Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
A key precept of the law of attraction is the idea that you should try to ignore those things that put you in a negative mood. Essentially anything that you see out there in the world that causes you to feel negativity, can actually be detrimental to you. This is a very old idea, many would believe that this is a new theory or that it was first brought about by the new Agers with the “Law of Attraction” kick. The reality though is that this idea of focusing on things that you like and not foc...
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In this ‘new age’ we are told over and over again that maintaining positive thoughts is the best thing that we can do for ourselves. Now whether you believe in this whole New Age movement, this whole law of attraction bit, I hope that you do realize that a positive state of mind is a good thing no matter how you think about it. You do not need to believe that thoughts create reality in order to realize that a positive state of mind will create a positive effect. If for example you...
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There are many things written about fixing your life. This entire site is devoted to self improvement and there are many methods that I outline that can greatly help you in all aspects of our shared reality. While all of this material does aid in helping you deal with the difficulties that you might experience in life, there is one main aspect that is always overlooked. It is overlooked because it can be a very hard pill to swallow for most and the reality is that most people just aren’...
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There are few things that can be more debilitating than the fear of rejection. This fear usually stems from a deep desire to be loved and liked by everyone that we meet, which is an impossibility. You need to develop a thicker skin or to figure out some way to be able to reframe what rejection means, or else you will be stuck without the possibility of ever going beyond the first obstacle of life; which is fear. In order to be a successful person, you need to be able to overcome this fear. Th...
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If you want to have a happy and productive life, you need to learn to manage your emotions. The emotion that gets us into the most trouble is anger and it is critical that you manage this emotion or else you won’t be able to function very well around other people. Whether you become aggressive, scream and yell, or perhaps even violently lash out of other people, you need to realize that angry emotional outbursts like this can wreck a career, a marriage, or a good friendship. As I’...
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As I have told you before in other articles, your beliefs are the most important things that shape your reality. This reality of course extends to money; how much you have, how well you live, and what you are currently doing to get it. If you do find yourself in a difficult financial situation therefore, it’s most important that you examine your beliefs about money and wealth in general. You can develop new beliefs that will help you accumulate money. For example the belief that you can make ...
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Many are starting to realize that they do have control over their future. That they can manifest things in their lives and that their conscious mind can affect the world around them. Unfortunately the amount of information out there can sometimes be overwhelming and it is difficult to know where to begin. There are also those out there that would give you answers that are less than truthful; like I’ve said many times a half truth is the most insidious of lies. One of the many questions ...
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In the last article, we had discussed how ingestion alone will not allow you to acquire all the energy that you need in order to stay healthy. We are conditioned to think that all of the energy intake that we need has to come through some kind of food or drink and as a result we tend to believe that this is the only way that we will get the energy that we need to stay healthy and strong. The reality of the situation though is that there are different ways to acquire this energy and even thoug...
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Many people would love to begin to do something meaningful with their lives. Many feel that they have a special contribution to make but that they haven’t yet been given the opportunity to make this contribution. You must realize though that it is quite possible that you could be doing your life’s work right now if you learn to focus on how you feel. You can recognize when you’re doing what you really are meant to do because when you are doing it you feel alive and full of e...
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Sometimes we seek an answer to a question but we are never able to find the answer that we need. It is possible that the answer was correct but because words can be so subjective, sometimes these words are not enough to give us the answers that we are looking for. I saw this video of a man posing a question to Abraham Hicks a little while back. I found this man to be incredibly articulate and his question to be one of the most powerful and interesting questions that was ever asked of Abraham....
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There is a very powerful energy that many people are beginning to work with. This energy is usually referred to as ‘love’ energy and can be equated with the warmth of the heart that we feel for someone we love. This is indeed a type of great energy and must be separated from the petty sentimentality’s of the ego which is a completely different thing altogether. This energy is beyond man and exists as a type of internal nourishment and cohesive power that helps connect all the things aro...
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Quite often faith is given a bad rap. But like anything else faith takes on different connotations depending on how you define it. Essentially our definition of different things, and words in particular, depends greatly on how we frame them. Some people for example believe that faith is some kind of religious word; it is very difficult for them to see faith outside of some kind of religious worship. Some people, especially in this day and age, tend to view faith has some kind of positive New ...
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Very few people are aware of the kind of energy that they have. For the most part they tend to become aware of their energy level when becomes really low, in which case they are usually looking for a power drink or a cup of coffee. The reason for this is that most people tend to believe that their energy level is a direct result of their metabolism only. While it is true that the kind of foods you eat and how much you eat tend to greatly affect your energy levels, your metabolism is not the o...
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Why is it that when we were children we seemed so far more understanding and wise? It is a common response, and in some ways true, that our simple joy really came from the fact that we were so mentally guileless at that age. That we did not know the horrors of the world and that we were literally naked babes upon the land. This can explain many things about a child’s nature and a child’s vulnerability, but it does not explain the full extent of it. If you remember back, truly reme...
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As we all know it is quite difficult to stay relaxed in some situations. We all have a certain physiological response under certain circumstances which makes it quite difficult for us to maintain composure. While this physiological response can be quite helpful if we ever find ourselves in a dangerous situation, it can be quite detrimental (supposedly) under modern normal social circumstances. This physiological response is colloquially referred to as the ‘fight or flight’ response. How it wo...
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Have you ever been called a complainer in the past? I sometimes get told that I am sometimes a complainer. I tend to look at things in the world about me and I find many things that are wrong or things that I would do better. But I sometimes ask myself why is it that I can see things so clearly when I judge them so, and can find so many ways to fix a problem, but when it comes to my own life there are many areas in which I cannot see as clearly? If this is your problem or if you have ever won...
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So what is it that takes you from a life of drudgery to a life of fulfillment? Have you ever noticed that there are two types of people in the world; 1) the first kind seem to go to a job they do not like in order to pay their bills and/or in order to satisfy some kind of social requirement. These people tend to have low energy and they tend to feel that their lives are an endless repetitive cycle. The lucky ones use their families or some external activities to try and find meaning and passi...
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A Servitor is essentially a servant that you create in order to do your bidding. It is a creature created on the astral plane that performs a certain task which you require. I am going to show you how to make a Servitor so that you can use it in order to help you. This is my version of creating a servitor, it is the John Kreiter special which means that it is in some ways simpler but also a far more powerful method of creating an astral being for your purposes. A servitor could be used to: G...
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Constipation can be a very difficult thing to deal with. This type of irregularity can make you feel very uncomfortable which can affect all aspects of your life. Constipation is basically infrequent bowel movements. Your stool is usually hard and it’s difficult to pass through your system. Never judge your bowel movements against someone else though because what is infrequent for one person might not be frequent for someone else. I think a good rule is that if you have less than two bo...
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The law of attraction is a big deal for many people. Indeed it has become a very big North American cultural icon that has changed the way many people go about their lives. This is no small thing because it means that many people are starting to take conscious notice of the thoughts that go through their minds, taking responsibility for these thoughts because a growing number of people are beginning to believe that these thoughts directly influence the reality that they perceive. Theories in ...
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