Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Taoist alchemy is an ancient practice that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. Yet, beneath its cryptic surface lies a profound system of mental, physical, and spiritual disciplines designed to awaken the full potential of the human being. This intricate web of practices is rooted in the Taoist tradition, which seeks to harmonize the individual with the natural world and attain unity with the cosmos. As we dig into the realm of Taoist alchemy, it becomes clear that this system is n...
This is my response to a question that someone asked. I found the question so interesting that I decided to post it as a new article. It’s not my hope to offend any religiously minded people, as I do not question the validity of such beliefs. Rather, it is my hope to provide an inner alchemist’s perspective on the ever-developing expanse within us, and how we try to come to terms with it. The question is as follows: Hi JohnThanks for posting this article and the link: ...
Alchemy is a term that encompasses a variety of practices and beliefs that aim to transform matter, energy, and consciousness. Alchemy has been practiced in various forms and cultures throughout history, from ancient Egypt and China to medieval Europe and the Islamic world. Alchemy is often associated with the quest for the philosopher’s stone, a mythical substance that can turn base metals into gold and grant immortality. However, alchemy is much more than that. It is also a spiritual ...
When we hear the term inner alchemy, we may have many different opinions about what this actually means. Generally we can say that inner alchemy is a term that refers to the practice of transforming one’s body, mind and spirit through various techniques and methods. Most people are only familiar with Asian and Chinese inner alchemy, but the tradition of inner alchemy is far older and there are many branches of this mind science that can be explored. In order to begin it is best to outli...
I have written a number of books over the years, that outline techniques from a tradition that I refer to as inner alchemy. I generally try to stay away from just writing about dogmatic beliefs, that is, I try to stay away from the dogma, a belief system, whether my own as an inner alchemist, or anyone elses’s, and instead I try to focus as much as possible on technique, so that those that read my books can try the techniques that I write about and in that way, hopefully through their own suc...
The way of inner alchemy is the way of energy, and of being able to perceive that energy in the most correct and precise manner possible. For that reason, there are times when I have been asked how inner alchemy sees other techniques, and how they perceive the validity in the symbolism of such techniques. I have been asked for example, whether inner alchemists consider kundalini to be a kind of myth. And certainly to them the energy that is tapped into through the practice of kundalini ascens...
As you read the material that I have written thus far on inner alchemy, the books, the blog, and the videos, there may develop an almost natural tendency to want to align concepts that you might have been studying from other sources, with what I have written in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy. For example, you might have been studying and may know a great deal about other occult systems, such as Hermetics, wicca, eastern occult systems, or perhaps the Golden Dawn system of oc...
In my writings on projecting as part of the art of inner alchemy, I have mentioned that it is possible to live for days, perhaps years, in another world, another dimension while projecting, and that even though these projections might seem like days to you as a projectionist, these projections may only have taken minutes, in accordance with physical clock time. Some readers might wonder how this is possible, how can someone live out a lifetime in a dream, in a projection, while only having us...
In a number of my books, I have mentioned the force that rules this world, the world of humanity. I have said that secret societies have known about this force for a very long time and have either worked with this outer world titan or have fought against this dark cloud over humanity since the dawn of recorded history. This controlling entity has gone by many names and its attributes have been known to a lesser or greater degree depending on the power of the factions or the individuals that t...
We look in any direction and we see walls. We look into the horizon and our eyes see a finite kind of termination to what is supposed to be infinite space; sort of like being stuck inside a snow globe. We are told that this is the end of us, that our eyes, our senses, can perceive only so far; that we have a limit and that this is it. In our fiction we are told that something may be taking from us; that our power is being sucked from us… But what if we are the ones trapping ourselves? What is...