in the past, at least in my opinion, been kept secret from the mass of humanity, those that are now beginning to awaken to the power of these techniques, through mine and other peoples writing or through their own direct perceptions, may ask, have asked,
is it possible to escape the dark power of the archon permanently? Can a person escape the archon forever?

The simple answer to this question, the quick answer, is yes, an individual human being can escape the archonic force forever this is fundamentally the ultimate quest of inner alchemy. But the nature of this escape has a great deal of nuance and detail because as an uninitiated individual becomes an adept, their journey their quest to escape the archon takes them across an expanded and multifaceted road that intricately defies all ideas and rules about the nature of three dimensional space, time, and being.

To begin, as I have said, the current of inner alchemy, through their ability to see energy directly, to perceive beyond the veil of three dimensional physicality and the illusion of the new religion of the times which is referred to as rationality and common sense, knows, perceives, in a direct way that in the most fundamental sense, energetic containment which is an underlying methodology of inner alchemy, can allow an individual to break free of the bonds of the archon forever.
Through energetic containment, that is containing the energy that is given freely and innocently by the average person to the great predator, an inner alchemist can escape the archon permanently.
Such a beginning and continual act of energetic containment, which is an unrelenting focus that leads to a new individual energetic configuration, might seem like a relatively simple affair. One might think, just contain energy, that is all that is needed. But it is the case that such an unrelenting focus on energetic containment brings with it nuances and journeys that have far-reaching implications and do require in the end and increase in the complexity of inner action by the practitioner.
For example, as an inner alchemist begins this journey, they must be introduced to this powerful and all-encompassing methodology of energetic containment in a step-by-step manner, because using one of the many terms that have both obscured and revealed some of the nature of this dark titanic force, the devil as they say is in the details.
In the simplest of terms for the sake of this video, one can say that as an individual discovers the power of inner alchemy and they begin to implement the multifaceted rubric, the puzzle, of energetic containment within their lives, they begin to discover that the external world, the world that we refer to as reality, the world of the average human being, begins to affect them, matter to them, less and less.
As this unrelenting focus on the containment of energy, in order to not give up this magical essence that this vampiric force desires and feeds on, becomes more concrete in a way, becomes a life modality, becomes a new kind of configuration in the energetic body of the developing practitioner, this configuration not only changes their psychology, their internal mental and intellectual structure, it also changes their personal energetic essence and therefore there physicality as well to an ever-growing degree. We are energy, and as our energetic configuration changes, due to this ever expanding rubric of energetic containment, practitioners of inner alchemy begin to change both physically and mentally.
One could say that such an inner alchemist becomes more and more ethereal, that is freer from the three-dimensional world more and more, as the intricacy that is inner alchemy which is expressed through energetic containment and the many fold modalities and techniques of this way, become a true power in the practitioner’s life.
Such a practicing inner alchemist then begins to acquire a surplus of energy, which must I repeat must be used, redeployed, in such a way that it can allow for the greater development of such an individual as they journey away from humanity and what it is to be a three-dimensional object within the bounding walls and the many many limitations of classical mechanical space.
Again, for brevity’s sake in this particular video, such redeployment of energy by a configuration that is becoming less and less a three dimensional object through the intensity (the passing) of time, is important and perhaps the most important of these methodologies is, the art of projecting, which is the ability of the true essence of the individual, which is referred to as the ghost in the machine, to move aspects of that ghost self beyond the physical world and into new dimensions, new scapes, that allows such an individual to see directly, perceive directly, experience directly, that they are far more, that there is far more, than just the routinary reality of the average human being.
Such unrelenting focus and reconfiguration continues, and as it continues in relentless fashion the practitioner, the individual, changes and there is a point, that is very hard to define and pin down where both an external observer might ask, Is that person human?
is that person now an object, like I am an object, a body in space, or is that person a spirit, an inorganic entity?
The practitioner might even ask, am I alive? Am I a ghost?
If such an inner alchemist is no longer bound by three dimensional space and time to an increasing degree, is there a point when such an ability to defy these basic principles of what it is to be human means that this particular individual is no longer of this space? If they are no longer bound to the prison of three dimensions, are they human? Are they alive in a classical sense?
When this odd line in the sand that is nowhere in three dimensional space is crossed, in this practitioners journey down the current of inner alchemy, is there a point where this inner alchemist being no longer an object like all the other objects that surround us can be said to be no longer here, now?
If a being is free from time and free from space, in a way that sets them crucially beyond a certain demarcation point that we refer to as physicality, is this individual really here, now?
The answer, at least from an inner alchemy point of view is that they are (have become) no longer a thing and in doing so they have attained the coveted goal of inner alchemy which is the ability to break free of the three dimensionality corral that all humanity is bound to, they have broken free from the cage of the archon.
And in doing so, in breaking free, this individual no longer becomes something that can be pinned down even by such seemingly all-encompassing objective, object like, definitions and laws such as life and death.
The question as to whether a person, an individual human being, can escape the archon forever is yes, but this intricate journey that is beyond inner and outer space takes such a person so far beyond the normalcy and the routine of what it is to be human, that in breaking away from the archon they also break away from the rules that bind all of us to living and dying.
When an inner alchemist is able to break from the archon forever, they have also ripped themselves away from the ocean of humanity) and as I mention in my writings, they have gone so far and for an intensity of time that seems so long, that eventually they may stop and look back and realize that they have even left death far behind.
The intricacies of the journey of perfect and unrelenting energetic containment can be a complex one at times, and for that reason inner alchemy has often used a number of metaphors and a kind of symbolic language that has helped such practitioners in the past. But as this world moves into new phases, this old symbolism that help the inner alchemist in their journey and that also maintained the secrecy of the development of this new energetic configuration, in a time of life and death, is in my opinion at least, no longer needed at least to such a mind numbing degree.
In my writing I have therefore let go of this hidden cypher, but have kept some of the symbolism because in many ways it is still required, in order to have a way of understanding the inner map the inverted map that can take you to places where few have ever gone. In such a map for example, that leads the practitioner away from the prison of the archon there is this attempt to try to establish a line in the sand in a place beyond three dimensions, where the object like human becomes an unbound entity free from space, time, and even death. This line is referred to as crossing the seventh room of the projectionist, which as you might imagine is no easy feat, and sometimes a symbolic map can be truly helpful.
So yes, one can overcome the archon forever, and in doing so, one does not overcome just the archon but even greater forces, forces that immeasurably dwarf the simplicity of the Titan known as the archon, and allows such an intrepid adventurer and traveler to not only leave the archon far behind but to leave humanity and the life and death cycle behind as well.

We look in any direction and we see walls.
We look into the horizon and our eyes see a finite kind of termination to what is supposed to be infinite space; sort of like being stuck inside a snow globe.
We are told that this is the end of us,
that our eyes, our senses, can perceive only so far; that we have a limit and that this is it.
In our fiction we are told that something may be taking from us; that our power is being sucked from us… But what if we are the ones trapping ourselves?
What is the power the traps us within walls, within the cube of rationality? Who is the master, as the Zen koan goes, the makes the grass green?
It is us says the fighter. It is the secret King in us… Corrupted by the darkest cloud.
The fight is not with something Out There, it is in us!
The inner alchemist fights this fight,
it is a fight for the only thing worthy of us… Individuality and total freedom.


The fight is not Out There somewhere, it is inside of us. As I have told you over and over again in many of my books, the out there is not really Out There, it is only an illusion of perception, an illusion based on the rational conception of reality. The Out There is really inside of us, this is why the wave that I belong to is referred to as INNER alchemy, it is not the way of the Puffer, it is not the way of rationality and the illusion that endlessly traps us within a cage of external walls and hard objects.
To go within is to go without, this is the great secret.

My belief and the belief of the many others in a similar reality tunnel as my own, has always been that the biggest problem facing humanity is its inability to realize that we can be, that is we have access to, the possibility of being far more perceptually flexible.


And moreover, that such understanding and the use of this perceptual flexibility would solve a great deal of the current crisis that face humanity, because our perceptual perspective is HIGHLY limited.


This is so because the true problem for us as a species, lies in the fact that we are headed towards a great apocalyptic change, and that such a change, because of the rapidity of this change, which is implied then by the term apocalyptic, will continue to cause a great deal of human suffering, and will expand such suffering into areas that had hitherto been exempt from the massive and quick change that is now going on in most of the world; in other words the current global crises will increase and move into more and more stable areas.


But this fight against the coming tides is not a physical fight, it is not even an environmental one; what this fight is all about, whether some realize it or not, is a massive dogmatic fight of sorts, it is a fight between perceptive angles, that is perceptive reality points, angles; it is a Psychic War!


But this perceptive change, this apocalyptic divergence in perspective points of view, has been and will continue to be hijacked by an external power that pits human against human, creating battles between extremes of stupidity, instead of the balanced commingling of perceptively stable, that is logically accurate, points of order and contention that are meant to move the race forward in a positive way through time.


Make no mistake, this current war, and indeed it is a war, is a war that is really fought in the inner realms, in the collective subjective mass conscious of every human being on the planet. And it is here that we must engage it and struggle with it, not only for the mass of the world but for our own individual salvation.


In the immortal words of Blue Oyster Cult:

‘’you’re seeing now a veteran of a thousand psychic wars,

I’ve been living on the edge so long, where the winds of limbo roar.

And I’m young enough to look at, and far too old to see,

all the scars are on the inside.

I’m not sure that there’s anything left to me.’’