Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
When the average person looks out into the world, it is most natural that they see everything as being a linear sequence, if by most natural you mean that which is the accepted rational view of the times. But, there have been other ways to look at the world, other ways to perceive and to navigate within the depths of it.   It is so difficult to look back and understand other perspectives, other views, that it is now all too easy to assume that the only sane perceptive view possible is th...
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Those that have been lucky enough, or perhaps unlucky enough, to witness the incredible strangeness to be found on this earth, have spoken since time immemorial of a type of life form that science and most of the world do not, can not, accept as real. I refer to this type of life form as a non-organic being, and I, like certain others call these creatures this because fundamentally they are beings that are alive but that nevertheless do not possess a physical body.  That is, they are living e...
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You open your eyes and all that you can see is complete darkness. You seem to be in a room, a completely blacked out room, you turn your eyes one way, then the other, and nothing, complete ink black darkness… In this completely dark room you cannot move easily, it almost feels like you have no limbs at all. But if you could, you are quite certain that you would not even be able to see your hands before your eyes, the entire room is pitch black. So, you instinctually do the most logical ...
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I have written a number of books over the years, that outline techniques from a tradition that I refer to as inner alchemy. I generally try to stay away from just writing about dogmatic beliefs, that is, I try to stay away from the dogma, a belief system, whether my own as an inner alchemist, or anyone elses’s, and instead I try to focus as much as possible on technique, so that those that read my books can try the techniques that I write about and in that way, hopefully through their own suc...
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There are a number of different methods that are recommended, and techniques used, to try to initiate out of body travels or astral projections. In this article I don’t want to focus on these techniques, but instead I want to discuss the many incredible and fantastical perceptions, that are possible when a person can successfully find themselves in the out of body condition. I feel, that it is very important to talk about these issues, because the sheer power and crazy bewildering nature of t...
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I was recently asked about the limiting power of words, how verbal language may trap us, how it may restrict and perhaps even be used as a weapon to keep us all down. Well, in past articles and videos I have discussed some of this, but this is such an important topic that any clarification that I could give I think would be helpful. To understand the limits of words we must understand the totality of ourselves, and the restrictions imposed on us here in this material dimension. I have said in...
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The way of inner alchemy is the way of energy, and of being able to perceive that energy in the most correct and precise manner possible. For that reason, there are times when I have been asked how inner alchemy sees other techniques, and how they perceive the validity in the symbolism of such techniques. I have been asked for example, whether inner alchemists consider kundalini to be a kind of myth. And certainly to them the energy that is tapped into through the practice of kundalini ascens...
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In past videos and articles I have discussed the idea of love, and how inner alchemists engage in the act of loving in a different way than most people. To try and explain the nature of how an inner alchemist loves, I have tried to say that for them, this world is not a material place. What I mean by this is that for them the world is not a thing full of objects, where they are just one more object in this object filled world. For them the world is energy, whether it is an object like a rock ...
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As the new year approaches, many of us might want to make a change in our lives. It has become a tradition to make a resolution and try to change in the new year, something about ourselves that we would like to improve. And yet, for some of us this tradition of making a New Year’s resolution has become a bit of a gag. Many have become cynical about the power of these New Year’s resolutions. The inability to stick to a certain goal can be so nebulous and hard for most people, that the New Year...
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There are many of us that have felt at some point in our lives, that things just do not make sense. But for a few these feelings of somehow not being able to fit in among ‘normal’ people, persists, and no matter what they do to try to figure out a different way, a way to make the rational perspectives of the world fit in to the strangeness that they perceive out there, they cannot. For such people it is sort of like there is this knowledge, this set of forgotten memories perhaps, just around ...
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Depending on what you believe, and depending on some of the reports that you may have heard about, read about, or seen on a video, it would seem like inner alchemy is at odds with some of the things that Near Death Experiencers are reporting. Sometimes, especially with the more popular cases that people are talking about, people that have had near-death experiences, or people that report pre-birth memories, say that we have agreed to come here, that this life has purpose and meaning, that we ...
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In my last article, I discussed the idea that you should use whatever occult or mental discipline most inspires you. I equated this discipline to a kind of propellant and a rocket, that could be used to get you off the material space. But as I mentioned in the article, once that discipline has taken you far enough, I said that you should strive to go beyond it, to be able to get off the rocket as it were, because if you did not, you might be stuck within the limitations of that discipline its...
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There are many different ways. There are many traditions and methodologies to proceed by, to try to find the underlying truth of things, to try to find the underlying power, that is the birthright of every single one of us. No matter what methodology you are using, as long as it feels right to you and is working for you, then use it. You can think of these methodologies as sort of like a kind of propellant, in that they can help to get you off the ground, like a rocket needs propellant to get...
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In this current period in human history, there has been an increasing movement away from the spiritual, the inner reality. Humanity, like all things supposedly bound to a linear progressive order, manifests different altitudinal magnitudes, in the form of different cycles. Like a sine wave on a graph, these represent the three-dimensionally perceivable width and breadth of action possible beyond that limited linear time-frame, which then could be graphed as a non-periodic signal. This of cour...
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It ain’t your mind, if you are reflecting everybody else’s!   So, what is your true self then? Who are you really? I have always said that the way, is the way of individuality, but what is it really, to be an individual? There are many counters, and measures, and techniques that can be used, and each one of these does have its merit, if it is used properly. One that can be used, and a particularly favored one by me, one that might be favored by you in this time as well, where there is no...
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In writing about the current of inner alchemy, I have outlined a number of techniques that can be used by the practitioner in order to affect what could be referred to as, the real world. What I mean by this is that, if we define the real world as that dimensional location that we refer to as physical reality, the three-dimensional space, that which can be perceived by the physical senses, then, just like anyone else, a practitioner of inner alchemy needs to be able to manipulate effectively,...
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If you ask any decent analyst about the nature of this modern age, and what is to come, then a great answer, the best answer that I have heard, is that things are about to get interesting. As Duncan Munro’s famous curse goes, may you live in interesting times! And indeed, these times are becoming more and more interesting. Things are quickening, information is doubling and doubling again. The world is changing at a faster and faster rate. We are going through a great revolution, and contrary ...
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I have often spoken about the fact, that I feel that H.P. Lovecraft was not just a horror fiction writer, but that he was indeed a dreamer, that is he was an active participant in astral planes, where he did directly perceive those things, that he wrote about. I feel that this is the case, because of the intensity of his words, the descriptive nature of them, and the fact that he wrote about many things that he could not have known about, even if he was the prolific occult reader that some ha...
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The way of the inner alchemist can sometimes be a difficult thing to understand for the average person. I for example, have said that there is a kind of battle going on, and I have said that such a battle is not out there somewhere, but that it is actually within. I have said that the fight, is in us! We are all individuals, and as such we all have the right to our own opinion, and it is certainly the case that there are many many people that do not agree with such a stance, and may find the ...
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A while back I wrote an article on my website on video games, and what my thoughts on it were from an inner alchemist’s point of view. At that time video games were very popular, as a form of entertainment and escapism really, being that all entertainment can be said to be some kind of escapism in one way or another. And this is what is at the foundation of this article really, the definition of escapism by the rational human world, and perhaps how it is possible, at least from the inner alch...
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