Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
I would like to share with you an exercise that I like to call, “Happy Calisthenics”. Sometimes it is very difficult to break a sad mood or a depressive state. Anyone who has found him/herself in the throes of a large depression, knows that stopping this kind of nasty blue state can be almost impossible. Most just opt to wait it out in the hopes that if they are patient enough it will go away. The problem is that waiting around for these depressive states can be a bad thing. Often you make th...
How positive do you feel about the things in your life? Most people tend to believe that they are very positive but they seldom take stock of their own thoughts. They figure that since they feel alright, then things must be fine. And fine for many is basically positive. There is a big difference though between feeling fine and alright and being positive and happy. If you are pretty good at ignoring your mind or have such a busy life that you are seldom conscious of your own thoughts, you tend...
Have you ever noticed that kids can have a good time anywhere, they don’t need very much really. As long as you let then go and don’t try to micromanage them, they will soon be lost in some wonderful mental adventure and the smiles are soon flowing. Wouldn’t it be great if you could do something like that yourself? To be able to see the magic and the wonder in just about anything? This is perhaps childhoods greatest strength, but as we grow we tend to lose that ability; to freely imagine and ...
It is sometimes hard to comprehend that we are all in charge of our lives. Many of us find ourselves in difficult financial situations. This tends to put a very large strain on our emotions and our time which can be very debilitating. You must always remember though that you can change your circumstance for the better. This involves some soul searching and much patience but you can overcome any difficult situation if you are willing to believe that you can. I will not say it is hard work to c...
We are all the subject of changing moods. Sometimes we feel happy, other times sad, there are even times that we just feel indifferent towards everything. External circumstance also play a huge role in how we feel at any particular moment. While I am not saying that you should feet happy all the time, if you can help it, I think that we would all rather be in a better mood. This can be difficult because generally speaking we are all so moody. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a way to get into ...
The world can be a very negative place at times. Whether it is waiting in line or riding on a crowded bus, other people’s negative energy can be quite draining. In a big city environment, this negativity can be very difficult to escape. Any place where a large number of people congregate, there is bound to be some friction. This fiction can easily turn into a large pool of negativity that you will have to deal with. Negative energy can be quite contagious if you are not careful. People have a...
Want to know how to get yourself into a good mood? Be Grateful. There is nothing that will get you feeling better than to practice being grateful for all of the things that you have and for all for all the things that others have given to you. All you have to do is to contemplate for a few minutes all of the wonderful things that are yours right now. Think about all of the things that you have received on any one day; Perhaps it’s a smile from a person that you had never met, or something th...
If I were to give my very best friend a present, what would it be? Certainly money is high on the list but I am not a rich man and I doubt that lint from my change pocket would fool anyone. If I were to give my dear friend the greatest gift that I could think of, then I would give him the gift of peace of mind and freedom. To me these things are worth more than money because money doesn’t necessarily provide these things. Money can also be fickle; here today gone tomorrow. But what if I had a...