Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

After reading my one book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy, there are some readers that ask my thoughts, on what I sometimes refer to as, the Big question.

That big question is in the background of all our minds, whether we consciously realize this or not, and this question has many different facets, because like all big ideas, its complexity straddles many different perspectives, possibilities, and potential future problems.

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If we look around this world, especially now that we have so much access to information, things can seem very chaotic and downright crazy at times. Whatever you might think about the state of the world at this moment in time, one can make the case that everything changes, and that those changes seem to be happening at a faster and faster pace.

From an Alchemical perspective, these changes are the result of an energetic flux, that has both internal (subjective) and external (from the world at large) origins. Further, it can be argued that the major thrust of this flux is quite negative to humanity, and that the origins of this negative aspect of the flux of life, is the result of a titanic force that does not have humanity’s best interest in mind.

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This article was written in reply to a question that was asked in the article, How to Create a Servitor to do your Bidding‘. The question and answers are as follows:


Hi John,

I have a question about creating thought forms and servitors. I’m a professional actor and often have to play many different types characters. I recently had to play a character in an intense Shakespeare play and found myself very affected by the energy of the play and the character. In acting we are taught to “become” this character and act truthfully under imaginary circumstances. What I noticed is the more truthful I become in portraying these characters, the more I am affected by the energy. My question is how do you portray a character and be able to act in different plays without it affecting my personal life?

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vampire2smallThe world is an extremely mysterious place, it is like a giant dark ocean that hides many secrets within its depths. Within those depths for example, there is an infinite variety of life, most of which, contrary to what science would tell us, exists completely outside of humanities purview. Besides being an infinitely mysterious place, this world is also a predatory world, it is generally the case that one life form will need to consume, some or all of another life form, in order to survive.

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This article is actually based on a question that was posed to me by a fellow paranormal researcher.


We’ve read your book Servitors and the other one on “psychic energy self-defence” (the “vampire way”); very interesting. The former (1st) one, in particular, has answered most of our questions on the case of Johnny Doe, who inadvertently created some “servitors” in his sleep while repressing some wishes. We recommended Johnny to practice the reverse breathing + all the visualization in your latter (2nd) book, along with some dissolution meditations.

We got a question, since we are also into psychic research. Have you heard the term “Guardian of the Threshold”? We understand this as a set of false creations within the psyche with 3 main aspects: emotional (astral), intellectual (mental) and volitional (will, causal).

Would it be the case that the “Guardian of the Threshold” (in its 2nd aspect) is prompting the creation of a “servitor” in the first place?

[We have more than 36 years of experience in psychic research.]

Please let know what you think on this “Guardian of the Threshold”

Thank you.


A. K.

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There are many people who believe that they have psychic abilities, and many who defy rational understanding by displaying amazing feats of perception, such as; telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychometric, etc. It is perhaps the case that there are inherent gifts within all of us and it is therefore inevitable that many of us experience things that make us question the extent of our own perceptual potentials.

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It seems like an odd question to ask, certainly we are told once we get a little older that Santa Claus is not real. But could it be that our parents desire to have us ‘grow-up,’ is really a type of short sightedness on their part?

That’s the funny thing about reality, specifically our shared Western reality. For a long time we did believe in those pretend creatures, those fairy tales, that magical world that existed in a subjective realm. Then we experienced a type of revolution, one could call it a scientific or rational revolution. During this time and for a few hundred years after that, the belief in such fairy tales became far less prominent.

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