Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
In this ‘new age’ we are told over and over again that maintaining positive thoughts is the best thing that we can do for ourselves. Now whether you believe in this whole New Age movement, this whole law of attraction bit, I hope that you do realize that a positive state of mind is a good thing no matter how you think about it. You do not need to believe that thoughts create reality in order to realize that a positive state of mind will create a positive effect. If for example you...
There are many things written about fixing your life. This entire site is devoted to self improvement and there are many methods that I outline that can greatly help you in all aspects of our shared reality. While all of this material does aid in helping you deal with the difficulties that you might experience in life, there is one main aspect that is always overlooked. It is overlooked because it can be a very hard pill to swallow for most and the reality is that most people just aren’...
Why is it that when we were children we seemed so far more understanding and wise? It is a common response, and in some ways true, that our simple joy really came from the fact that we were so mentally guileless at that age. That we did not know the horrors of the world and that we were literally naked babes upon the land. This can explain many things about a child’s nature and a child’s vulnerability, but it does not explain the full extent of it. If you remember back, truly reme...
More and more people seem to be stressed out. The fast pace of our modern lives guarantees a more stressful existence. Here is a list of the top 8 ways to reduce stress. Use it as a quick list to help you cope and to help you find new ways to beat what has become a chronic illness for some. Here are the top 8 ways to beat stress: 1. Manage time: make sure that you take stock of the amount of time that you have each day and that you try and prioritize objectives. A little day planner is a gr...
I think that most of us would agree that we would like to be happier. Being happy is a type of pleasure and as pleasure seeking beings, happiness satisfies our instinctual desires.  Any problem that arises from seeking happiness, tends to present itself because of a person’s insistence on being happy all the time.  While being happy all the time might sound good, it is the case that every individual needs to experience a wide range of emotion because each emotion has a purpose.  If you force ...
Stress is something that is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in our modern, fast-paced lives. Stress is an indicator that is letting us know that we are overwhelmed and overworked and that we need to take a break. The hyperactivity of the modern lifestyle increases the likelihood that you will experience stress because of its incredibly fast paced nature. Our modern world has become the world of gadgets. We all have some kind of gadget, whether it’s a smart phone, a tablet of some k...
Worry is a great drain of energy. Worrying about things makes us feel very bad and most of the stuff that we do worry about is unnecessary. I suppose that you would not believe me if I told you that worry is actually supposed to be an ally; that it should really be a helping hand that allows us to discover where we need to take action in order to change our circumstance for the better. If you are not willing or able to recognize the power of this ally, you must do everything in your power to ...
Stress is something that is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in our modern fast-paced lives. Stress is an indicator that is letting us know that we are overwhelmed and overworked and that we need to take a break. The hyperactivity of the modern lifestyle increases the likelihood that you will experience stress because of its incredibly fast paced nature. Our modern world has become the world of gadgets. We all have some kind of gadget, whether it’s a smart phone, a tablet of some ki...
Self-esteem is the prerequisite to self-confidence and to greater and better personal accomplishment. It is something that you must always work towards developing within yourself because it is the great resource that creates fine accomplishment. Self-esteem is also responsible for your internal happiness and is the one thing that can help you begin to truly enjoy your life. It is seldom the case that we all naturally feel great self-esteem, it is usually something that most of us have to work...
Happiness cannot be found through exterior circumstance. Happiness is something that we all search for, this is perhaps because when we are feeling happy it usually means that everything is going our way. Feeling good after all feels good. The positivity movement tells us that we should be happy all day all the time, but is this really a good thing? The reality of the situation is that if you try to make yourself happy when you’re really feeling sad, you are suppressing emotion and this...
Learn to state your love for life. Many of us find it much easier to say and think about the things that we don’t like in our lives instead of stating those things that we love. In order to state your love for life, you must be specific about what it is that you do love. Stating your love for life is really about appreciating all those little things that make up your experience throughout the day. Many people seem to get stuck, always thinking about the worst of their day. It often time...
There is nothing better to lift up your spirits and renew your sense of purpose then to acknowledge your daily accomplishments. Doing this allows you to recognize the progress that you made during this day. Any type of acknowledgment, also has a great way of lifting your spirits because it’s sort of like doing an appreciation of the good things in your life, and there is no better way to get into a good mood then to appreciate everything. We all seem to have a much easier time focusing ...
We all go through times in our lives we feel that we are stuck. This is a natural feeling that can happen to anyone of us, and you should not let it get you down. The feeling of being stuck; that you don’t have the ability, the resources, or the right attitude to get yourself into a better place, is a natural feeling that we all go through. It is good to always remember that this is just a feeling that will pass and that if you give it enough time, you will once again discover your cour...
Learn to share your love with others. It is sometimes difficult to tell others how we feel, we tend to think that it is weak to tell others that we love them and that we appreciate them. It is actually a very brave thing to be able to put your heart on the line and to show others your love and appreciation in one way or another. This is so because we think that if we put our emotions out there, we will be putting ourselves in a place where we can be easily hurt. To share your love for others ...
One of the most powerful things to implement in your life, is the idea that you must always make happiness your biggest priority. Personal happiness is the key to a good life, and will improve your self-esteem and health. Happiness has a natural way of lightening your energy and filling you with hope for the future. We are all emotional beings, there is no way to stop our emotions and stay healthy. Since our emotions are something that we cannot get rid of, it is important that we begin to re...
It is very important to realize that the only person that can bring you down is you.  If you make this realization then it will be easy to see that you must take control of what you are thinking and what you are saying to yourself.  You are in control of your destiny and must make every effort that you can to make sure that you don’t bring yourself down. You must take particular notice of when you are having negative thoughts.  Negative thoughts create negative emotions and negative action, t...
True life beauty comes from the small moments. There is so much magic and beauty in all of the small moments of life that it amazes me when others can’t see it. I often forget that I have trained myself, that I have taken time and effort to make sure that I am able to capture those fine small moments. You can also do this with little effort. You have probably heard the phrase, “the devil is in the details.” Well you might say that you will not just find the devil there. Beauty is also in the ...
At all cost, you must stop the worry. This is the most powerful foe that you will ever face. It strips away all positive energy and will ruin any good plan that you have made. Worry is the focus of the mind on the future. This is a natural tendency that we all have to try and control our situation. The mind’s need to project into the future is a good thing and it is quite likely the reason why we have become so successful on planet Earth. If we think about the future, we can plan ahead, we mi...
You can create your own happy place. I know, you are telling me that after watching “Fight Club” you think that this is not the best idea ever. Well let me tell you that going to your imaginary happy place is an incredibly powerful technique, no matter what Tyler Durden says. The mind, and focused visualization in particular, is a very powerful thing. The Body is not able to tell the difference between a vividly visualized thing and the real life concrete thing. You can recreate the workings ...
It is very a important thing you learn to surround yourself with positive people. The kind of people that you surround yourself with has a great influence on how you deal with life and what your resources are.  It is therefore imperative that you surround yourself with people that will uplift you and will make you feel better, people that will provide a positive feedback, and will give you the positive energy that you need in order to be a success in life. Others have an incredible influence ...