Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge

I often discuss and write about something I believe is best referred to as the ‘inner senses.’ These inner senses, which I often refer to as a heightened perceptual range available to all humans, go beyond just the physical senses we are commonly aware of.

With the development of these inner senses, an individual can cultivate the ability to perceive the vast array of forces and energies that constitute our reality, both on an individual level and as a collective species. In my experience, the most astounding aspect of refining these inner senses is my ability to observe the interconnectedness and thriving awareness that exists all around us. This pervasive consciousness plays a crucial role in maintaining and even nurturing a perfect environment for our expanding perceptions as human beings.

We are indeed fortunate to be surrounded by a conglomeration of energies specifically suited to fostering our potential growth and the expansion of our individuality.

Through the use of these inner senses, it has been and continues to be a great shock—the discovery that the Earth is quite literally a sentient being. This aware and powerful being cradles and supports us. Furthermore, we are not just fleas on a giant elephant’s back; we are an integral part of the Earth. In many ways, it could be said that we are the thinking aspect of nature, and nature is one of the many facets possible within the great cradle of the planet Earth itself.

As an inner alchemist learns to use their inner senses, and as they begin to truly see, they start to understand the great awareness in which they live. This awareness is the Earth itself – this vast planetary system. When this realization becomes infinitely clear through the constant refinement and increased use of inner senses, these inner alchemists find themselves not in an exploitative role, like some supposed bacteria or virus growing on a giant apple. Instead, they discover that we are all not just connected but actually the same thing, all one thing. We are quite literally the thinking aspect of a greater whole. In this sense, we humans are not separate from the Earth; rather, we are the Earth, and it is us. From this perspective, we are not distinct from the Earth, but rather the thinking aspect of this greater sentient organism.

The implications of this perspective are profound. It suggests that the Earth, as a self-regulating system, is capable of caring for itself and maintaining the conditions necessary for life to thrive. From this standpoint, we humans need not take ourselves too seriously as the dominant force on the planet. Instead, we should see ourselves as integral parts of a larger cosmic whole, with a unique role to play in fine-tuning our connection to the Earth and the greater universe. What I am trying to say here is that, since we are the Earth itself – the thinking aspect of it, if you will – caring for it means caring for ourselves. In the best of circumstances, you could think of us as being an organ in a much bigger organism, and as such, our health is completely related to the health of the whole.

Often, we try to position ourselves as the guardians of the Earth, thinking of ourselves in a way that makes us seem superior to the rest of reality and the rest of this planetary system. This perspective can have some positive outcomes if we are willing to take responsibility for the world in which we live. However, if we use this stance and skew it slightly to make ourselves feel superior to the Earth, thinking that only we are truly capable of fixing the Earth and deciding what needs to be done when, then we can find ourselves feeling superior to the natural forces and, may I add, the far more capable forces of the world as a whole.

A great deal of this imposed superiority, which is accompanied by a desire to be in charge and manipulate the Earth, stems from our inherent modern distrust of our unconscious. In the same way that we distrust the unconscious aspects of ourselves, we currently distrust the natural flow of the Earth. Believing that we cannot trust the natural and therefore unconscious forces, we strive endlessly to try to control what we perceive as chaotic and savage.

We will continue to feel disconnected and alone until humanity learns to trust in deeper aspects of itself; until we begin to trust the supposed unconscious within us. By learning to trust these deeper aspects, we will come to see that we flow within a far bigger reality. We are part of a much larger gestalt of being, and as such, we must learn to flow with nature rather than trying desperately to control it with our conscious self.

The moment humanity learns to understand and work with the deeper aspects of itself, we will also learn how to trust in the great and natural forces of the Earth itself.

Now, this does not mean that we are at the mercy of the Earth. This is often the stance of those who demand hyper-focused conscious control over everything, and as a result, they insist on saying that if we do not control nature, then nature will control us.

Learning to use our inner senses and thus seeing the greater reality that we are all a part of, inner alchemists begin to realize that we indeed have control. The nature of this control takes into account the vast array of currents and energies that flow all around us, allowing us to understand at a deep, visceral level that we live in grace. We exist within a graceful world, and the Earth strives to provide the best environment for us. In contrast to the idea that we are somehow surviving in a harsh Darwinian world, we discover instead that we are cradled within nature. If these Darwinian ideas were truly applicable, humanity would have gone extinct long ago.

We are meant to give direction to the Earth, experiencing and seeing its wonders. By determining whether something is good or bad, desired or undesired at any particular moment, we are then responsible for providing these perceptions and further directing the Earth’s path. Our ability to control our attention and focus on empathy, compassion, and a deep reverence for the Earth and all its creatures is key to fostering a more harmonious relationship with our planetary host. By shifting our mindset from dominance and exploitation to one of humble awareness and reverence, we can become the conscious, thinking aspect of the Earth, helping to guide it towards a more sustainable and thriving future.

This perspective also challenges the notion that the Earth is merely a resource to be exploited for human benefit. Instead, it invites us to see the planet as a living, breathing entity deserving our utmost respect and care. By aligning our actions and thoughts with the well-being of the Earth and learning to trust in deeper aspects of ourselves, we can ensure that the planet remains healthy and vibrant. This is not only for our own species but also for the diverse forms of life it supports.

By tuning our awareness and honestly confronting our feelings, both good and bad, we begin to trust in our greater reality. Far from advocating a positivity outlook where all negativity is denied, we instead look at ourselves with complete frankness and honesty. If we feel negativity or if something that happened on Earth has a negative consequence and creates supposedly negative emotions, it is our duty to confront those feelings and understand why such things are happening. By doing so, we confront the negativity and move forward with the understanding that the focus of our attention will eventually lead us to a better outcome.

Incrementally, in every aspect of our lives, no matter how small, we begin to take our place as the true stewards of the Earth. In the smallest ways, we affect the greatest things, and the Earth, our mother, trusts us to follow such an order of action. By focusing on our reality from the smallest things to the greatest things, and then trusting in our unconscious and therefore the greater powers all around us, we focus our attention on where we want to go instead of trying to consciously dominate things to get what we supposedly want. In this way, we begin to flow as opposed to hacking through.

This is a more natural approach, one that begins to trust our inner reality. As we grow and develop new avenues and realities, we begin to see that we can trust those supposedly chaotic and savage forces all around us. As we start to trust in these, we accept our unconscious for what it is – a creative force far beyond anything understandable by the conscious self alone.

Over time, as our trust in the unconscious aspects of ourselves grows, we begin to trust nature and the Earth itself. When this is possible, we lose the sense of being separated from the Earth and begin to unite with it. We come to understand our position in it and no longer feel like we are less than, but truly become far more than we currently are as individuals and as a species.

In the end, you must understand that the Earth is a sentient being. This should be a powerful reminder of our place in the grand scheme of the cosmos. It should encourage us to cultivate a deeper sense of connection and responsibility towards our home planet, using our unique cognitive abilities to help the Earth thrive instead of dominating and destroying it. All such domination stems from our lack of understanding of ourselves and our inability to trust unconscious forces, such as the so called subconscious, which has become an almost taboo subject in the modern age.

By embracing the perspective of inner alchemy, which strives to learn to work with the unconscious self, we can become true stewards of the Earth. We can work in harmony with its natural rhythms and processes to create a more sustainable and fair future for all. And in this future, we are not merely meant to forever be little parts of a greater whole; we are actually being nurtured. Our mother wants us to grow and evolve to become true individual beings, her children. She dreams in a way of seeing us grow and scatter ourselves across the cosmos like seeds. In that way, in the same way that a good parent expects its child to grow and expand beyond itself, the Earth cradles us in our youth and hopes that in the future we may hurl ourselves into infinity. Taking with us on this endless journey, a little piece of the Earth itself, our mother.

If you would like to know more about the incredible power within you, about the unconscious and the struggles of the conscious self. If you would like to learn the discipline of inner alchemy, and learn how to use the inner senses and out to see yourself, then I highly recommend a trilogy of books: The Magnum Opus, The way of the Projectionist, and The way of the Death Defier.

Throughout history, solar eclipses have been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, capturing the imaginations of countless cultures around the world. From dragons swooping down to swallow the sun whole in ancient tales, to mystical rituals believed to ward off dark omens, these celestial events have played a significant role in shaping our understanding of the universe.


In many civilizations, solar eclipses were seen as divine messages from the gods, calling for reverence and respect. Ancient Egyptians thought the sun god Ra was being devoured by the serpent Apophis, while Native American tribes believed their ancestors’ spirits were particularly close during these events. As our ancestors looked to make sense of the cosmos, they wove together stories and symbols that reflected their deepest fears and desires.


Even today, remnants of these ancient beliefs can be found in various cultures. For instance, during a solar eclipse in China in 2009, people performed age-old rituals like lighting fires and banging gongs to scare off the evil spirits blamed for the celestial phenomenon.


As we continue to marvel at these rare and fascinating manifestations, it’s enthralling to reflect on how our perception of solar eclipses has evolved over time – from fearsome creatures swallowing the sun to scientific explanations involving the moon’s orbit and Earth’s rotation. While we no longer attribute eclipses to divine intervention or mystical rituals, their captivating allure continues to inspire us to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos.


Solar eclipses have always been fascinating events, capturing our ancestors’ imaginations with their mysterious aura. As we dive deeper into paranormal teachings and try to better understand our world, we may wonder if there’s something more to these celestial phenomena than just human craziness or ancient superstitions.


Perhaps, our old beliefs, deeply concealed within the symbolism of mythology, contain a hidden truth that we have overlooked. Although they might seem rooted in fear and desire, could they prove our profound connection to nature? Many serious researchers into ancient history have repeatedly highlighted that beyond the external mythology, there are indeed great truths hidden within those metaphorical plays. Like the profound symbolism found in dreams, the narratives, and mythologies of the past hold within them secrets yet to be revealed. It might be time for us humans to reassess our skepticism towards ancient knowledge and trust in the intrusions of the natural world, especially when it comes to celestial phenomena such as solar eclipses.


By embracing these mysteries and seeking to unravel their secrets, we can gain new insights into our universe, and our wholistic connection to all things. As we marvel at these events, let’s not dismiss them outright but instead explore them with an open mind. It’s possible that there’s more to these cosmic wonders than we currently know, and by unlocking this knowledge, we may gain a greater understanding of our place in the universe.


The connection between solar flares and paranormal activity

There’s a captivating interplay between cosmic events and paranormal occurrences. Solar flares – intense bursts of energy from our sun – are believed to impact the supernatural in various ways, offering intriguing insights into the world of ghostly and spiritual encounters.


Solar flares emit powerful energy, like solar X-rays and cosmic radiation, which can energize the Earth’s atmosphere. This surge of energy is thought to provide spirits with an added boost, potentially making them more visible as apparitions. The heightened electromagnetic fields resulting from solar storms are believed to offer spirits a chance to interact more easily with our physical world, leading to an increase in paranormal experiences.


Furthermore, geomagnetic storms caused by solar flares can disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field, creating an environment that might encourage ghostly and spiritual activity. The fluctuations in geomagnetic fields during these events are thought to empower astral beings, allowing them to draw on this energy and become more active and visible.


The alignment of solar activity with paranormal experiences suggests a fascinating connection between cosmic phenomena and the spiritual realm. Solar flares, with their potential influence on Earth’s electromagnetic fields and atmospheric energy levels, may play a role in amplifying paranormal manifestations and interactions. This intriguing link highlights the complex relationship between nature’s forces and the mysteries of the supernatural world, demanding further exploration into the fascinating connection between solar phenomena and paranormal occurrences.


So, solar flares, bursts of intense energy from our sun, can have far-reaching consequences on our planet and its inhabitants. These powerful emissions could impact the magnetic field and atmosphere, potentially leading to dramatic transformations in geological formations and societal structures. When we consider the additional influence of an eclipse – a rare alignment of celestial bodies that momentarily refracts solar radiation – it is not unreasonable to ponder if these cosmic events could lead to significant changes in specific regions.


Could there be a hidden connection between solar flares, the celestial phenomenon of eclipses, and the potential for significant geological and societal changes brought about by the refraction of solar radiation in a particular region?

This is where the mystery of the Black Sun begins. And this intriguing question invites us to explore the fascinating world where cosmic events and human experiences intertwine.


The possibility of such a connection invites us to delve deeper into the mysteries of the universe, seeking answers to how our planet and its inhabitants have been shaped by these celestial forces, these outer titans. As we continue our exploration of the paranormal realm, we may uncover hidden truths that reveal the intricate relationship between cosmic phenomena and the transformative power they hold over our world. In doing so, we can better understand the impact of solar flares, eclipses, and their potential role in driving geological and societal changes, ultimately broadening our knowledge of the interconnected web of forces that shape our lives.


Alien Encounters and Interdimensional Beings

Solar eclipses have long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue, with many believing that they offer a rare glimpse into the supernatural realm. For centuries, people have reported sightings of bizarre creatures and unexplained phenomena during these celestial events, leading some to speculate that the thinning veil between our world and others allows for encounters with beings from other dimensions.


Among these elusive creatures said to emerge during solar eclipses are the enigmatic Lizard Man and Moth Man – reptilian like humanoids that have captivated the imaginations of countless individuals across generations. Some even believe that these cosmic occurrences may open portals to other realms, allowing these mysterious beings to step into our world for a brief moment before returning to the shadows from whence they came.


The Lizard Man

As the sun disappeared behind the moon during the highly anticipated 2017 solar eclipse, the people of South Carolina found themselves on high alert for sightings of a most unusual creature – the fabled Lizard Man. This mysterious reptilian humanoid cryptid has been whispered to roam the swamps and marshlands of Sumter and Lee counties, with many locals claiming to have glimpsed its scaly form in the shadowy depths of these murky waters.


Legend has it that this half-man, half-lizard being is particularly active during celestial events, such as eclipses or meteor showers, when the veil between our world and the supernatural realm seems to grow thin. As a result, many residents in the area found themselves both fascinated and slightly unnerved by the thought of this otherworldly creature potentially emerging from the darkness.


Alien Encounters

But it’s not just legends and folklore that suggest a connection between eclipses and interdimensional encounters – there are also well-documented historical events that support this intriguing theory. One such example is the Kelly-Hopkinsville encounter in Kentucky, which took place during an eclipse back in 1955.


During this bizarre event, a group of partygoers reportedly found themselves locked in a fierce battle with extraterrestrial beings that bore a striking resemblance to creatures from outer space. The harrowing ordeal has since become one of the most famous alien encounter stories in history, fueling theories that these otherworldly visitors make their presence known during solar eclipses – a phenomenon that continues to captivate and mystify us to this day.


As we continue to explore the mysteries of our universe, it’s impossible not to wonder what secrets lie hidden behind the veil of a solar eclipse. Whether you believe in interdimensional creatures or extraterrestrial visitations, there’s no denying that these rare and awe-inspiring occurrences have the power to transport us to realms beyond our wildest imaginations – reminding us just how vast and mysterious the cosmos truly is.


Spiritual Activity and Hauntings

Eclipses have long held a special place in the hearts and minds of those who dare to venture into the realms of the occult – an enchanting world where shadows dance, energy shifts are felt on a cellular level, and psychic abilities are said to blossom like flowers in springtime.


For many practitioners of the arcane arts, lunar eclipses are seen as divine moments when the veil between our world and the ethereal plane is at its thinnest, allowing for heightened psychic abilities to emerge and flourish. It’s said that during these celestial events, one’s intuition becomes sharper, their clairvoyance more pronounced, and their ability to communicate with spirits beyond the veil more profound than ever before.


Conversely, solar eclipses are believed by some to offer a unique opportunity for cleansing one’s life from negative influences – a chance to cast spells that will wash away the darkness and usher in new beginnings. These events are seen as potent times when the energy of the universe aligns in such a way as to amplify the power of any magical workings performed during their brief duration.


Whether you’re an experienced occultist or merely intrigued by the mysteries that lie hidden within these ancient practices, there’s no denying the allure of eclipses – those rare moments when the cosmos seems to conspire in a symphony of light and shadow. As we stand awestruck beneath their mesmerizing glow, it’s easy to imagine ourselves as part of something much larger than ourselves – a tapestry woven from the threads of time, energy, and mystery that span the very fabric of existence itself.


The Black Sun is Upon Us

During a solar eclipse, particularly when witnessing the full coronal ring, there arises an intriguing notion that a door or portal opens up in space and time. This idea becomes all the more captivating if one aligns directly with the eclipse. Such an occurrence holds significant meaning within the realm of inner alchemy and mirrors the direct relationship between us and what is referred to as the Black Sun. In essence, a perfect coronal ring during a solar eclipse represents seeing a Black Sun.


This portal, therefore, is believed to be a direct conduit between the Black Sun in space and the particular point on earth where such complete coronal rings are perfectly visible during a solar eclipse. This connection between the Black Sun and the earth signifies a direct tunnel or bridge being formed between the cosmic creator/destroyer force of the universe and us. Such a link implies great change as a vast amount of cosmic energy is both sent and received from that great outer titan.


This incredibly focused outflow of energy directly from the Black Sun is highly transformative, serving as a portent of coming change. This energy is simultaneously pulling towards it the old while creating fertile ground for the new. Such a cleaving by the Black Sun across the face of the earth signifies a beginning of a great deal of mutation and evolution.


The upcoming solar eclipse appears to have a profound impact on North America and the American continents as a whole. As we await its unfolding events, one thing is certain – great change is imminent.

If you would like to know more about the secrets of the Black Sun, the true nature of our multidimensional reality, and the process of creation and destruction across the cosmos, then I highly recommend the book, The Way of the Death Defier.

Contrary to popular New Age belief, the world out there is not an illusion but rather a reality that far surpasses our comprehension. We often fall into the trap of thinking we understand our surroundings, relying on our senses and the instruments we’ve created to perceive our environment. However, these tools are limited by our cognitive abilities and can even distort our perception of the world around us.

Imagine standing in a dense forest filled with countless species of flora and fauna, yet to be discovered or named. Our eyes might be able to detect the obvious: towering trees, vibrant foliage, and perhaps the occasional glimpse of wildlife. But beyond our visual range lies an entire ecosystem teeming with life, chemical exchanges, and complex interactions that we can only begin to comprehend.

Even our most advanced instruments cannot fully capture the intricacies of this invisible world. Scientists have developed sophisticated equipment to detect electromagnetic waves beyond the visible spectrum and measure subatomic particles, yet these technologies are still limited by the boundaries of human knowledge and understanding. Moreover, we often design these instruments with a specific goal in mind, creating a narrow focus that prevents us from exploring the full range of possibilities. This approach limits our ability to expand our understanding of the unknown and ultimately hinders our progress.

The Limitations of Human Perception

As human beings, our physical senses limit us to a narrow range of stimuli. For example, our eyes can only detect visible light within a certain wavelength, while the full spectrum includes much more than what we can see. Similarly, our hearing range is limited to audible sounds within a frequency range, but the full range of audio frequencies extends far beyond these limits. Our intellectual boundaries are equally restrictive, as we can only comprehend what we have learned and experienced. This narrow understanding is shaped by our culture, upbringing, education, and personal experiences, which often limit our ability to conceive ideas or concepts that lie outside of our familiar realm.

The Role of Instruments in Shaping Our Perception

To expand our understanding of the world around us, we have developed various instruments to aid our perception. These tools can be as simple as magnifying glasses or binoculars that enhance our visual capabilities, or as complex as telescopes and microscopes that allow us to observe distant galaxies and minuscule organisms. However, the very instruments we rely on can also skew our perception of reality. For instance, a person with perfect eyesight who observes the world through “rose-colored” glasses will perceive colors that are not actually present in their surroundings. Similarly, when we rely on scientific instruments to gather data, we must be aware of their limitations and potential errors, as these tools can also distort our perception of the world.

Skewed Interpretation of the World Around Us

As human beings, we tend to create instruments that align with our existing beliefs and expectations, which can lead to a skewed interpretation of reality. For example, early astronomers believed that all celestial bodies revolved around the Earth, so they developed telescopes specifically designed to confirm this belief. These older telescopes were not able to perceive that the earth revolved around the sun because their design and construction were based on a geocentric model of the universe. The lenses and mirrors used in these early telescopes were crafted to magnify celestial objects, but they did not possess the necessary precision or sophistication to reveal the true movement of planets around the sun.

One significant limitation of older telescopes was their inability to correct for optical aberrations caused by the curvature of lenses and mirrors. This resulted in distorted images that made it difficult, if not impossible, to discern the complex motions of celestial bodies. Additionally, these early telescopes had a limited field of view, which made it challenging for astronomers to observe multiple objects simultaneously or track the movement of planets over time.

It wasn’t until the invention of more advanced instruments, such as the refracting telescope by Hans Lippershey in 1590 and the reflecting telescope by Isaac Newton in 1672, that scientists were able to challenge the geocentric model of the universe. These new telescopes featured improved optics, larger apertures, and more precise mechanical systems, allowing astronomers to observe celestial objects with greater clarity and accuracy. As a result, they could finally observe the movement of planets and confirm that the Earth revolved around the Sun, marking a major breakthrough in our understanding of the cosmos.

The Creative Aspect of Instrument Design

In designing tools to aid our perception, we often bring our creative abilities into play, shaping these instruments based on our understanding of the world and our desired outcomes. This creative process can lead to groundbreaking discoveries. However, this creative aspect also presents challenges, as we must continually reassess and refine our instruments to ensure that they accurately represent the world around us. If we become too attached to a particular instrument or method of observation, we may overlook crucial details or misinterpret the data we collect.

Recognizing the Known and Unknown Aspects of Reality and Embracing a new form of Mind Science

To truly understand the infinite world around us, we must first recognize that it is made up of both the known and unknown aspects of reality. The known aspects are those phenomena that we have already discovered, understood, and integrated into our worldview. These include the laws of physics, chemical reactions, and fundamental principles of biology governing life on Earth.

But the unknown aspects of reality pose significant challenges for us as we attempt to comprehend them. They exist in a realm beyond our current perceptual and intellectual capabilities. Our senses and instruments can only perceive a small fraction of the world around us while our understanding is limited by what we have learned and experienced up until this point. Many aspects of the unknown are difficult to imagine because they lie outside of our conceptual framework.

As we delve deeper into the unknown aspects of reality, it becomes increasingly apparent that there might be a wholly unknown reality all around us – a realm that remains hidden from our current understanding. Just as scientists at the edges of our known scientific understanding are discovering dimensions within dimensions, we too must expand our perceptions to uncover these previously untapped territories.

Our psyche, which has been defined by our insistence that we live in a very limited three-dimensional world, has also suffered from the constriction of these perceptions. It is now time to expand those perceptions in order to discover those unknown territories. And the way to do this is through Mind Science – a new science that combines insights and discoveries from various disciplines such as psychology, neuroscience, quantum physics, and what is now considered to be the impossible, which is the science of the inner senses and of tapping into internal realities, inner dream worlds, and incredibly, the projection of consciousness.

By perceiving not just with outer instruments but also with inner senses of such power and magnitude that they dwarf anything thus far created by the human species, we can unravel the complex interplay between our inner and outer worlds – a discovery that will transform our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

By embracing the potential for growth and transformation that comes with this journey, we can unlock countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension. As we expand our understanding of the universe and ourselves, we will open up new avenues for discovery that were previously unimaginable – all while pushing the boundaries of what it means to be human in an ever-evolving cosmos.

Expanding Our Intellectual Perspective

In order to make headway into the unknown aspects of reality, we must first broaden our intellectual perspective. This involves challenging our existing beliefs and assumptions, questioning the limitations of our current understanding, and seeking out new ideas and concepts that may help us expand our knowledge. One way to achieve this is by engaging in interdisciplinary research, which allows scientists and scholars from different fields to collaborate and share their expertise. By doing so, we not only expand the range of our technical devices but also enhance our ability to work with the inner reality within us – our psyche.

As we delve deeper into the unknown aspects of reality, it becomes increasingly clear that a new science must develop – one that harnesses the infinitely powerful world of the inner senses. This new science, which could be called Mind Science, can begin to challenge our entire worldview by integrating the insights and discoveries from various disciplines of both external and internal varieties to better understand the complex interplay between our inner and outer reality.

Mind Science should encourage us to explore the unexplored realms of human consciousness, pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible both within ourselves and in the world around us. As we continue to expand our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality, we must embrace the importance of developing this new science that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries and fosters a holistic approach to knowledge acquisition.

In this new and evolving reality, finding a balance between our now almost wholly externally focused reality and the infinite possibilities to be found within our internal reality – our infinite inner human world – is crucial. Embracing the importance of the inner senses will help us unlock the full potential of our consciousness and redefine our understanding of the universe and ourselves.

Expanding our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality requires a willingness to challenge our existing beliefs, broaden our intellectual perspective, maintain an open mind, engage in interdisciplinary research, and embrace uncertainty. By doing so, we can forge new pathways into the vast expanse of the infinite world and unlock countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension.

Expanding Our Infinite Potential of Human Knowledge

In our quest to unravel the mysteries of the unknown aspects of reality, we must recognize that our understanding is constantly evolving, much like the infinite world we seek to comprehend. The process of discovery is a journey without an end, as each breakthrough leads to new questions and fresh perspectives.

Consider the story of the ancient Greek philosophers who first pondered the nature of the universe, or the intrepid explorers who ventured into unknown territories on Earth, seeking new lands and knowledge. These pioneering thinkers and adventurers dared to challenge their own beliefs and assumptions, pushing the boundaries of what was thought possible.

Similarly, today’s scientists and researchers continue to venture into uncharted territory, exploring realms that were once considered beyond our grasp. From the depths of the oceans to the farthest reaches of space, we are constantly expanding our understanding of the universe. By embracing uncertainty and maintaining an open mind, we can forge new pathways into the vast expanse of the infinite world, unlocking countless possibilities that lie beyond our current comprehension.

However, this exploration has predominantly focused on the exterior world, and it is now time to explore the interior world with equal fervor. This new exploration using Mind Science has the potential to take us much farther into an infinity beyond measure – a reality perhaps even larger than what has been revealed to us by the most powerful telescopes and microscopes currently available to humanity.

The kind of Mind Science I am trying to describe would encourage us to delve deeper into the depths of human consciousness, shedding light on the intricate workings of our minds and the subtle interplay between our thoughts, emotions, and perceptions. By unraveling these mysteries, we can expand our understanding of the universe and ourselves, opening up new avenues for discovery that were previously unimaginable.

As we continue to explore both the interior and exterior realms of reality, it is crucial that we maintain an open mind and embrace the potential for growth and transformation that comes with this journey. The infinite possibilities that lie within and beyond our understanding hold the key to a future where humanity can thrive in harmony with itself and the cosmos, guided by the wisdom gleaned from our exploration of the inner and outer worlds.

The journey to expand our understanding of the unknown aspects of reality is one filled with both challenges and opportunities. Besides broadening our intellectual perspective, we must also embrace the inner senses and the possibility of the projection of consciousness beyond the limits of the physical. This ability to project consciousness beyond what now seems possible – truly bounded by preconceived ideas of a three-dimensional existence – can expand our ability to explore the cosmos and new ways.

This new methodology, akin to creating a new armada of sailing vessels, can forge a new form of navigation that takes us far beyond anything currently possible with just external machines and contraptions. By harmoniously blending internal exploration with external research methodology, humanity can unlock a universe of possibilities that transcends our current understanding and pushes the frontiers of human knowledge to new heights.

If you would like to know more about the limits of our physical senses and how to expand them. If you would like to know how to expand the cognitive boundaries of our beliefs, and how these have an incredible power to shape the world that we perceive, then I recommend the book: The Occult Experience.

Here you will find a treasure trove of ways to go beyond the limits of what is truly a self and societally imposed limitation on our cognitive ability!

In our relentless pursuit to grasp our surroundings, we often depend on our rational self to provide explanations and make sense of everything. But as we delve deeper into this quest, we come face-to-face with a peculiar glitch in our minds that leaves us questioning the very essence of reality. This bizarre anomaly, this inherent absurdity, is what makes us ponder if there’s more to life than meets the eye.

At first glance, rationality may appear as the ultimate tool for understanding the world around us. It allows us to express our thoughts coherently and form conclusions based on evidence. Yet, it also acts as a barrier that hinders us from truly appreciating the whimsical and nonsensical aspects of reality. The more we scrutinize this glitch, the clearer it becomes that there’s always a reason to question everything.

Paranoia, in this context, could be seen as an essential mindset for those who yearn to uncover the true nature of reality. If we are paranoid enough to examine every aspect of our existence and defy societal norms, maybe then – and only then – will we begin to untangle the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of the world around us.

As we navigate these complex concepts and embrace our personal madness, we gain invaluable insights into the true nature of reality. This first step towards enlightenment is crucial in helping us break free from the unfortunate and ultimately lethal Catch-22 loop that has been holding us back from realizing our full potential. In this journey, we will delve into how embracing personal madness can lead to a deeper understanding of reality and help us escape the chains of the Catch-22 loop that has long dictated our perception of the world.


Exploring Reality’s Twists and Turns – Unravelling The ‘Glitch in the Matrix’

Our reliance on rationality helps us make sense of the world, but it can also limit our understanding of reality’s true nature. We often depend on established frameworks and preconceived notions, something I have termed ‘Dogmatic Thinking’, to interpret new information, creating blind spots that keep us from acknowledging the ‘glitch in our minds.’

The limitations of dogma and the average thinking of the world become apparent when we encounter seemingly contradictory or puzzling situations in life. These “glitches” force us to question our understanding of reality, leading to an existential crisis that challenges who we are and how we perceive the world. The paradoxical nature of human existence – caught between average rationality and supposed madness – highlights the importance of embracing both perspectives for a more comprehensive grasp of reality.

To embrace personal madness means acknowledging that life doesn’t always make sense, and it is okay to question everything around us. By doing so, we can develop a healthier skepticism and questioning mindset that allows us to explore new perspectives and challenge societal norms. This mindset empowers us to see the world through different lenses and ultimately leads to a deeper understanding of the ‘glitch in the matrix’ – an essential step in gaining insights into reality itself.

Understanding this glitch can help us comprehend how it shapes our perception of reality, enabling us to break free from the Catch-22 loop that has held us captive for so long. As we navigate this complex terrain, we must remain open-minded and willing to challenge our preconceived notions about the world around us; we must strive to go beyond average rationality. In doing so, we may discover a more authentic and enlightened existence that transcends the limitations of our zombie life.


The Catch-22 Loop – A Contradictory Trap in Our Perception of Reality

The term “Catch-22” comes from Joseph Heller’s novel, where a character faces two unfavorable options with no escape. In the context of our sense of reality, the Catch-22 loop arises when we confront the ‘glitch in our minds’ and must choose between embracing what the zombie world calls personal madness, or adhering to societal norms that restrict our understanding and freedom.

One example of this paradoxical trap can be seen in the case of whistleblowers who expose corruption within their organizations. They are often faced with a Catch-22 situation – if they follow established procedures, they may not be taken seriously, but if they break rules to expose the truth, they risk losing their jobs or facing legal consequences.

The Catch-22 loop is a dangerous trap that hinders our growth and limits our potential as individuals. It creates a paradoxical situation where questioning reality can lead to further confusion, while blindly accepting established norms prevents us from gaining deeper insights into the true nature of existence. The loop reinforces itself, making it difficult for those trapped within it to break free and escape the confines of their limited awareness.

Breaking free from the Catch-22 loop requires self-awareness and a willingness to question everything around us. It involves recognizing the paradoxical nature of our existence and embracing personal madness as a steppingstone towards a more comprehensive understanding of reality. By doing so, we can transcend the limitations of our rational minds and gain insights that were previously hidden from view.

The potential dangers of being stuck in the Catch-22 loop cannot be overstated. It can lead to a stagnant existence devoid of growth and creativity, as well as hinder our ability to connect with others who have also broken free from this pervasive mental trap. Ultimately, breaking free from the loop is essential for personal development and truly contributing positively to society at large.


Unlocking the Hidden Potential Within – A Journey Towards Expanded Consciousness

The human mind is a vast and intricate landscape, filled with unexplored territories that hold the key to our untapped potential. Escaping the Catch-22 loop and embracing personal lunacy is the first step towards unlocking these hidden depths and expanding our consciousness. By doing so, we open up new worlds of possibility in our minds and unleash a torrent of creative energy that can transform our lives and the world around us.

One real-world example of this transformation can be seen in the lives of individuals who have embraced alternative spiritual practices, such as meditation, the art of the projectionist, or servitor creation. These practices enable them to expand their consciousness by tapping into their inner reality and gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. As a result, they experience increased creativity, better mental health, and improved relationships with others.

The benefits of expanding our consciousness extend far beyond personal development. When we open up new worlds of possibility in our minds, we also contribute to the collective evolution of humanity by promoting innovation, creativity, and empathy. By challenging established norms and embracing unconventional perspectives, we pave the way for a more enlightened society that values critical thinking, our INNER REALITY, personal growth, and connection with others.

To embark on this journey towards expanded consciousness, we must first break free from the Catch-22 loop by being a little paranoid and every established idea that we have inherited from the average human world. This involves developing a mindset of curiosity and openness, which allows us to explore new personal ideas, perspectives, and ways of being in the world. By doing so, we can unlock the hidden potential within and create a life that is richer, more fulfilling, and more meaningful than ever before.

So, unlocking the hidden potential within is a crucial step in our personal and collective evolution. By expanding our consciousness, developing a questioning mindset, and exploring new perspectives, we can break free from the mental trap that has long held us captive and embark on a journey towards expanded awareness and unlimited possibilities.”


Embracing (our supposed) Personal Lunacy – The Path to Freedom, Expanded Awareness, and Deepened Self-Discovery

Throughout this exploration of the glitch in the matrix that we all feel to one degree or another, we have briefly looked into the intricate landscape of human perception and the challenges it presents for understanding the world around us. We have examined how breaking free from the confines of societal norms can lead to a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and ultimately, freedom.

One powerful real-world example of this journey is the story of individuals who have found liberation through the practice of inner alchemy and the way of the projectionist (astral travel). By embracing personal lunacy and questioning their supposed real world perceptions, these individuals have unlocked hidden potential within themselves, leading to a profound expansion of self-awareness. As they have developed a more expansive understanding of reality, they have gained ease and contentment in their lives, transcending the mental traps that once held them captive.

This journey towards enlightenment is not without its challenges, but it offers a roadmap for personal growth and self-discovery that leads to a greater sense of freedom and expanded awareness. In embracing personal lunacy and delving into uncharted territories, we can transcend societal norms and gain profound insights that enrich our inner world. This journey allows us to connect with kindred spirits who have also ventured beyond the familiar, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared purpose in our quest for self-discovery and enlightenment.

As we continue on this journey, it is essential to remain open-minded and receptive to new perspectives. In embracing an expanded awareness of reality, we must come to terms with the fact that the world just doesn’t make sense, and so, we must embrace this and question everything! We cannot turn away; we must face this tide. It is through this acceptance that we can transcend the limits of our rational minds and gain insights into a reality that was previously hidden from view.

The world is weird.

Even those that follow the modern religion of rational skepticism will admit to themselves, on those lonely nights when they cannot sleep and are forced to think about the nature of existence, that the world is weird.

The alignment of recent events appears almost preordained. Observe the seemingly intricate and clandestine patterns that have emerged, as if each element were precisely arranged to achieve a specific outcome. The pieces of this grand chessboard are meticulously positioned, orchestrating a result that is both predictable and morbidly captivating.

This contemporary era, marked by distinctive terminology and theological perspectives, has embraced materialism as its dominant belief. It now favors the new term simulation, the matrix. And as we look at how the world runs and things turn in almost perfect sequence, it is easy to imagine, on those dark and lonely nights when there is nothing else to do except question the self and existence, that perhaps we do indeed live in some kind of simulated world, an orchestrated one.

From the point of view of the average person in the world, what I am about to say will seem preposterous, but from the point of view of those that can see, those that can truly see beyond the three dimensional material cage, my revelations are quite simply, logical.

I will begin by stating that there are covert organizations, composed of highly advanced and meticulously organized beings, who dedicate themselves to the pursuit of what appears, to the typical rational individual, to be irrational goals. These clandestine groups, known as cabals or houses, have existed since antiquity and have concurrently evolved alongside the perceived mundane and common human world.

Although these clandestine societies are not large in terms of membership, their influence is immense. While the core members of such organizations are a small group, they have amassed significant power through their auxiliary members and hierarchical structures that adhere to their teachings. Consequently, one could categorize the larger organizations created by these small but highly powerful societies as a form of Parallel Civilization that follows the dictates and the advice of these secret orders, cabals, or houses.

To be clear, there is an occult and secret community, made up of a select few, that through their power, which I refer to as a kind of mind science, run the world. These societies, along with those that follow their dictates and advice, which is a large parallel civilization made up of the super wealthy and the leaders of the Earth, wield almost total influence over what is now referred to as the great simulation.

I feel that it is now easier than ever before to see this parallel civilization, by the average person. The web, and the great interconnection that we all have through cyberspace, can now enable those that are willing to look, to see the great tide of controlled change in real time.

At every present moment point you will see an endless stream of what could be described as narrative control. The populace of the world, is constantly being pushed, you are being pushed now, to follow a certain narrative, to believe certain things and to not believe others.

For the rational skeptic who follows the science, by which I mean the accepted truth of the times in accordance to whatever authority figure rules the land, the world makes complete sense from that highly materialistic and controlled perspective.

This kind of narrative push, which is quite simply a kind of psychic control, has existed and has gone on since recorded history. And interestingly, the general scope of it is quite easily explained rationally and therefore ignored, by the secular skepticism, of the modern age; it all makes sense to the average person, the now common and highly skeptical modern individual, and all of it, all of the narrative push and evidence pointing to this elite organization and control is easily explained as just game theory, statistics, politics, and how the world works.

Today, more than ever before, the average person has the possibility of seeing this parallel civilization. The internet and our interconnectedness through cyberspace provides a window into real-time, controlled change. At every moment, you are being influenced by narrative control, subtly urging you to accept certain beliefs and disregard others. For the rational observer who adheres to what they may feel are scientific principles, the science, the world functions predictably within this highly controlled materialistic framework.

This form of narrative push, which is at its core psychic control, has existed throughout history and is, as I have said, easily rationalized by the secular skepticism of our modern age.

Perhaps the best way to begin, is to define what I refer to as rational skepticism. But let me make this point clear right from the start, this article is not about the modern theology of the times, but wholly and completely about secret orders, secret groups that now control the entire planet to one degree or another.

There is an entire reality, a kind of hidden civilization if you will, beyond average thought. And it hides itself in plain sight, using technologies, a kind of mind science, beyond average credible belief.

This hidden or fringe civilization, which to be more precise is made up of a number of different factions or secret orders, cabal -like organizations, is responsible for those tides of change that are now more easily identifiable in this age of mass media and global connectivity.

In order to understand how these hidden orders can exist in plain sight, and how it is that they control society, it is best to understand the term rational skepticism.

So, defining this crucial term, rational skepticism, is an appropriate starting point. However, other terms such as “secular skepticism,” “being realistic,” or “common sense” could also be used to convey the same concept. These words help to establish and define what the typical individual perceives as reality during a specific historical era. Rationality therefore is the pooling of accepted facts that shape what is considered normal and common sense for that particular moment in time. And rational skepticism is the act, the devotional act of zealously believing only the accepted facts of the time, while completely denying and sometimes even vilifying any other possible belief.

Can you see how this is a kind of religion? The average human population that is controlled by this parallel civilization, that is in turn controlled by the secret orders I have mentioned, is conditioned to become a religious zealot at any and every age. This guarantees that the average person will never even contemplate the indoctrinated narrative of the times, and will moreover, squash any dissenting voices crazy enough, to even contemplate something beyond the rationality, the new theology, of the times.

In that sense then, you could say that the average world, the large mass of humanity living at any one particular time, always strives to maintain a status quo with a kind of religious fervor. This common sanity, is sort of like the parameters by which everyone strives to come together and comply with a certain general reality tunnel of existence. The greater the ability of any one group to comply and to wholly believe in the truth of this status quo, the easier it is for that particular society to work together towards particular goals. In that sense then, this kind of coming together of minds can be quite a positive thing, but it also has its very negative aspects.

This status quo, this common beliefs framework, is as I have said the coming together of accepted and sanctioned truths. In its simplest sense it is the ability of everyone to believe the same thing as much as possible. If everyone can believe together, if everyone can agree on the facts, then the ability to maintain a cohesive and orderly society becomes consequential, natural. To control a population then, you must control its beliefs. And in that sense then you could say that rationality, rational skepticism, is not a new thing. Every age has its own version of rationality and common sense. The name for that kind of rationality might be slightly different in other times or in other places. Patriotism and religious faith are well known terms, and I will repeat, these are not bad things. When it becomes bad is when such belief structures are subtly changed to suit certain negative agendas.

Whatever the case, and by whatever name you want to call it, there is a status quo in the world. This status quo says that certain beliefs are true while others are not. For that reason, a great deal of power and effort is made by those that are part of the parallel civilization, to control the nature of that belief reality tunnel, and to turn that tunnel not only into a status quo, but really into the theology, the religion, of the times. And as you may have noticed, regardless of size, societies generally possess an institutional framework designed to regulate and shape the collective experience. These are in that sense the holders of the rationality of the era, the keepers of the theology of the times. These individuals are appointed, nurtured into existence by the secret orders that I am now describing.

This is very important in understanding the secret power that runs this world, because such hidden cabals understand and use the nature of such secular skepticism, to hide in the midst of the common person.

How is this modern version of rationality or common sense being used in the modern age?

Well, generally speaking, people are becoming more and more materially focused. What this means is that they have or are in the process of losing their ability to see the gods and all of the magical creatures all around them. Cyberspace is taking over for dreams, imagination, and the ability to just let go and believe in a reality beyond the physical and the three dimensional. Whether you are a person living a 9-to-5 life in a thriving metropolis or whether you are a person staking out a life in a natural and isolated corner of the world, the smart phone, a million satellites in space, and the World Wide Web, are uniting us all in a common reality.

The world wide web is a good thing. One of the good things is that it allows us to see a broader perspective if we use it properly. And if we are willing to look, we can use it to see how the narrative of the world is shaped through the push of beliefs, endless and repetitive dictates, commandments, as to what is truth, and what is falsehood.

Understanding the nature of the narrative push, as site after site on your smart phone doles out the same insistent message, as certain key phrases and key concepts are repeated over and over again across news and by whatever trusted authority figure, you can begin to see, if you look, the push to control the narrative of the world. Understanding this, you begin to understand the nature of control.

But what is physically perceivable on the internet for example is just the outer surface; this is quite literally the tip of the iceberg that hides within the depths of dark waters a kind of mind science that is quite literally impossible to contemplate by those that are completely bound within the rationality of the times. And this clouding, this binding of people to only accept the meager measure of their physical senses in just a certain controlled way, is done with purpose. It is all designed to blind the average person so that they cannot see the deeper truth.

Whether it is the person living the 9-to-5 life or the person in the outskirts of what some might refer to as the civilized world, the ability to see around the three dimensional materialistic bend is becoming harder, for most I would say it is now almost impossible.

But there are others in the world that are different, and some of those others have become the true rulers of the world. Either through what some might refer to as fate, or through quite deliberate selection, there are elite groups out there that have never believed in the rationality of any time. Those groups, those secret orders, are far more organized than those that even might suspect their existence would believe. And the span of the existence of these orders means that they have dedicated immense lengths of time to exploring alternate ways of looking at and manipulating reality, and this is a true discipline, a power, which on occasion I have termed mind science.

Across the span of eons these secret orders have dedicated themselves to look for cracks in the reality wall that cages the rest of humanity. And once these walls are found, a great deal of focus and effort is made to expand those cracks in order to access technologies, entities, and worlds beyond description.

As I have said, those that are part, that are true members, of these secret societies is few, a highly organized few. And yet their numbers is larger than most would suspect. There are a number of such elite societies or houses, not just one. And there are, generally, two distinct ways of looking at and understanding the power that they seek.

-Some houses believe in power through freedom, through focus on the intangible, and these houses are not interested in material power or in controlling humanity. This is one branch you might say.

-But there are other houses that interest themselves in power through complete control of the material world, and it is these secret houses that have created a vast parallel civilization made up of the elite and the extremely wealthy. It is these houses that are interested in material power, and that now rule the Earth by ruling over and advising the parallel civilization that they have helped to establish.

The average human world is aware of the penchant of great leaders to rely on what the secular skeptics of the world refer to as pseudo psychics and charlatans. Whether it is Reagan or Bonaparte, the mundane world explains these eccentricities as fringe weirdness that the elites sometimes seem to fall prey to. And it is easy to explain from the rational perspective, and it is there plain to see in all of our sanctioned history books, that the reliance on weird psychics and oracles by some elite leaders is just a kind of eccentricity that seems to befall a few of the upper-class.

But hidden beneath the charlatans, the weird oracles, and the seemingly ludicrous rituals that the powerful of the world seem to so delight in taking part in, there exists a hidden science that is no joke, no eccentricity, but is instead calculated power. The keepers of this hidden science are the secret orders, the secret cabal’s, that the secular skeptic and mundane human world will never see. You can think of these secret orders like a kind of hidden priesthood, dedicated to the pursuit of power by other than common rational human means. And their influence can be felt in all major happenings, being that this priesthood will most often advise and on occasion even help to direct, certain key events and social movements. Their numbers are few but there organizations are highly complex, and their form of communication and structure is deliberately designed to be beyond rational linear pattern.

Of these varied hidden secret orders or houses, I will mention three general branches that exist within them that tend to be the most common and can be better understood by the average world.

The first branch is by far, in my opinion at least, the most important. This is the branch of what I would refer to as the seers. These are beings that either as individuals or sometimes working in tandem, task themselves with perceiving far beyond the physical three dimensional world. Their sole task is to not only identify the cracks in the world as it were, but also see into these cracks, sometimes even step deeply into them and then report and organize, in a myriad of different ways, all that they can see beyond the collective matrix, the cage, of humanity.

These seers are the true advisors, to the true elite, that run the world. Their power comes from their ability to see the great energetic tides that assault this planet, and to then advise the leaders of the earth on how best to use such energy currents to truly change the human world in the only way possible, which is to change the collective human perceptive point, their cognition, and in essence their entire belief structure.

Another identifiable branch within these secret orders are what could be referred to as channelers. This branch is not responsible for objective and detached seeing, but for moving into those cracks in reality and making direct contact with forces and entities of sometimes incredible power that exist beyond the mundane human reality. And using such contact, they can then instruct on the development of new technologies if you will, and give dynamic energy to social movements that at times have the potential to change vast stretches of the world.

Finally and for simplicity sake, there are also branches within those secret societies that focus on the mastery of energy manipulation. Such branches focus on controlling the nature and the direction of those unseen forces and powers that assault this world in order to bring about change in accordance to the varied will of these clandestine organizations.

There are orders within orders, and factions within those orders. The complexity and the schemes are, as I have said beyond rationality.

The crazy over-the-top psychics and the sometimes gaudy or silly rituals that are reported on, are most often bad attempts at copying powers and techniques that are far beyond the wanabees and the fashionable nouveau riche of the times. This is just outer theater. The true craft is performed in secrecy, and the power of such true practitioners can at times be staggering.

The world is indeed controlled by an elite few. But the nature of that control, and the true organizational structure of the world will never be known by the average person until they are able to let go of the theology, the religion, the rational skepticism, of the times.

If you would like to delve a little deeper into the true nature of societal change and control, and how to overcome this control, I recommend the book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy.

I am very happy to announce that I my new book. The Art of Transmutation is published!

Thank you for your kind patience and your support. It is my great hope that you find this book both entertaining and illuminating in the ways of inner alchemy and personal transformation. It’s a story that explores the way of transmutation and inner alchemy from the perspective of a teacher and student. What is highly unique is that it is the first book of its kind that I have written in a story format, following the adventures and misadventures of an alchemist’s apprentice (Janos) and his teacher (the shadowed man).

Here is a version of the book description for you to look through:


Immerse yourself in the incredible journey of a young man who dares to push the boundaries of the material world and discovers that transmutation and infinite prosperity are not mere fantasies but attainable possibilities for us all.

Janos always sensed that there must be more to the mundane world around him, but trapped in poverty, and without access to greater knowledge, he felt resigned to his fate—until an encounter with an enigmatic mentor allows him to glimpse beyond the facade of our everyday world and initiates him onto the path of inner alchemy.

In The Art of Transmutation, the first book of The Amaranthine Chronicles, this mysterious stranger reveals to Janos the existence of the Spirit, an enigmatic force that serves as the source of all transmutation and which persistently calls upon us to pay attention, to ‘see’ and partake in the hidden magical world that surrounds us.

Finding that he must push past his doubts and prove to himself the truth of his dark teacher’s words, Janos begins his journey, not outward, but inward through the labyrinthine corridors of his own mind, beyond physical time and space. Along the way he unravels hidden truths and uses his newfound knowledge to transform his life.

The Art of Transmutation invites you to witness and learn from his extraordinary tale and initiate the process of your own inner and outer transformation, to gain direct knowledge of manifestation, personal power, and the extraordinary potential that exists within you.

As the author of this fusion of story and mysticism, John Kreiter draws upon years of experience as an occultist and explorer of the human psyche. A practicing alchemist himself, Kreiter is able to pull back the curtain and share the lessons of the Spirit.

Prepare to be inspired, to challenge the world you know, and to embark on your own odyssey of self-discovery and abundance. Your journey starts here, within the pages of The Art of Transmutation. Will you answer the call of the Spirit?

In this article I want to discuss what may be the biggest secret in the world, something that appears simple, in plain sight, and yet holds immense power. This secret has shaped human history and explains why Earth is a magnet for extraterrestrial and intra-terrestrial beings. The prize in question is human attention, which is a formidable force beyond measure. Let me explain.

In today’s digital era, we have come to appreciate the value of attention, courtesy of our access to an abundance of information through the Web, television, radio, and other media outlets. We witness relentless battles for our focus of attention, as organizations, corporations, and assorted structures compete for a share of our mental real estate. But what makes attention so coveted, and how does this pursuit affect our existence and the world around us?

As we navigate our daily lives, we find ourselves amidst a cacophony of stimuli clamoring for our notice. Social media, advertisements, news, entertainment; the list goes on, each vying for a slice of our finite attentional pie. Our brains, wired to respond to novelty, emotion, and excitement, readily succumb to the lure of carefully crafted algorithms designed to capture and hold our focus. These masterfully curated contents often take precedence over more meaningful aspects of life, such as relationships, productivity, and self-care, subtly reshaping our personal reality and compromising our autonomy.

However, attention isn’t merely a prized commodity for profit-driven enterprises. It plays a vital role in social movements, political campaigns, cultural trends, and, most significantly, in shaping our understanding of reality itself. This brings us to the jaw-dropping revelation: our attention is a resource not only sought after by visible players but also by concealed forces of unsuspected power.

Now, wholly from a physical point of view, some of you may assume that you are impervious to such manipulation, or that the control of attention is trivial. You may believe that as long as you maintain command over your physical self, you can freely consume and attend to whatever you desire without any tangible consequences. But is this truly the case?

Unfortunately, the vast majority of people underestimate the value of their attention and remain unaware of the subtle yet relentless assault on their focus. They fail to recognize the profound impact that the constant barrage of attention-grabbing stimuli can have on their perceptions and behaviors. Many people go about their daily lives oblivious to the various mechanisms vying for their most valuable assets: their time and attention. They unwittingly succumb to the influence of external forces, humming catchy jingles from advertisements, reciting memorized phrases from television shows, or worrying about the latest thing they saw on the news, without realizing the considerable power that resides within them. But the truth is that this unintentional and unconscious division of attention, whether we realize it or not, has the potential to reshape our reality in profound ways.

Human attention has the capacity to revolutionize not only our personal reality but also the collective reality of our world. We sculpt our existence through our attention, and our minds hold far greater power than many of us suspect. While it’s common knowledge that thoughts are influential and that attention shapes our individual reality, it’s easy to overlook the significance of these concepts amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. As a result, we often neglect to fully comprehend the implications of mismanaging our attention.

Perhaps you acknowledge the power of the mind to some extent. You may believe that attention can inspire and alter perspectives, prompt physical action, and even modify beliefs when confronted with compelling or at the very least, persistent and repetitive evidence. However, you may not accept the idea that thoughts and intentions possess the ability to create and mold all facets of reality. You may doubt that mental constructs serve as the foundation for all manifestations, both internal and external, and that mental activity is the primary driver of creation, rather than purely physical effort.

If that’s the case, consider the following: every innovation, invention, and artistic expression began as a thought in someone’s mind. Every social movement, political shift, and cultural phenomenon started with an idea that captured people’s imagination. The power of attention lies not only in its ability to direct our focus but also in its capacity to ignite our creativity, fuel our passions, and transform our ideas into tangible realities. By recognizing and harnessing this power, we become active participants in shaping our destiny, both individually and collectively.

Further, I propose that there’s another, equally crucial aspect of creating reality, and I refer to this power as inner action. By this, I mean that everything originates from within, and our attention plays a pivotal role in shaping our reality. My personal belief is that inner reality serves as the sole creator of all outer physical phenomena; in other words, our thoughts, intentions, and attentiveness through a process I term inner action, eventually project themselves outwardly to bring forth the material world we experience.

In essence, intent is the driving force behind this manifestation process, and attention is a fundamental component of that intent. By acknowledging and harnessing the power of attention, we can actively take part in crafting our destinies and the world around us. Whether you subscribe to this belief or not, it’s undeniable that our attention has a profound impact on our lives and the reality we inhabit.

If you share my belief in the power of thought to shape reality, or if you have your own unique perspective on this concept of thought power, then you must acknowledge that the world around us is largely created from the inside out. When we direct our attention towards something, we amplify its presence in our minds, transforming it into a thought and intention that consumes our focus. The longer and more intensely we concentrate on that object, person, or idea, the more energy we invest in it, ultimately leading to its manifestation in our external reality. Attention is a force that project out and away from you in a sense, and its continuous concentration creates your entire reality, in time.

Let us consider the possibility that the vast expanse of human experience, both individual and collective, stems from internal actions beyond material scope. In essence, everything around us, everything material, including our physical surroundings and emotional landscapes, manifest themselves from the inside out, fashioned by the potent force of thought. If this notion is true, then the significance of attention cannot be overemphasized. Our focused awareness wields the power to shape reality, making it the most precious resource within the known cosmos.

Is it not feasible then, that others – be they human or otherwise – might endeavor to harness and exploit this resource? Might they not go to great lengths to tap into the very essence of conscious attention, leveraging it for their own purposes? Think about this: if attention indeed moulds reality, if it constitutes a force capable of manipulating the fabric of existence, then would it not surpass the value of gold or any other tangible asset? While material resources can be obtained through technological advancements and the mining of asteroids and moons full of every conceivable substance needed to thrive, conscious attention remains a rare and exquisite treasure, exclusively available to only highly evolved sentient beings. Its scarcity and influence make it nothing short of priceless.

Let us pause to reflect upon this: if thoughts have the capacity to give rise to all reality, if they can warp space-time, turning non-local thoughts and intentions into tangible and intangible forces that rule the known world, then surely attention must be acknowledged as a force of unparalleled magnitude. And if such a force exists, which it does, would it not be worth anything to acquire, to nurture, and to wield its boundless potential?

This planet is a shining star in the darkness. Our powerful attention makes us glow in a sea of relative darkness. There are others that covet that attention, that light.

We have been fed the manipulative lie that tells us that the world and surviving are all about material wealth, money, landing a great job, or owning fancy things. But to not just survive in this material prison, but thrive and then go beyond it, we must begin to battle for our personal attention. Through personal focus we can get the material things we want, but we can also begin to see beyond the materialistic and consciously orchestrated illusions before us. Through focused attention, we can begin to see that our world doesn’t end in the physical, but that we are instead cosmic things that are destined to travel across the stars.

There are unseen and unsuspected forces that want to take that most precious power and use it for themselves. The mechanisms behind the seen and unseen forces competing for our conscious attention are intricate and multifaceted, and I can’t wait to dive deeper into them in future articles. If you’re curious about the power of attention, how it’s used, and how to escape from external influence, I urge you to check out my book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy.

But before I go, let me give you some hints on how we, as individuals, can tap into the power of attention to create positive change in our lives and the world. The first step is awareness. By becoming aware of how our attention is being steered and manipulated, we can start to make conscious choices about where we focus our attention.

To achieve this, try paying attention to your attention throughout the day. Observe how your mind works and notice when your attention drifts away from your intended focus. While meditation can help you find inner peace and clarity, real freedom and personal growth require you to be aware of your thoughts and attentive to your attention throughout your whole day. When negative thoughts arise, shift your focus elsewhere. It may be challenging at first, especially when you’re feeling upset, but with practice and in time, you’ll learn to control your reality from the inside out.

It’s important to recognize that we need to take responsibility for our awareness, which is guided by our focus of attention. This might seem daunting, but as we work on it, we’ll gradually transform our lives and ultimately change every aspect of our personal and collective reality.

Humanity has the potential to follow many future roads. What I mean is that we humans seem to be following a direct line, where our past pushes us forward in a certain inevitable direction, in a certain and most expected direction. But there are other alternatives, other roads, other futures, other alternate life tracks that we can travel down as a species.

For the most part, we all perceive and believe, being that we have completely focused ourselves on the existential possibility of time as being only a linear and sequential thing, that there is only one future for us, that this future is pretty much a guaranteed thing within the parameters that we feel to be possible. Certainly, there are times when we might say that this particular event in our history might have changed what we became in the future. We may say that this battle, this particular theology, this new law and set of principles that was created at this time in the past, changed aspects of our present and the future to come. But generally speaking, we believe that the future is set, there is only one possible future for humanity, because whether we like to admit it to ourselves or not, we tend to have the idea that our future is very much set, just like our past; that ultimately neither the past nor our future can be really changed at all.

This belief has to do with the linear idea of time, we think, often times quite unconsciously, that since the past is unchangeable, the future is as well. This is a difficult concept to grasp because we have such an inbuilt and comfortable idea about reality, but the unconsciously believed fact is that if the past cannot be changed, then the future cannot be changed either, the future must be as unchangeable as the past.

We often make brave speeches as to how we can all change, how we will get better, but really, unconsciously for the most part, we have a sense that the future is set as well. We also tend to presuppose that since time only moves forward, evolution is also only a forward moving vehicle; this means that we do not think that things from our past can evolve in that past, they can only evolve going forward in time. This is a difficult concept and I want you to contemplate what this truly means, because for those stuck within the throes of rationality, such a concept, even if it is mildly and quickly entertained, can be earth shattering.

Since we believe that evolution is only a forward moving entity, the past is lesser than what we have now. And of course, this also means that our future must be better, because it will be more evolved than the past. Moreover, being that we have pursued a very specific kind of technological reality, that better future that we envision must involve a technological evolution in a very particular direction. And yet, it is this very modern insistence on a linear time model that actually creates this inevitable future, because awareness shapes reality, not the other way around, and our current awareness, so focused on mechanical and linear conceptions, must only be able to create a very limited range of future possibilities. And those possibilities seem to all involve an external device driven science.

But is this particular ‘evolution driven’ road that leads to a technological future full of devices and contraptions really inevitable?

Well, this future is inevitable only because this is how we view time, and how we perceive and work with our reality. From the inner alchemist’s point of view, the inner creates the outer, we create our future through our beliefs which narrow our focus, and it is this narrowing of focus on only one particular belief system that is in essence giving us the future that we feel we must have.

What I mean is that, because we believe in linear time, because we believe that time is a force outside ourselves, we must therefore believe that there is always an external cause before an effect. We must believe that all things, all change, happens outside us, beyond us, and therefore our technological advancements must follow such laws, which means that only one type of technology is most likely possible, and that this technology is mechanical in nature; you hit this and this hits that, which does this, and all such cause and effect, happens outside ourselves.

But such a causal understanding not only limits the potential capabilities of human technologies, it also limits the power that is available for us to work with and infuse into these technologies. Further our causal order due to our limited perception of time, also regulates our understanding of ourselves and the other, we believe that all things are external to us, that we are surrounded by things, our technology therefore is a technology of external devices, external contraptions of all sorts.

By limiting our ideas of time, we limit our potential. It is the case therefore that many people tend to think in a rather black-and-white manner about what we can do, about what is possible for us as human beings. Our future is set therefore, there is nothing else but this possibility; we are quite literally stuck. As such, the majority of us tend to believe that we will either blow ourselves up due to some catastrophic war, have mass death due to some man-made event, or we are bound to move to the stars and become some spacefaring civilization, akin to something that you might see in a typical sci-fi or cyberpunk movie.

But there are different ways to perceive and therefore eventually to work with time, there are other causal structures that we can begin to work with, if we are willing to at least soften some of our very rigid current conceptions of time and reality.

At this point in history though, our technological growth, our evolution, must be more external devices and better and better machines. Machines after all are the future and the future is better, it is evolution. And it is therefore not only prudent but inevitable, say the rationalists, that these external machines and devices end up actually becoming part of ourselves, end up becoming actually attached contraptions, machines in our brains or our bodies, until eventually we too must become partially or mostly machine ourselves. Machines are the future so they are better, we must therefore become better by becoming more like machines.

Our human future is a future filled with artificial intelligence, computers of increasing complexity and power, electronic implants, robotics that do most of our work, and a future humanity that looks more and more like a dystopian cyberpunk reality. In this future world there seems to be this push more and more lately, towards a more commune or community based human reality, where individuality and many of its inherent freedoms must be given up so that more orderly, more machinelike that is, communities may be established. A new future where people may need to become more like drones in a hierarchical order, instead of individual beings pursuing their own individual interests.

While it is the case that many argue that there will be ways to escape this future, perhaps by escaping from the clutches of large organizational structures perhaps, the reality is that most technology is in the hands of large corporations and organizations that will make such escape as difficult as possible. In order to study this potentiality, we can review what has already happened with the smart phone.

While it is possible to have a phone connected independently to the global network, no contract or plan connection, this ability is becoming more and more difficult over time. Such increasing control over the technology of smart phones, and the increasing complexity and intrusion possible by the many applications, apps, available to smart phones, makes it easy to see that the promise of power and privilege of the smart phone comes with a great cost.

Many may argue that such freedoms are really just an intrusion into personal privacy and not control, but such people are deluding themselves into thinking that all of this information that is gathered cannot be used to later create passive control techniques, that in time may nudge and sometimes even force them, into certain directions and actions. In other words, the great control of mass information allows for the control of the masses.

Now, many are talking and working towards a future, where a smart phone like device or at least a device that could interact with a smart phone, could soon be attached to the human brain. Imagine then all of the possible difficulties that we now face, as far as security and personal freedoms just with smart phones that are in our pockets. What might our future be like when the smart phone is actually in our skull? Who will control the design and the functional parameters of the hardware and software that will go into those embedded computer devices.

It is not my desire in this article to create some kind of angst against future technological endeavors. I personally find that much of our technology is very useful, and as a modern person I too have benefited from this technological advancement. But I do believe that there is the possibility, of an encroaching future that we might not want, and as such, I am asking, is it possible to find different ways to offset that future? At least a small part of that future, one where such devices become part of our brain.

Well, one possible way, is to expand our conception of reality and to develop a different type of technology, a technology that I am calling ‘mental science’ or mental technology. Such a technology would need to be able to create all of the things required from the mechanical one, in short it would need to provide for us anything that we have been able to do through our modern conception of technology. But doing this through a wholly different kind of mental technology, would mean that we would have to completely change our deep and core beliefs about the very nature of reality.

When we think of time as being a linear and sequential thing, we do so because our minds have been conditioned for a very long time to think in such a way. For such a long time actually that to think anything else is considered lunacy, and for such a long time that our external senses, our physical senses, are the only allowed perceptions that fit within the parameters of this understanding, of this belief. Such conditioning has given birth really to the modern technological world, and as I have said, this modern world is a device driven mechanical one.

As to what this mental science might look like and what it could provide in the short term?

Well, in my books I write about a very old other type of technology, a mental science that I refer to as inner alchemy. Such a mental science states that time is not linear at all. It states that time is actually a thing that exists all here and all now, that time is an infinite moment point that contains within it both what we think of the past and the future events. As such, our ability to alter, to see, and to work with time, is in some ways more complex but it is also very rewarding and powerful. Such a conception of time as being an ever-present event, opens up the mind to new possible directions, to new causal laws and therefore new potential technologies that do not need to focus so exclusively on the current causal framework. This new causality framework posits that time is a fluid affair, and that both the past and the future can change, do change, just like this present moment is constantly and ever changing.

What might be possible through such a framework?

Well, it may be too late in our history to change completely and to begin a new type of probable world where mind science dominates everything, but we might still be able to use some of that causal understanding from this alternate form of science to offset the encroaching restrictions to individuality, that a purely mechanical and devise driven technology is creating.

We could for example, delay or permanently change the need to have mechanical and electric devices implanted in our brains. Instead of needing electronic inputs plugged into our heads so that we might experience virtual realities and download information, we could instead learn to access different dimensional existences, different modes of mental perceptive points, so that we may expand our awareness enough that such external and invasive devices and contraptions would not be necessary. At the least limit these until it is, or it becomes absolutely necessary to use them to, maintain or repair biological functions in people with disabilities.

Through the ability to control personal awareness, we could perform any of the things that implants promise to provide a healthy body and mind. We could communicate telepathically, access infinite information, manipulate external objects, experience a far more powerful kind of internal reality, not through virtual environments but through the ability to move, quite literally, across many dimensions, across real and complete other worlds. And in mastering all of this mental ability, we could grow intellectually in ways that I believe would surpass any physical computer or general intelligence network.

It is my personal belief and personal perceptions, that such a technology does exist and has existed on this planet in our past, a past where the modern linear conception of time did not rule the human psyche. And I do believe that snippets, that clues to such mental science can be found if we are willing to look deeply within available data on the subject, and are willing to work with diligence, using scientific principles, as we now do in other scientific and technological directions.

Using the techniques of inner alchemy, it is possible to be able to acquire incredible amounts of knowledge, and to free ourselves to an incredible extent from the three-dimensional world that binds us, from the mechanical world of linear time that seems to be chocking our individuality more and more, as we move seemingly forward through time. It is possible for us as human beings, to be able to experience unbelievable other spaces and other worlds, and it is possible for us to do this naturally through a kind of mental science, instead of for example, losing ourselves in a particular virtual-reality video game or headset. Certainly, these techniques are not plug and play like most of our modern electronic devices, but you may find that the work required to develop these abilities, may also have other benefits, such as expanding your own idea of self and of the possible freedoms that we do have access to now, as individuals.

We do not need to give up our current technology, we do not need to take a step backwards in that regard. We can incorporate both the science of the mind and the technology of devices in order to create a future that is our best possible future.

If you would like to explore the potential of such a mental science, and in particular, this ability to travel and to do and know in dimensions beyond conception, then I would recommend to you my book, Out of Body Experiences Quickly and Naturally, and if you are interested in very advanced techniques and methodology in this area, then I would recommend, The Way of the Projectionist.

In a number of my books I have mentioned that growing up I was fortunate enough to have many paranormal experiences. I mentioned that these experiences were largely, most likely completely, related to my great grandmother who seemed to have this ability to manipulate the world around her, in ways that were and still are beyond rational contemplation.

Quite simply, the house where I lived in as a child with my grandmother and great-grandmother, was quite literally a hotbed of paranormal activity. Glowing lights and orbs of all kinds were quite natural, and everyone in the family had experience in seeing them. Apparitions of all sorts would happen all the time, and many ghost-like entities made regular visits to that home. There were also many occurrences of physical objects being teleported from one location to another, sometimes of quite large things, and this also included psychokinetic activity, the movement of all sorts of matter, right before our eyes, that baffled us and terrified me in particular.

In this video I would like to discuss the general nature of what are referred to as ‘shadow people’. And I mention my grandmother’s house, because among the many other phenomena experienced by the entire family in this house, many of us would also see shadow people from time to time. In this video then, I would like to share a particular experience that I had, to give a general example that many people who have experienced these shadow entities may identify with, and to use this experience as a backdrop to discuss what these beings are and what their purposes can be, on certain occasions.

Now, that being said, there are a great range of purposes and possibilities when it comes to the shadow people, meaning that not all shadow people are created equal as it were. Some of them are quite simply beings that are in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the same way that a human being might be at the wrong place, and whisked or slightly moved to another dimension, such accidental encounters are far more common than some would imagine. In other words we can actually be shadow people to other beings existing in other dimensions, when these accidental shifts happen.

Others, other beings perceived as shadow people by us here in this dimension, are beings that live in a more flowing state, a more etheric and open ended dimension. These dimensions are more open-ended meaning that to move dimensionally in and out of them, is far easier than this one. Such dimensions can be very similar to what may be experienced in dreams for example. In such dreamlike dimensions, aware entities native to that zone consider such movement and encounters, from one dimension to the other, quite normal, and as such they are either active participants in the act of crossing between dimensions, or they may simply peer into these new dimensional locations, in the same way that a tourist might look out the window of a tour bus. These kinds of entities are usually quite used to a kind of window or portal opening up in and around them, and may use such opportunities to view new and strange realms, or may even try to make limited contact with the strange new creatures that they may witness. For us of course, such dimensional shifts, while far more common than most people suppose, are always surprising and generally quite terrifying, certainly in my youth they were quite terrifying to me!

The point that I’m trying to make is that, not all shadow people are created equal and there are different intents and purposes behind such encounters. Some of these encounters may be quite benign, like the one that I’m going to share with you, while there are others that are far more predatory in nature, and involve a more concerted effort to malevolently profit in one way or another from the situation.

The particular experience that I want to discuss here, I think provides a good general example of what most people see when they encounter shadow people, and may relate to something that you may have experienced yourself, if you have been fortunate, or unfortunate enough, to run into one of these shadow entities.

This particular experience happened when I was quite young, but I remember it very well as it was a very traumatic experience for me at the time. As was usual of most of the more terrifying experiences that I had while in my grandmother’s house, I found myself alone in one particular part of the house.

It was a bright sunny day outside, and the entire family was outside in the patio while. After some general merriment on my part with the family, I got a little tired and cranky and was told by my mother that perhaps I needed to take a nap. My grandmother’s room was the coolest in temperature and closest to the patio, so I decided to go in there and lie on her bed to take my nap.

This was an average sized room, and it had a wonderful big window that allowed the light to come in from the patio. The curtains were drawn but the brightness of the sun was such that on the opposite wall to the window there was a kind of curtain of light as the sun streamed in through the window. The window curtains provided enough shade though, so it was relatively dark and quiet in there. I lay down and quite unconsciously fixated on this window of light created on the opposite wall. As I lay there in bed and began to relax more and more, I was further transfixed by the fact that this curtain of light would move, seemed to shimmer, and I realized that this movement was most likely the movement of my family outside, as they crossed the patio back and forth, at least that was what I told myself at the time. I satisfied myself with the rationale of this assumption, and began to relax more and more, while my attention focused lightly but intently on the shimmering light on the opposing wall. In time though to my growing surprise, I did begin to notice that this shimmering began to attain a type of coherence. It was not just streaks of light, And the movement that I had attributed to my family outside in the patio did not seem to completely coincide with what I was seeing within this cascade of light on the wall.

The moment that I realized in a fundamental way that this movement of light did not coincide with the movement of my family out in the patio, there seemed to be a kind of shift within me which was mirrored by a shift in the curtain of light that I had been staring at. What happened was that this light, this chaotic confluence of shimmering light, suddenly became far too coherent for my liking, and those shimmers of light turned into shapes, they actually turned into shadows of light, and further I realized that these were not just random shadows, these shadows were people; shadow people made out of light. While startling at first, this was also quite intriguing to me and I did not move from my lying down position, and I just kept staring at these newly formed people on the wall. At first I once again entertained the notion that the shadows, these shadows of light, were actually somehow the shadows of my family outside. But then the difference between the movement of my family out the patio and the movement the shadow people broke rhythm and I felt the difference between the two again. This time this second realization became a kind of contraction in me, it was as I know now a slight alteration in my awareness point, and when this happened, the shadow people seem to notice me, and whatever it was that they were doing beyond that window that was the shimmering cascade of light, they stopped. They stopped, and they turned quite deliberately and they looked at me!

The moment that this happened I yelled and ran from the bed. As I did so the people on the wall reacted, they turned and they looked at me and followed my movement across the room, I desperately tried to cross the room as quickly as I could and open the door that led to the outer hall and the patio. To my horror, these people turned towards me even more and began to move in my direction. They seem to be reaching out, and as I look back on it, I now think that there was an amused quality to them, this idea permeates my memory of it now, this feeling that they were somehow both highly intrigued by me and what I was doing, and at the same time deeply amused by my horror and my frantic action. Eventually in my panic, I was able to open the door, and ran like a bullet to my grandmother and great-grandmother. By that time everyone was used to the shenanigans of the house but my grandmother’s as usual, took immediate action by moving quickly into the room and confronting and banishing whatever had been conjured in the house’s latest little outburst. In a future video or book, perhaps I will go into such shenanigans and the countering of such forces by them in more detail. For now I will leave it at that, being that in this video anyway I wish to discuss the shadow entities and use this example in order to highlight one of the many ways that the shadow people may become manifest in people’s lives.

This case for example, shows what I believe to be the most common scenario when there is a crossroads like meeting between us and such shadow entities. The house that I lived in was an incredibly charged place, what I mean by this is that there was an incredible amount of psychic energy within this building, due to the great power that my great-grandmother had.

There are many such places that are either charged naturally because they are structures that have been erected over power spots, or because one of the residents of that place had or has a great deal of psychic energy themselves. In those places, it is far more common to see these windows open up between dimensions, and it is even sometimes the case that people that might not be incredibly psychically powerful , may have enough power to tip the scales, and allow such windows to open up, due to the fact that there is already such an incredibly large psychic charge present. This is what I now know happened to me, as I lay there and focused my attention on the shimmering light, the already existing power of the place combined with my young and highly flexible child’s awareness, this was enough to open a window, so that as I relaxed more and more, perhaps even entering a mild trance state, my awareness was enough to solidify a quite real window, thankfully not a door but a window, into another dimensional place, another dimensional location. That location was not a deserted place, there were other beings there, other very real and very humanoid looking beings. When this window opened up, when this window attained a certain level of materialization and stability, I was able to see them clearly and by the same token they were able to see me clearly as well, and while I was absolutely terrified by this encounter, they seemed amused and instantly began to interact with me without any reservations.

So what we have here then is, a power location, usually a human being with a flexible awareness, a shifting of that awareness point within the human being, in my case through my deep relaxation and the fact that I was a child with a flexible awareness, and in many cases a point of fixation for that awareness like a contrasting point of lightness or darkness within an already darkened or twilight environment.

While this was a relatively friendly encounter in many ways, the far more frightening and predatory encounters seem to take the same general format, that is, you have a power location that may have attained this power through some kind of misery or horrible expenditure of psychic energy within this area, you have a person in this space who through sheer fright within the location develops a more flexible awareness, being that extreme fear can cause a loosening within the awareness of a person, and usually again a contrasting point between light and darkness, being that all such encounters usually happen in a twilight like environment where even a semblance of contrast can be found. And the reason why most of these beings seem to be shadows, or two dimensional in that sense, is that while the awareness of the individual experiencing this phenomena becomes more flexible, it is still usually not flexible enough to see the complete window for what it is, a true rift in space-time, and for that reason what is usually seen, is a bit of a bastardization of what is actually going on. In other words, instead of seeing the complete picture of this rift, the human mind can only allow for a two dimensional shadow to be perceived and assembled, a two dimensional vision, like these shadow creatures stuck on a wall.

And yes there are cases when such rifts do allow such shadow beings to enter into our dimension fully. There indeed seems to be certain entities that are looking for these windows to open up, again caused by both their efforts on their side of this dimensional rift (window) and the typical scenario I described in this side of the window. So the often times accidental human combination of a power spot and a flexible mind within a twilight environment and a true predatory entity can create some pretty crazy encounters. Once this window is created, these more predatory type shadow beings may try to enter, and once on this side of the dimensional portal they may then engage in predatory activities, such as trying to frighten a human being and draining that person of that spent psychic force, with as much intensity as is possible for them before that dimensional rift closes once again.

This is a very general overview of shadow entities, but I think it provides a good basic snapshot of what we are dealing with when we encounter these beings. If you would like to have a more in-depth look into the flexibility of awareness, and how to develop that flexibility in a controlled manner yourself, I recommend the book, the occult experience. If you would like to know more about how to deal with these entities directly, to thwart them, I would recommend the book, The Vampires Way to Psychic Self Defence.

There are many questions that people have about how to perform certain supposed psychic or paranormal abilities, such as the ability to project the consciousness and have out of body experiences for example.

And there are many sources of information that can provide some very sound advice in this regard, that is instruction on techniques and general methodology that can make such abilities possible.

But seldom, I feel, is there an explanation as to why some do better than others in being able to perform these techniques and abilities. And while it is most likely the case that some people do better with certain techniques than others because those techniques just fit them better, it is also the case that there is a missing piece that is seldom talked about, a missing piece as to why certain people have better results than others.

And that key principle, the reason why things work for some but not for others, is power, psychic force, and more importantly, how to increase this force.


In this article I would like to go over a question that a certain reader had, and my answer to that question. I wish to do this because in answering this question, I provide an answer as to how to increase your psychic force, and how this force and its increase has multidimensional aspects that not only increase the complexity of working with this energy, but also show how this energy is really without limit, for those that can learn to tap into it.


Please note that in this article I will be referring to my personal techniques, and the map that I provide as an Inner Alchemist to my readers. As such, if you are not familiar with these techniques or the terminology used, there may be a few questions that you might have, but I strongly feel that the information here outweighs differences in technique, and that indeed this information can be used by anyone to apply to their own practice, no matter what kind of techniques you are using.


In this particular case, this reader had and is becoming more and more adept in the techniques that I write about, and as a result has made some very important correlations, that will going forward, greatly increase this practitioners potential power.


He starts by telling me that he has discovered, through his own work (his own personal inner action) the direct correlation between the techniques that I discuss in the Magnum Opus and the techniques that I then describe in the second book of that trilogy, The Way of the Projectionist.


My reply to this is as follows:

I am very glad to know you are progressing quickly, and I think that you have quite naturally come upon a point where the techniques discussed in the Magnum Opus coincide and unite with the Way of the Projectionist. As you note, being that one in the end involves the other, the ability to project can greatly enhance your ability to reabsorb past energetic loss, and consequently, your ability to absorb past events does greatly increase your psychic power and your ability therefore to project your consciousness farther and with much greater potency.


For those not familiar with my technique, or for those that wonder as to the correlation here, it is important to note that one level of technique that he refers to in ‘the Magnum Opus’, directly feeds the other in ‘the way of the projectionist’. This reader then has taught himself how to absorb latent psychic force, and store that force, which is covered in the Magnum Opus, and then use it to expand his abilities to project his consciousness farther and farther, using the techniques covered in the book, the Way of the Projectionist. There is therefore a correlation, that this person has been able to verify by himself, between the absorption of psychic force and the ability to perform extraordinary feats of mental action such as projecting (astral Travel). This discovery is most important, especially when a person can experience it for themselves through their own doing.


This then is the answer to the question that is posed at the beginning of this article in actual practice:

Those that can’t seem to replicate a technique, with the same power and efficiency as others may be having troubles, because they do not have the psychic power needed to do what they want to do, to the extent that they want to do it, and no one has shown them how to increase this force, or how to work with it in any way. People are told about a certain technique, their given all these examples of people that have been able to replicate the techniques mentioned, but that is as far as it goes. Some people perform these techniques and get some results, while others do not. But seldom is there any real explanation as to why this is so. So this is the basic answer, the more psychic power you have, the better your result, and one of the way to gain psychic power is through the use of the techniques that I outline in the book The Magnum Opus.


To make the point even more succinct, this person reports that as his absorption of psychic force has increased, his projections have indeed become more vivid, and he is beginning to be able to tap into alternate histories, which to him at the time seem more like simple daydreams. In trying to explain to him that these simple daydreams are more important than he may at first realize, I use an example which I think you may find useful in your own practice,

I reply as follows:

As you do become a more adept projectionist, many of the questions that you now have will be answered through your own experience just like you are able to answer this initial and incredibly important question. But here I will outline certain perplexities that have been discovered by inner alchemists, that might help you along the way.

While it is indeed possible to use your projectionist techniques to go very far back in your life, these projections will also allow you to perceive what could be referred to as alternate life events, that while non-existent in accordance to your memory of past events, nevertheless can play a significant role in your present situation. These alternate events can also lead to what could be referred to as simultaneous reincarnational events, that is alternate life tracks, simultaneous life-lines, that while not being the past as we may remember it, still can affect this present reality through often times unconscious communications in dreams, ideas, and impulses, that may lead us in unsuspected future directions.

Generally, these alternate histories stay far in the background of the conscious self, but for an adept, who is progressing in power, as they move through the rooms of the projectionist and as they involve themselves in the reabsorption of their energetic totality, so as to gain more and more psychic power, these alternate realities, these other dimensional existences, become known to them, and this can have many benefits.

Let me give you an example, let’s say that as you use your projectionist techniques to travel back to a very early time in your past. You begin to re-absorb and begin to follow the track of your life (your life history) into what you refer to as the present moment. But as you do so, you discover that you seem to go into a dream like alternate place, because instead of becoming the person that you are now, you instead follow a track of events that lead you to experience a life, or a set of events that are completely different from what you consider to be true ‘reality’.

Now, you might believe that your projections while valid in some sense, are not valid when it comes to re-absorption, because even though you were consciously transported to what could be referred to as another dimensional reality, this reality had nothing to do with what you consider to be factual history, and therefore any absorption that you did there, you would imagine, must not count? ‘This isn’t real life’, you imagine.

Well, the thing is that these alternate places often times do count, because they do indeed represent events that do hold parts of ourselves, parts of our energy, because they are legitimate and real in their own alternate dimension. And as such, as a projectionist grows in power they greatly expand their concept of who they are, how big they really are, on the inside. And because of this, they greatly expand the kinds of energy as well available to them, the amount of energy they can tap into and re-absorb, which then greatly increases their power even more, which then allows them to become even more powerful projectionists, etc.

I hope you can understand what I’m trying to tell you here, there is great nuance, but this nuance is not something that is beyond you. It just requires that you grow in your projectionist abilities, which will quite naturally expand your intellect and your ability to see beyond the borders of who you thought you had been up till now.

Continue as you have, you are making great progress. But do note that in order to do so you will need to increase your ability as a projectionist, which will naturally coincide with your ability to absorb and contain energy. A seeming Catch-22, I know, but the idea that anything is linear, or that the extent of your life is whatever followed some trajectory course from a beginning to an end, is the real illusion in all of life.



As you can see from my response to this question, you are indeed far more expansive, far more magical and powerful, than you may now believe yourself to be. And it is possible for anyone to master the abilities that some call impossible. What you need to do, is to not just master the technique that will allow you to travel astrally, project your consciousness or even escape the three dimensional trap, as I call it, of this physical universe, but to also master the techniques that allow you to work and absorb energy. Without this latter and most critical ability, the supposedly impossible will always be just out of your reach, there is no other way.


If you would like to know more about the specific techniques that I have been discussing here, I recommend the books The Magnum Opus, and The Way of the Projectionist.