Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
Your first line of defense in tornado weather is always the ability to spot one. If you know one is coming ahead of time then you have more time to be able to find shelter or get out of the region. All States and Provinces have what is referred to as a “Weather Watch” and this can be further classified into a “Tornado Watch” when the threat becomes high enough. If you live in a tornado prone zone then make sure that you keep track of any kind of weather watch; the reason for this is that cer...
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There is nothing better to lift up your spirits and renew your sense of purpose then to acknowledge your daily accomplishments. Doing this allows you to recognize the progress that you made during this day. Any type of acknowledgment, also has a great way of lifting your spirits because it’s sort of like doing an appreciation of the good things in your life, and there is no better way to get into a good mood then to appreciate everything. We all seem to have a much easier time focusing ...
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We all go through times in our lives we feel that we are stuck. This is a natural feeling that can happen to anyone of us, and you should not let it get you down. The feeling of being stuck; that you don’t have the ability, the resources, or the right attitude to get yourself into a better place, is a natural feeling that we all go through. It is good to always remember that this is just a feeling that will pass and that if you give it enough time, you will once again discover your cour...
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Sometimes it is difficult to realize that we are all creative people. Labeling by others tends to make this even worse; this happens because others begin to label us telling us from an early age that we are either creative or not very creative. It is true that some of us have a natural inclination to want to become more creative, pursuing different interests that require us to use our more creative sides. It is also the case that we change as we grow, sometimes we pursue interests that do not...
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Great leaders always pay great attention to the people that they are dealing with. Every interaction no matter how small or large requires full focus and attention. Leaders do not take things for granted, they realized that the only way to win is to never overestimate or underestimate either the situation or the people before you. Every interaction then is a kind of battle, where full attention must be given. By concentrating fully on the other person, leaders are able to correctly assess wha...
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Many want to know how they can help others.  They find themselves in a good place in their lives, and they wish to share the wealth that they now have.  Many now are also discovering their spirituality and are seeking a meaningful way to connect with the world. A great way to learn empathy, is to give of yourself to those that are in need.  Identifying with those that are in need and connecting with them on the spiritual level allows anyone, who takes the time, to discover the brotherhood of ...
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A good leader needs to simplify the message. It is most important that as a leader you are understood perfectly, and that you make your message as clear as possible. You will not be able to get others to do what you want and unless your messages is simple and clearly stated. Others will also not pay attention to you if your message is hard to follow and difficult to understand. Influence is most important to a leader. The most important precept of influence is the ability to capture attention...
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It is difficult to come across anything on positive mental change without coming across the term ’affirmation’. The dictionary defines affirmation as:1. The act or an instance of affirming; state of being affirmed.2. The assertion that something exists or is true. Both are actually good definitions of affirmation. Affirmations can be said to be your commitment to an intention to goal; to make the mind and will clear, so that you are committed to believing that a certain thing is true. In some...
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In order to be a leader, you must act like a leader. It is possible that you could find yourself in the position of leadership, but you truly will not be a leader until you begin to act like one. Leadership is a difficult and challenging role and must be given great consideration or else you will fail. It is possible that you are now a leader because you own business or you have been assigned a task by your superiors. If this is the case, it is most important that you consider deeply how it i...
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We are all told over and over again nowadays that meditation is good for us, but few of us know how to meditate properly. Meditation is supposed to be very good for mental health and also for our physical well-being. In a highly stressed out life, where the average person works about 40 hours a week, meditation seems to be a wonderful way to bring balance. In order to meditate properly you must realize that the one key factor is that you must be able to focus your mind on one particular thin...
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We all have a natural rhythm. Being able to follow this natural rhythm can make us much happier, and it can allow us to fulfill ourselves in ways that we didn’t think we could. Following your natural rhythm is really a way of being more natural and being kinder to ourselves; by considering ourselves important enough to be able to do what we want to do when we want to do it. In order to follow your natural rhythm you must begin by asking yourself what you want to do at the moment. You mu...
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The only way to truly become excellence is to develop your intellect. You must learn to keep your mind occupied and to always give it new things to work on and new ideas to contemplate. Excellence can be achieved by exercising your brain, developing your mind, and always working on expanding your intellect. In this way you will develop new levels of excellence in all your personal endeavors. There are many forms of excellence, but all have a direct link to your intellect and the kind of level...
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Making eye contact when you are interrelating with others is very important. Eye contact is the most important physiological aspect of interrelating with others. In many ways it crosses the boundaries between internal feelings and external actions. The saying goes, “the eyes are the windows to the soul”, and truly they play a key role in how others perceive us and how we perceive them. It is always very important that you make eye contact when you’re speaking to someone else. There are ...
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Learn to share your love with others. It is sometimes difficult to tell others how we feel, we tend to think that it is weak to tell others that we love them and that we appreciate them. It is actually a very brave thing to be able to put your heart on the line and to show others your love and appreciation in one way or another. This is so because we think that if we put our emotions out there, we will be putting ourselves in a place where we can be easily hurt. To share your love for others ...
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We all have a lot left to learn. Through many stages in our lives, we believe that we know all there is to know about everything. This sometimes happens when we are young and we believe we have everything figured out, and it also happens as we age and we believe that we know everything because we have experienced everything. Anytime that we let ourselves believe that we know everything and we have nothing left to learn, is the time when we’re the most vulnerable. The reason for this vul...
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One of the most powerful things to implement in your life, is the idea that you must always make happiness your biggest priority. Personal happiness is the key to a good life, and will improve your self-esteem and health. Happiness has a natural way of lightening your energy and filling you with hope for the future. We are all emotional beings, there is no way to stop our emotions and stay healthy. Since our emotions are something that we cannot get rid of, it is important that we begin to re...
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If you are constantly dealing with people, or if you find that you are having difficulty dealing with others, it is a very good idea for you to develop your charisma. Natural charisma is a talent that some people have in dealing with others, it helps them to be liked and to usually get what they want with little resistance. Those that do have natural charisma are lucky, but you can also develop charisma on your own with a little effort on your part. Putting in a little effort to develop your ...
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It is very important to realize that the only person that can bring you down is you.  If you make this realization then it will be easy to see that you must take control of what you are thinking and what you are saying to yourself.  You are in control of your destiny and must make every effort that you can to make sure that you don’t bring yourself down. You must take particular notice of when you are having negative thoughts.  Negative thoughts create negative emotions and negative action, t...
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In this article I would like to share with you a very powerful technique called Bone Breathing.  It’s an ancient technique that goes back to India and to China, it has been practiced by both Yogi’s and Chi Kung masters in different variations.  You can also see variations of it in the west and in all different parts of the world.  The reason for this is that it is an incredibly powerful technique that allows you to literally suck in energy from the environment around you. In order to understa...
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Persuasion is an incredibly powerful ability.  It is the ability to be able to get others to do what you want them to do.  Or to be more specific; it is the conscious act of getting someone to do what you want them to do. Through persuasion you are able to get others to focus on you exclusively.  You can focus their attention so that you become the center of their world.  This attention can be conscious or unconscious, the difference being that the person that you are trying to persuade is ei...
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