Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

Learn to state your love for life. Many of us find it much easier to say and think about the things that we don’t like in our lives instead of stating those things that we love. In order to state your love for life, you must be specific about what it is that you do love. Stating your love for life is really about appreciating all those little things that make up your experience throughout the day.

Many people seem to get stuck, always thinking about the worst of their day. It often times becomes easy to do this because there is such emotional energy attached to negative situations. The negative emotion created because of a bad driver or a rude person can haunt you for a long time and can ruin your good mood.

To state your love for life means that you are willing to go beyond the petty problems and to acknowledge that life is worth living. Those that state their love for life are seeing the tribulations of life as a challenge and not something that is done to them. It is to your great advantage then to see all of life as a challenge and in this way begin to appreciate even those things that you might have considered negative in the past.

The wonderful thing about stating your love for life is that by making your love and appreciation clear, you open yourself up to experience more of the things that you enjoy and are appreciating. To find more of what you like, you need to know what that is.

Be honest with yourself and appreciate those things that you truly enjoy, try not to force yourself to like something because you think that by being positive you are somehow attracting good things to yourself. This is just a great way to create internal frustration that can eventually cause you to get ill or to have a terrible emotional outburst. Honestly love what you love and hate what you hate. Appreciation for life means that you appreciate your individual self enough to allow yourself to experience your emotions honestly. Appreciation for life means that you have respect for self.

  • A great way to begin to state your love for life is to get a journal or to just grab a piece of paper and write, “I love_________ in my life now”. If you get a journal, you can make an entry every day starting in the same way, “I love___”. This is a wonderful way to get you focusing on those things that you truly enjoy in life. Through this natural refocusing you WILL begin to see more of those wonderful things in your life.
  • When you have finished your entry for the day, read out loud what you just wrote down. Also try to create vivid mental pictures of those wonderful things. This will focus your mind even more on those things that you just wrote down. You are really training your mind to focus more and more on what you want instead of what you do not want. Try this for a week and you will see incredible results, your mood should improve greatly and whatever negative things you experienced will be felt less deeply.

Again do remember to be honest with yourself. Respect yourself enough to be honest with yourself by not trying to force yourself to feel positive about something that feels negative to you. Respect yourself enough to be your full self, but naturally focus yourself towards those things that you do appreciate and love. State your love for life by seeing the beauty in the moments and the challenge of every situation.




There is nothing better to lift up your spirits and renew your sense of purpose then to acknowledge your daily accomplishments. Doing this allows you to recognize the progress that you made during this day. Any type of acknowledgment, also has a great way of lifting your spirits because it’s sort of like doing an appreciation of the good things in your life, and there is no better way to get into a good mood then to appreciate everything.

We all seem to have a much easier time focusing on all the bad things that happened during the day. I suppose that this is natural, it is sort of like trying to find good news, no one is really that interested. We must though train ourselves to see more of the accomplishments and the good things that we have done instead of always focusing just on the bad. If you do this, and begin to focus on your accomplishments for the day, I think that you will soon discover that it is a pleasurable thing because it creates such good feelings.

It is never a good idea to make the last thoughts that you have in the day negative. It is always good effort, when we take the time to focus on the good of the day instead of the bad. You will find that if you go to sleep thinking good thoughts, you will most likely wake up thinking good thoughts as well. Train yourself then to think good thoughts and to acknowledge the good things just before you go to sleep.

Here are four good questions that will help you with your days appreciation:

– When today did I act close to or just like I desire to be?

– What did I get done today that I really wanted to do?

– In what way did I make a difference in someone’s life today?

– What cool and unexpected things happened to me today?

When appreciate your day, there is no need for you to try and look for the amazing things. Every little thing counts and the world is made of all the small moments working together. When you look back through your day to find things to appreciate, think of the little things that you saw and did and realize that it is the things that will shape your greater reality and it is for these things that you must appreciate.

You will be incredibly surprised at how you feel if you just learn to appreciate your day and to acknowledge all the things that you did today that made a difference in yourself and in others. There is no greater way to close your day then to put together a list of all the things that were positive and wonderful today. Even if you were to stand still and let the world flow past you for the entire day, I bet that there would be many things that would still be positive and worth appreciating. Life happens to us and we also act on life; both of these aspects flow together in perfect balance so that our lives are made up of this wonderful dance of action and reaction. Take the time every night to acknowledge your accomplishments of the day and you will sleep better and wake up feeling better as well.






We all go through times in our lives we feel that we are stuck. This is a natural feeling that can happen to anyone of us, and you should not let it get you down. The feeling of being stuck; that you don’t have the ability, the resources, or the right attitude to get yourself into a better place, is a natural feeling that we all go through. It is good to always remember that this is just a feeling that will pass and that if you give it enough time, you will once again discover your courage. In other words be kind to yourself.

Sometimes we convince ourselves that things are too hard and that there is no way that we will be able to accomplish what want to do. In order to get over these feelings you must learn to find your passion. Passion and deep desire are the great motivators that will allow you to put in the effort to accomplish anything that you want in your life. You will be amazed at how creative you truly are when you’re motivated enough to accomplish your desires.

Here are some techniques you can use to get over that feeling of being stuck:

1. Try and finish the sentence, “if I had more time, I would_________” or “if I wasn’t so old, I would____”.

Finishing these sentences will get you thinking along the lines of what you would do if you would not place the obstacles of time in your way. Another wonderful sentence to try is, “if I could not fail, I would____”. Make a long list of all of the answers that you get by trying to finish these sentences. Do this exercise in a joyous manner, allowing your imagination to soar free, and in this way not inhibiting yourself or your possibilities.

2. Look at the list that you have created above and go through it to see which items get you very excited. Separate these items from the list and put them on a shorter list. The trick here is to be able to separate from your list only those things that truly gets you excited, that you have a deep desire in accomplishing. Perhaps there’s only one item on the list that makes you feel this way, this is all right since what you are trying to do here is to find what truly motivates you at this moment in time. You can always go back in the future and make a new list to find new passions then.

3. Now let us say that after doing the techniques above you have one item on your list that you are very passionate about, something that you desire to do very much. Think about this item and imagine yourself doing it, try to create a very vivid visualization of you accomplishing or doing your desire. Ask yourself after doing this; “does the pleasure of doing this outweigh the pain of getting it done?”
If the pleasure of doing or accomplishing this goal is great enough then the pain in trying to get it done will be worth it to you. Whenever you need motivation, just imagine yourself having accomplished this goal again, as vividly as you can, feeling the great pleasure from doing what you want, and this will be enough motivation to overcome the pain of your hurtles.

4. It is also a good idea to always examine your negative feelings as you contemplate achieving the above task. Do this by trying to find out for yourself why you are having these feelings. Simply asking yourself “why?”, will eventually take you deep enough into your conscious being so that you can answer for yourself what beliefs you are having at the moment. Examine then these beliefs logically and objectively, ask yourself again if these beliefs that you are having seem correct to you. If they are correct, is there a way that you can work around them or find ingenious new ways to overcome them and change them.

Sometimes it is even success that stops us from taking chances. We would rather settle for what we have, than to push ourselves and perhaps lose what we have in order to attain new things. Using the above technique you should be able to discover why you think that you are stuck and you think youcan’t accomplish something. Learn to overcome these old beliefs by first becoming very passionate about your new goals and then by challenging these old beliefs.

Never settle for what you have, always strive for more and in this way grow and become a better you. Never settle for feelings of being stuck, you can always have and do more if you are just willing to push yourself a little bit.






Learn to share your love with others. It is sometimes difficult to tell others how we feel, we tend to think that it is weak to tell others that we love them and that we appreciate them. It is actually a very brave thing to be able to put your heart on the line and to show others your love and appreciation in one way or another. This is so because we think that if we put our emotions out there, we will be putting ourselves in a place where we can be easily hurt.

To share your love for others means that you are willing to give of your affections freely and that you do not expect anything in return. If you are able to give in this way then you will see that there is no way for you to get hurt, whatever you give is given freely without any expectations from the other person. This kind of sharing of love is open and free. If the other person does not reciprocate your feelings or is even hurtful towards you, you are not able to be hurt by them. What you have given is given freely, it is your appreciation for them and the special place they hold in your world. Sharing your love in this way becomes energizing.

No matter how little you think you have in life, you will always have a deep well of inner love that you can share with others. This inner love is interesting because by giving of it you get more in return. As others feel your love and appreciation for them, they will return this love and respect in one form or another. Sharing of this love is a good way to remind yourself that you have a lot to give, and it actually opens you to receive even more from the world yourself.

You do not need to openly state your love in order to share love. There are many ways to show your love of others; you can for example share a funny story or a joke with someone. In this way you cheer the other person up and to make them feel better about whatever situation they are facing. This is a great way to show others your love because it is truly free; you are trying to give them a little energy from yourself by cheering them up with a good story and they can do as they like with your gift.

Sometimes you can share your love with someone else without interacting with them at all. You can do this by saying a silent little prayer for them, sending them positive energy and wishing them well. This positive energy can be of great benefit to someone else and it is a wonderful way for you to share your inner light with others. Never underestimate the power of prayer because it is a wonderful way to give to others and to share from your heart.

Just calling a friend or a family member is a great way to share of yourself. Taking the time to call them and talking to them in person shows your appreciation and love. You could call them just to share a little quote, or a story that you found funny or interesting. Anybody can send an e-mail, and e-mails with a joke or whatever attached to them can eventually even take the feeling of spam. Take the time to actually call someone and share of yourself personally, this is a far better thing for them and a better show of your love.

You can also share your love and appreciation of others by helping them solve problems. This is what we usually think of as giving to others but it doesn’t have to be a grandiose thing. If ever you have an idea that you think would help another with his or her project then why not share it. If you have a way to solve someone’s problem then tell them and in this way show your appreciation and your concern for them.

Some of us are not very wealthy and might not be able to give material things. We are though able to give from our inner light and love. Learn to share your love for others and you will receive far more than you give.






One of the most powerful things to implement in your life, is the idea that you must always make happiness your biggest priority. Personal happiness is the key to a good life, and will improve your self-esteem and health. Happiness has a natural way of lightening your energy and filling you with hope for the future.

We are all emotional beings, there is no way to stop our emotions and stay healthy. Since our emotions are something that we cannot get rid of, it is important that we begin to regulate these emotions and that we strive to attain more happiness and less sadness. Now when I say regulate I do not mean that we should try to control our emotions as this is impossible, what I mean though is that we can control the focus of our attention so that we begin to experience more of the things that we like and less of the things that bring us grief.

As children we do a great job of focusing and doing what we like, but as adults we tend to take on the idea that to always pursue our happiness and our desires is wrong. This is of course not the case, what usually is the case is that others impose these beliefs upon us. Taking responsibility for your happiness means that you are willing to spend more time on those things that bring you joy and to follow your own heart instead of trying to please others. Without happiness life is not really worth living, and it is therefore very important that you make it a priority.

If you are having difficulty trying to figure out how to start, a real good way to begin is to just take more time for yourself. Just like you would take the time to pay attention to someone you love and to see to their needs, take the time for yourself as well and see to your needs and your desires. Try to treat yourself and give yourself some kind of present every day. This might seem a little silly and perhaps childish to some but it is a great way to begin to show yourself the kind of personal love that you deserve.

Doing the small things might create many conflicting emotions within you. If this is the case then it is very important that you examine these emotions so that you realize what belief is causing them. It is quite possible that you will feel guilt or a number of other emotions stemming from a belief that you are being selfish. Question these beliefs and examine them objectively because it is usually these beliefs that cause the greatest grief in our lives, as they are the ones that push us away from the self love we should all be giving ourselves.

Many believe that any kind of self-interest is a type of selfish behavior. If this belief is not examined then it is possible that you could lead a hard life where the mere idea of considering your personal thoughts becomes repugnant. You must realize though that there is no possibility of bringing happiness and good things to others unless you are able to do the same for yourself.

Personal happiness means being a little selfish perhaps. It means that you’re willing to consider your needs and that you see that you are a very important person. If you do not take the time to create happiness in your life then it is quite possible that no one else will either. The kind of selfishness that I am advocating means taking a little time for yourself; just like anything else there is a balance where too much of anything is a bad thing. But at the same time too little self-interest is also detrimental. If you at least take the time to make happiness a priority in your life, you will see that all other facets of your life will improve as well.






It is very important to realize that the only person that can bring you down is you.  If you make this realization then it will be easy to see that you must take control of what you are thinking and what you are saying to yourself.  You are in control of your destiny and must make every effort that you can to make sure that you don’t bring yourself down.

You must take particular notice of when you are having negative thoughts.  Negative thoughts create negative emotions and negative action, they must therefore be treated with proper respect.  This means that you must recognize when you are having them and deal with them in the appropriate manner.  The appropriate manner is not to try and ignore them but to try and understand them.  You must understand your thoughts by finding out what you believe about this certain situation, this will tell you why you are having these negative thoughts.  You can deal with these beliefs logically by doing an objective assessment of your situation and your resources.

It is beneficial to try and have more positive thoughts and a more confident outlook.  Self confidence will by itself breed a positive outlook and therefore positive thoughts.  Also always try to be a leader and not a follower in any situation.  This does not mean that I want you to tell others what to do but that I want you to take charge of your own direction in any situation.  You do this by trying to do only those things that you feel positive and confident in doing, this can sometimes be a difficult thing but if you try to take charge of the direction of your life and whatever situations you face,  you will see that there are many ways to become the leader of your personal life.  Even when you are forced to do something that is out of your comfort zone, you can still do this your own way and therefore take charge in that sense.

You can bring yourself down if you pay too much attention to the negativity of others.  Always listen to what you think are constructive comments but do your best to ignore any negativity from others.  It is very difficult to stop others from going on about this negative thing or that, it is usually better to diplomatically turn a conversation in a new direction or to just politely walk away and pretend like you need to do something else.  If you try to stop others with negativity or forcefully, you will only get more negativity in return.  The best methods are always either deflection or avoidance.

These people though that feed negativity on you, cannot bring you down.  The only person that can bring you down is you.  You are the master of your situation at every moment in your life and it is not constructive to think that you are at the whim of others, because this is very debilitating and it is also not true.  You control your fate by how you control your attention; you choose to focus on one thing or another and no one else can force you to focus in one way or another if you do not let them.

Don’t be your own worst enemy.  You do this by thinking that you are at the mercy of others, and by letting others and circumstances and general dictate how you feel and what you will do.  You are at the mercy of others only if you let yourself become a passive follower instead of in active leader in your own fate.  You control your life by choosing what kind of focus that you place on things and by choosing the kind of actions that you will take.  You are the only person that can bring you down so it is most important that you take responsibility for how you are feeling at this moment and take the correct action so that you are headed in the direction that you want.








True life beauty comes from the small moments. There is so much magic and beauty in all of the small moments of life that it amazes me when others can’t see it. I often forget that I have trained myself, that I have taken time and effort to make sure that I am able to capture those fine small moments. You can also do this with little effort.

You have probably heard the phrase, “the devil is in the details.” Well you might say that you will not just find the devil there. Beauty is also in the details. We are all capable of seeing the beautiful sunrise or that gorgeous person walking down the street, but what most don’t realize is that this beauty is made possible by those fine moments in time where everything flows into place just perfectly.

What I am trying to say is that beauty is in the detail and the detail is made up of an infinitude of fine and perfect moments. In order to understand this, I mentioned the sunrise; most people can see this stunning spectacle and can see the beauty there. That is it’s so big that it’s hard to miss it really.

But if you think about it, you will realize that there is an infinitude of detail that goes into creating this fine show. The time of day has to be just right, your position on Earth (street, beach, etc.), the weather, your mood, your focus at the moment (you could miss it if you are thinking of other things), the feeling of those around you, your physical frame (how good are your eyes?), sediments in the air ( to give color to the sky), traffic, etc. ad infinitum. You could literally go on like this for a very long time and you could add smaller and smaller details, all there working together to make this sunrise beautiful.

Chaos theory tells us that all things are interrelated. That even the smallest thing can have a great effect on very large and complex things and events. You could, for example, change any of the things mentioned above and they would affect that sunrise either positively or negatively for you.

What about that gorgeous individual, surely they are beautiful all the time? Well if you have ever seen some people in the morning you will know that this is not true. But even static objects that seem to be forever the same, change in beauty depending on the little details. Let’s say that you think that the pyramids in Egypt are beautiful, you could rightly say that they are always beautiful because they are objects that never change and will always be what they are. What you must consider though is that beauty is a subjective experience not a mathematical certainty. Even in optimal conditions, where all of the above mentioned details are just right, you must also consider subjective feeling. The human psyche is as complex as the exterior environment and as such has as many (or perhaps more) variant details, that affect every moment and all the things that you see. So you could say that every single moment is colored by an infinitude of personal subjective nuances, little details that color what you see and how you see it.

So yes Virginia, beauty is hiding in those details, and those details make very single moment precious. What is most interesting is that if you become more and more aware of all those small moments, you will begin to see the beauty that is hidden in all things. When you truly realize that the world is a giant ocean of ever changing and morphing detail, when you begin to see that these infinitely fine details change before your eyes moment to moment, you become entranced by the beauty of this amazing dance.

In order to become aware of the beauty of all these small moments, you must learn to focus your attention in the present moment. If you can train yourself to become more and more aware of the Here and Now, you will begin to discover this amazing current of change. Every moment will become precious, as you watch a simple leaf upon a tree, and you begin to notice the changes it goes through in the light, the wind, your feelings, and all of the wonderful detail all about you. Life will open up its magic and you will realize that every moment is magical and therefore beautiful and precious.






At all cost, you must stop the worry. This is the most powerful foe that you will ever face. It strips away all positive energy and will ruin any good plan that you have made.

Worry is the focus of the mind on the future. This is a natural tendency that we all have to try and control our situation. The mind’s need to project into the future is a good thing and it is quite likely the reason why we have become so successful on planet Earth. If we think about the future, we can plan ahead, we might be able to foresee problems and be able to think of ways to overcome these problems. Effective problem solving is what got man into space really, so it is good to realize that future projection, by the mind, is a positive thing.

What happens though is that this future projection is usually accompanied by a need to focus on the worst case scenario instead of a solution. Here is where the first and biggest problem finds it’s root. Many would have you curse your mind and try and control it. They would tell you that it is an evil and undisciplined mind that shoots forth and tries to bring you down like an evil little demon inside your head. But the mind is just doing what comes naturally and what has assured human survival for many thousands of years.

What you need to do is to embrace this ability of the mind to focus on the future. Instead of seeing it as a sickness that has to be controlled, see this mental ability as a way to help you get ahead. To do this you have to get over the real problem here; this is your insistence in on stopping your mind half way.

Our ability to project into the future is so powerful and must have been, and still is, such an amazing survival tool that it is next to impossible to stop. Unless you are in a constant stake of focus and tension, your mind is going to take you to the future. It will actually also take you to the past and try and show you similar situations that you or others might have faced. It is trying to save you, let it do what it does so incredibly well.

Where the real problem lies is in the fact that most people tend to panic and lose focus as soon as a mental emotional trauma presents itself. You are driving and your mind projects into the future showing you that the person next to you could swerve and smash into you, and it shows you past memories where this happened to you, an acquaintance perhaps, or some guy on tv. You freak out and call your mental ramblings evil, forever again dead set on controlling your negative mental projections.

But what you need to do is to understand that your mind is just your mind, not you, and that it is doing an incredible complex thing for your benefit. You have the most amazing super computer at your personal disposal and it is giving you a number of probable scenarios in order to save your life. It tends to focus on the bad because the good won’t kill you. So stop hating it and start working with it.

Instead of freaking out and stopping your mind in mid cycle, let it continue doing what it is doing. If you let it, your natural desire to stay safe will allow your mind to give you different mental projections. It will tell you what you can do to avoid this problem. You might feel apprehension and decide that slowing down might be a good thing. It will give you alternatives and possible actions. Heck, it will even imbed a desire to become a better more capable driver and will start to look for past experiences to teach your body to be better in the future.

The trick is to give your mind the focus that it needs at the right time. When you get to that awful worst case scenario, as your mind becomes so focused on the future, use your desire to focus your mind into finding a solution for you. Use the negative emotion as a propellant to focus you into what you want instead of what you don’t want.

Worry is really one of the biggest killers ever. It kills your energy and power and it can kill your body as well. The best solution is not to try and stop your mind from doing what it has to do naturally but to let it continue to do what it has to do without fear and to use those negative feeling to focus on the desired outcome. Stop your worry naturally by respecting and using your mind properly.





You can create your own happy place. I know, you are telling me that after watching “Fight Club” you think that this is not the best idea ever. Well let me tell you that going to your imaginary happy place is an incredibly powerful technique, no matter what Tyler Durden says.

The mind, and focused visualization in particular, is a very powerful thing. The Body is not able to tell the difference between a vividly visualized thing and the real life concrete thing. You can recreate the workings of your brain, increasing the number of nerve ending and junctions in certain areas, and you can even increase the brains ability to shape itself and how it function. More importantly as it relates to this article, your vivid visualizations can stimulate the release of certain hormones and impulses. This means that your vivid visualizations can make you happier and more productive.

In order to have this kind of mental ability, you need to be able to visualize very well. The best way to get good at this, like anything else, is to practice. The good thing is that visualizing can always be a fun thing and only becomes a chore if you are not being creative enough. The trick is to visualize things that you find fun and entertaining. The easiest way to do this is to practice visualizing your desires.

For example let’s say that you would really love to go to the beach. Instead of trying to visualize a static room, or a cube or something, visualize yourself at the most beautiful beach ever. Try to see yourself at the beach, as if you have magically teleported to some gorgeous sandy, sunny beach on a tropical island. First work on an image, you could get an image from a magazine or the internet. Close your eyes and see if you can visualize the image that you just saw. It won’t be perfect unless you have photographic memory so no worries, just add on as you see fit or open your eyes and keep trying until you can close your eyes and have a good image in your mind’s eye of the picture that you were looking at.

Next try and add detail to this visualization. Try to hear the surf, feel the warm breeze, and feel the sand between your toes. Try even to smell the salt water and the ocean around you. Try to involve all your senses in your visualization if you can. Finally try to feel your way into the scene, create the feeling that you are there and that wherever you look you see the beauty of the beach. Do this exercise for a good 15 to 20 minutes.

When you get a chance again, try to visualize another fun desire. As above try to use all your senses to make the visualization as real as possible. And again try to do this for a good 15 to 20 minutes. For best results, try and practice your visualizations at least once a day.

Now you have the option of either sticking to one happy place, a place that you can go to when you need an escape or you have the option of picking a new place that you might desire to go to, whenever you want to. If you stick to one place, you can really develop a detailed place that has the potential of becoming as real as any place that you might experience during regular time. If you choose to change the place, it might not be as specific and as concrete but it will be exciting all the time because it will be new, because it will be your latest desire. It is up to you to choose what you like best, experiment.

You can create this happy place when you have time or when you need to take a break. With practice you will be able to go to your special place just about any time that you want and it will be so real that it will truly allow you to escape your current conditions. This kind of vivid visualization can restore your spirit, allow you time to rest, let you escape from a difficult places or situations, get happier, and relieve depression. It can literally alter your brain and its functions. Create your own happy place and find anything that you desire




It is very a important thing you learn to surround yourself with positive people. The kind of people that you surround yourself with has a great influence on how you deal with life and what your resources are.  It is therefore imperative that you surround yourself with people that will uplift you and will make you feel better, people that will provide a positive feedback, and will give you the positive energy that you need in order to be a success in life.

Others have an incredible influence on our mental state.  You know this yourself because when you find yourself in front of people that are negative you tend to have an influx of negative energy.  While positive people tend to bring up your energy and soon create new possibilities in your mind.  The reason for this is that you are a very receptive being whether you are aware of this were not.  We are all taking an incredible amounts of information, information that for the most part we are not even aware of.  The amount of this unconscious and conscious information is staggering and it also has a great effect on how we act, because our perceptions really are the basis of our actions. If we tend to not control our perceptions, we are bound to act in ways that are detrimental to us.

It is easy to see how others have an effect on our lives by thinking and remembering the relationship that we have with our parents.  It is easy to see that our parents have incredible influence in our lives, that for most of us what they say counts, and their energy has the ability to greatly regulate what we do.  Many could say that their chosen profession or even their partner is the result of the influence that our parents had on us.  Our friends and acquaintances can have great power over our actions as well.

I suggest therefore that you make a list of all of the people in your life.  This does not have to be a very long list, it can be a shorter list of the people that you spend the most time with in your life right now.  Separate the list into two parts, the first part being those people that uplift you and make you feel very good.  The second part of the list, will then be made up of those people that bring negative energy into your life, and make you feel less than and provide, providing very little positive input.

Now it is difficult of course for this list to be so black and white.  Some people there are positive at certain times and are negative at other times.  The idea though is to be able to have a decent assessment of all those that provide positivity for the most part and all those that provide negativity for the most part.  With this list you should be able to get good bearing on the kind of people that are uplifting you and the kind of people that are bringing you down.

Once you have finished this list, ask yourself why is it that some of these people are bringing negativity into my life.  Why is it that some of these people made me feel bad and bring mostly negativity to me?  This kind of personal questioning will allow you to find many answers that will hopefully provide the reasons why you are letting these people create such a negative influence in your life.

Now you have a personal option.  You can either confront these people personally and asked them why they are being negative.  This is a difficult thing because it is quite possible that some of these people actually feel some kind of resentment towards you and this can be a very difficult thing to confront, especially from those that you believe are your friends.  It will though be an incredibly powerful way for you to change and to see how your life and your actions are affecting those around you.

Your second option which might be easier but less self enlightening, is to try and surround yourself more with those that provide a positive influence and energy in your life.  This can still be a difficult process, because you must be strong enough to take the initiative and cut out from your life those that are bringing you down.

What you choose to do is up to you, but it is most important that you realize that these friends and acquaintances have an incredible influence on how you feel and the kind of success that you have in your life.  Take the time and energy to make this list and to question yourself.  You will find that it is an incredibly powerful way to change all aspects of your life.  Surround yourself with positive people for your own success and a better life.