More and more people seem to be stressed out. The fast pace of our modern lives guarantees a more stressful existence. Here is a list of the top 8 ways to reduce stress. Use it as a quick list to help you cope and to help you find new ways to beat what has become a chronic illness for some.
Here are the top 8 ways to beat stress:
1. Manage time: make sure that you take stock of the amount of time that you have each day and that you try and prioritize objectives. A little day planner is a gr...
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Having other people like us can be very important. You can see how this is a very positive survival trait because the more that others like us, the more that they are willing to help us and give us what we need. Developing ways to become a well-liked individual can greatly increase your success rate both in business and in everyday life, it is therefore of great importance that you develop ways to increase your likability factor.
Becoming more liked by others can be accomplished in a numbe...
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Being in a leadership position can be quite difficult if you are too stiff. I have personally seen people in leadership positions that seem to be stuck in a fight or flight state continually. What I mean by this is that I have seen people in leadership positions that seem to be in an incredibly nervous and apprehensive state all the time. If you look at these people, they tend to shiver like a nervous poodle and they take any small thing as an affront to them personally.
A person in this kind...
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I think that most of us would agree that we would like to be happier. Being happy is a type of pleasure and as pleasure seeking beings, happiness satisfies our instinctual desires. Any problem that arises from seeking happiness, tends to present itself because of a person’s insistence on being happy all the time. While being happy all the time might sound good, it is the case that every individual needs to experience a wide range of emotion because each emotion has a purpose. If you force ...
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It is a very popular belief right now that; beliefs are thoughts that you have often. I know a number of supposed mental experts and self-help gurus that are trying to explain belief systems in this way. They’re basically saying that a belief is essentially anything that you think about all the time. This unfortunately is not a correct definition of ‘belief systems’ and it is a definition that can get you into some trouble.
I do not write this article trying to argue or to belittle the ...
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Whenever we have problems with other people, it is usually the case that we are not taking the time to look at things from the other person’s perspective. If you take the time to look at things from the other person’s perspective, you will see that they have the same desires needs and emotions as you do. In order to be successful in any relationship, whether this is a business or intimate relationship, you need to be able to take that person’s feelings into consideration or ...
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It is a wonderful thing to see the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The budding trees and the blooming flowers can be wonderful for the emotions after a long gray winter. Unfortunately many have mixed feelings about the coming of spring because its arrival means that allergy season is now in full swing.
Many people suffer from an allergic reaction of some kind or another when spring hits. Allergic reactions happen because your immune system over responds to all of the new material i...
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Getting things done can be a very a difficult or a very easy task. The difference between the two is time management. But time management requires more than just writing down something on a simple journal, it involves your ability to understand your personal routines and to use this to your advantage. Effective time management begins when you realize that time is precious and you should be a miser with it.
Being good at time management has many benefits. It should first and foremost allow you...
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I live in the great White North. It’s a great place to be for the most part because it is fresh and clean, a place where the power of nature still reigns, and her splendor is still in great evidence. Unfortunately living in the great White North means that I don’t get very much sunlight throughout the year. I have a naturally dark complexion, and as a result I suffer yearly from ‘seasonal affective disorder’. Because this is the case I have learnt some techniques and created other...
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On many occasions I have gone on about the great power of empathy. I keep making a big deal about it and telling you that it is the most important skill that you can develop. Many believe what I am telling them but they tend to have a limited perspective of how you can use the power of empathy.
Your ability to have empathic understanding of the world around you is very powerful, it can allow you to perceive things in a far deeper level and as a result it can give you an edge on everything in ...
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Many often wonder what the greatest key to success is. The truth is that successful people in any field, people who get ahead in life, are constantly challenging themselves to trying new things. The one key factor of success is growth. If you want to be a more successful person, in whatever endeavor you wish to pursue, you have to be courageous enough to push yourself to grow as much as possible.
If we are not growing, then we are staying in the same place without change. Without change we ca...
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Nietzsche can be an incredibly difficult philosopher to try and understand. Perhaps I know this better than most since he is one of my favorite writers. I have read many interpretative books trying to explain Nietzsche in one way or another. Some have called him a crazy anarchist while others have referred to him as a Buddhist of the highest order. While I do believe that there were some authors that did capture some very interesting points; I fundamentally believe that interpreting Nietzsche...
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Emotions can be incredibly debilitating if we do not have a way of dealing with them. Emotions that we consider negative such as; anger, fear, sadness, can destroy our ability to act in a logical and coherent manner if we let these emotions go unchecked. Emotions can cloud our better judgment and can affect our ability to perform even simple tasks correctly.
I have mentioned in other articles that you should deal with these emotions by finding out the beliefs that are causing them. I believe ...
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There is nothing more powerful in sustaining a relationship then to acknowledge the other person’s feelings. A relationship does not necessarily mean a relationship between lovers; a relationship can happen any time that you are engaging in any kind of communication with someone else. Even a small conversation with a clerk at a grocery store is a relationship and this relationship can greatly benefit by having you acknowledge the other persons feelings and subjective state.
In an earlie...
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I have mentioned on a number of occasions that empathy is one of the most important skills that you can have in life. I would dare say that empathy is the one skill that has the ability to take humanity into the next level of awareness. Empathy, once you have become proficient at it, will be a catalyst that will completely change the way that you interact with others.
Empathy can be a great advantage when you have to interact with others. It is very important for example that you always ackno...
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One of the most difficult aspects of getting anything done is getting started. Procrastination can be a very difficult obstacle to overcome and unless you discover ways to overcome this inertia, you will never begin any worthwhile project. Okay, so we have decided on what our goals are and we have made a list of all the things that we want to do, but how do we get started on this list and overcome this very difficult first obstacle?
It is always a good idea to begin by identifying some of the...
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One of the biggest concerns that you might have about negativity is that you might believe that it is completely out of your control. That these negative thoughts and impulses might seem to come at random times and happen for no good reason. You might believe that you are helpless and powerless, that you cannot change the tide of this debilitating energy.
This is not the case. You can find out why you are having these negative thoughts. It is possible for anyone to find the source of this...
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A sprain can be a very painful thing. The sprain of any joint can tear up the tissues around the joint causing a lot of swelling and redness. Depending on what joint you sprain, you can be out of circulation for a while and it can be costly depending on what you are doing in your life at the moment.
I remember as a child I would be spraining my ankles almost every month. There were times when I had to be taken to special bone setters because I would actually dislocated bone on some occasions....
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Stop imagining disasters. Our imagination is an incredibly powerful thing and if it is left alone to ramble about it can sometimes create terrible scenarios that can cause us great stress. It is very easy to take a very minor incident and turn it into a horrible thing.
It is easy to imagine for example that someone’s tardiness is actually a car accident or some other terrible thing. We all worry excessively sometimes about minor things just because we let our imaginations get the best of u...
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Personal freedom is something that I believe we can all say we want. Yet it is something that is often misunderstood both in its relation to our personal lives and on how to go about getting it. On this May Day celebration, May 1, 2012; many protest demanding equal rights and more accountability from those that would oppress the greater individual majority.
While most of these protests, that are now occurring around the world, focus on the inequality of wealth distribution, there is the under...
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