Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In a number of my books I have mentioned that growing up I was fortunate enough to have many paranormal experiences. I mentioned that these experiences were largely, most likely completely, related to my great grandmother who seemed to have this ability to manipulate the world around her, in ways that were and still are beyond rational contemplation.

Quite simply, the house where I lived in as a child with my grandmother and great-grandmother, was quite literally a hotbed of paranormal activity. Glowing lights and orbs of all kinds were quite natural, and everyone in the family had experience in seeing them. Apparitions of all sorts would happen all the time, and many ghost-like entities made regular visits to that home. There were also many occurrences of physical objects being teleported from one location to another, sometimes of quite large things, and this also included psychokinetic activity, the movement of all sorts of matter, right before our eyes, that baffled us and terrified me in particular.

In this video I would like to discuss the general nature of what are referred to as ‘shadow people’. And I mention my grandmother’s house, because among the many other phenomena experienced by the entire family in this house, many of us would also see shadow people from time to time. In this video then, I would like to share a particular experience that I had, to give a general example that many people who have experienced these shadow entities may identify with, and to use this experience as a backdrop to discuss what these beings are and what their purposes can be, on certain occasions.

Now, that being said, there are a great range of purposes and possibilities when it comes to the shadow people, meaning that not all shadow people are created equal as it were. Some of them are quite simply beings that are in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the same way that a human being might be at the wrong place, and whisked or slightly moved to another dimension, such accidental encounters are far more common than some would imagine. In other words we can actually be shadow people to other beings existing in other dimensions, when these accidental shifts happen.

Others, other beings perceived as shadow people by us here in this dimension, are beings that live in a more flowing state, a more etheric and open ended dimension. These dimensions are more open-ended meaning that to move dimensionally in and out of them, is far easier than this one. Such dimensions can be very similar to what may be experienced in dreams for example. In such dreamlike dimensions, aware entities native to that zone consider such movement and encounters, from one dimension to the other, quite normal, and as such they are either active participants in the act of crossing between dimensions, or they may simply peer into these new dimensional locations, in the same way that a tourist might look out the window of a tour bus. These kinds of entities are usually quite used to a kind of window or portal opening up in and around them, and may use such opportunities to view new and strange realms, or may even try to make limited contact with the strange new creatures that they may witness. For us of course, such dimensional shifts, while far more common than most people suppose, are always surprising and generally quite terrifying, certainly in my youth they were quite terrifying to me!

The point that I’m trying to make is that, not all shadow people are created equal and there are different intents and purposes behind such encounters. Some of these encounters may be quite benign, like the one that I’m going to share with you, while there are others that are far more predatory in nature, and involve a more concerted effort to malevolently profit in one way or another from the situation.

The particular experience that I want to discuss here, I think provides a good general example of what most people see when they encounter shadow people, and may relate to something that you may have experienced yourself, if you have been fortunate, or unfortunate enough, to run into one of these shadow entities.

This particular experience happened when I was quite young, but I remember it very well as it was a very traumatic experience for me at the time. As was usual of most of the more terrifying experiences that I had while in my grandmother’s house, I found myself alone in one particular part of the house.

It was a bright sunny day outside, and the entire family was outside in the patio while. After some general merriment on my part with the family, I got a little tired and cranky and was told by my mother that perhaps I needed to take a nap. My grandmother’s room was the coolest in temperature and closest to the patio, so I decided to go in there and lie on her bed to take my nap.

This was an average sized room, and it had a wonderful big window that allowed the light to come in from the patio. The curtains were drawn but the brightness of the sun was such that on the opposite wall to the window there was a kind of curtain of light as the sun streamed in through the window. The window curtains provided enough shade though, so it was relatively dark and quiet in there. I lay down and quite unconsciously fixated on this window of light created on the opposite wall. As I lay there in bed and began to relax more and more, I was further transfixed by the fact that this curtain of light would move, seemed to shimmer, and I realized that this movement was most likely the movement of my family outside, as they crossed the patio back and forth, at least that was what I told myself at the time. I satisfied myself with the rationale of this assumption, and began to relax more and more, while my attention focused lightly but intently on the shimmering light on the opposing wall. In time though to my growing surprise, I did begin to notice that this shimmering began to attain a type of coherence. It was not just streaks of light, And the movement that I had attributed to my family outside in the patio did not seem to completely coincide with what I was seeing within this cascade of light on the wall.

The moment that I realized in a fundamental way that this movement of light did not coincide with the movement of my family out in the patio, there seemed to be a kind of shift within me which was mirrored by a shift in the curtain of light that I had been staring at. What happened was that this light, this chaotic confluence of shimmering light, suddenly became far too coherent for my liking, and those shimmers of light turned into shapes, they actually turned into shadows of light, and further I realized that these were not just random shadows, these shadows were people; shadow people made out of light. While startling at first, this was also quite intriguing to me and I did not move from my lying down position, and I just kept staring at these newly formed people on the wall. At first I once again entertained the notion that the shadows, these shadows of light, were actually somehow the shadows of my family outside. But then the difference between the movement of my family out the patio and the movement the shadow people broke rhythm and I felt the difference between the two again. This time this second realization became a kind of contraction in me, it was as I know now a slight alteration in my awareness point, and when this happened, the shadow people seem to notice me, and whatever it was that they were doing beyond that window that was the shimmering cascade of light, they stopped. They stopped, and they turned quite deliberately and they looked at me!

The moment that this happened I yelled and ran from the bed. As I did so the people on the wall reacted, they turned and they looked at me and followed my movement across the room, I desperately tried to cross the room as quickly as I could and open the door that led to the outer hall and the patio. To my horror, these people turned towards me even more and began to move in my direction. They seem to be reaching out, and as I look back on it, I now think that there was an amused quality to them, this idea permeates my memory of it now, this feeling that they were somehow both highly intrigued by me and what I was doing, and at the same time deeply amused by my horror and my frantic action. Eventually in my panic, I was able to open the door, and ran like a bullet to my grandmother and great-grandmother. By that time everyone was used to the shenanigans of the house but my grandmother’s as usual, took immediate action by moving quickly into the room and confronting and banishing whatever had been conjured in the house’s latest little outburst. In a future video or book, perhaps I will go into such shenanigans and the countering of such forces by them in more detail. For now I will leave it at that, being that in this video anyway I wish to discuss the shadow entities and use this example in order to highlight one of the many ways that the shadow people may become manifest in people’s lives.

This case for example, shows what I believe to be the most common scenario when there is a crossroads like meeting between us and such shadow entities. The house that I lived in was an incredibly charged place, what I mean by this is that there was an incredible amount of psychic energy within this building, due to the great power that my great-grandmother had.

There are many such places that are either charged naturally because they are structures that have been erected over power spots, or because one of the residents of that place had or has a great deal of psychic energy themselves. In those places, it is far more common to see these windows open up between dimensions, and it is even sometimes the case that people that might not be incredibly psychically powerful , may have enough power to tip the scales, and allow such windows to open up, due to the fact that there is already such an incredibly large psychic charge present. This is what I now know happened to me, as I lay there and focused my attention on the shimmering light, the already existing power of the place combined with my young and highly flexible child’s awareness, this was enough to open a window, so that as I relaxed more and more, perhaps even entering a mild trance state, my awareness was enough to solidify a quite real window, thankfully not a door but a window, into another dimensional place, another dimensional location. That location was not a deserted place, there were other beings there, other very real and very humanoid looking beings. When this window opened up, when this window attained a certain level of materialization and stability, I was able to see them clearly and by the same token they were able to see me clearly as well, and while I was absolutely terrified by this encounter, they seemed amused and instantly began to interact with me without any reservations.

So what we have here then is, a power location, usually a human being with a flexible awareness, a shifting of that awareness point within the human being, in my case through my deep relaxation and the fact that I was a child with a flexible awareness, and in many cases a point of fixation for that awareness like a contrasting point of lightness or darkness within an already darkened or twilight environment.

While this was a relatively friendly encounter in many ways, the far more frightening and predatory encounters seem to take the same general format, that is, you have a power location that may have attained this power through some kind of misery or horrible expenditure of psychic energy within this area, you have a person in this space who through sheer fright within the location develops a more flexible awareness, being that extreme fear can cause a loosening within the awareness of a person, and usually again a contrasting point between light and darkness, being that all such encounters usually happen in a twilight like environment where even a semblance of contrast can be found. And the reason why most of these beings seem to be shadows, or two dimensional in that sense, is that while the awareness of the individual experiencing this phenomena becomes more flexible, it is still usually not flexible enough to see the complete window for what it is, a true rift in space-time, and for that reason what is usually seen, is a bit of a bastardization of what is actually going on. In other words, instead of seeing the complete picture of this rift, the human mind can only allow for a two dimensional shadow to be perceived and assembled, a two dimensional vision, like these shadow creatures stuck on a wall.

And yes there are cases when such rifts do allow such shadow beings to enter into our dimension fully. There indeed seems to be certain entities that are looking for these windows to open up, again caused by both their efforts on their side of this dimensional rift (window) and the typical scenario I described in this side of the window. So the often times accidental human combination of a power spot and a flexible mind within a twilight environment and a true predatory entity can create some pretty crazy encounters. Once this window is created, these more predatory type shadow beings may try to enter, and once on this side of the dimensional portal they may then engage in predatory activities, such as trying to frighten a human being and draining that person of that spent psychic force, with as much intensity as is possible for them before that dimensional rift closes once again.

This is a very general overview of shadow entities, but I think it provides a good basic snapshot of what we are dealing with when we encounter these beings. If you would like to have a more in-depth look into the flexibility of awareness, and how to develop that flexibility in a controlled manner yourself, I recommend the book, the occult experience. If you would like to know more about how to deal with these entities directly, to thwart them, I would recommend the book, The Vampires Way to Psychic Self Defence.

There are many questions that people have about how to perform certain supposed psychic or paranormal abilities, such as the ability to project the consciousness and have out of body experiences for example.

And there are many sources of information that can provide some very sound advice in this regard, that is instruction on techniques and general methodology that can make such abilities possible.

But seldom, I feel, is there an explanation as to why some do better than others in being able to perform these techniques and abilities. And while it is most likely the case that some people do better with certain techniques than others because those techniques just fit them better, it is also the case that there is a missing piece that is seldom talked about, a missing piece as to why certain people have better results than others.

And that key principle, the reason why things work for some but not for others, is power, psychic force, and more importantly, how to increase this force.


In this article I would like to go over a question that a certain reader had, and my answer to that question. I wish to do this because in answering this question, I provide an answer as to how to increase your psychic force, and how this force and its increase has multidimensional aspects that not only increase the complexity of working with this energy, but also show how this energy is really without limit, for those that can learn to tap into it.


Please note that in this article I will be referring to my personal techniques, and the map that I provide as an Inner Alchemist to my readers. As such, if you are not familiar with these techniques or the terminology used, there may be a few questions that you might have, but I strongly feel that the information here outweighs differences in technique, and that indeed this information can be used by anyone to apply to their own practice, no matter what kind of techniques you are using.


In this particular case, this reader had and is becoming more and more adept in the techniques that I write about, and as a result has made some very important correlations, that will going forward, greatly increase this practitioners potential power.


He starts by telling me that he has discovered, through his own work (his own personal inner action) the direct correlation between the techniques that I discuss in the Magnum Opus and the techniques that I then describe in the second book of that trilogy, The Way of the Projectionist.


My reply to this is as follows:

I am very glad to know you are progressing quickly, and I think that you have quite naturally come upon a point where the techniques discussed in the Magnum Opus coincide and unite with the Way of the Projectionist. As you note, being that one in the end involves the other, the ability to project can greatly enhance your ability to reabsorb past energetic loss, and consequently, your ability to absorb past events does greatly increase your psychic power and your ability therefore to project your consciousness farther and with much greater potency.


For those not familiar with my technique, or for those that wonder as to the correlation here, it is important to note that one level of technique that he refers to in ‘the Magnum Opus’, directly feeds the other in ‘the way of the projectionist’. This reader then has taught himself how to absorb latent psychic force, and store that force, which is covered in the Magnum Opus, and then use it to expand his abilities to project his consciousness farther and farther, using the techniques covered in the book, the Way of the Projectionist. There is therefore a correlation, that this person has been able to verify by himself, between the absorption of psychic force and the ability to perform extraordinary feats of mental action such as projecting (astral Travel). This discovery is most important, especially when a person can experience it for themselves through their own doing.


This then is the answer to the question that is posed at the beginning of this article in actual practice:

Those that can’t seem to replicate a technique, with the same power and efficiency as others may be having troubles, because they do not have the psychic power needed to do what they want to do, to the extent that they want to do it, and no one has shown them how to increase this force, or how to work with it in any way. People are told about a certain technique, their given all these examples of people that have been able to replicate the techniques mentioned, but that is as far as it goes. Some people perform these techniques and get some results, while others do not. But seldom is there any real explanation as to why this is so. So this is the basic answer, the more psychic power you have, the better your result, and one of the way to gain psychic power is through the use of the techniques that I outline in the book The Magnum Opus.


To make the point even more succinct, this person reports that as his absorption of psychic force has increased, his projections have indeed become more vivid, and he is beginning to be able to tap into alternate histories, which to him at the time seem more like simple daydreams. In trying to explain to him that these simple daydreams are more important than he may at first realize, I use an example which I think you may find useful in your own practice,

I reply as follows:

As you do become a more adept projectionist, many of the questions that you now have will be answered through your own experience just like you are able to answer this initial and incredibly important question. But here I will outline certain perplexities that have been discovered by inner alchemists, that might help you along the way.

While it is indeed possible to use your projectionist techniques to go very far back in your life, these projections will also allow you to perceive what could be referred to as alternate life events, that while non-existent in accordance to your memory of past events, nevertheless can play a significant role in your present situation. These alternate events can also lead to what could be referred to as simultaneous reincarnational events, that is alternate life tracks, simultaneous life-lines, that while not being the past as we may remember it, still can affect this present reality through often times unconscious communications in dreams, ideas, and impulses, that may lead us in unsuspected future directions.

Generally, these alternate histories stay far in the background of the conscious self, but for an adept, who is progressing in power, as they move through the rooms of the projectionist and as they involve themselves in the reabsorption of their energetic totality, so as to gain more and more psychic power, these alternate realities, these other dimensional existences, become known to them, and this can have many benefits.

Let me give you an example, let’s say that as you use your projectionist techniques to travel back to a very early time in your past. You begin to re-absorb and begin to follow the track of your life (your life history) into what you refer to as the present moment. But as you do so, you discover that you seem to go into a dream like alternate place, because instead of becoming the person that you are now, you instead follow a track of events that lead you to experience a life, or a set of events that are completely different from what you consider to be true ‘reality’.

Now, you might believe that your projections while valid in some sense, are not valid when it comes to re-absorption, because even though you were consciously transported to what could be referred to as another dimensional reality, this reality had nothing to do with what you consider to be factual history, and therefore any absorption that you did there, you would imagine, must not count? ‘This isn’t real life’, you imagine.

Well, the thing is that these alternate places often times do count, because they do indeed represent events that do hold parts of ourselves, parts of our energy, because they are legitimate and real in their own alternate dimension. And as such, as a projectionist grows in power they greatly expand their concept of who they are, how big they really are, on the inside. And because of this, they greatly expand the kinds of energy as well available to them, the amount of energy they can tap into and re-absorb, which then greatly increases their power even more, which then allows them to become even more powerful projectionists, etc.

I hope you can understand what I’m trying to tell you here, there is great nuance, but this nuance is not something that is beyond you. It just requires that you grow in your projectionist abilities, which will quite naturally expand your intellect and your ability to see beyond the borders of who you thought you had been up till now.

Continue as you have, you are making great progress. But do note that in order to do so you will need to increase your ability as a projectionist, which will naturally coincide with your ability to absorb and contain energy. A seeming Catch-22, I know, but the idea that anything is linear, or that the extent of your life is whatever followed some trajectory course from a beginning to an end, is the real illusion in all of life.



As you can see from my response to this question, you are indeed far more expansive, far more magical and powerful, than you may now believe yourself to be. And it is possible for anyone to master the abilities that some call impossible. What you need to do, is to not just master the technique that will allow you to travel astrally, project your consciousness or even escape the three dimensional trap, as I call it, of this physical universe, but to also master the techniques that allow you to work and absorb energy. Without this latter and most critical ability, the supposedly impossible will always be just out of your reach, there is no other way.


If you would like to know more about the specific techniques that I have been discussing here, I recommend the books The Magnum Opus, and The Way of the Projectionist.

In my books and in my videos, I often say that words can be misleading and that they can get us in trouble. What I mean by this is that the words that we use are not a very accurate form of communication, especially when we are trying to describe or discuss our inner reality.

Words can be quite efficient when we are talking about the material three dimensional world, but when we try to speak about things that are not part of the classical mechanical material universe, these words hit a limit and often times they can be more of a hindrance than an asset. Words are designed to try to describe a world made up of objects. The moment that we try to go beyond an object based reality and simple causal mechanics, words fail us. When trying to describe aspects of the mind for example, those words that were so helpful in communicating with another person in the average human world, are just not up to the task. For example, how do you describe a thought using words?

It can be done but it is difficult, and in trying to describe the great intricacy of a thought, we are often limiting those things that we try to describe at best, and we may actually and unintentionally lie at worst.

When I say the word thought, you may instantly think of one distinct thing. Indeed, even in trying to picture a thought, we may picture in comic book style, a thought as being a distinct little cloud over our heads. But this natural need of words to separate things into parts, fails to describe the great intricacy and fluidity of thoughts. A thought may seem like a distinct individual thing to us, being that we look at the world through a very specific worldview, one that is further cemented by the beliefs that we hold about the nature of reality. We look out into the world with our physical senses, and we see distinct objects, each one separate but interacting with the world in a very predictable manner, we call this theory of motion and being; classical mechanics.

But thoughts cannot be perceived by the physical senses and indeed thoughts are not in any way like the physical mechanical world. Thoughts are not distinct, they are always combined and amalgamated to other thoughts, and the nature of this intermingling is so complex that it goes far beyond the simple mechanical causal world that we are used to. A thought can be distinctly itself, but at the same time it can be part of a larger structure, and depending on how you perceive that one thought, that larger structure may be apparent, perceivable, or it may not. And incredibly, even the nature of the perception of thought may change that thought, and in a way that is impossible to describe using words, both the thought and the perceiver of the thought are changed by such a perception.

A thought can transform instantly into something else. It can be in the past and in the present simultaneously. It can both be the cause of a future scenario and it can be that future scenario, simultaneously. And all of this is happening in such a fluid and dynamic environment, a causal order of such complexity, that classical mechanics is not adequate in describing the flow of a thought, let alone the mind that is having those thoughts.

Words are in a sense a magical creation. Words have allowed us to create a kind of sandbox, a cube like structure, where we humans may all meet and find a consensual world in which to communicate and work as a cohesive whole. Words are quite literally designed to filter out most of reality, to make everything banal and repetitive, so that in this highly controlled and filtered environment we can all communicate and work together. But in creating such a world, we have given up a great deal of perceptive power. The price of this little sandbox that we have created has a great cost, and that cost is our awareness.

Due to the great limit of words, I have been asked if it would be far better to communicate using telepathy. Would it be better to have direct mind to mind interaction instead of using the mechanics of words?

It would be easy to say yes, being that there is the potential to go far beyond any kind of word and syntax restriction. Telepathy would certainly allow us to greatly expand the nature of that little sandbox that we have created for ourselves. But, such methodology always involves a great deal of instability. In other words, many of the rules and restrictions that we might experience in the use of words, are there in order to try to establish a kind of communal, consensual, form of communication that does not allow for too many misconceptions.

Those restrictions, that Occam’s razor, the beloved tool and weapon of the modern skeptical rationalist, has a very important function. That function is to restrict and confine so that one separate individual can talk to another, work with another, and align with another. Certainly for some, Occam’s razor has turned into a kind of theology, but in reality it was only meant to be you might say, a relatively simple decision matrix, a heuristic, for individual minds to be able to understand the general boundaries of the sandbox that was created for communication and alignment.

So, if we were to use a new form of communication in the future, one more akin to telepathy, which might allow for a greater fluidity and expansion of communication, then such a form of communication would need to develop other laws, another kind of sandbox, that would then allow those communicating within it to come to consensual understanding. Without this restriction, no true understanding would be possible to any great degree.

Another way to say this, would be to say that telepathy would be a viable form of communication, as long as the individuals communicating have a certain degree of proficiency.

An example would be dreams. In a dream there can be many interpretations, sometimes potentially incorrect ones to one degree or another, in the same way that certain symbols, which are in essence communication groupings, might be interpreted in ways that are not optimal. In this example, two people would be dreaming together and while both would be in a very similar dimensional position, this dream position, the interpretation of those things that they perceive in that particular position, might be different from one person to the other.

What to one person might seem like a tree, could be a bird to another. The fluidity of the dream position, just like the fluidity of a telepathic sandbox position, would mean that a new set of standards, a new type of filtering mechanism, would need to be established. This new filtering mechanism would eventually have very well understood principles, which would then allow for the development of a new kind of Occam’s razor. Without the filtering and the containment of the sandbox, strong alignment and therefore communication would be impossible.

Yes, generally speaking telepathy would be a better way to communicate, in that it would allow for a bigger sandbox. And this bigger sandbox would hopefully allow for less restriction which would then make it possible to not only communicate at far greater speeds, but it would also allow for the interchange of far more complex and intricate material.

But this is not the best from of communication possible.

The only way to truly assure true understanding, is to have both parties in a particular communication let us say, be able to perceive energy directly themselves. What I mean by being able to perceive energy directly, is that both parties would optimally have the ability to use what I refer to as their inner feeling sense, the ability to ‘perceive’ energy directly.

Inner alchemists have been able to discover that the base awareness, the most fundamental and direct perception possible for a human being is direct energetic perception, the perception of energy as it flows across the dark cosmos, this may be referred to as seeing, and it is optimal perception of reality for a human being. On top of this base energetic reality, we find all of the many perceptive filters that are possible.

In the modern world we use a particular type of perceptive filter that we could call the rational view or the rational syntax. This perceptive position, this phenomenology, makes us perceive the world as an ‘out-there’ full of objects. A world where each thing is separate and distinct. A world of hard things each interacting with other things in accordance with a relatively simple set of causal laws, something we may refer to as physical mechanics. And in accordance with this physical organization of things, we have created a communication system of words that match this causal structure as closely as it is possible for us. The syntax of our language matches the syntax of our perceived reality.

But being that the rational view is merely a filter, a kind of screen or window, on top of the fundamental energetic reality of everything, this rational syntax will always be flawed. Furthermore, this rational syntax will never be able to explain the true intricacy of our reality because in order to do so, we would have to disobey most of the mechanical laws that we feel are un-challengeable.

If we were able to communicate through telepathy, then this would open up a new kind of causal structure, one where perhaps we would need to engage something akin to a quantum mechanical sandbox of communication, a quantum mechanical syntax. But even though this new syntax might give us even greater flexibility and possibility when it comes to direct communication, this new syntax would always need to have boundaries, and these boundaries would always limit and skew communication in the end.

So, for the inner alchemist, the only true and real communication possible, happens when two individuals can see, perceive directly, the fundamental energetic reality of existence. Such direct perceptions exist outside of any consensus, they are solely the individual’s perceptions, and even though these perceptions may then be interpreted or given symbolism that is individually unique, this symbolism, this syntax of whatever kind used, is understood to be just that, a made up edifice for the sole purpose of a certain kind of communication.

When both participants in a conversation can see, then in many ways you might say that communication in the way that it is normally understood, becomes obsolete. Such a communication between seers, which is more akin to a communion than communication, this communion might seem like a kind of telepathy to an outside observer, but in reality, it is far more than this, it is direct perception and alignment by each individual participating in a seer’s communion cluster.

If you would like to know more about extended perception and how to ultimately develop the ability to perceive energy directly yourself, then I would recommend the book The Magnum Opus, a step-by-step course. In chapter 4 of that book, I describe how to use the inner feeling sense, which is the foundational source, of seeing.

When the average person looks out into the world, it is most natural that they see everything as being a linear sequence, if by most natural you mean that which is the accepted rational view of the times.

But, there have been other ways to look at the world, other ways to perceive and to navigate within the depths of it.


It is so difficult to look back and understand other perspectives, other views, that it is now all too easy to assume that the only sane perceptive view possible is the modern (supposedly) rational view.

But there have been other ways to see the world, and indeed, it is the case that every general age, which can be separated even by a few decades, certainly centuries, sees the world in a slightly different way. What I mean by this is that, there is a different consistency to the world, a different feeling, depending on which point in space-time you consider the present. What I am trying to say is that each point in history has a different feeling, a different way of looking at it from those that are there experiencing that time, and that feeling varies greatly from time to time, from place to place. And the power of this difference, and the power of personal feelings, should never be underestimated because feelings can make us see some things very clearly, while at the same time also completely blind us to other things!

The intensity of time changes us, our point in space-time changes how we feel and therefore how we perceive things, and that change is referred to as a new cognitive position. A new cognitive position means a wholly different world!

Due to our current technological direction, the last few decades seem to be quite uniform. And the reason for this standardization has a lot to do with the pervasive and increasing influence of technology in our collective human world. The constant and ever increasing voice of the media, a world full of screens wherever you look, and from those screens repeated over and over again, an increasingly narrow view of reality.

But I think people would be greatly surprised, at how different the general perception of time was even four or five decades ago. In the 80s, and definitely in the 70s, life was different, it felt different, time and the general flow of things was different, far more different than some might suspect. Time and the conception of time, the feeling of how time flowed, had a slightly different quality that is very difficult to explain in nuance.

The reason for this difficulty in description, has to do with our inability to explain subjective realities very well using just words. And this is why we may sometimes say, you needed to have been there to know what I mean, to know what I am talking about. And even for those that lived through those decades, the great gravity of this earth, as I have mentioned in other videos, makes us forget far more than we realize. We easily forget. Especially those nuanced details of what it is at a deep feeling level to be in one point in space-time, and then to be in another. Even people that have lived through those times, now forget what it was really and fundamentally like to be there back then, we forget that slight alteration in cognitive position. It is sort of like trying to remember what a dream felt like, what that dream location was truly, fully like after we wake up.

We may remember for a while, the actual feeling of it, of being there, but soon we forget. And once we forget that feeling, it seems like we begin to forget so much more, like things seem to be fading somehow.

For the average person, as I have said, the world, time in general, and the movement of time and therefore our movement through space, tends to have a linear quality. Most people would even classify any inability to not see this most obvious linear quality to existence, of time, to be a kind of insanity. The assumption being, if you don’t see that time is obviously linear, with a past and a future, then you are insane!

From that point of view then, you could say that inner alchemists are insane, because for them time is not a linear event at all. For them, time does not stretch out into some unknown future, and past times are not left behind sort of like you are on some train moving forward, leaving a station behind to be forgotten to a great degree by the mind. Instead, for them time is a feeling, and from that point of view one could say that they have nurtured within themselves the ability to change their feelings about time, and in that way move across the length and breadth of it.

This gives the inner alchemist a far greater flexibility than the average person. A master alchemist can, not just remember a pastime, but live it, feel it completely, feel another time again and in that way go back in time, be fully at that time. And in doing so, in using their ability to not just remember but to move back to another feeling place, they can see, that the world is far different than what some might suppose. When you are truly able to go back and truly feel what it is to be there, then you realize that there has been a great deal of change even in the last few decades. The perception of things was different in the 70s. At that time there was a more expansive quality to time, there was a greater uncertainty to what reality was, and one place, one geographical location, was more isolated from other places.

All of this was a feeling, a feeling that is almost impossible to describe, in the same way that it is almost impossible to describe a half forgotten dream. But in fully realizing that feeling you might say, an inner alchemist can go back to something that is supposedly no more!

From this present time, the past, even that recent past, seems somehow unclear, vague, inferior. Since time for the average person is linear, the past is a memory soon forgotten, while the future hides within the shadows of probability, and as such, the past is to the back, inferior, while the future is new, exciting, better, shiny.

So, the mass of the world believes that we are moving forward only, and in that forward motion we are evolving, getting better, moving higher. But from the inner alchemist’s perspective this evolutionary movement forward, while it is happening to some degree in a sense, is an illusion.

What I mean by this is that even though humanity is becoming more complex in some ways, and therefore evolving in those particular certain ways, this growth is not happening at the speed that some people might think it is. It is easy for the average person to look back at medieval history for example, and feel that they have evolved so much from that time. And yet, if they could go back to that time and feel what it was like to be there, actually feel being there, they would see that even though time and space, the reason of the times, the phenomenology of the times, has changed dramatically in some ways from that time to this time, the idea that modern humanity is more evolved now is generally an illusion.

People think of themselves as moving higher and higher, evolving as the train of time carries them supposedly forward, but from the inner alchemist’s point of view people are not moving up and up, instead they are moving across. Instead of climbing some evolutionary ladder, demonstrated by the evolving technology of the times and the greater knowledge possible thanks to quote unquote the science, people are instead changing their configuration, their shape, and no real movement has happened at all. People are not moving up, that is an illusion to some extent. Instead, humanity is changing configuration, shape. This change makes it seem like things are changing, but in reality the only thing that really changes is how those people of one time or another time perceive the world, how they apprehend the world. Cognitive positions change, but the overall energetic configuration of people mostly stays the same.

Awareness changes, cognitive position changes, and those changes make for different feelings about existence, about reality, about what is possible. And those feelings are incredibly important, because it is feeling, that change in awareness, that is the only difference between that time and this one. Feeling therefore is awareness, or a better way to say this would be to say that a change in awareness changes the feeling of things, the way things are perceived, how they are apprehended to be. Feeling is so important that it not only changes how we perceive the world, but also what is possible for us in the world!

In the medieval period we had a certain feeling about the world, we had a certain awareness of the world, that was different than this modern one. At that time, that cognitive position made possible certain things, while it made other things impossible. Now, in this modern cognitive position certain new things are possible for us, while other things have become impossible. But that other supposed past kind of life was not, I repeat was not, less evolved or lesser than this modern life!  In this quote unquote modern time, our type of awareness, our cognitive position, has made it possible for us to access a range of possibilities that we might refer to as reason and rationality, and that very orderly reality has also allowed us to develop something we can call science and technology. To us this seems like a kind of evolution. But if we could go back to that time, really go back to it, which would mean a change in awareness, a change in cognitive position, then we would see (if we could maintain our sobriety) that that other medieval time was no better or no worse than this time.

A sober movement across time would reveal to us that there is balance in all things. While this present time might give us a cognitive configuration where longer physical lifespans and modern technologies are possible, that past cognitive position made available an intensity of existence and the social gregariousness that would make our modern lives pale and boring in comparison! There is equal exchange that must be adhered to being that humanity, as I have said, is not really becoming more, it is just changing configuration.

But what is the true nature of evolution then? What is the true nature of transmutation of the human species? Are we not evolving?

Yes, from the alchemical point of view humanity is evolving, in the sense that there is a movement towards a transmutation of essence, but that transmutation is a far slower process than some might suppose. There are also many obstacles that are not being effectively overcome by the majority of the population, having to do with a titanic force that I have referred to as the great Archon. This force has a vested interest in maintaining relative stasis on this earth, in order to guarantee that its greatest resource (humanity) is not able to successfully escape the prison that it has set up for us.

From the inner alchemist’s point of view, most of us are not evolving, at least were not evolving at the rate that we think we are, instead we are changing energetic shapes in accordance with slight alterations in our cognitive position. And these alterations in awareness are not brought about through a conscious human evolution, but through differing changes in the environment. In other words, we are not evolving consciously as a species, instead we are being moved by the world around us. And as long as we are not able to wake up to ourselves, and start consciously intending true evolutionary change, instead of just going along with the flow of the times, then our refinement will be slow, and the only things that will benefit will be those forces that are trapping us now within a very limited awareness bubble.

Perhaps after enough change, enough cognitive positional change that causes different shapes within us, we may eventually be able to break free of the cage as a species. But until we are able to understand the power of the cognitive position, and our ability to change shape, to change feeling, to change the way we see the world, to change our awareness in accordance to a slight energetic movement, we will always be stuck inside the cube created by the Archon.

While in this cube, we might imagine ourselves as evolving, but from the cognitive position of the person that can see, what we are really doing is just altering our cognitive position within a very limited range of possibilities. This limited range guarantees that we will continue a cycle of limited growth and expansion only to meet a great cataclysm, and then repeat that cycle over and over again. Such cycles from a certain perspective, from a certain cognitive position, will seem like we are going from a small population to a greater one over time, and as the population grows our abundance seems to grow, until a certain point is reached and the great cataclysm stops that seeming upward motion, and then the whole process is repeated once again. This planet has gone through many such cycles, and it will continue in such a circular fashion until humanity as a complete species wakes up to the true nature of its energetic reality.

We are now living through one particular cycle in what to us seems to be a forward motion into greater abundance and possibility. But this cycle will come to an end, and it is up to us to wake up to our true nature as individuals and as a species within the time frames that we are given!

If you would like to learn how to escape the cycle of creation and destruction, if you would like to know more about the Archon and how to escape it, and what true evolution really means, then I would recommend the books:

Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy, and The Magnum Opus, A step-by-step Course.

Those that have been lucky enough, or perhaps unlucky enough, to witness the incredible strangeness to be found on this earth, have spoken since time immemorial of a type of life form that science and most of the world do not, can not, accept as real.

I refer to this type of life form as a non-organic being, and I, like certain others call these creatures this because fundamentally they are beings that are alive but that nevertheless do not possess a physical body.  That is, they are living entities, sometimes individual and quite intelligent individualities, that do not need any physical body to contain their life essence and separateness.

The complicated thing about these life forms is that some of them can be larger, more powerful, and at times even far more intelligent other life, that has the ability to trick the mind, trick human perception, into thinking or perceiving that they are…what they are not!

I for example, have often said that many of the creatures and phenomenon that we attribute to one thing, most often what we believe to be a completely physical thing, is in fact the result of these non-organic beings.  Now, this is not to say, nor am I trying to say definitively, that such beings as; Bigfoot, ghosts, poltergeists, certain types of aliens, and a variety of other cryptids, are not physically real and do not exist as separate entities biological or otherwise.  But what I am trying to say, is that these non-organic beings that I am referring to here can trick the mind, can trick human perception, into believing that a person is seeing something that it is not.

And a non-organic life form for example, due to the fact that it is non-organic and as such has vast possibilities beyond the biological, can trick a person into believing that they have come face to face with a creature like a Bigfoot, or a creature usually referred to as a grey alien.  In such a situation, a person might believe that they are face to face with a biological being, a true flesh and blood entity that then acts in a very similar way to what someone might expect such an entity to act like, but always with the odd intent of somehow causing the most emotional upheaval or trauma in the human witness.

As I have discussed in my books and website articles, such terrifying behavior is usually done to have the witness experience huge amounts of emotional trauma, that these non-organic entities then consume as food.

I feel that the presence of these non-organic beings, that do favor certain locations due to the electromagnetic properties of those areas, but that can generally be found all over this planet, do pose a great wrinkle to those that seek strange cryptids and alien life.  As I have said, I am not trying to say that these other types of biological beings do not exist, but it is the case that a non-organic life form can hide its real intention, which is to feed off of human emotional upheaval, and use subterfuge to feed on an unsuspecting person in a secluded area, a power spot or a haunted area, by making such a person perceive things that are not truly there. So, what are often cryptid sightings, might actually be non-organic lifeforms tricking people into believing that they have come face-to-face with a cryptid, while in actuality it is just a non-organic life form tricking human awareness and then using the trauma of such an experience to feed on human energy, which many such entities do need to survive.

But can we learn to see the difference between an actual cryptid and a non-organic life form? Can we learn to see the most often invisible non-organic life all around us?

Yes. The ability to develop the conscious and deliberate possibility of seeing non-organic life, is possible through developed technique and practice, which can then allow us to study them and protect ourselves, being that these non-organic life forms can be dangerous at times. We can learn to perceive beyond our usual limits and in doing so we can extend our awareness, which can then open up an incredible new world, an admittedly scary world, but an amazing one full of power and wonder beyond rational measure.

So, how do we start?

In order to tell you how inner alchemists learn to master the ability to see non-organic life, I will have to reference techniques that I discuss in my books, and I will not be able to describe these fundamental skills in great detail in this article, since they are complex and do require background information and a step by step breakdown of how to perform them. So if you are new to these referenced techniques, I do recommend that you do some research and see if you can discover the ‘how to’ of these fundamental  practices. If you like, you can also check out the books that I will mention at the end of this article. In those books I describe what these techniques are all about, and how to perform them. Without these fundamental techniques under your belt, it is my personal belief that seeing non-organic life is impossible.

In order to begin, it is a very good idea to first master the ability to see auras.  There are many techniques that are employed to be able to master this skill, and I do discuss a pretty easy way to do this in both of the books mentioned below. My belief is that seeing auras is not a difficult thing, most often I find that the most difficult thing is the ability to believe, to truly believe that what you’re seeing is something that is not ‘supposed’ to be real. Once this membrane of disbelief is broken, all that you need to do from then on is keep exercising that skill until you are able to master this technique, which can take a bit of time, and which is marked by the final acceptance that auras are indeed real, and that seeing them is a valid skill to have.

Another technique required to see non-organic life, one that is again in my opinion indispensable, is the ability to use what I refer to as the inner feeling sense (which I describe in detail in the book, The Magnum Opus, mentioned below). I find that of all of the descriptive terms that I have come across, this is the most accurate in describing what this skill is all about.  This is so because the inner feeling sense involves the ability to project an aspect of yourself beyond the body-being, and make contact with the existing energetic essence around you.  Through this ability to project an aspect of yourself, you are able to perceive with a kind of inner sense that can see, that can perceive, that can kind of see-feel-perceive. The inner feeling sense is in essence an inner sense, something that goes far beyond any physical senses, and with it you are able to perceive the world in ways that are far beyond anything possible with just the physical senses alone. When you are able to master the inner feeling sense, the world around you wakes up and for the first time perhaps, you are able to truly feel the spirit that moves through all things.

The final step in the development of this ability to see non-organic life, is the ability to acquire personal energy (which is something that I also described in the book, the Magnum Opus).  That means, that the ability to be able to see auras, and to be able to use the inner feeling sense, and therefore the ability to see non organic life, is directly related to the kind of energy that a person is able to acquire and maintain. More energy equals stronger vision.

But it is my belief, that the average person, with little skill aside from perhaps the ability to see auras clearly, will be able to see displacements and energetic patterns that will allow them to begin to perceive non-organic life.  Using the same kind of perceptive abilities that you use when you see a person’s aura, you can see displacements in energy. Such displacements can be scrutinized with some practice on your part and eventually you can identify individual sentience in that free roaming energy. This means that this is sentient moving and independent energy, alive energy as it were, energy with individual intent. Once you can see that energy, you have discovered a whole new world!

Another way to identify and see non-organic life forms, beyond just looking for odd and displaced energy, is to use your auric vision to pay attention to pulsating frequencies of energy, or sometimes even vacuous spots, that is spots around you were there seems to be no energy at all, sort of like an energy black spot. Pulsating energy can indicate a non-organic life form, being that such non-organic life is usually quite energy intense at times and may begin to pulsate if it becomes agitated. A vacuous patch on the other hand, can mean that a non-organic life form is living, existing, in the vicinity and has consumed the natural energy in the area in order to feed itself. A patch of no energy therefore can mean a kind of grazing area where a non-organic life form might exist.

Someone who is very good at seeing auras, might be able to use such a technique alone to be able to perceive this non-organic life clearly.  It is most likely the case though, that in order to truly be able to perceive this non-organic life, to be able to discern its intention, and even begin a kind of communication with it, the inner feeling sense will need to be used.

Using the inner feeling sense, you can project an aspect of yourself into those displacements that you have been able to perceive with auric vision, and in doing so you will get a deep inner feeling sense, an empathic kind of connection with that sentient energy. Using the inner feeling sense (which I describe how to use in the Magnum Opus book referenced below) you will be able to perceive intention, create relative communication channels, protect yourself, and discern a near infinite number of things depending on your skill level. It is the inner feeling sense that is key in discerning whether that displacement that you can see with your auric vision is actually a sentient non-organic being are not. And with it, you will be able to not only communicate and protect yourself, but you will also be able to (with some practice) understand the nature of this impossible other kind of life. In time and with experience, you will be able to discern many different types of such non-organic life; what their general nature is, what their relative species type is, their general proclivities, their uses and even their weaknesses if such a thing as needed.

Using auric vision and the inner feeling sense, and further combined with the ability to work with energy in order to grow in power, a person can begin to perceive the incredibly varied non-organic life that is all around us during every single moment of our days on this earth. And I must point out that there is an incredible variety to non-organic lifeforms. For example, some non-organic lifeforms can be very small (like small little fish swimming around us) while others can be of titanic size (like giant skyscrapers moving slowly across the land). A nonorganic life form can be a simple conglomeration of energy that functions in many ways like a kind of simple biological organism, while other non-organic lifeforms can be incredibly complex conglomerations of vast intelligence, intelligence that far surpasses human intellect.

The vast majority of the human world is not ready for such revelations, indeed many of them under the weight of such revelations would most likely lose their minds.  But if you think you are ready, and please do proceed at your own risk, then you now have a basic understanding of how this is possible. As always, please note that these techniques are presented here for information purposes only and I cannot take responsibility for your actions, so do make sure that you take responsibility for your own actions here and proceed in accordance with your own steady and sober purpose.

If you would like to know more about how to develop the ability to see auras, to work with energy, and how to develop the inner feeling sense, in order to see the ‘supposedly’ impossible, then I recommend my books:

The Magnum Opus a Step by Step Course

The Occult Experience

You open your eyes and all that you can see is complete darkness. You seem to be in a room, a completely blacked out room, you turn your eyes one way, then the other, and nothing, complete ink black darkness…

In this completely dark room you cannot move easily, it almost feels like you have no limbs at all. But if you could, you are quite certain that you would not even be able to see your hands before your eyes, the entire room is pitch black. So, you instinctually do the most logical thing left to you, which is to try to hear something. But you cannot hear anything, and it is somehow even worse than this, it is like there is no sound at all and the only thing that you can hear is this buzzing or ringing, like that ringing in your ears that you can hear sometimes when it is completely silent, when there is absolutely no sound of any kind. And you think that this utter silence will drive you mad, it is driving you mad now, and that ringing, that ringing in your ears. But then you forget, and perhaps you dream, and then you remember where you are again, which is nowhere.

You are in a black on black room, it is a room without walls, but the walls are still there, they are the walls of your perception. All your external senses have been turned off. Moreover, you cannot feel anything, and it seems like you are floating, like gravity has been turned off, you are in a literal void. It is what you would imagine existence would be like at the center of some giant black hole somewhere, out there in cold space; you seem to be floating in lukewarm black space. This feeling is both liberating and relaxing in a certain way, but if it were to continue too long, it could easily become a kind of claustrophobic terror. If you have ever spent any time in an isolation tank, then you may be familiar with this feeling. This is the feeling of complete sensory deprivation, at least as complete as it can be using purely mechanical means. Interestingly, research into certain facets of sensory deprivation is not an easy task; It’s hard to find certain information. It could be that there is just not that much interest in this obscure topic, but it may also be the case that some of this lack of information is because many high level organizations have taken an interest in such devices, and some experimentation into these areas may have had some rather nefarious goals.

The modern version of such complete sensory deprivation is the sensory deprivation tank, which was created by Dr. John Lilly in 1954. This complete sensory deprivation chamber, which would later be known as a flotation tank, would completely change the field of personal awareness, and would allow for the scientific experimentation into incredible new facets of the human condition. But what is the big deal? What does it mean to turn off all your external senses? And why do it? Well, to answer this simply, we could refer to the floating man argument that was proposed by the medieval philosopher Ibn Sina.

His thought experiment proposed the idea of a man floating in a void, just like the one I have described above, one where this person is not able to perceive anything physically, where they are not even able to touch their body, wiggled their toes, let alone see hear taste or smell anything. In such a thought experiment, it is then proposed that this person might later reflect on what has just happened to him, and doing so they may conclude that in such an environment, in such a state of total sensory deprivation, they were able to realize that they were something, that there is something beneath the body. In removing the body and all of its perceptions, such a person might still find that there is something to them still, something beyond the body, and some might call that something the soul. Such an experience might allow them to directly perceive the difference, the duality, between the body and the soul. This is the direct perception of what in Cartesian philosophy would later become, the duality between the body and the mind. But this is only a mere scratch of the surface of what is possible when such complete sensory deprivation becomes achievable. And as I have mentioned, some of the past and perhaps even current experiments done in this area using sensory deprivation chambers, may help to bridge the incredible gaps in human consciousness. Such experiments may be able to perhaps even answer such questions as, what is the extent of human awareness and ability? Do humans have more sensual possibilities than just the physical senses? Could it be that we can use senses that are beyond, certainly far more powerful, than just the physical senses that we take so for granted during our physical life? And, are there other worlds? Other dimensions possible for us? Such experiments might even be able to show us how to begin to access other worlds, other dimensions, and in those worlds perhaps discover a new kind of life, a new kind of existence, in realities undreamt of. Such work if rigorously undertaken in all seriousness has the possibility to solve the riddle of other dimensions, and even the possibility of travelling to those fantastic places. Could this kind of experimentation have already begun?

Quite simply, yes it has! And in trying to prove the legitimacy of this, I would have you ponder the reason why it is so hard to find any concrete data on what has been done thus far. A simple question like, what is the longest that any person has been able to stay inside such a complete isolation chamber, Is very difficult to answer. And yet, there must have been experimentation in this area. But why no easily accessible data in the public sphere? This lack of information, of hardly any data on conclusive research by legitimate scientific bodies on the use of sensory deprivation chambers, should at the very least raise some questions within you. And certainly, you can be sure that such experimentation into isolation chamber endurance, combining pharmaceuticals and endurance sessions in such chambers, has and is being done. At most, in your research, you might find some information saying that Dr. John Lilly himself may have spent days in an isolation tank, hooked up to an Intravenous unit, but aside from this there is very little out there. So where is all the data? And what does the little that we know on this tell us about the kind of work that was being done, and the kind of work that might still be going on?

What I can tell you, through my own experience as an inner alchemist, is that an average person without training can only withstand such complete sensory deprivation for only so long. Eventually such a person will begin to lose their self identity. And that might be something that you should consider carefully, especially if we contemplate the possibility that such techniques might be used today by less than scrupulous individuals. But why is it that people can only handle so much sensory deprivation? Well, the reason for this is that so much of what we are is dependent on our external physical perceptions. The person that you are right now is not something born in isolation, but it is instead in many ways a reflection of the environment you perceived to be out there in accordance with your physical senses. We are what we remember ourselves to be, and if you think about the nature of memory, and how much of it relates and is reliant on external stimulus to maintain a kind of cohesive feeling of existence, of being alive as the particular person that you imagine and perceive yourself to be, then you can begin to understand just how intertwined you are to your environment. If I were to go to the kitchen and make myself something to eat for example, I would imagine that I would be able to follow some simple recipe without problem, but it is incredibly surprising how much I might forget.

I may make some wonderful culinary concoction, but it is quite possible that I will forget to put in salt in my masterpiece, or some other spice. Why did I forget?

Most likely because I did not see the salt, I did not pay attention to it. Our memory is cued to our physical experience, most often to our visual sense. We tend to remember to do things, not because we have laid our plans perfectly in some kind of software program in our minds, like a computer, but because we rely on our physical senses to perceive things, and then to remember to do those things that are related to those perceptions. Our memory is directly tied to our physical perception. If we are smart therefore, we may make sure that we have a written recipe, which is a visual written record of what we need to do in sequence. Without that recipe we may often make mistakes, forgetting one thing or another. Even our memory cues, which are different tricks you might say to try to remember a great deal of data, are usually based on some kind of visual cue, where we peg one particular thing to another, usually a striking visual image, and in that way we are able to remember thanks to our ability to not recall hard data on its own, but by being able to peg that data to certain very striking visual cues and then remembering a sequence thanks to that. In other words, our memories are completely tied to our perceptions, and for the average person such perceptions are most often only physical ones, our physical senses. So, without our physical senses, and without training, we forget, and in time we may even forget ourselves, at least the nature of who we are, our personality, and this can bring about a kind of insanity. If we forget ourselves, if we forget everything, then we become that floating man in the thought experiment referred to above. We may lose all sense of who we are, only knowing that we exist but nothing more. Under such duress, and I must call it duress for the average person, because in time without that symbiotic relationship between that existence and the outer physical environment, the structure of our self begins to experience a kind of identity onslaught. In time, lost in such a deprivation chamber, the self becomes unhinged in certain ways, unable to know itself because it cannot identify and remember itself. And its only option then becomes, to try to now maintain its fragile identity in this new environment, an environment where it can no longer rely on the symbiosis between itself and the stable physical world.

Unused mental muscles that are not able to create stable structures within the mind, means that the mind is in a constant state of flow, never finding rest. And incredibly, such a total lack of physical stimulus will in time open up new worlds, access to new dimensions, so that this fragile self must now contend with alien environments, dream positions, where wholly new realities must be contended with. Pushed into such an environment without training, a personality may be fractured. In the best of terms, such reawakening into a totally new internal environment may allow someone to begin to explore new dimensions in worlds beyond anything imaginable. But these must be controlled in short explorations at first, until the mind becomes powerful enough to withstand these experiences. The use of the sensory deprivation tank can become a key to future human evolution, and the starting place for a new kind of mind science. Taken seriously by a wider body of researchers, this relatively simple technology if used properly, can allow us to break the bonds that bind us to this limited reality we call physical existence. This of course is an ancient technology, and one that has been used by inner alchemist’s for thousands of years to break the walls of perception. But unlike the modern world that has become so reliant on external contraptions, they have developed and use techniques that do not rely on any external paraphernalia. Using such techniques, inner alchemists can break the limits that bind them to physicality. And in time may even move not just mentally but wholly, completely body and soul, into entirely different other worlds. But such a process must be done slowly, in a step-by-step fashion, so that a practitioner is able to grow in power slowly over time, and in that way dive deeper and deeper into the dark oceans of perception. In this way, they begin to re-create themselves from the ground up in an environment where the physical senses, where all physical experience has been completely left behind. Such adepts not only discover the true nature of their being, but also begin to fortify their true self, a self hidden from most, and one that I have referred to as the ghost in the machine.

I would encourage you to do your own research into sensory deprivation. You may find such research exasperating because of the lack of information, but any material that you can dig up may just open up your eyes to how seriously certain groups are taking this research. And it is my hope that through such a revelation, you can begin to truly realize just how powerful human beings actually are, how powerful you are as an individual. There are hidden secrets to be found out there to be sure, and this is one of the big ones. Research in this field by what can be termed very powerful and legitimate sources, is and will reveal not only the true nature of our existence, but our ability to truly go beyond this world and into vast other places, alien realities. And incredibly, the nature of this work will reveal to you that true exploration for us, for humanity, will not come about onboard some steel rocket, as we are slowly pulled away from the gravity of the earth, but that it will come through a new science of the mind. A new science might I add, that is no longer in its infancy. But you do not need to rely on hidden secrets and hard to find information, to begin your own quest into realms beyond the physical senses. As an inner alchemist myself I can tell you that you can begin your own adventures without any of the contraptions and the technology that the modern world is so reliant upon. You can learn to slowly gain your power using techniques that are as old as time. These techniques can allow you to break the bonds of physicality better than any of the modern methods used by such scientists. If you are interested, you can easily begin to incorporate inner alchemy techniques that are safe and provide a step by step procedural system to allow you to do the impossible. I have described these techniques in detail in the books, the way of the projectionist, and, out of body experiences quickly and naturally. In those books you will find everything that you need to move safely into spaces beyond any physical cage. There is a vast universe out there, and you can be a part of it. You can learn to regain the great power within you. I will leave a link to these books in the video description, and I would highly recommend them to anyone interested in trying to move beyond physical limitation.

There truly are great secrets in the world, and one of the greatest is the work that has been done, is currently still being done, into sensory deprivation, through the use of isolation tanks and other methodologies.
But there are older ways and more powerful ways, ways that do not require so much mechanics and external paraphernalia. These are safer ways that ultimately lead to far greater power, true power.

If you would like to know more about these methodologies used by inner alchemy, then I recommend the books:
Out of Body Experiences Quickly and Naturally
The Way of the Projectionist

I have written a number of books over the years, that outline techniques from a tradition that I refer to as inner alchemy.

I generally try to stay away from just writing about dogmatic beliefs, that is, I try to stay away from the dogma, a belief system, whether my own as an inner alchemist, or anyone elses’s, and instead I try to focus as much as possible on technique, so that those that read my books can try the techniques that I write about and in that way, hopefully through their own successes, find out whether what I’m saying is true or not. No dogma, no need to believe my crazy experiences…just try this technique, and see for yourself if it actually works.

These techniques, tend to be things that many people find quite daunting or impossible, such as the ability to travel out of body, and create magical servants that will do your bidding.  Therefore, when I write about these things, there are times when those that are trying to do what others say is impossible, run into major obstacles of a (psychological or psyche) based nature.

For example, in astral travel or out of body techniques, when a person looks into doing these techniques themselves for the first time, they can instantly believe that such techniques, such inner actions, are impossible, or if they are possible, they’re only possible for a select few, for those that are the outliers, the genetically predisposed and the naturally talented.

As another example, in discussing techniques that would allow a person to acquire great deals of knowledge through inner work and inner travel, I mentioned to one of my readers that such skills do require talent, in that in order to download this information that is available in what could be called a different dimensional field, that person must master the ability to project into that dimension with certitude and exactness, and then be able to bring that information back and THEN translate that aquired knowledge into the syntax of the physical plane. That is, turn that other dimensionally acquired knowledge into a linear and language based set of information, that can be used in this three dimensional place, this earth, that we call the real world.

Quite simply, it would be like trying to remember one of the many and complicated dreams that you have every night, and be able to get the full extent, the full knowledge and experience, of that dream, and turn that information into something that would be useful in what we would refer to as waking reality.

You would think that this is easy, that remembering dreams is not a great task, but in fact it does require a great deal of developed talent and experience, because in actuality dreams are far more complex than many remember when they are back in waking reality, in that these dreams usually involve what could best be termed ‘depth’ and instant knowing (direct knowledge) of such intensity that is most difficult to translate into waking  consciousness, where time functions in a different manner.  It would be sort of like after seeing a wonderful sight, one that completely envelops you in utter bliss and heightened experience, and then you have to then write an essay on what these feelings and this moment was all about, including the ability to try to express in words, this seeming intensity of experience that has instantly and from then on, completely altered the very fabric of your being. No an easy linguistic task.

Such experiences, such inner experiences, hold within them a richness that is beyond linear and material conception.  A human being can experience this depth and feel and understand it within themselves, but to then try to express those inner feelings, that inner knowing at that time, is very difficult, and indeed this is what our art, our poetry, tries to with great diligence and sometimes difficulty. We cannot duplicate that other dimension, we can only try to somehow fit it into the syntax and phenomenology of this dimension.

Inner knowledge, and inner knowing, such as the ability to know the incredible things that can be discovered within dreams, within the context of those moment points experienced in those other dimensions, requires that kind of mastery of ability.  The ability to move a block of perception that holds within it an expanse that is beyond physical time and linear objectiveness, and turn it into something that is useful in this three dimensional world.

As such, an ability to do this takes time. The kind of time that can be compared to what a person might go through to become a Ph.D. It is something that is quite possible certainly, but it is just something that takes time and a relentless focus of attention.

Upon hearing that such a mastery is required, an average person might be quite disappointed thinking that, as I mentioned earlier, such a task is nearly impossible and is only available really, to a select few and to a talented minority.

In that regard I can only say this:

Such conclusions are only applicable if you believe that something like astral travel for example is an oddity.  And here we come to a most important point, and that is what you believe.

Belief is an incredibly powerful thing and I think that if you look, you’ll find that people that have been able to believe something, can do what is seemingly impossible, while at the same time those that believe that they cannot, find an obstacle at every turn.

I do not like to use this old adage about belief, but it is very much an important reference here.  I too am a bit disappointed then in the fact that some may have decided right off that such a skill is an impossibility or a highly difficult one.  I will tell you why something is difficult or not difficult: it is quite basically how much attention you are able to give it; how much focus of attention you have.

You can quite literally do anything in this world that you want, as long as you can focus your attention long enough on that one outcome.  The techniques that I discuss in my books and in some of my articles are all possible if that person is willing to dedicate the time and effort (by which I mean the prolonged focus of attention) to finally get the conclusion they desire.  Yes, it is possible that for some people these techniques will take longer than others, this is a fact.  There are also others that will run into negative beliefs as they focus their attention, in the same way that some might believe that such skills are outliers, that they are difficult and that they are for the few.  And faced with those negative or counter beliefs, many will give up.  But some will continue and will face those beliefs, change them, and continue with their focus on what they want.  That is the only difference between those that get something done and those that are willing to believe what the world at large is telling them they can’t do.

I have faith that you can do anything if your focus is unrelenting and precise, or I would not write these books for people just like you. I hope your faith in yourself grows over time as your focus of attention gets you the things you may want; the knowledge and the skill you may want.

If you would like to know more about what the focus of attention can do, then I recommend my book,

The way of the projectionist

There are a number of different methods that are recommended, and techniques used, to try to initiate out of body travels or astral projections.

In this article I don’t want to focus on these techniques, but instead I want to discuss the many incredible and fantastical perceptions, that are possible when a person can successfully find themselves in the out of body condition.

I feel, that it is very important to talk about these issues, because the sheer power and crazy bewildering nature of them, can in the simplest of terms, be the biggest reason why most people give up trying to go further in their out of body journeys.

We try something, and as we do so we experience unusual, weird, and what we may at times even call foolish things, that instantly make us question the reality of what just happened. We see something, and know that in the supposed real world, these things could not possibly be, and so we say, what a load of rubbish, its all in my head, there is no ‘real’ in these silly experiences, I am making it all up in my head…and we stop.

We are all so used to a life of experiences perceived through stable physical senses, that we forget just how hard we actually had to work, to make these experiences so stable to begin with. We forget the many odd incidents that we had as children, the magic around every corner, and the fact that this magic, that filled our lives back then, was due to the fact that we were ( in those times ) far more flexible, far more innocent, more clear, more unsullied, by the expectations and regulations that a reasonable world imposes upon us.

Our eyes were not so imprisoned by the rules of reason, and what should ( or should not be) back in our childhood days. These young and unsullied eyes were far freer, and they might for that reason, warp things on occasion, see near as far, change the color of things, and even at certain times, see fantastical events and beings that now, with our completely ordered and reasoned eyes, we could never see. Because we could never accept as real, as fact, as possible even, that which is not within the boundaries of the accepted world order.

If our eyes do funny things now, we reprimand ourselves, we tell ourselves that something is wrong, we are losing it, some kind of it, I don’t know what it exactly, but whatever that ‘it’ is, it means that we must be going nuts, that we have broken a law of reality, or that we are broken ourselves, and are in quick need of some kind of help.

But, thankfully for the average person, most of us do not have to worry about odd visual anomalies in the physical dimension. Most of us have become stable and happy, deeply bored perhaps, but happy stable adult humans while in this waking reality. And in the same way that we learnt to stabilise the physical world, to become complacent even in our physical reality, we can learn to bring order to the other realms that we all have access to; those other realms that can be accessed when we focus our efforts, and therefore our attention, on leaving the 3 dimensional cube behind for a little while, and travel out of our bodies, to discover the magic of our childhood once again.

When we first begin our journeys out of the body, we will always run into what I refer to as phantom images. I call these ‘phantom images’ not because they are not real, or because they are less important than other perceptions and realities that we are more used to, but because they represent different dimensional orders, or frequencies of existence if you like; they are images that do not easily fit into, the one hard dimension that most people call actual reality; concrete, sane, common sense, common order…reality.

This can be a difficult concept, but it is a crucially important one for those that are travelling astrally, that are willing to experiment for themselves, to see if there is indeed something beyond the physical.

What this concept means is that when we are seeing, that is perceiving, with eyes that are not physical, with internal eyes, internal senses, we can see a great jumble of things that seem to have little to no stability, which is quite obvious from the fact that anything that we may see, can morph and change from one thing to another very rapidly; our inner visions (or perceptions of any kind) are often an odd, fluid, chaotic, scrambled.

And no wonder therefore, that most people who try these Out of Body Techniques, quickly give up, thinking that its all bunk, that its all in their heads, that its delusion.

Now, the easiest fix and advise, one which I recommend myself, is to not worry so much about the chaotic and seemingly unrealistic nature of these visions. Many people instantly want to be out of body, so that they can then go spy on what their friend on the other side of the city is doing. They want instant and perfect perception. When they instead find that they have only seen odd jumbles of things, that have no relation to what their friend may report to have actually been doing on the day of the visit, they give up and call all such projecting, a silly flight of fancy. And so the best advise is really, forget about supposed accuracy and supposed reality at first. Don’t expect to go read secret documents somewhere and record your findings. Instead just go with the flow of your visions, and accept the fact that these visions will at first, and for some time to come, be as odd and convoluted as remembered dreams.

This then is the simple and most practical first advice, but I feel personally that A little more explanation IS required. Or else why go on really? If unrealistic inaccurate jumble is all there is at first, then why try?

The thing is though that it is not jumble, not in the sense that it is all worthless visions, meaning random unimportant nothing. There is a logic there, a logic far more complex and powerful than simple physical reason, and knowing that this logic is a foundational principal beneath the many chaotic, that is complex system, visions that you will encounter out of the body, can help you to want to keep going in your efforts. And as such, you must therefore know that in time, you will begin to understand this complex perceptive jumble, which will then unfold before you as the magical nature of personal reality.

When you exit the physical body then, and move across what seems to be space, and see a tree in your back yard for example, you may see a different tree than the one that you see with your physical eyes. This astral tree may be small, it may have things on it, or it may not have things on it that were in the physical tree in your back yard. What you see through your physical eyes, and what you see through your astral eyes can be very different, especially when you are just starting your travels.

But what your astral eyes are seeing is not wrong, it is just different, and in many ways far more precise and informative, not only about the state of the tree itself, but also about the state of your own psyche, and even in purely physically practical terms, the inner eyes are far more powerful and insightful than the physical ones. This is so, because we cannot see anything without coloring and changing that something with our own filter of reality; the perceiver and the perceived are one. And no matter how much the skeptical rationalist will argue to the contrary, a ruler, a physical ruler, is different to all who perceive it. There is no one ruler, no one exact measure, one unchanging perfect unit, there are many fluid units, one differing ruler for each observer, and each is different in accordance to who sees it, and when. There is no out there…only our impression of what is out there; an agreed upon consensus, a very fluid and changing consensus might I add, of what that reality is, a consensus which we, in the modern world, call the rational, the physical, and the ‘real’.

So, when you see the tree with your inner astral eyes, you will see what you think is a jumble of fluid and seemingly illusory things. But that jumble is made up of many important perceptive events, that do matter.

Let me give you an example of what you may see:

Most often, what you will see at first, is your concept of what that tree should be; your ideas, notions, expectations, your memory, and therefore beliefs as to what that tree is, and ought to be. This represents a phantom image, a notion, a memory of a thing, and that notion will cloud your vision of what you see, it will filter your seeing.

So that tree that you perceive with your inner senses, may be tall, while the accepted as physical version of the tree might be a bit shorter, it might have something on it that is or is not there in the physical dimension. This jumble, this complex system of perception, is also made up of probable realities, other dimensional probability points where the tree is or is not there in the physical location you expect it to be. It may also be green, purple, a cow, a person, a thought of something, like an idea superimposed on the place where the tree should be, and such probability points (that is other dimensions of actuality) will cloud how you see the astral tree and will therefore, from the perspective of a reasonable human, be phantom images, illusions superimposed on what the tree is supposed to be in the physical dimension.

It is also possible, that you may even experience phantom images that are made up of the thoughts that others have had, are having, or will have, about the tree. And these visions can be seen as the actual tree in a different form, or complete other events like a person hammering a nail, which could represent in that case the desire of that person to cut down the tree, to pound it down for example. So that you end up not seeing the tree, but actually seeing someone hammering, which you then conclude is nonsense, but that is in fact a most valid perception of another actuality that does matter!

There is therefore, a lot for you to potentially see, a great complex order of perception.

Know then that all is real, all is valid, your crazy visions while out of body are all valid, all phantom images are real and valid in their own right. The problem is not their validity, but your ability to navigate through them, and put all those greater perceptive realities in their place. This will mean that you will need to focus and do more out of body exploration, instead of giving up because you think its all nonsense. It will mean that you will need to start to appreciate and develop a far more powerful logical order of what is and is not, a logical outline far more complex than simple physical reason, and easily agreed upon group think.

But you can do this, we humans are far more capable than we imagine, and it is possible to greatly exceed the simple logic of reason and the laws of supposed sanity, of modern common sense, that tell you that you are a three dimensional thing stuck in a hard three dimensional world; a cube in a cube.

If you would like to know more about out of body travelling, about the out of body condition, other dimensions, timelines, and how to have out of body experiences yourself, then I recommend the book, out of body experiences quickly and naturally. This I feel is a very good introductory overview of the out of body condition and projecting, but for those that are interested in the big leagues as they say, in the hard core projectionist world and the core principals and techniques that can allow an individuality to fly free, perhaps forever, then I recommend the book, The way of the projectionist.

I was recently asked about the limiting power of words, how verbal language may trap us, how it may restrict and perhaps even be used as a weapon to keep us all down. Well, in past articles and videos I have discussed some of this, but this is such an important topic that any clarification that I could give I think would be helpful.

To understand the limits of words we must understand the totality of ourselves, and the restrictions imposed on us here in this material dimension. I have said in the past that we are multidimensional beings, this means that we are far more than what we seem to be just from the physical perspective alone.

Using our physical eyes and listening only with our physical ears, then it is easy to suppose, to take it for granted, that we are a certain object quite clearly defined and outlined in three dimensional space. With our physical eyes we can see the beginning and the end of us, and we can define ourselves as a physical body that takes up a measurable amount of room within a three dimensional field of space and time. With our physical ears, we can perceive that this body, this object self, seems to have the possibility of creating sounds and through the manipulation of those sounds create a pattern, and a complex syntax, that eventually allows us all to communicate one object to the other.

But from the inner alchemist’s point of view, this is merely a lie of the physical senses, because we are so much more than physical things all gibbering at each other.

Perhaps the best way to explain this is to try to imagine what a dream experience might be like. In a particular dream you might imagine yourself to be someone you are not, in what might seem at the time to be real life to you. For example, in a dream you might be a person that you are not. In a dream you can be a totally different you. And, generally speaking, most people completely forget about the physical existence that they left behind the moment that they start the dreaming process.

Dreams can take us to a whole different world, and in that world, we are oftentimes different people, and in rare occasions we may even find ourselves in completely different worlds with wholly different laws from the ones that rule our waking reality. Moreover, most of us tend to completely forget our dreams, or may remember only slivers of them when we wake up the next morning. And during this dream, if we can remember any of it when we wake up, we may be incredibly fascinated in an odd and sometimes even morbid way, how it is that we can completely forget during that dream that we are something else while we are awake.

In that sense then, dreams can show us that we have the possibility to exist in other places, and while in those places we have this propensity to forget those aspects of ourselves that we left behind. In the same way that in dreams we can forget the physical being that we are while awake, during physical existence we also forget that we are more than just physicality. What I am trying to say is that physical existence is just a dream, and you are forgetting the fact that you are more than this.

This means that we are now dreaming ourselves as being physical beings, we are a dream dreaming itself as a physical person. And just like any dream, while in that dream we forget about the fact that there are different aspects of us that are beyond this dream, that there are aspects of ourselves not bound to the physical world. While we are dreaming physicality, we forget about the fact that there are different aspects of us existing in other places. Our dream self, the physical being that we become while we are dreaming this physical life in a physical world, forgets that we are far more than this. It forgets that we are multidimensional beings, beings of great proportion, and that only slivers of us, only a small sliver of the totality of ourselves, are caught up in a dream we call reality.

While in that dream, we wholeheartedly believe that we are only that physicality. But in the same way that we sometimes seem to wake up a little bit in our dreams, become lucid for small moments, we can sometimes wake up a little during physical existence. In those moments of fleeting lucidity, we may have glimpses of a larger existence, small little glimmers of illumination, that revealed to us in relative ways just how big we are and just how limiting and constricting this current dream is.

The thing about any dream location, is that while there, the gravity of that place makes us forget about everything else, and it also restricts us within a certain parameter of possibilities. Every dream position has a particular set of laws and principles that are to be found in that location and that are very difficult to break. Indeed, the laws of any particular dream position are impossible to overcome if we forget about the fact that we are a dreamer lost in one particular dream position.

While in this physical dream, we feel that we are bound to words, because the only way that we have to communicate, the only way that we even feel that we can communicate with ourselves even, is through these words. Many of us are so lost in this particular dream, that we often feel that words are the only way that we may know and experience reality. While lost in the gravity of this physical dream we are overcome by the trap of this place, and accept the supposed laws of this place without question. The gravity of this dream makes us believe that rationality and the syntax of rationality, the words and terms that we use, is the only thing available to us.

Such a restriction is the gravity of this place. Further, inner alchemists believe that this gravity is additionally compounded by the titanic force of the Archon, which rules this particular dream position. Such a force makes waking up from the dream very difficult.

During physical existence, this dream gravity that we might refer to as rationality, does not only bind us to words and their arrangement, the syntax of rationality, it also actively pits the parts of us that are experiencing this dream against ourselves, so that in the end we become our own worst enemies. This is the great power of the Archon.

Words will never be able to express the totality of what you are, of what the world truly is. They can only help to describe certain aspects of this particular dream position that we are now in. Moreover, since the gravity of this place affects not only us as dreamers, but also all of the dreamers that are here in this particular dream position with us, we must not only contend with our forgetting, we must also contend with the forgetting of everyone else, and the drive within them to try to bend others to the will of this place, the will of this dream position we call physical reality. This is a most important point.

But the moment you can learn to perceive with more than just your physical senses, is the moment that you start to remember the totality of yourself. This will be the moment that you will start to remember the different aspects of yourself that are scattered across different points in space and time, aspects of yourself that are located in different dream positions.

I refer to this ability as seeing, but it can also be experienced through a technique of inner alchemy that I have referred to as the way of the projectionist. Through the development of such personal ability, you can then begin to understand the true reality of your total self, and in doing so the greater perceptive possibilities available to you. Once this happens you will begin to see that words, the syntax of rationality, are wholly and completely inadequate in explaining and describing the totality of who you are, and the total sum of your potential.

Words limit us, they restrict what is possible by telling us that the only things conceivable are those things that they can describe. The syntax of rationality makes us conclude that everything outside of it) is an illusion, delusion, a form of insanity.

But there is so much more to us, there is far more to us that exists beyond this tiny sliver of physical reality. The greater sum of us exists in locations beyond this one particular dream position.

By letting go of those words and learning to perceive energy directly, either through seeing or through the power of the projectionist, we can then begin to realize that there is an incalculable world out there that we can be a part of. If we can let go of those words, we can also slowly but surely begin to participate in a world where we are not just limited objects, that can only manipulate our world in accordance with the gravity of rationality. If we can let go of those words and therefore the gravity of this particular dream position, true magic begins to open up to us.

It is accurate to say that all of my books are designed to try to reveal the magic of the totality of us beyond the syntax of rationality. But in this particular case, in order to understand the gravity of any particular dream position, and more importantly what is needed to be able to go beyond the syntax of rationality that is almost total in this modern world, I would highly recommend the book, The Way of the Projectionist.

The way of inner alchemy is the way of energy, and of being able to perceive that energy in the most correct and precise manner possible. For that reason, there are times when I have been asked how inner alchemy sees other techniques, and how they perceive the validity in the symbolism of such techniques.

I have been asked for example, whether inner alchemists consider kundalini to be a kind of myth. And certainly to them the energy that is tapped into through the practice of kundalini ascension is certainly not a myth, but you could say that the way this energetic surge, or pool of energy is symbolized and sometimes even described, is just one possible interpretation of many, at least from the point of view of inner alchemists. And the interpretation of, and the way of reaching this energy, can vary greatly from culture and region to region. In accordance with the seeing of inner alchemy, there is indeed an energetic pool that is available to humanity, but the way this pool is interpreted and reached, can vary greatly across cultures and regions.

In this particular case, when it comes to kundalini, in accordance with the yogic system, this energy is described using certain properties, symbolism, characteristics, some of which are usable in accordance with the doing of inner alchemy, while others are not. And might I point out here, that many of the inconsistencies and difference between yoga and alchemy let us say, are in many ways more the result of academic trifles then the actual experience by true practitioners. In other words, most differences and inconsistencies between certain systems is the result of dogmatic debate between researchers, as opposed to any kind of real inconsistency between actual practitioners of the art.

Now, because of the fact that it is so difficult for us to begin certain tasks, especially the difficult road of energy work or inner development, a person should use whatever school of thought or way that suits them best, that resonates the most with their inner feelings. Motivation is a big aspect of getting started and continuing on your journey, and as such we must use all the tricks at our disposal to get started and stay on course. If the yogic traditions appeal to you then use them, if the way of inner alchemy suits you best, then use that. In order to guarantee success in this difficult beginning, follow the way of your heart and choose the road that resonates with you the most.

But as we progress through any system, and we learn to work and perceive energy directly ourselves through such efforts, then we must also learn to go beyond all symbolism and dogma, because such things can be a great limitation in the long run. What I mean by this, is that the ability to use such symbolism and dogma to start, the ability to be able to understand this energy that you are trying to tap into by calling it kundalini for example, and by practising a wonderful set of outlined principles like yoga, is very important in the beginning. This is so because it can give you a framework and motivation at first.

But as you the practitioner become an adept, as you learn to find your way through a system and learn to perceive and work with energy directly, you must begin to slowly let go of that symbolism. This is crucial because if you don’t, there will be a limit to how far you can go. In time, you must begin to trust your skill and your ability to perceive energy as an individual, or you will be forever stuck within dogmatic limitations.

This is the case because such cultural symbolism and interpretation of how you proceed, in the end can be thought of like a kind of structure existing out there. This non-local mental structure gives a framework and stability in the beginning, but if you are not willing to move beyond that structure, then you have hit your limit once you reach the outer edges of it. If you cannot trust yourself and your own individual doing, then this structure goes from being an ally to being a prison. And this prison cannot be overcome by deeper exploration into the dogma of that way of energy work, it cannot be overcome by greater research into every nook and cranny of that structure. Such a prison can only be overcome through direct and individual practice, and the confidence developed through that actual practice.

Any good system must insist on the development of your own ability to perceive and work with energy directly. It must provide for a way for you to begin to discover your own energetic truth beyond the system itself. If this is not the case, then that system is incomplete, and it is in many ways designed to trap you within the structure of itself.

Certainly the insight from those that have gone before can help, but it must always be taken within the context of what you personally ultimately want to accomplish. This context means that words will never explain true energetic perception because they are not up to the task, and as such this does not mean that such practitioners are wrong, but that the words that must be used sometimes to explain their doings can lead us astray. The only way to overcome the obstacle of the illusion of words, is to let go of those words and learn to perceive and do yourself directly. Eventually the practitioner realizes that kundalini is in some ways a kind of illusion, because it is simply a word. Kundalini is in essence just a word, it is just a term created to try to explain something that exists in a place beyond words, a non-local space. The only thing that really matters is direct knowledge, which comes through direct energetic perception and doing, not through symbolism.

This might sound like religious heresy to some, but I must point out nonetheless that there is no energy in kundalini. Kundalini, in and of itself is not power, it is not ultimate truth and the only way. It is instead a name for a certain aspect of one possible road, that leads to a place that then allows the practitioner to access a certain type of incredibly powerful energy base. But there are many roads and many descriptions, and all are valid. A better way to say this I feel is that, there are no roads and there are no ways, there is only energy, everything else is an illusion.

So, from the inner alchemist’s point of view, kundalini represents a release of energy that is always there to some degree within everyone, and that you do not need to practice yoga specifically to release it. There are many ways to get to the same place. Therefore, we have to be very careful in all such descriptions, the words and the symbols that we used to try to explain what we are doing.

From the inner alchemists point of view, which might sound like heresy to many as well, kundalini is not at the base of the spine, even though in some ways you could say it is. From their point of view for example, we could say that within every cubic inch of space, there is enough energy to power the planet, and yet who could possibly access such energy, and who could withstand the power of such energy if it were released. Energy for them is anywhere and everywhere, and the only thing that truly directs energy from their point of view is the focus of attention, not a location per se or a mantra. So, while there might be certain nerve groupings within the body and certain inherent energy channels or meridians, the body is not an object, it is not a static thing, it is instead energy, and energy is infinitely malleable.

We may all start from a relative base structure, but we have the potential to create anything, whether that anything is the awakening of kundalini or the creation of the philosopher’s stone, which is a structure that inner alchemists use to try to tap into that infinite power available in every cubic inch of space.

To say that kundalini energy is real, is true. But to say that such energy is only possible through such practice let us say, is something that one must be careful about, because dogma has this way of creating division that does not exist in the energetic world. Within every cubic inch of space there is enough energy to power the planet a few times over. Such power could be accessed to some degree through kundalini work, or through the creation of the philosopher’s stone.

Begin your journey and follow the road that appeals most to those aspects deep within yourself. Play with your own reality, your own psychology, and follow the way that appeals best to your heart. But as you progress down this road do not be fooled by the words used to describe something much deeper and greater than the words used to describe it. Instead, as you learn to work with energy yourself, let go of that symbolism and all those words and begin to explore your own energetic reality directly. If you do not do this, then you will be bound and constricted by those words and that supposed symbolism that was so helpful to you in the beginning.

Instead of exploring the true nature of energy and power itself, which is unbound and nonlocal, meaning that it is beyond the constrictions of space and time as we understand such things intellectually, you will be stuck within a structure of illusory words. This will mean that the true potential of that energy that you are tapping into, when you release kundalini for example, will never be truly and fully possible for you.

In alchemy, a different form of symbolism is used, but there is certainly a deep relation between what is called kundalini in yoga and what is called the philosopher’s stone in alchemy. And there is a connection between both of these and that potential energy to be found in every cubic inch of space. There are two types of symbolism here, two potential roads that you can follow, and each one points to a beginning that may seem very far apart, but as you progress down whatever road appeals most to you, and find the underlying energetic truth of what that road is and what lies at the end of it, you must go beyond terms and symbols because in dogmatic symbolism, you will only find illusion. You may even fail to realize that all true roads, all good roads, lead to the same energetic truth.

If you would like to know more about what I consider to be a very good energetic road, the energetic way of inner alchemy, then I would recommend the book, The Magnum Opus. It will show you what you will need to do to progress and go deeply down that energetic road. If it appeals to something deep within you, if it appeals to your heart, then use it. And then once you understand and have gone deep enough so that you can work with energy directly yourself, you can then begin to follow your own path, move farther and farther away from that structure, and perhaps even develop your own terms and symbolism. This is the only way, that infinity will open up to you.