Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
A great deal of the work done by inner alchemists, has to do with energetic containment, and while this might sound on the surface like hard work or a type of austere life, in reality it is all about regaining power through the most natural means possible, the correct focus of attention. And it is the case that as this kind of correct focus becomes more conscious, more sustained, relentless, it can and does bring power to the inner alchemist, and with power, with the complete inner knowing th...
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Cats are incredibly intriguing creatures. They have been worshipped throughout history, especially in ancient cultures, and one might wonder, why is it that the cat has been so revered and so loved throughout the ages? The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. There were special festivals just for the adoration of cats, and it was said that when the family cat died, special ceremonies were performed, where people shaved their eyebrows to mourn the passing of them. The Egyptian goddess Bast is de...
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I received a comment on my site that I found deeply interesting. The commenter asked me about a particular trend that he had heard about, having to do with astral projection, and the possibility of using various techniques to move into alternate worlds. This particular trend that he wrote to me about was happening in Tik-Tok, which is a short form video hosting site, where people may post videos up to 15 seconds long. This particular trend that he was talking about, involved a tik-tok group t...
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I, like many people across the world, tuned in to Tesla’s AI 2022 presentation. I found the presentation incredibly fascinating, and while I did note afterwards that many people did not like this presentation or what had been said, my belief is that most of those people just do not really understand what just happened. What has happened to me, and to many others who most likely understand the nature of this technology far better than I do, is that confirmation has been given that an incredibl...
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As you read the material that I have written thus far on inner alchemy, the books, the blog, and the videos, there may develop an almost natural tendency to want to align concepts that you might have been studying from other sources, with what I have written in accordance with the perceptions of inner alchemy. For example, you might have been studying and may know a great deal about other occult systems, such as Hermetics, wicca, eastern occult systems, or perhaps the Golden Dawn system of oc...
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In some of my articles, I have discussed the sometimes Titanic lifeforms that exist out there. I have in my recent article for example, talked about the large and titanic non-organic entities that live in what we would term odd angles, other strange dimensions, that sometimes align in certain dark and anomalous corners to this human dimension which we call the physical. And I have said that such titans may be mildly curious about humanity, that they may be at times even interested in humanity...
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You may have heard the term, inner monologue. This is perhaps one of the more popular terms for something that might also be called internal dialogue, which basically boils down to the constant chitchat that we seem to have going on all the time in our heads. In this article I wish to address this inner monologue and give an explanation from the inner alchemist’s point of view, that hopefully will help people that have been interested in this internal talk, because of average concerns about h...
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Depending on who you ask, certainly in some small circles in the modern world, there is still some uncertainties about the shape of the earth. I know that for most people it is utterly irrational to question the shape of the earth. There is a growing world wide synergy as to what the shape of the earth is, and there are many advantages to this growing belief synergy, but there are also some serious detriments as well. I would like to discuss some of this in this article, and I would also like...
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It is our nature to always break things down into parts, to divide and to classify, and in this way make things easier to understand. This kind of deconstruction is very effective for us as human beings in trying to understand our world, but it can sometimes create demarcations, it can sometimes insist on clear-cut divisions and separations that may not be there in reality. One such type of deconstruction that is in many ways very useful but at the same time problematic, and that in some ways...
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The gods never left, most human beings have just lost the ability to see them, but there are ways, ways that nature makes available to us, such as the DMT molecule. But the nature of personal awareness is complex, in order to try to understand this complexity, I recommend learning to cross the rooms of the projectionist, and in that way begin to understand the difference between mental creations, non-organic beings, the nature of dimensional travel and manipulation beyond the physical, and ho...
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Why us? This is a question that I get sometimes, a core and powerful question, that can explain so much about our current state as a species. This question asks, why us? Why is it that we are plagued by the Archon? Why did it come here? Why were we destined in a way to face such a challenge? This is a difficult nuanced problem to answer simply, there are many operating principles that relate to why the Archon came to this earth and why we find ourselves in the position that we are in. In orde...
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Perhaps one of the most interesting dualities of the human species is our ability to be great engineers and scientists on the one hand, but our utter inability on the other hand to fully understand and implement personally, individually, in our lives, those discoveries that we make as a potentially quite logical and creative species. In this modern age we can see the great advancements made by humanity in the technological arena. All you need to do is look around and see the great technologic...
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I have been asked on numerous occasions to discuss the reasons for, and the nature of the servitor room. If you are not familiar with my work, then I can simply describe a servitor as being a mental creation, a thought that is given form through the intense focus of attention. This intense focus, propels a kind of psychic energy essence into this form, until this form attains a relative physicality within three dimensional space. This is true transmutation of energy and allows for the creatio...
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In a previous article, I described the nature of thought forms, large thought forms in particular, and specifically I described the creation and the development of large unconsciously created thought forms like Santa Claus. I ended that article with a simple question, which was, is Santa Claus real? And if so, could a person use this huge thought form to get the presents that they want? I answered simply then by saying that, if a person could theoretically tap into the Santa Claus frequency, ...
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In my writings on projecting as part of the art of inner alchemy, I have mentioned that it is possible to live for days, perhaps years, in another world, another dimension while projecting, and that even though these projections might seem like days to you as a projectionist, these projections may only have taken minutes, in accordance with physical clock time. Some readers might wonder how this is possible, how can someone live out a lifetime in a dream, in a projection, while only having us...
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Depending on a person’s belief system, each individual may have a different answer to this question. And even within the bounds of certain belief structures, there are individual ideas about what life after death if any might be like. Here in the west many of us might believe in a heavenly realm, or a fiery hell. Many people are atheists as well, and such individuals tend to believe that once we experience biological death, we are no more, like biological machines, we just turn off and then t...
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In a number of my books, I have mentioned the force that rules this world, the world of humanity. I have said that secret societies have known about this force for a very long time and have either worked with this outer world titan or have fought against this dark cloud over humanity since the dawn of recorded history. This controlling entity has gone by many names and its attributes have been known to a lesser or greater degree depending on the power of the factions or the individuals that t...
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We look in any direction and we see walls. We look into the horizon and our eyes see a finite kind of termination to what is supposed to be infinite space; sort of like being stuck inside a snow globe. We are told that this is the end of us, that our eyes, our senses, can perceive only so far; that we have a limit and that this is it. In our fiction we are told that something may be taking from us; that our power is being sucked from us… But what if we are the ones trapping ourselves? What is...
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My belief and the belief of the many others in a similar reality tunnel as my own, has always been that the biggest problem facing humanity is its inability to realize that we can be, that is we have access to, the possibility of being far more perceptually flexible.   And moreover, that such understanding and the use of this perceptual flexibility would solve a great deal of the current crisis that face humanity, because our perceptual perspective is HIGHLY limited.   This is so be...
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I posit to you that we are all energy. I posit that we are all gradations, not an equal lot. We humans vary in brightness and power, we are like diverse fruit in a wild and treacherous jungle. And I posit that we exist in a predatory world, a world full of beauty and balance, and yet a world full of the darkest danger. There are shadowed and LIVING threats lurking in every pulsing pool of this darkness. Predatory life forms whose machinations and actions follow patterns and intents that are f...
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