Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Worry is a great drain of energy. Worrying about things makes us feel very bad and most of the stuff that we do worry about is unnecessary. I suppose that you would not believe me if I told you that worry is actually supposed to be an ally; that it should really be a helping hand that allows us to discover where we need to take action in order to change our circumstance for the better. If you are not willing or able to recognize the power of this ally, you must do everything in your power to ...
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Stress is something that is becoming a bigger and bigger problem in our modern fast-paced lives. Stress is an indicator that is letting us know that we are overwhelmed and overworked and that we need to take a break. The hyperactivity of the modern lifestyle increases the likelihood that you will experience stress because of its incredibly fast paced nature. Our modern world has become the world of gadgets. We all have some kind of gadget, whether it’s a smart phone, a tablet of some ki...
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You must always try to consider time as your friend and not your enemy. Most of us have little patience and tend to rush into things that we end up regretting in the long term. While I have said in the past that impulses are something that should be used to your advantage, because they tend to usually be subconscious messages that are far more legitimate than many realize, it is also the case that ‘forbearance is a virtue’. If you do get an impulse or a desire of some kind, to act in a certai...
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We all have a blind spot. We all have areas in our lives that we just can’t see because we are too deeply involved in ourselves. Our ego and our familiarity with certain things can make us blind to what others might find to be obvious. This personal flaw can be very serious when we are competing in a high-stakes game or when we are trying to seriously improve ourselves. This blind spot does not allow us to see our weaknesses. Often times our ego will not allow us to see ourselves in a c...
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Many strive towards a certain goal without ever believing that this goal is possible. You must realize though that without belief there is no possibility of attaining this goal. The reason for this is that it is beliefs that are the great creators in our lives, without the belief there is no possibility of concrete actualization. Now you might say that there are many things that you have achieved that you did not believe in. But did you ever create a thing for yourself, that was your desire a...
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Interaction with others is very difficult to plan. People are dynamic beings and it is very difficult to completely direct the course of a personal interaction. Talking to others can be a difficult thing for some people, they lack confidence and believe that they will make fools of themselves by saying the wrong thing. Even people that are quite adept at talking to others can sometimes run into difficulty when the conversation goes in a completely odd direction. The best way to overcome these...
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Depending on who you talk to, pride can either be a positive feeling or a negative trait. The difference between the two is really a difference in definition; while some consider pride to be a good feeling that shows that you like something about yourself on what you have created, others believe that pride is a negative attribute that can lead to negative self importance. Essentially it is better to have the former and it is not good to have the latter. I’m sure that if you look back in...
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It is a natural desire to be healthy and strong. It has become a trend to become healthy and that’s a good thing. More and more people are engaging in regular exercise and more and more people are watching their diet in order to better their health and increase the quality of their life. If you are finding it difficult to maintain a proper diet, it might be helpful to you to realize that you are your food. Some might think that this is a bold statement, a bit of a lark; that you are you...
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Very few people are aware of themselves. They tend to go about things, trying to change the world and themselves but they forget to pay attention to what they are doing at the moment. Self-awareness is the real key to creating positive change, without this awareness there is only haphazard intention and therefore haphazard effectiveness. Every single day is made of moments. Every single moment exists like an individual pause where the entire focus of your body, mind, and soul become one. As y...
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Many people want change in their lives. They believe that this change is very difficult or perhaps impossible. Many therefore become disillusioned with themselves and their lives and believe that their lives are not their own but that they are controlled through exterior circumstance. Many fail to realize the power that they have over themselves because they don’t understand the power of their conscious mind in directing everything that they do. If people were able to discover just how ...
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Most of us are very educated people. Most of us have spent many years in schools learning a good many useful things along the way. Some of us continue our studies and go to college or university. Others take public courses in order to learn more about their hobbies or about personal interests of different kinds. Jobs often provide on work education and the job itself has a way of teaching you about what you’re doing and about the world in general through experience. You must realize tho...
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Many of us find it very difficult to take criticism. Generally criticism is taken as a direct attack on the self. While it is the case that some criticism is given in order to derail a person, most criticism has the positive benefit of showing you where you are going wrong. Any criticism should be handled with objective detachment that can only come from personal control of the ego. When you are being criticized, you should analyze the situation carefully and determine if you have acted wisel...
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Many believe that they need to control their anger. While it is true that you need to control your emotional responses around people, some tend to believe that controlling your anger means stifling yourself. All emotions should be felt and experienced naturally, if you do not do this you will end up hurting yourself because emotional repression can lead to mental aberrations and even ill health. For many of us anger is a very powerful emotion. All emotions are energy, energy that is supposed ...
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I believe that there are two types of work. There is the work that you have to do and then there’s the work that you personally want to do. With the first kind of work, the kind of work that you have to do, you are essentially made to perform in a certain fashion. For most of us this means a job; we are told when to show up, what to do, how to do it, and when we can stop. If we do not do satisfactory work, we are reprimanded and we are told how to do it properly. The first kind of job i...
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We can all be clutter-bugs at times. We all tend to want to hoard things believing that we will eventually need whatever it is that we now have. Many people are also visual in nature, they remember and keep track of things by knowing where they are visually, this means that some of us are not just clutter bugs we also like to spread our mess everywhere. Being a clutter-bug is not necessarily a bad thing, but if it is starting to take over your life then you need to do something about it. When...
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We all need to learn to listen better. The best way to be able to develop good relationships with others is to be able to listen and pay attention to what they have to say. Listening attentively shows respect and shows that you care about what the other person is saying, that this person is important enough and that what they have to say is worthy of scrutiny. Many people have huge amounts of difficulty listening to others. It is quite often the case that they do not try to listen to understa...
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Have you ever run across a visual puzzle that you could not solve? Sometimes we are doing crosswords, word jumbles, or sometimes even mathematical formulas that we just can’t seem to crack. Often we get so into it and so focused on what we can’t figure out, that we just can’t see the whole picture. By not being able to see the whole picture, we are not able to access deeper intuitions that might lead us to find a quick and easy solutions. If you are having such problems, here̵...
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Truth is very essential thing for all of us. In one way or another we are all searching for truth. It is important to realize though that truth is a relative issue and that even though some would like to tell you that truth is an absolute thing, the reality of the situation is that everything is relative. This does not mean that truth does not exist, what it means is that truth is relative to each individual and that the only truth that you can rely on is your own personal truth. Discovering ...
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Trying to think in a creative solution can be quite difficult sometimes. Trying to make yourself more creative can actually complicate the situation because the more that you try the harder that it gets to come up with a good idea. There are different techniques though that can allow you to change the angle of your focus as it were and bring out your creative side by seeing things in a new way. A real good way to get you to think more creatively is to begin to use the power of metaphors. A me...
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Many believe that manners have gone out the window. As we look around it does become somewhat evident that few people treat each other pleasantly anymore. I think that there is a natural relation between the amount of people in any one place and the kind of courtesy that they used to treat each other with. I find it that the more crowded the environment the less likely that people are to be pleasant and to use good manners. Manners are an incredibly powerful thing. Many write about the fact t...
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