Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

In the previous article I discussed the idea of assumptions. I mentioned that when we assume something we are essentially taking it for granted that a certain thing is this way or that; we are essentially assuming that a belief is true.

While it might seem quite natural, and it is for all of us, to engage in the act of believing in something; blind belief without question is always a perceptive funnel. The moment that you believe something without question is the moment that you limit your perceptive abilities. It is true that believing something without question can have some favorable aspects; as I mentioned in the last article it is sometimes good to believe something that is positive for you and in this way engender more of it. But a belief has the great ability to focus perception and once that perception is narrowed you are essentially walking around with blinders on.

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I thought for a while about what section to put this article in. The reason for my troubles was that assumption is responsible for so many of the problems that we have. Whenever we assume something, we take it for granted that a certain thing is this way or that. To assume something is really to believe something without question, without any logical thought at all.

I like to define reason as the act of making assumptions and for this reason I suppose I find assumption to be very reasonable. I define it this way because it is quite easy to see that any individual is considered reasonable when he or she is able to follow the status quo; that is when they believe what is generally believed by everyone around them and is reasonably acting in accordance to those beliefs. To be a person of reason is to be someone who is not insane and to not be insane you must believe, or at least act, like everyone else.

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This is an article created in order to help a reader with a question that came up while reading my book; “The Occult Experience”. The Question is in blue and my answer follows.


Regarding the belief exercise in your book, why the long break after only a week of the exercise?

Also, While I’m doing the above exercise, am I saying to myself that I believe with all my heart? This one is kind of confusing to me. When I look back at all the things I believe, the beliefs were established over time–sometimes many years. I don’t know how to sit and believe something with all my heart. I guess you could say the process of belief in my life was a slow, passive process. If you’d be so kind to help me understand I’d really appreciate it.

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As a writer and an occultist, I tend to live in my own world. I tend to be quite reserved and a bit of a misanthrope so I do on occassion try to communicate my personal ideas and theories to people; I figure that I should talk about what I like and I should try to open up so that others may do the same with me, but I am constantly suprised how little I have in common with the average beliefs of the time.

During one of these attempts, I notice something very peculiar about myself. I noticed that I take the existence of paranormal phenomena quite for granted. That is I believe in the paranormal and tend to assume (assumption is seldom a good idea) that most people have the same beliefs as I do.

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Is there a hidden book that somehow explains  the reality in which we find ourselves? Is there an odd and strange book, written by a crazy and yet amazing character, that would help to explain at least some of the many mysteries of this universe, and do so in beautiful and incredibly powerful prose? Believe it or not the answer to this questions is yes. The name of that book is “The Book of the Law” and the name of the crazy genius who wrote it is Aleistair Crowley.

In a time of amazing figures and incredible history, Aleistair Crowley was arguably one of the most interesting figures of the last century. He was born Edward Alexander Crowley on October 12, 1875. I doubt that you could go far into the sphere of the occult and Magick (he was actually the person that coined the term Magick in order to separate true magical practices from stage magic) without hearing his name mentioned at least once, and it would not be a stretch to say that he is largely responsible for what we have come to refer to as the mystical new age movement.

Born the son of a wealthy evangelical family, he was soon to reject his oppressive religious home life and begin a life where he seemed to do everything in his power to bring down any kind of established religious oppression. Indeed he coined the term “ The Beast”  for himself in order to pronounce himself as an antichrist or one who is completely against Christian theology. Born with a brilliant intellect he was soon to see the many holes in the established order that he lived in, with a particular hatred for the oppressive Christian dogma that he had to put up with as a child.

This article certainly cannot contain or bring to light the incredibly eclectic life of Aleistair Crowley . But it is good that we acknowledge that he was not just a one book wonder, as it were. That is “The Book of the Law”, the book that we shall discuss in this series of articles, was not his only great work and some would even argue that it was not his best. Crowley had an incredibly prolific writing career; he wrote over 45 voluminous books, these were incredibly well-written books with an amazing amount of detail and information.  And this does not include the many poems that he wrote which were usually quite long and very well written as well. His life is one giant creative effort that literally changed the way the North Western world approaches occultism, magick, and the paranormal.

In this amazing repertoire of material, one can find ideas and concepts that were far ahead of their time. He wrote of ideas that would not be popular until our time and spoke of concepts, especially the Eastern practices, that would not be embraced by the West until nearly a century later. An interesting and fun example of this, can be seen in his  “The Book of Lies”. This book consisted of 93 chapters, each chapter is about a page of text where he writes in poetic and incredibly intriguing prose, certain ideas and thoughts which also directly relate to his magical practice and occult philosophy.
Now it must be remembered that this book was written literally 100 years ago and what might seem quaint today was then an incredible leap in intellectual prowess. For example in the 69th chapter of this book, we are told of a way to attain bliss, become a success, and have contact with our Guardian  Angel:

The Way to Succeed—And the Way to Suck Eggs!
This is the Holy Hexagram.
Plunge from the height, O God, and interlock with
Plunge from the height, O Man, and interlock with
The Red Triangle is the descending tongue of grace;
the Blue Triangle is the ascending tongue of
This Interchange, the Double Gift of Tongues, the
Word of Double Power—ABRAHADABRA!—is
the sign of the GREAT WORK, for the GREAT
WORK is accomplished in Silence.  And behold is
not that Word equal to Cheth, that is Cancer.
whose Sigil is 69?
This Work also eats up itself, accomplishes its own
end, nourishes the worker, leaves no seed, is per-
fect in itself.
Little children, love one another!

Within this poem, Crowley tells us a great many secrets and creates a number of puns that are most interesting, funny, and at the same time quite informative. As I said this is the 69th chapter and this is a clue as to what this poem is all about. As I have mentioned, while 69 is common parlance NOW for oral stimulation, you must remember that this and these ideas were written over 100 years ago. This poem in and of itself shows the incredible prowess of this man’s intellect and gives you a clue as to why many consider him to be the prophet of the new age. He continues with these puns and metaphors revealing a most powerful meditative practice and magical act; he is essentially talking about how a man can become divine by sucking eggs!

Now I do not mean to make the man seem to be a god of some kind, because he had many faults. Certainly if you ever get around to reading one of his many biographies, you will see that he was quite a crazy fellow with a penchant for the terrible. There are many though who would consider him to be some kind of grand avatar of the future, but in reality these people tend to truly overestimate the man and his capabilities. There are those for example that believe that through some of his magickal rites, he initiated the world wars of the last century and created a rift that opened up and changed the entire framework of the energetic consistency of this planet.

While I do believe that he was a good magician and a great writer, I do not believe that he changed the course of the world. And while it is important to understand that he had his finger in much of what we would now consider to be the modern occult tradition, he was not a hugely successful magician in many ways. I think his true talents lie in his ability to intuit and become a channel for the energy that would comprise these modern times, and there is no better example of that than his very famous “Book of the Law”.

In our next installment in this series, we will discuss a little more of Crowley’s life and begin to delve into the book that he himself considered to be his greatest work; The Book of the Law.

When researching the paranormal, it is sometimes the case that you run into people that need help. While paranormal researchers might be pursuing the occult, UFOs, and cryptids, sometimes the people that they run into during these searches tend to be normal people that would just like to forget what they saw and return to their regular lives. Unfortunately sometimes these people continue to be plagued by these paranormal forces and they feel that there is no way that they can escape them.

Usually such people feel powerless in the face of this paranormal phenomena. Such powerlessness can make one feel insignificant in the face of something that they do not understand and can make life difficult to say the least. There are two aspects of this:

  1. The fact that they have discovered that the world is far stranger than they thought it was.
  2. The fact that this new strange world that they have discovered does not conform to regular laws. They have no way to deal with it; to stop it, to ignore it, or to control it in any way. This makes it seem like their lives have spun out of control and are no longer their own.


This is a very common theme with many people and it seems to be a growing thing as more and more individuals seem to be affected by what we would call the paranormal. It is not my opinion that the world is getting stranger per se but I do believe that many human beings are becoming more and more sensitive to currents and forces that not so long ago they had been conditioned psychologically to ignore.

The truth though is that we are not powerless against these paranormal forces. The truth is that since we have been conditioned since childhood to ignore a large branch of our psyche, that which we consider the paranormal, we are therefore ill equipped to deal with these strange forces.

As such, I present in this article a technique that is  simple and yet an incredibly powerful banishing ritual. Perhaps ritual is a strong word since in reality this is more of a type of action. Since action is really thought physically manifested, what you’re really doing is manifesting a very strong thought in order to clear an area of energies or entities that you do not wish to deal with.

This banishing ritual can be used against any entity that you might find is having a psychological or physically ill effect on you or your family. This banishment can be used against ghosts, negative energies, certain types of unknown cryptids, and can even be used against much of the negative UFO phenomenon (including alien abduction) that many people are experiencing.

‘To banish’ is generally defined as;– to send away, to forbid, to get rid of

In the occult sphere this generally means a technique that you use in order to;
send away, forbid, or get rid of a certain entity or groups of entities that are endangering you mentally or physically.


A banishment like most occult techniques, requires three major things:

  1. Great focus and concentration
  2. Strong visualizations
  3. Psychic energy


These must all be used in conjunction to create a very strong thought, or group of thoughts, that is projected from your mind into the external world. You are essentially taking a very powerful subjective experience that you have created within your own mind and projecting it outwardly into the objective or physical world in order to create a psychological and physical change.


In order to perform this ritual:


– I want you to take a very long and deep inhalation. As you are inhaling imagine that you are sucking in energy from all around you. As you perform this long inhalation imagine that you are sucking in power from all of the things around you, that this energy is seeping into you through your bones and every pore in your body. Try to inhale as long and as deeply as possible.


– When you finish your inhalation, exhale in a natural and relaxed manner, making sure to relax your body completely as you do so.  Now once again inhale and imagine that you are inhaling all of the energy and power that you possibly can. This inhalation should last as long as possible so that you are sucking in as much energy as you can from the universe around you. When you’re finished your inhalation again exhale and relax your body completely. Inhale like this one more time and exhale relaxing your body completely when you are done.


– You will be inhaling for a total of three times, sucking in as much energy into yourself as possible. Try to imagine that this energy that you are inhaling into yourself is being concentrated into up powerful ball of psychic energy in your lower stomach. By the third inhalation you should have a very powerful buildup of psychic energy that you can actually feel.


– After your third inhalation and once you have a good feeling of that psychic force within your lower stomach, extend your arms before you sort of like you’re about to push something away. Now from the very center of your being push this energy out from within yourself and as you do so imagine that there is a ray of light coming either from the palms of your hands are the very tips of your fingers. This light shoots out from you and goes out into the area where you wish to cleanse or banish.


– It is most important that as this energy is propelled from within you, you vividly imagine a very powerful white light shooting from your fingers or the palms of your hands. Try to see this light coming out from you as vividly as possible, make it a very bright and powerful light, as powerful as you can make it. Also do not just visualize this light coming out of you but also trying feel it as it goes through your being and out of your hands, perhaps like an electrical charge rushing out of from the belly through the arms and out of your hands.


– Imagine that this light energy shooting out of you smashes into the area that you wish to banish and there creates a very powerful white form. This form could either be a big gigantic star that is shining bright with pure light everywhere, throwing all the evil things away, or it could even be an avatar that you might wish to use, sort of like your power animal that comes out in rips away anything that you do not want in this area.


– As this light coalesces into a form before you; that is as you imagine this light being formed into a powerful avatar of some kind, whether it be a powerful animal form or perhaps just a very powerful shining orb, I want you to say out loud, “protect!”. You can use any word you like here but try to make it a powerful word that represents what your banishment is doing right now. This word should come from deep within you just like that energy that you have just projected into the room, it comes from deep within your gut.


This is a very powerful banishment that you can use any time that you feel threatened by something which you would consider paranormal. With this banishment you should be able to cleanse any area and the power of this banishment is solely in your hands; it is very dependent on how well you can visualize, how well you can suck that psychic energy and project it out from within yourself, and how much you can believe in the power of this banishment. Have faith in your ability!

Do not be afraid and do not doubt yourself but learn to use our natural human ability to project energy and thoughts. With this ability you can protect yourself from any paranormal entity or area where you find some kind of psychological or physical danger. This banishment is powerful enough to cast away anything that might threaten you or your loved ones. With practice and some mental effort, you should be able to greatly increase your power by working on your visualizations and your concentration.

With this banishment you should be able to protect yourself, and you should no longer feel powerless before these crazy paranormal events that seem to be happening with greater frequency everywhere. Banish, banish, banish, until you feel safe in your space.

If you are interested in having a far richer understanding of banishments and the paranormal in general, I do suggest my book ‘The Paranormal Experience’. In that book I have a whole chapter dedicated to banishments and I also give a detailed description of what the paranormal is and how it is that we go about discovering it or perhaps even stumbling over it.

Thus far in our series on the possible existence of alien visitors, we have considered a number of facts and possibilities:

  1. There seems to be some kind of aerial phenomena happening in the skies of planet Earth that is being witnessed by many people from all around the world.
  2. While many scientific panels have been able to explain most of this weird phenomenon that is being experienced by people as being just natural in origin, there is still a large percentage of aerial sightings that remain unexplained. In essence there seems to be no explanation for 5 to 16% of the weird paranormal occurrences experienced by many people around the world.
  3. There is a big possibility, because of the things that are being reported by the witnesses to this paranormal aerial phenomena, that many of these unknown aerial spectacles could be the result of alien visitation.
  4. These aliens might be physical creatures from distant planets that are visiting us using a technology that allows them to travel great distances and to perform many maneuvers that to us seem almost magical in nature.
  5. Perhaps all or some of these alien visitors are not coming from another planet but are perhaps coming from another inter-dimensional universe.
  6. The alien visitation issue does not only involve aerial phenomenon but also includes the abduction phenomenon. That while the ‘meme’ of alien visitation might have started with aerial sightings, it has now begun to include alien abduction where regular people are being abducted and forced to take part in odd physical and psychological experiments.


Certainly it would seem that we have gone very far in just a few articles; we have considered a number of possibilities that could certainly be considered quite strange. Many people that do not believe in the alien abduction phenomena, tend to view any of these theories or any of the research done by these theorists as pure nonsense. Some have even begun to treat all of the alien visitation phenomena as a type of joke and treat those that would consider these theories seriously as either deluded or as mentally unbalanced people trying to get some kind of attention.

While it might be a great lark to make fun of the idea of rectal probes and little green men in flying saucers, these jokes tend to fade quite quickly when those that doubt these possibilities find themselves experiencing something for themselves. If you have ever spent time with any witnesses that have seen aerial phenomena or have been unfortunate enough to be part of alien abductions, you will very quickly realized that these people are not seeking any kind of attention and that they seem to be quite sane and normal individuals.
The alien phenomenon in all of its many peculiarities is very real and usually has more of a destructive than constructive effect on those that witness any of its many facets.

In the fourth installment of this series on aliens and alien visitations on earth, we will discuss what is perhaps one of the strangest theory that purports to explain this phenomenon:


In another article I had mentioned ‘inorganic beings’ and how these beings are, and have been for a very long time, serious players in the paranormal activities of this planet. In that article I gave a basic description of what these inorganic beings are and how it is that many people tend to miss-identify them as a myriad of different things. I did mentioned in that article that these creatures can be quite destructive and that when they are participating on our plane of existence they tend to usually be predatory creatures looking for an energetic fix.

There is a faction of UFO theorists that have proposed the idea that many or all of the UFO’s that are seen and all of the UFO abductions that are experienced are the result of these inorganic beings interacting with people. This faction of UFO researchers tends to usually be a pretty small branch and thus far they do not have as much credibility like some of the other researchers within their own field. It’s sort of like being an underdog under the underdogs; if people in general aren’t going to take your theories on UFOs and alien visitation seriously, imagine what it must be like when even those theorists won’t take your theories seriously.

Another aspect that makes this theory, the theory that much of this alien phenomenon is really a type of predation by inorganic beings, hard to swallow is that many of these theories are mislabeled and categorized as being demonology of some kind. Indeed there is a large group of individuals within the Christian community that have been advocating the idea that UFOs are in fact just demons. An interesting point since there does seem to be a large similarity between these aliens and the demons in the Christian belief system.

Nevertheless, whether you believe that these inorganic beings are demons, archons, or fairies, the reality is that this theory does help to explain a number of very difficult issues with the alien phenomena:

-It does help to explain why it is the case that these alien abductions and aerial phenomena have been witnessed for the entirety of the history of the human race. That is there are many historical records that indicate that the abduction phenomenon has been going on since the beginning of recorded time and there is also much evidence to show that the aerial phenomenon as it is being seen now was also being seen by people in ancient times. So either alien visitors are conducting a very long investigation into the human race  and have no interest in making their agenda known to humans or these aliens are actually a natural aspect of the Earth.


-Why it is that even though the abduction phenomenon has been going on for many decades, it still seems to continue and has not changed dramatically in its structure in any way. That is if it is truly an alien civilization studying human beings, why is it that they need to do so many physical examinations. Certainly after the thousands and thousands of reported cases of alien abduction, you would think that these aliens would have everything that they need. Thousands and thousands of alien abductions seem to be far more consistent with a gathering of resource rather than a gathering of purely scientific information.
It is also the case that the aerial phenomenon, that is UFOs seen over our skies, has not changed very much either. While those that study UFOs are constantly speaking of some kind of great revelation by our alien brothers, this great revelation has never come about. Indeed there doesn’t seem to be very much change in the UFO phenomenon being witnessed by people thousands of years ago and the kind of things being witnessed by people today.

Unfortunately this theory that these alien visitors are just predatory inorganic beings tends to make much more logical sense in some aspects. While it is still the case that there is no need to negate the possibility that indeed there are aliens out there and some have visited us, it is far more likely that the huge amount of alien phenomenon that is witnessed by so many many people around the world is more likely a natural aspect of our earth. While science likes to believe that many of these things are meteorological or have some other natural basis, is it not possible that it is also quite natural that there is a predator(s) out there that is feeding on us just as we feed on other creatures on this planet?

Natural predation on us seems to be an almost too horrible a possibility. Just like we were once conditioned to believe that the Earth was flat or that we were the center of our solar system, we are now conditioned to believe that we are some kind of apex predator that controls the fates of all the other creatures on this Earth. Perhaps it is time that we consider the possibility that we are not this apex predator that we believe we are, that there is quite possibly a creature out there that is superior in many ways to us and is taking from us just like we take from the rest of the world.

Inter-species predation seems to be a natural aspect of this Earth. While people find it very easy to accept the fact that we can keep chicken-coops or cattle ranches in order to feed ourselves, they find it an impossibility to even imagine the possibility that we are being consumed by another species in the same manner. Perhaps the difficulty comes in our inability to accept theories that involve inorganic life; life that does not require a physical body. Science certainly does not seem to be prepared in any way for the possibility of the existence of inorganic life. Perhaps when we begin to understand consciousness better and begin to expand our beliefs, we will begin to take the possibility of inorganic awareness more seriously.

What are we to make of all this, and of all the other theories on aliens and alien visitation to this planet? Certainly it would seem that we are powerless no matter what is going on; whether it is actual physical aliens, whether it is inter-dimensional aliens, or whether it is inorganic predators. But I don’t believe that this is the case as this only seems to be the case if we think of ourselves as a herd instead of as individuals that have the power to affect our reality and the reality of all those around us to a greater or lesser extent.

Perhaps these alien visitors, if they are real, represent a type of hurdle that we must overcome. The way to see these things is as a challenge that must be faced and conquered. Perhaps through sheer desperation or through that inexorable need to find the truth, we will be compelled to shake the very rafters of our beliefs and break down old ideas in order to discover greater possibilities. The fact that the Earth is a round sphere orbiting around a giant sun that orbits within a gigantic galaxy is a scary thing but this new belief has allowed us to conquer old fears and old problems. Perhaps this new challenge, the investigation of our subjective understanding of what life and consciousness are, will allow us to create new beliefs that will take us even farther on our road to discovery and mass evolution.

Perhaps on that day, we will meet those alien visitors and truly find out who they are and what they want.

In the last installment of our UFO series, we considered the conservative 5% of all of the ‘verified as’ unknown aerial phenomenon that is reported around the Earth. Within this 5% we contemplated the theory that much of this aerial phenomenon consists of physical interstellar craft from other planets. In this article we’re going to explore the possibility that such aerial phenomenon could  possibly be of an interdimensional nature.

The human species has made some great advancements technologically within the last hundred years. Modern physicists and mathematicians have been able to postulate and can prove mathematically many theories that seem to show that we live within a multi-dimensional universe. That is we seem to exist within a universe that is made up of more than just one dimension.

Quantum physics for example tells us that each action and decision within what we would consider our physical dimension, creates branches of probability that open up the possibility of different lines of action within different dimensional fields. What this means is that each action or decision that we make creates a probable verse that follows that decision or action to its conclusion. Each fork in the road creates two or more possibilities and each path (each probability) is followed to completion.  When we decide to follow a certain path, we are under the impression that we have only taken one road but according to quantum theory, a probable ‘I’ took the other road so what we have therefore is an infinite number of universes each being created every time we choose a certain path on the road of life.

String theory has also postulated the possibility that we live within a multidimensional universe. While string theory is more binding in its understanding of these other dimensional universes, there is still the possibility of a multidimensional verse where at least 11 dimensions are currently recognized.

With this new understanding of our universe, many modern UFO researchers have postulated the possibility that UFOs are actually not from other planets but are actually from other dimensions. Essentially what they are saying is that these alien travelers are not coming from the Andromeda galaxy for example, but that they are actually coming from a completely different universe!

This is an interesting theory to UFO researchers because it does provide a theory as to how long distance interstellar travel could be circumvented. An alien civilization that possesses the technological capability to travel in a trans-dimensional manner, is able to have complete dominion over space and time. Such an incredibly advanced technological alien civilization, could possibly come from a whole different galaxy ,but an even more amazing possibility exists where such trans-dimensional alien civilizations could actually be visiting us from wholly different universes.

Trans-dimensional aliens could possibly live in trans-dimensional universes where our laws of physics are completely void; that is they could exist in a completely different verse where they have completely different physical laws. What is interesting about trans-dimensional voyageurs is that  a trans-dimensional trip in a craft of some sort for example would, upon entering our universe, experience some incredible pressures as it goes from one universe with a certain set of physical laws and enters a new universe with completely different ones. An interdimensional craft would start out having a certain shape in its own universe, and then upon entering our universe would be molded into a different craft as our physical laws take hold of it.

So the theory that all UFOs, or many UFOs, are actually interdimensional aliens allows us to understand how it is possible that:

  1. An alien civilization could travel the vast distances needed to reach our Earth.
  2. How many of the UFOs that are seen over our skies seem to somehow be able to morph from one shape to another.


Interdimensional craft should be able to bend space and time and therefore be capable of all of the incredible maneuvers that are seen by witnesses all over the earth. Moreover a craft from a civilization that is able to travel inter-dimensionally would be capable of all of the changes in shapes and sizes that are reported by UFO witnesses on a regular basis.

This theory of interdimensional aliens also allows us to begin to consider some of the more eerie aspects of alien contact. The UFO phenomenon after all is not just an aerial phenomenon, it has also come to include what is referred to as the abduction phenomenon. Since the early 1960s people have been reporting alien abductions that seem to defy conventional physical laws in many ways.

These alien abductions seem to have an almost dreamlike quality to them where space and time are not operating on the same laws as we understand them. The people that experience these abductions report:

  • that these aliens are able to move through solid objects
  • that these encounters seem to defy time as we understand it
  • that these aliens are able to access the mind in a way that seems to suggest some kind of ability on their part to travel into the subjective or dream reality of the abductee


This theory of inter dimensional alien visitation answers many of the questions and the problems that plague the purely physical alien theories. While this theory does not negate the possibility of purely physical aliens visiting us from another planet within our own universe, it does add another wrinkle to the whole alien and UFO enigma.

Is it possible that we are being visited by only physical aliens from other planets within our own galaxy or universe?

Is it possible that perhaps we are being visited by what we would consider physical aliens as well as interdimensional aliens?

How physical are interdimensional aliens once they enter our universe?

Are interdimensional aliens responsible for all or some of the abduction phenomena?

Since inter-dimensional technology allows for incredible control over space and time, is there any way that we can ever discover the agenda behind alien visitation and alien abduction?

Having spent time around different paranormal groups, I have always found it very interesting that many of these intrepid paranormal investigators greatly fear that which they are looking for. For example, those paranormal investigators that are so popular now, those investigators that seek ghosts, tend to be deeply afraid of those ghost that they wish to find.

When you first meet them, they seem to be a tough bunch, many of these paranormal investigators. They tend to put on a very strong front and they seem to handle chasing the paranormal sort of like going to war. After a while it is easy to notice that this tough attitude is really a way to compensate for the fear that many of these individuals have. When paranormal investigators use this kind of tough attitude to deal with fear, they tend to act very aggressively; these are usually individuals that will try and confront some kind of ghost or other paranormal phenomena by screaming at it and trying to incite some kind of emotional response from that which they seek. Such actions presuppose that ghosts for example, operate on the same emotional bearing as we do and this is a mistake that usually causes whatever paranormal thing that they’re chasing to become mildly curious but often times these paranormal beings just ignore the investigator and completely leave the area.

There is also the other extreme when it comes to paranormal investigators that greatly fear that which they seek. This other extreme of  investigators usually tends to have a bland almost emotionless attitude towards their paranormal quests. These people tend to usually seem almost jaded; as if they are seeking something which they have seen a thousand times and is not that important. The reality though is that they are usually seeking something which they really do not wish to find and they subconsciously or otherwise instill within themselves this bland attitude. This unemotional and highly detached attitude is an often times subconscious way to cope with a highly fearful situation; they are essentially trying to make themselves deeply believe in the non-existence of the paranormal.

There are of course many very good investigators out there but even if one member  in their group tends to have one of these extreme emotional responses to the paranormal, this person can make the work for all other investigators in that team a lot more difficult. The reason for this is that such subconscious fear can create a backlash within the psyche of certain individuals. What happens is that essentially these investigators are trying to foil their own efforts; every time that they experience something that could be considered paranormal, they experience fear and this fear compels the individual to try and fight against the belief that any such paranormal phenomenon is real.
Essentially they are looking for something, when they find it and it seems to hit a little too close to home, they battle their own psyche in order to rationally explain away what they are or have just experienced.

We all suffer from this fear of the paranormal of course and our first reaction whenever we encounter it is to try and rationally explain the paranormal away. We either believe what we saw and therefore place ourselves in a very scary and perhaps dangerous situation or we explain it away and do our very best to ignore it. This is a natural response, something that we all learn as children, fighting away the monsters in our closet and under the bed. Eventually this technique, reinforced by the rationale that our parents try to teach us, allows us to no longer see those evil creatures lurking in every shadow.

But if we are to consider ourselves paranormal investigators or if we are truly curious about the paranormal and wish to prove to ourselves that it is indeed real, we must be able to control this natural urge to explain things away like we did as children.

Believe it or not this is an incredibly important aspect of the paranormal. Perhaps the most important aspect for those that are seeking answers. The reason for this is that we will never be able to find that which we seek unless we control this natural response whenever we experience fear. We cannot stop this fear because this fear is the natural response of seeing anything beyond our normal awareness. Since we cannot control this fear we must therefore control our reactions when we experience this fear.

Those who wish to pursue the ‘Weird’, the paranormal that exists all around us, need to explore their beliefs and emotions engendered by these beliefs. As I said it is impossible to stop this fear but we must stop rationally explaining things away in order to find relief from this fear. Next time that you are experiencing a paranormal event, fight the natural urge that you will have to explain it rationally. Try to experience it at face value and don’t work so hard to try and control the emotions that you feel.

The first obstacle for those that seek knowledge is fear


Interesting postscript: this natural fear that we all experience when we see the paranormal can actually be a good thing for the paranormal investigator. This fear is actually fuel for many of the paranormal entities that we search for, and unfortunately it is the very act of trying to control this fear that tends to end any kind of paranormal experience that you might be trying to record.