Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Some people might say, and I would personally agree, that the world is a little bit Mad. And it is good to start carefully, certainly it might be slightly frivolous to say that we are the sane ones, while it is the rest of the world that is truly crazy. Indeed, to think such unbalanced thoughts might be a form of insanity after all.

But, from a point of great sobriety, could we say, that the world is, well, bonkers? And that is the odd bit really, either I am insane, you are insane for thinking the world is insane as I do, or the rest of the world is the truly mad one. And if we are all bubbles as they say, if it is a mad little world, perhaps if we have not gone bubbles ourselves already, maybe we should start on a journey towards our own version of crazy, because whatever we do, we are already living in utter lunacy.

The question then becomes, are there benefits to further insanity? Is there a little bit of a silver lining, to be ever so slightly more mad?

I am being slightly cheeky. But do not judge me too harshly, at least so early in my rant. Because hidden in this mad outburst lies wisdom of an unsuspected kind. And this bit of reality-check has to do with inner alchemy, and the hard won lessons of old sorcerers, that discovered very long ago, that the world in the end, that oh so real and supposedly hard as rocks and low lying furniture world out there, well, that world, is merely a point of view, a point of cognition.

It is likely that you have heard the story of the Emperor’s new clothes. In that story, none can supposedly see, but all pretend to see the emperors stylish new gown. The story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a hilarious tale about an emperor who is obsessed with his wardrobe. Two cunning weavers convince the emperor that they can make him the finest robe, but the catch is that the clothes are only visible to those who are intelligent and competent. The emperor, not wanting to appear foolish, pretends to see the clothes, as do his advisors and the townspeople. In the end, a child blurts out that the emperor is actually naked, and everyone realizes the absurdity of the situation. The story humorously highlights the theme of authenticity and the fear of appearing foolish. It’s a witty reminder that sometimes the truth is plain to see, even if it’s not what we want to believe.

Now, this is a story of consensual pressure, supposedly. From it you are supposed to get a rather sober idea of just how weighty and foolish the power of conformity can be. But here is a secret, a crazy little secrets, all hidden in there in that simple child’s story. And what the story does not go into, perhaps this is a little too much for a simple story meant for children, but what it does not go into, what it dared not say perhaps, is that the townspeople in that kingdom that did not see the Emperor’s new clothes at first, did in time, with a little pressure from all of the other pretenders around them, did in fact, in time, begin to see, to really see, the Emperor’s new clothes.

This is a terrible secret, kind of hilarious really in a nutter kind of way I suppose. And that secret is that, the townspeople in the story were mad before the con-men, the weavers, arrived. All the people in that kingdom were mad, just like all the people in this world are mad…whether we want to admit it to ourselves or not.

Incredibly, there was, and there now is, a level of madness in all of us. And this is because we all see, to differing degree, that which we are supposed to see instead of what actually is!

In the story, some people saw the Emperor’s new clothes right off, they didn’t even have to be prompted, that is how in sync they were to the crazy of the times. It was real for them, as real as punch, because the greatest authority in the land declared this so by merely acting in a certain way, and there was no questioning such authority. Others, saw snippets, a cuff here, nickers over there, the robe was starting to appear for them. Others saw nothing at all but waited patiently to finally see what they were supposed to see. They knew that in time the world would change for them, that they would finally see.

And that is the state of our world really, our madness is not black-and-white, here or there kind of thing. It is not a yes or no situation, no matter how much our brain likes to simplify things. It is instead the case that our insanity is in degrees. But of greatest concern, the really important slice in all of this, at least for a deeply mad old sorcerer like my loony self anyway, is that the range of that insanity in the world is so very one directional. Human insanity is, quite simply, so uniform, that one could say that for all intents and purpose, it is, a herding mechanism.

So, insanity is rampant in the world, and the insanity in people is by degrees. Some see the emperors new clothes as distinctly as you see your fingers in front of your face. Others see part of it and call themselves silly for not seeing the whole picture. A few see nothing but expect to see it very soon, and hardly any at all even question the madness. But the crazy thing, the interesting thing, the thing that very few talk about ever, even if they notice the rampant insanity of the world, is that human insanity seems to flow in a very specific direction. And in the end, all that one could say is that human insanity seems to be a kind of herding instinct. If the Emperor says that he has new clothes that are invisible and only the intelligent can see, then the herd will see. If the Emperor says that he can fly every time he has the hiccups, then such an assertion instantly becomes fact.

This means that from an individuals point of view, to be a loony of a slightly different kind is most difficult, possibly even dangerous. The world at large practices a kind of homogeneous insanity that is difficult to stand against or overcome because of the sheer scale of the crazy conformity.

But the crazy part, the part that will drive you bonkers thankfully, if you are not loony already, is that since the world is insane in a very conformist kind of way, to be a lunatic of a different variety can have some great benefits if you can manage it safely.

Just like the young boy that refused to see the Emperor’s new clothes, and saw things for what they were, or were not in that case, the way of inner alchemy, is the way of going against the great weight of that mad kind of conformity. By doing so you can see new things. By being a different kind of lunatic you can relieve some of the great weight of this world, find an odd kind of peace, and see, for the first time perhaps, begin to truly see, a different kind of truth.

Let me repeat that in hopefully more understandable gobbledygook. The way of inner alchemy, is the way of going slightly more mad, and on certain occasions completely mad indeed. But mad in your own way, a new way as far away as possible from the conformist madness of society.

The mass of the world sees the emperor’s new clothes to some degree. Some see parts of that new robe that the emperor is wearing, hopefully the knickers at least, but not all of it. Others see it all, perfectly, every bejeweled part of that new robe that the king is wearing. For them it is striking and beautiful and beyond doubt. But whatever the case, whether they do not see and pretend to see, or whether they see it in all its splendor, just like you see the many walls all around you now, the mass of the world is in that sense mad. And, unfortunately, unlike the story, some small child won’t save this planet by screaming out the obvious truth. Instead, you must plan your own individual escape. You must plan for your own individual kind of madness.

This is the escape of the inner alchemist. Since the world is quite mad to whatever conformist degree, then, in such a crazy and mad world, the only truly sane thing to do is to go mad yourself, but in a non-conformist way. You must go mad in your own unique way, well and far away from the herd mind.

You must go mad in a way that turns the robe invisible again, as opposed to visible. You must become so mad indeed, that in time you can turn all the walls and barriers around you ethereal, as opposed to solid and unyielding. Your lunacy must make those walls and that robe so invisible and ethereal, that you can just walk away and past all of the shackles of this place.

And I just bet, that you are one of those odd little lunatics. I see you out there sometimes with that crazy little glint in your eye. I marvel at the sight of you as you take step after step in this crazy world, the courage of you, the sheer audacity. You out there, who are so much more courageous then you realize, I revel and I marvel at the sheer existence of you.

Starting today, my courageous brethren, give yourself a break, give yourself a little selfish gift. Take a hint from this old devil and as the greatest band on earth once put it, go ever so slightly mad!

Look up to the sky, then look down at the world and say those magical words, who cares!

Like the fool in the tarot, stepping off into oblivion with that deer caught in the headlights look on his face, take a step into indifferent oblivion. Dissociate from the madness of this place, and go mad in a different way. Believe me, you won’t regret it.

Smile at it, relax in the face of it. Let it go, let it do itself. Step outside of it, care nothing for it, for anything, just smile and forget the self that’s supposed to care so much about everything. There might be gum stuck on the bottom of your shoe, the sky might be falling, super intelligent robots might take over the world at any moment, and you just remembered that you forgot to pay off your credit card. Well, say who gives a fig about that!

Who gives a blunt about it. Go ever so slightly mad my courageous and wonderful friend. Give me that gift. For a little bit forget to see the Emperors new clothes. Oh, but do not let them know that you cannot see it, that supposedly wonderful robe, those supposedly protective walls. Act as if you are just as insane, I mean rational and lucid, as everyone else. But deep down inside, deep down in places where they at least for now cannot see just yet. There, in that place that is yours alone, just go on the bonkers. Smile your lunatic smile and say to all the walls and authority of this mad little world, who cares!

If you would like to know more about the madness of this world and how to overcome it, I recommend the book, Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy.

And remember, as Bob, your uncle, once said, and I paraphrase, who gives a fig if they can’t take a joke!

There are many people who have wondered about the Great Archon and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Within the bounds of this titanic force, where do the Ascended Masters and reptilians stand in relation to other beings? Some may understand that the situation is complex and cannot be easily reduced to a simple good versus evil. However, they may seek to gain a deeper understanding of the nature of this force and its hierarchy. They may ask questions such as: Are our primary adversaries human or alien in origin? Is this force predominantly composed of alien or human entities?

And I must start by pointing out that the greatest realization possible for us is to finally discover for ourselves that the world is not simply divided into black-and-white, good and evil. In our quest to understand the forces that oppose us, it is all too easy to become lost in our search for some elusive truth that we believe is essential to our survival. We think that if we only knew this one thing, then we could finally conquer this world and our life situation. Unfortunately, sometimes knowing the truth of some things can be a bigger curse than anything else because such revelations, when they are truly taken seriously, can be so grandiose and overwhelming that they make us feel powerless. The curse of powerlessness is perhaps the greatest curse of all.

Yet I understand the nature of your questions and your desire to know the full extent of what we are up against. If it is your wish to know so that you can gain the power and knowledge necessary to confront these foes, I must point out that we do indeed have the power to confront any such foes. We are not powerless. As such, I would highly recommend my book “Overcoming the Archon through Alchemy”. In this book, you will not only find great truths but also how to fight back and overcome these forces that seem so overwhelming when they are finally revealed to us.

Now, from the perspective of inner alchemy, and I speak only from this perspective and do not presume to speak for others or their beliefs. From our perspective, the world is generally a predatory place. This means that we cannot rely on any group or individual, be they ascended masters or otherwise. The best course of action is to discover our own truth and learn to play a strategic game. This involves strengthening our position in the present by learning to see, to use our inner senses to perceive energy directly, and work with awareness and energy once these new senses have been perfected. When we have mastered this skill, we can begin to let go of the dogma and beliefs of the world, and instead focus on discovering our own truth, which may differ from that of others. This is why I always emphasize the importance of technique over dogma, in the hope that you will learn to see for yourself and discover your own path.

Once we can perceive energy directly, we can see that there is no sanctuary for us except that which we create for ourselves.

And yet, we are beings that are graceful, that is we live in a state of grace. There are many ways to define what being in a state of grace means, but fundamentally in the context of this discussion, it means that we are multidimensional beings. I repeat we are multidimensional beings, we are powerful, we are graceful.

Some of us live entire lifetimes from beginning to end being told that we are nothing more than objects, meat machines, living in an object filled world. We are basically told that we are a thing living amongst other things and the nature of our multidimensional reality may be suspected but it can never be fully confirmed. As such people live lives of quiet desperation as they somehow try to get ahead using a very limited set of laws and powers that tried to enforce the idea that they are just things, objects, surrounded in a world full of objects. But we are so much more than this!

So we must never forget that we are multidimensional beings, that we are graceful. This basically means that even in this predatory place we have many inherent resources, and it is my hope to not just reveal the nature of reality to you, leaving you feeling powerless, but also giving you the techniques needed to overcome these challenges, and that is why I recommend the book I mentioned.

So, getting to the root of your questions, there are indeed ascended Masters, reptilian-like beings, as well as light beings and a host of other entities that fit within the greater structure of reality. However, it would be wrong to assume that these beings fight some kind of black-and-white battle with the good guys on one side and the bad guys on the other. The world is far more complicated than this and even though from a certain perspective it is easier to see things this way, as your awareness expands you must begin to perceive greater nuance.

This is a difficult point of view to understand but the general idea here is that any force or any seeming entity or individual that is trying to tell you what to do, is in essence controlling you and is therefore something that has its own agenda. A true light being let us say or ascended Master, will be very careful about putting different possibilities before you, hopefully positive possibilities, but will not, even in the gravest of issues, try to force your hand. Individual freedom and spontaneous personal and individual development are paramount in all things. The unfortunate truth is that even in suffering there is growth, as long as that experience is of an individual nature where that person realizes that all that they have done is the result of their focus of attention, their ability to work with energy.

So, in that sense then, an ascended Master would provide possibilities, teach technique or methodology that could be tried, but they would not force any kind of action, any kind of dogmatic position. Yes, it is the case that an ascended Master might pull the curtain back to reveal a greater truth so that others might see for themselves the totality of all that is going on, but in the end they cannot force any issue because anything aside from this would mean that they are not in essence ascended Masters but instead just forces with their own agenda.

From this perspective, the Ascended Masters often described by many people are, in some ways, similar to the reptilians they also describe. Both Ascended Masters and reptilians have their own desires and motivations, their own agenda. Nothing is ever free in this world. It is up to each individual to decide whether to engage with these beings or to forge their own path. I will try to clarify what I mean here:

Ascended Masters are generally described as spiritually enlightened beings who have transcended the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. They are believed to have reached a higher plane of existence from which they can assist and guide humanity in its spiritual evolution. Some believe that these beings were once ordinary humans but, through a series of spiritual transformations known as initiations, they have achieved a state of enlightenment. Many in the esoteric field believe that Ascended Masters act as teachers and guides, helping individuals on their path towards enlightenment and aiding the human race in its destined evolution.

Are such beings real?

Yes, they are real, at least from the perspective of inner alchemy. I must emphasize that this is solely my viewpoint as an inner alchemist. It is my fervent hope that you will use the techniques I teach, or any other techniques that work for you, to discover your own truth.

So, from my perspective as an inner alchemist, these beings do exist and there is even a hierarchy among them, and this is very important. This hierarchy is determined by the extent to which they are still interested in the earthly plane – that is, how much they are still invested in the material aspects of this earthly realm.

Regrettably, I must resort to words to convey my meaning, and within the confines of language it is helpful to conceptualize the hierarchy of masters as a ladder of ascension, with each rung representing a higher level of detachment from the earthly realm. The higher one ascends, the less desire one has for the particular game that is being played here. The less interest one has on the board or the game pieces on the board the higher the ascension in a way. I hope you understand what I am trying to say here.

The hierarchy of Ascended Masters operates within a dynamic flow, striving to provide humanity with information and possibilities while remaining as detached from the game, like a multidimensional chess board, as possible. Anything other than this would undermine their ascension, as it could easily devolve into a form of control. Thus, the hierarchy is a complex network of individuals who have ascended to varying degrees and who work towards expanding possibilities without interfering with humanity’s free will.

Those lower on the ladder of ascension are tasked with more direct contact with humanity. Through these interactions, they provide information and possibilities, sometimes revealing what lies behind the curtain while doing their utmost not to interfere with the overall game. This is a great challenge for an Ascended Master, and if they are able to fulfill their role effectively – that is, if they can provide enlightenment and possibilities without getting in the way or allowing any lingering attachment to the material board to influence their actions – then they themselves can ascend further. In their new, more elevated position, they will work on different aspects of our shared multidimensional reality.

At the highest levels of ascension, these beings are responsible for the very essence of all that we perceive. Again, I must resort to words to convey this concept, which can be problematic, but you could think of these highly ascended Masters as great composers or conductors who create the very essence and various aspects of the grand symphony that is our multidimensional reality.

What are the reptilians?

The term “Reptilians” can hold various connotations, depending on the context in which it is employed. In one particular interpretation, Reptilians are postulated to be an extraterrestrial species that came to Earth during the epoch of the ancient Sumerians. According to certain sources, these beings are from another planet or another dimension and journeyed to Earth, where they established their presence. It is said that they possess a cold and calculating nature, devoid of any human warmth or compassion. Their purported objective is to subjugate humanity and transform our species into a race of slaves, much like the numerous other civilizations they are believed to have conquered and oppressed.

From the perspective of inner alchemy, beings of this nature do indeed exist. However, it is challenging to describe them accurately because just like ascended masters there is a hierarchy to them. When people think of reptilians or similar beings, they often blend many different concepts. One of the greatest difficulties in attempting to describe these beings and their existence lies in reconciling individual perceptions of physicality and reality.

Defining physicality is as challenging as trying to describe these beings. Generally speaking, we might say that physicality refers to something that can be perceived by our physical senses. Furthermore, our senses operate within a specific frequency range, so physicality could be said to encompass anything that exists within that frequency range. Finally, for something to be considered fully physical, it must be perceived consistently and equally – that is, more than one person must be able to perceive it and that perception must be persistent. Those interested in this topic may wish to research the hundredth monkey effect and morphogenic fields.

Reptilians are real, they are as real as a table you might stub your toe on. But their true power lies in the fact that they are also multidimensional beings. But unlike humanity, they know the nature and the power of this multi-dimensionality, and they have the possibility of entering it fully, meaning that they can seemingly be physical at times while other times being nonphysical.

At certain points in space and time, they may meet all the criteria for physicality mentioned above. At other times, they may not. To try to convey this concept, I have used the metaphor of a game board with many different forces competing against one another. I have also introduced the idea of a hierarchy, where proximity to the board and attachment to its material aspects determine one’s position within the hierarchy.

We humans tend to view ourselves as bound to the board, mere pieces in the game. Yet as I have stated, we are actually in a state of grace – we are graceful beings, as multidimensional as any of the other actors on the board. Our problem lies in our inability to see ourselves as anything other than pawns when in reality we are so much more.

Humanity at the moment is just barely beginning to understand the first three dimensions of the board, and some might say that they are also just beginning to understand the fourth dimension which we could define as time. And yet there are so many more dimensions to work with and it is within these dimensions that the true battle lies for us, and it is within these higher dimensions where true freedom and power are also accessible.

To try to understand reptilians and ascended masters we must realize that there are additional dimensions to this board, and while entities that exist in dimensions beyond the third may interact with the lower dimensions, they also have the ability to transcend them. Their power is defined by the number of dimensions they can traverse.

Just as I described the ascension of the Masters, there are also other forces that ascend alongside them. Some of these forces may be considered benevolent, while others may be perceived as malevolent. The difficulty with words comes when we for example imagine that ascension means goodness from the perspective of humanity. But ascension, at least within the context of this video, means expansion of awareness and the ability to move beyond the third dimension. As more dimensions are perceivable and as you are able to work within those higher dimensions, an expansion of awareness happens. Some forces and beings use that expanded awareness in a certain manner while others use it in a different way. Some beings look for expansion while other beings look for constriction. There must be balance and the nature of that balance is dependent upon the dimensions that you are bound to. Another way to say this would be to say that the nature of those balancing forces is directly related to what dimension you happen to find yourself in.

This is a complex game with many dimensions. At its highest levels, there are entities and beings that look down upon this little board and laugh. There are even higher forces that do not perceive the board at all and may inadvertently step on it, much as we might step on ants as we cross the street.

This is a challenging topic for people to understand, and I apologize if my bluntness at times seems cold. However, in revealing what lies behind the curtain, it is important for me to make certain points as clear as possible. But in saying all this, please remember what I said earlier: we are not mere pawns on a board. We are truly multidimensional beings ourselves, and our task at this moment is to work with awareness and energy in order to ascend to higher dimensional frequencies. But again, this is just one way of describing this concept using words. Words can be misleading if taken too rigidly, and it is my responsibility to always remind you of this.

You have been given possibilities – use them wisely.

The way of the inner alchemist can sometimes be a difficult thing to understand for the average person. I for example, have said that there is a kind of battle going on, and I have said that such a battle is not out there somewhere, but that it is actually within. I have said that the fight, is in us!

We are all individuals, and as such we all have the right to our own opinion, and it is certainly the case that there are many many people that do not agree with such a stance, and may find the way of inner alchemy sort of like being Sisyphus, in that you seem to be rolling a giant rock up a hill for no good reason at all.

Some may say that there is no battle, no fight. They may also say that there is no within, no ‘in us’ as it were, because they only trust their physical senses and cannot believe that anything else is possible but the corporeal. Some may even say that there is no within or without, perhaps believing in some kind of philosophy or theology that tells them that this is so.

We are all individuals, and we all have the right to have our own beliefs. The way of inner alchemy though insists that you try to let go of all beliefs in a sense, and begin to trust an inner aspect of yourself, something that can be nurtured, something I have referred to as the inner senses, or the inner feeling sense.

Once you can do that, once you can use this inner feeling sense, once you have been able to nurture it within yourself, grow it and allow it to expand, you can then begin to let go of all beliefs ‘in a way’, and only know what you know at every moment point in accordance with those inner senses alone.

Once you can do this, then you may indeed find that for you there is no fight at all, that for you there is no in here or out there. But it is critical that such eventual beliefs, that you may have as an individual, are acquired through your own use of the inner feeling sense and not through the blind belief in what might be popular, the ‘in thing’, at any particular point in time.

But in accordance with my seeing, my use of the inner feeling sense, which aligns with my current, the way of inner alchemy, well, for us there is indeed a battle out there, a fight for those that are willing to fight it, for the fighters. And that fight is a fight against a kind of binding force that compels us, that pushes us, into believing that all we are is what we can perceive through the physical senses alone.

Through my ability to see, through my ability to use my inner feeling sense that I have nurtured, I am constantly telling people the same thing about the illusion of within and without. Most often I’m saying that to go within is to go without, as there is no real border ‘let us say’ between one or the other, and that they are ‘both’ an illusion.

But why would I then say that there is a fight, and that that fight is in us?

I do this because I must begin at the beginning, and that means that I must always take into account the world that we all share for the moment, this material world. I must first begin from that beginning and explain how the illusion of the external senses happens, and how our complete reliance on just the outer senses, binds us to greater possibilities beyond them. And then from there, after making that point, I must show techniques, I must show the way towards ‘inner’ action, true and workable techniques that can allow you to go beyond, truly beyond, the binding force of the outer senses.
There is therefore a time for definition in accordance to the way of material space, a time for explanations using a language and a phenomenology that we all understand, and a time to do and act in the world.
In order to act, at least in order for me to define techniques that will allow someone to act, to partake in action of any kind (whether you wish to define it as inner or outer), I must define and refine the possibilities available to human beings, and how it is best to use those abilities to move beyond, to actually be able to ‘see’ in a direct manner, and in that way for them to perceive for themselves how it is that the inner and the outer ‘are’ an illusion.

This basically means that I must use the words, the phrases, the idioms, and the basic general understanding of the times to show the limits of the outer senses, to shock the system through such revelations, and then to show actual workable techniques that can allow you as an individual to go beyond just the outer senses, and to begin to use the inner senses yourself.

In this way you as an individual can begin to truly understand for yourself and by yourself the illusion of the inner and the outer, not just as dogma, not just as words on a web-page, but as an actual thing, a real thing for you directly, and not just as some intellectual, quoting what you have read in some book.
And the only way to be able to do that is to work and define technique, using logical clarity, so that your attention can move forward, can move forward in what could be referred to as lucid motion, which is actually a movement by the self in all directions simultaneously. And those directions are not within or without, because the understanding and perception of within and without is an illusion.

As to there not being a fight, well that is up to every individual to decide to believe one way or the other. If you feel that the world is perfect for you and it is moving forward in the direction that you think is best, then there is nothing for you to do, you can just float along and be who you feel you are.

Inner alchemists believe that who you think you are, who we all think we are, is not who we truly are, that we are far more than this. They believe that there is a fight worth fighting for, and that fight may look like Sisyphus rolling a giant boulder uphill to some, but to them it is the only fight worth fighting. It is the fight to discover who we truly are, and what we are truly capable of, that indeed we are far more capable than we could ever imagine, that there are entire other worlds out there, or in here if you will, calling for us, beckoning us to break out of that cube that contains us, so that we may truly see the wonder of our life, and the incredible possibilities available to us. This is the way of the fighter; this is the way of Lucid motion.
And what could that Lucid motion revealed to us?

Well, it will reveal to us the true nature of reality, something that is only possible for those that can learn to see, those that fight to go beyond the physical senses, those that fight the fight within them to learn to use the inner feeling sense. What will be revealed to those fighters in a lucid way, in a conscious way, is the nature of the life and death cycle. The life-and-death cycle is a true understanding of what life is for us, what death is, and what it is to be stuck in a kind of energetic eddy.

The only conscious observer of the life and death cycle is a seer, the individual that fights for the ability to use the inner feeling sense, to use the inner senses to see beyond the containment cube of the material world. To anyone else, to the average person, life is at best a short affair of relative suffering in accordance to how much material possession they may acquire or have access to. The average person only experiences a short life and a relatively short death as their consciousness wakes up to itself at some point in their existence (to a relative degree) and then physically dies. I say wakes up to a relative degree because the average person also forgets, we all forget, the nature of the gravity of this earth is that we forget, and our attention is such that one is hard pressed to say that we are truly conscious most of the time. Most of us are lost in a kind of endless daydream, where we forget who we were from one daydream to the next.

So, to the average person, the life-and-death cycle is watching the people around us grow old and then pass away, that is all. Unless we are willing to fight against the binding forces of our existence, what we experience is mostly a dull understanding of an aging process, pain, joy, forgotten memories, and an angst that tells us that we have somehow been here before, and that there could be more than this, that there is this possibility, this feeling in the back of your mind, that you are more than this, that there is more to us than this.

For the seer this life and what comes after it, is a true discovery, an energetic fact beyond rational measure.

You are so much more than what your physical senses are telling you that you are. There is an infinity within you, that is really without. You are a magical being that has the ability to transcend all the limits that the physical world has imposed upon you, that the physical world demands that you adhere to.

We are here in this magical place, in this magical time, and ‘here now’ we face the greatest challenge possible for beings like us. You are worthy of that challenge, there is so much more to us!

But to understand the true magic within you, you must be willing to fight that good fight. And that fight is not out there, it is not a material fight, it is not anything to do with what the material world is telling you. The real fight is actually within, it is in a place beyond the understanding of the physical senses, a place that may best be termed an inner place that leads to dimensions unbound by physical rulers of any kind.

To understand the nature of this battle you must begin from the physical, you must begin at the beginning, understanding at first in a physical way, using physical terms such as inner and outer. Through such helpful inventory, learn about technique and about the general way of that fight. To that end I would highly recommend to you the book, overcoming the Archon through alchemy.

Once you begin to know technique yourself, and begin to use those inner senses yourself, that inner feeling sense, then expand outwardly, and when you are ready for it, and believe me you will need to be ready for it because the energetic truth of things is the most powerful pill of them all. But when you are ready, then I would highly recommend that you take the next step and read the book, The Way of the Death Defier.

Allow this book to break a part of you, by revealing the true nature of the life-and-death cycle in accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy. Through that crack in your psyche that the book attempts to create, step through it and learn to use all the techniques mentioned, pursue the nature of your personal and individual energetic truth, your truth. The fight is in us. Learn to fight the only fight worthy of you!

I was asked:

I have difficulty maintaining my truth, these truths are fragile, and the truth of the other enters my head and I feel blocked, I even have trouble reasoning. Is there a defense?


My response was as follows:

This is a problem that we all have, and one that not too many people contemplate. What we think of as being our mind is often the mind of the collective, the mob mind that we all share as humans on this planet, and that mind is ruled, indeed fashioned, by the Archon!


But there is the possibility of finding your own you, the individual you. This individual you IS connected to the group mind, to all the many beliefs/memes, thoughts, emotions, fads of the time and of other times. But if you can learn to identify the real you underneath all of that noise, it is actually incredible to watch and feel all of these foreign thoughts, ideas, and impulses go through you. It feels like tides breaking against you and washing past you endlessly, freeing you from the collective.


To find your individual you, you have to pay more attention to your own mind; not try desperately to turn it off, or to pay attention to the outside world and the present only instead of what is going through it. You have to pay more attention to your mind, so that you can ‘tame it’ and put it in its place. It is really hard to do this at first because our attention span is short for the most part, and we tend to get lost in our thoughts in the same way that we fall asleep in our dreams. But if you just watch all of the thoughts, emotions, ideas, memories, feelings, images, etc., that are going across your mind all the time, you can eventually begin to see that underneath all of this. You can begin to see that there is a watcher, a being that is watching all of this, even watching you trying to watch yourself.


The watcher is the real you! Well, it is the individual part of you, the part that can learn to take action and do things independently of the mob mind, the part that can look for truths and see them over and over so that it does not forget who it is, it is the part of you that is free and an individual being.


Try to pay attention to all of the thoughts and impulses that go through your mind during the course of your day. Then slowly try to pay more and more attention to the part of you that is trying to pay attention to itself; pay attention to the watcher that is watching itself… Even watching itself watch itself.


There are many mysteries here, contemplate this fully.