Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Being in a leadership position can be quite difficult if you are too stiff. I have personally seen people in leadership positions that seem to be stuck in a fight or flight state continually. What I mean by this is that I have seen people in leadership positions that seem to be in an incredibly nervous and apprehensive state all the time. If you look at these people, they tend to shiver like a nervous poodle and they take any small thing as an affront to them personally. A person in this kind...
Interaction with others is very difficult to plan. People are dynamic beings and it is very difficult to completely direct the course of a personal interaction. Talking to others can be a difficult thing for some people, they lack confidence and believe that they will make fools of themselves by saying the wrong thing. Even people that are quite adept at talking to others can sometimes run into difficulty when the conversation goes in a completely odd direction. The best way to overcome these...
In all facets of life is always a good idea to have a contingency plan. You must try and get yourself into the habit of always thinking ahead. In this way you can plan one step ahead and therefore be prepared for anything or anyone that might come along. Eventually you will want to increase the steps ahead that you can plan and just like a chess master you can be three or four steps ahead of your competition. It is very seldom that things go perfectly. No matter how hard we try to come up wit...
In order to become successful in life you must be willing to assert yourself. The ability to be assertive is very important because it allows us to make your intentions known and well understood. Without this ability you end up being dominated by others and by the environment around you. Assertiveness is usually a tricky topic because it can be seen by some as being overtly forceful or in some ways manipulative. Assertiveness though is positive action manifesting itself through strong persona...
You must learn to be as flexible as possible when you’re trying to accomplish your goals. Life is a very difficult thing to predict. This is so because life is not a closed system; what this means is that random events and random things can be introduced into it at any time. If you are not able to predict something then it is very wise to always remember to stay flexible so that you can change in accordance with changing circumstance. Always remember to hold your goals lightly. Never pu...
Leaders always work with their people. A leader must always be able to collaborate with all of the members of his or her team. He must be able to use their resources well, and to make sure that everyone is working as a cohesive unit. A leader shows teamwork and cohesive action by example; he makes sure that he shows others that he is a team player and that he respects what every single person in his team has to bring to the table. A leader must always make full use of his resources. His great...
Life is all about making choices. The wonderful thing about life is that we choose most of the things that we will experience. Some might say that we consciously choose, whether we realize it or not, all the experiences of our lives. Whatever the case may be it is true that we constantly need to make choices and some of these choices can be very hard. If you do find it hard to make some choices, there are certain techniques that can help you. Something that does help right off the bat is to a...
Leaders must always confront things in the most diplomatic way possible. When you are a leader you are in the spotlight and as such must always be careful in how you act and what you say. As a leader you must take full responsibility of all your actions because these actions will be intensely scrutinized by all the people around you. A leader must never attack his people. Many believe that because they are in a leadership position they can treat others any way they want. The exact opposite is...
Life is risk. We can definitely minimize the amount of risk that we experience in our lives but if we pursue this line of action too much we can end up with lives that are stale and boring. Risk is a natural result of being alive; since it is impossible for us to know every single possibility, since we cannot predict the future, any action that we take involves some kind of risk. Always be willing to be a risk taker. If you stop taking risks, in many ways he stopped living. Since risk is a na...
Always try to build alliances. An alliance is a cooperative venture that you make with someone else or a group of others. This cooperative venture allows you to accomplish things that you are not able to do on your own and to overcome barriers far more easily. In alliance should always be a win-win scenario. Whenever you make an alliance with another group or individual, make sure that you are always in a win-win scenario. Of course you always want to align yourself in such a way that you are...
You must never forget that you are the most important person in your life. Some, especially parents, would disagree with this statement but the fact of the matter remains that if you do not treat yourself well or consider your own needs first, you might not be around long enough to take care of those that you really care for. Since you are at this moment looking out at the world from within yourself, using your senses in an outward fashion, you could really say that you are at the center of t...
As a leader you must be perfectly clear about the fact that you have to tell other people what to do. Leadership basically means that you set the course; this means that you are the one that says where you and your team will go and what you and your team will do to get there. Since you are the head of a group, team, or organization, you are the one in charge of giving orders and making sure that others do as you say. Good leaders never command through fear. Any leader that believes that he ca...
Great leaders always pay great attention to the people that they are dealing with. Every interaction no matter how small or large requires full focus and attention. Leaders do not take things for granted, they realized that the only way to win is to never overestimate or underestimate either the situation or the people before you. Every interaction then is a kind of battle, where full attention must be given. By concentrating fully on the other person, leaders are able to correctly assess wha...
A good leader needs to simplify the message. It is most important that as a leader you are understood perfectly, and that you make your message as clear as possible. You will not be able to get others to do what you want and unless your messages is simple and clearly stated. Others will also not pay attention to you if your message is hard to follow and difficult to understand. Influence is most important to a leader. The most important precept of influence is the ability to capture attention...
In order to be a leader, you must act like a leader. It is possible that you could find yourself in the position of leadership, but you truly will not be a leader until you begin to act like one. Leadership is a difficult and challenging role and must be given great consideration or else you will fail. It is possible that you are now a leader because you own business or you have been assigned a task by your superiors. If this is the case, it is most important that you consider deeply how it i...
If you are constantly dealing with people, or if you find that you are having difficulty dealing with others, it is a very good idea for you to develop your charisma. Natural charisma is a talent that some people have in dealing with others, it helps them to be liked and to usually get what they want with little resistance. Those that do have natural charisma are lucky, but you can also develop charisma on your own with a little effort on your part. Putting in a little effort to develop your ...
Persuasion is an incredibly powerful ability.  It is the ability to be able to get others to do what you want them to do.  Or to be more specific; it is the conscious act of getting someone to do what you want them to do. Through persuasion you are able to get others to focus on you exclusively.  You can focus their attention so that you become the center of their world.  This attention can be conscious or unconscious, the difference being that the person that you are trying to persuade is ei...
Always learn the rules of every game.  Every game has certain rules, and it’s very important that you learn then before you start to play. Learning the rules starts by learning what you are playing for.  In every game there has to be an objective, and this objective needs to be learned before you waste any energy and time. This objective is very important because it will show you which way you have to go and give you a clue as to how hard the competition will be.  Knowing the objective will a...
There is no need to explain yourself to others. The time that you waste trying to explain yourself and your motives to others can be better spent focusing on your desired outcome. I have mentioned before that there is a natural need in other people to control situations and things, it is therefore expected that others will feel that you have to explain yourself to them. Don’t let others intimidate you into having to explain yourself to them. Since most of us grew up with parents or parental l...
Your physiology is an incredible indicator of your mental state. It is possible that you have read or heard something about the incredible correlation between your body and your mind. If you watch shows like “the mentalists” or “Lie to me”, you will see the protagonist do amazing things just by watching and manipulating body language. It is nearly impossible to separate body action and reaction from mental focus. When you are depressed for example, you hunch over, look down, and tend to frown...