Leaders must always confront things in the most diplomatic way possible. When you are a leader you are in the spotlight and as such must always be careful in how you act and what you say. As a leader you must take full responsibility of all your actions because these actions will be intensely scrutinized by all the people around you.
A leader must never attack his people. Many believe that because they are in a leadership position they can treat others any way they want. The exact opposite is...
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In life we all make mistakes. It is essentially impossible to avoid not making a mistake. We are all human after all and as such it is really impossible for us to do anything without making some kind of mistake. The reason for this is that we are designed to learn from our mistakes, a mistake then is sort of like a correctional system the tells us how to do things better by showing us the wrong way to do it. Never get yourself down because you made a mistake as this is just a correctional sys...
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You must realize that you are psychic. Many people have a natural internal feeling that tells them that they should be able to perceive more. Many also have a sense that there is more to life than they are allowing themselves to perceive.. These are natural feelings that hint at our desire as a human species to expand consciously and spiritually.
Science has become the new religion. It has created incredible marvels and allowed many of us to live a kind of luxurious life that would have seeme...
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Learn to state your love for life. Many of us find it much easier to say and think about the things that we don’t like in our lives instead of stating those things that we love. In order to state your love for life, you must be specific about what it is that you do love. Stating your love for life is really about appreciating all those little things that make up your experience throughout the day.
Many people seem to get stuck, always thinking about the worst of their day. It often time...
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Life is risk. We can definitely minimize the amount of risk that we experience in our lives but if we pursue this line of action too much we can end up with lives that are stale and boring. Risk is a natural result of being alive; since it is impossible for us to know every single possibility, since we cannot predict the future, any action that we take involves some kind of risk.
Always be willing to be a risk taker. If you stop taking risks, in many ways he stopped living. Since risk is a na...
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Always try to build alliances. An alliance is a cooperative venture that you make with someone else or a group of others. This cooperative venture allows you to accomplish things that you are not able to do on your own and to overcome barriers far more easily.
In alliance should always be a win-win scenario. Whenever you make an alliance with another group or individual, make sure that you are always in a win-win scenario. Of course you always want to align yourself in such a way that you are...
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You must never forget that you are the most important person in your life. Some, especially parents, would disagree with this statement but the fact of the matter remains that if you do not treat yourself well or consider your own needs first, you might not be around long enough to take care of those that you really care for. Since you are at this moment looking out at the world from within yourself, using your senses in an outward fashion, you could really say that you are at the center of t...
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You must always face your problems. In order to overcome whatever obstacles are in your way, you must address the problem. Problems happen to all of us, and there is seldom a time in our lives when we can say that we are free of them.
While it is true that we must always face our problems, there is a difference between facing a problem and dwelling on it. When you are dwelling on the problem, you are basically reliving an old situation and re-creating every emotions and personal hardships you...
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We all naturally seek more happiness in our lives. I suppose you could say that life and living is really a struggle for pleasure; where most organisms seem to seek pleasure and stay away from pain. We to tend to classify what we consider to be good as pleasure and what we consider to be bad as pain. It is the case then that we seek happiness because happiness usually means that we are accomplishing what we want, and getting the things that we desire from life.
In our modern consumer age most...
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Hypnosis is defined as; an artificially induced trance state resembling sleep, characterized by a heightened susceptibility to suggestion.
Hypnosis then is one way to go into trance. It is good to be clear on the fact that hypnosis is not trance but just one way to attain trance. Why this is important is because, in personal change, trance is very important while hypnosis is just one method of attaining this most important state.
Hypnosis essentially requires a hypnotist. The hypnotist basica...
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As a leader you must be perfectly clear about the fact that you have to tell other people what to do. Leadership basically means that you set the course; this means that you are the one that says where you and your team will go and what you and your team will do to get there. Since you are the head of a group, team, or organization, you are the one in charge of giving orders and making sure that others do as you say.
Good leaders never command through fear. Any leader that believes that he ca...
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In our lives we all have many goals and we would like to accomplish. There is always one task or another and always a reason why we have to get something done, goal setting therefore is something that we should all take seriously and that we should all strive to become very good at.
Perhaps the best way to accomplish any goal is to write the goal down. By writing a goal down you make it concrete, and this has a wonderful way of enticing your mind and therefore all of the powers that you have...
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Your first line of defense in tornado weather is always the ability to spot one. If you know one is coming ahead of time then you have more time to be able to find shelter or get out of the region.
All States and Provinces have what is referred to as a “Weather Watch” and this can be further classified into a “Tornado Watch” when the threat becomes high enough. If you live in a tornado prone zone then make sure that you keep track of any kind of weather watch; the reason for this is that cer...
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There is nothing better to lift up your spirits and renew your sense of purpose then to acknowledge your daily accomplishments. Doing this allows you to recognize the progress that you made during this day. Any type of acknowledgment, also has a great way of lifting your spirits because it’s sort of like doing an appreciation of the good things in your life, and there is no better way to get into a good mood then to appreciate everything.
We all seem to have a much easier time focusing ...
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We all go through times in our lives we feel that we are stuck. This is a natural feeling that can happen to anyone of us, and you should not let it get you down. The feeling of being stuck; that you don’t have the ability, the resources, or the right attitude to get yourself into a better place, is a natural feeling that we all go through. It is good to always remember that this is just a feeling that will pass and that if you give it enough time, you will once again discover your cour...
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Sometimes it is difficult to realize that we are all creative people. Labeling by others tends to make this even worse; this happens because others begin to label us telling us from an early age that we are either creative or not very creative.
It is true that some of us have a natural inclination to want to become more creative, pursuing different interests that require us to use our more creative sides. It is also the case that we change as we grow, sometimes we pursue interests that do not...
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Great leaders always pay great attention to the people that they are dealing with. Every interaction no matter how small or large requires full focus and attention. Leaders do not take things for granted, they realized that the only way to win is to never overestimate or underestimate either the situation or the people before you. Every interaction then is a kind of battle, where full attention must be given.
By concentrating fully on the other person, leaders are able to correctly assess wha...
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Many want to know how they can help others. They find themselves in a good place in their lives, and they wish to share the wealth that they now have. Many now are also discovering their spirituality and are seeking a meaningful way to connect with the world.
A great way to learn empathy, is to give of yourself to those that are in need. Identifying with those that are in need and connecting with them on the spiritual level allows anyone, who takes the time, to discover the brotherhood of ...
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A good leader needs to simplify the message. It is most important that as a leader you are understood perfectly, and that you make your message as clear as possible. You will not be able to get others to do what you want and unless your messages is simple and clearly stated. Others will also not pay attention to you if your message is hard to follow and difficult to understand.
Influence is most important to a leader. The most important precept of influence is the ability to capture attention...
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It is difficult to come across anything on positive mental change without coming across the term ’affirmation’. The dictionary defines affirmation as:1. The act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.2. The assertion that something exists or is true.
Both are actually good definitions of affirmation. Affirmations can be said to be your commitment to an intention to goal; to make the mind and will clear, so that you are committed to believing that a certain thing is true. In some...
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