Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
There seems to be a strong relation between the swirling colored images seen in deep internal exploration (in hypnagogic states, deep trances, and lucid dreams), and the atomic structures that make up the manifest. It is the case that these patterns tend to follow a general spinning motion that reminds one of the spirals found in nature, such as shells, galaxies, swirling water, etc. Indeed, there seems to be a direct relation between the colorful energetic movement, seen in this half-asleep ...
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All growth is a blossoming. In the objective world we can look and see how a seed might grow over time to become a towering tree. We can see a child grow in age, size, experience, and hopefully wisdom.   Those that believe that it is the inner dimension that creates the outer world, as I do, believe that this amazing growth and development that all beings go through, is the consequence of an internal source. That the exterior world is the result of complexity so vast and multidimensional...
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I will try to answer these questions then by starting with what a really smart guy once said, which was; ‘the only real difference between people is the size of their cages’, to which I would add, ‘and most people’s cages are very small indeed’. Now, a cage is made up of three things: your intent(which is for most people their beliefs [and for the most part unconscious beliefs]), the intent of others (which is what others believe [for the most part unconsciously] about you and the human world...
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An alchemist is a person who is involved in a struggle for immortality. As a result of that relentless battle with death, they have developed and greatly refined a number of different skills. The most well-known of these techniques that they employ is the ability to perceive and work with energy directly. Which has been symbolically represented as the transmutation of base metals into gold, and the creation of a thing called the Philosopher’s Stone. Another skill developed by alchemists in th...
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I was asked to define what I call energy, being that I often times talk about emotional energy, attention energy, and so on. This definition applies to my work only, and it should not be applied to what other people might be writing about, with similar topics to mine, since any general statement on my part as to what they are trying very hard to express, would be an assumption, and therefore most likely be incorrect.   Further, please note that any difficulties in describing energy or an...
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The double is you not bound by space and time. The double is the you that exists beyond the confines of the physical reality that you may feel is the only reality that exists now, here in this place. But in this life you are the double and the double is you; you are two, you are Janus. You may find that double in your dreams, and when you find this double it is not some stranger that you will find; what you will actually find is YOU. The double is not a Stargate (it is not a dimensional porta...
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The question is not as complex as one may imagine, if one realizes that everything is conscious; from a person to an animal to a carrot, a rock, or even a chair. The question then simply becomes, how did ego consciousness (that is human consciousness) arise? In other words, how did the doer separate itself from the doing?   The answer is that humanity intended it; the human structure wanted to know itself, it wanted to know individuality. And at a point in time, which from our perspectiv...
Continue reading... In many of my writings I often refer to something I call the dark sea. One of my readers asked me to talk a little more about the dark sea, and to define exactly what it means within the context of my writing. I have given a general definition that I add to my books) so that the reader can understand what I’m talking about, but I would like to make a video in order to explain the meaning of this enigmatic term in a more comprehensive or perhaps more descriptive fa...
Continue reading... In the first two videos in this series, we have discussed the coming technological singularity, and how this conversion point is like a quantum event, a point in space and time where all of this conjunction of technology allows for only one way forward, and that is the development of a radically new kind of technology, Artificial Intelligence. At least from the point of view of recorded human history, ours is the history of technological advancement, and aside fro...
Continue reading... The convergent power of the technological Singularity can now be felt in all modern societies in this world, and its eventual culmination will be upon us faster than many of us might imagine. In the last video we discussed the rapid doubling of knowledge, as one very powerful indicator of this singularity convergence. Indeed, the implications of this doubling of knowledge over time are nothing less than mind-boggling. As an example, in the last video we discussed ...
Continue reading... There is a great deal of discussion at this time about the singularity. The singularity, in a basic way is a coming together of a number of variables, and the coming together of these variables creates such an assembly of mass and structure, that a new state is achieved, a quantum jump is forced to occur. Often times this new state is described as a point of infinite or near infinite value, because in many ways, this new point, this singularity achieved, is sort o...
Continue reading... I have discussed in past videos and posts, the idea of the cube. In those posts, I have avoided a finely detailed description of what these cubes are, or what they might represent. The reason for this is that, as it is the case with all things within the rational perspective, trying to describe this phenomenon can be more unhelpful than helpful. What I mean by this, is that by giving this phenomena certain characteristics and boundaries, in order to try and descri...
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We are all energy. All that we see about us is energy. We are not the hard unyielding things that we perceive ourselves to be. Ancient mysticism has known this for a very long time, and science has been able to confirm the fundamental energetic essence of things, for many many decades. Our eyes though tell us a different story, they impose a visual perspective that would have us believe that we are surrounded by objects, hard blocky things that bruise our skin, and generally have a bad habit ...
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Lucid dreaming is a fantastic adventure that anyone can learn to do, if, they are willing to dedicate some time and effort to develop this skill. Lucid dreaming is basically the ability to become conscious in a dream, that is the ability to realize that you are dreaming, and then be able to actively and quite consciously, move within, and change aspects of that dream event. A lucid dreamer for example, can easily make him or herself float and fly within a dream, and indeed this is my most fav...
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After reading my one book, Overcoming the Archon Through Alchemy, there are some readers that ask my thoughts, on what I sometimes refer to as, the Big question. That big question is in the background of all our minds, whether we consciously realize this or not, and this question has many different facets, because like all big ideas, its complexity straddles many different perspectives, possibilities, and potential future problems. This big question though, is only really consciously faced by...
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If we look around this world, especially now that we have so much access to information, things can seem very chaotic and downright crazy at times. Whatever you might think about the state of the world at this moment in time, one can make the case that everything changes, and that those changes seem to be happening at a faster and faster pace. From an Alchemical perspective, these changes are the result of an energetic flux, that has both internal (subjective) and external (from the world at ...
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This article was written in reply to a question that was asked in the article, How to Create a Servitor to do your Bidding‘. The question and answers are as follows:   Hi John, I have a question about creating thought forms and servitors. I’m a professional actor and often have to play many different types characters. I recently had to play a character in an intense Shakespeare play and found myself very affected by the energy of the play and the character. In acting we are t...
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The world is an extremely mysterious place, it is like a giant dark ocean that hides many secrets within its depths. Within those depths for example, there is an infinite variety of life, most of which, contrary to what science would tell us, exists completely outside of humanities purview. Besides being an infinitely mysterious place, this world is also a predatory world, it is generally the case that one life form will need to consume, some or all of another life form, in order to survive. ...
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These are questions that were asked about the techniques employed in my three servitor books. I hope that my reply helps to answer questions that some of you might be having. Original questions in white and my reply in blue:   Hello John, I have read the first two books and am nearing the end of the third book on servitors. You’re books are very well said with simple language and easy to understand concepts. Your examples had me laughing at myself a few times. It was like you were ...
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This is an answer to two comments that were made on the ‘Create a Servitor to do your Bidding’ page. I have decided to post this as a separate article since it is a rather long answer and it does deviate somewhat from the servitor paradigm. The first comments are as follows: I’d be much obliged to hear your insights. I want to make a servitor to get information for me. For example, it might be interesting to find out how Hatfield made it rain, or how Orffyreus made a perpetual motion machine ...
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