I would imagine that many of you have seen the Batman movie, “The Dark Knight”? In it Heath Ledger gives the most outstanding interpretation of one of Batman’s most sinister villains; The Joker.
The Joker is an incredibly evil creature that is the embodiment of contrast. He is at once seemingly insane, yet at the same time he is seemingly a man of great vision and dark wisdom.
Heath Ledger did a perfect job in capturing the essence of that malicious trickster spirit. He was able to bring fort...
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Want to know how to get yourself into a good mood?
Be Grateful.
There is nothing that will get you feeling better than to practice being grateful for all of the things that you have and for all for all the things that others have given to you. All you have to do is to contemplate for a few minutes all of the wonderful things that are yours right now. Think about all of the things that you have received on any one day;
Perhaps it’s a smile from a person that you had never met, or something th...
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We all have huge amounts of stuff running through our heads all the time. If we are not thinking about what just happened then we are thinking about what we are going to do. Our brains are constantly jabbering away about one thing or another and try as we might, there seems to be no way to stop this incessant noise.
Internal dialogue as it is commonly called, can bring all sorts of grief, and is the little evil voice that seems to bring us nothing but misery. What all meditative practices ar...
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We have all experienced traumatic events. These events are a natural part of life on earth. I suppose you could say that the act of walking presupposes that you will fall down every once in a while.
Some of us though, perhaps not as lucky as others, have encounter personal trauma that has left incredibly deep scars. These traumatic events, whether they are a personal loss or abuse for example, can leave scars so deep that it becomes almost impossible to carry on with our lives in the same way...
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A future journal is basically a journal that you keep in order to write about the future. In it you will do all your dreaming, you will write down your aspiration for the future. This journal is for all your crazy dreams and desires, no matter how improbable they might seem. Your future journal is for thinking big; your genie lamp that allows you to put down on paper all of your desires, and all of your craziest and most intimate dreams.
I’m not sure if you have read at all about the fact tha...
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Have noticed that the world seems to be getting freakier; The American Presidential race is incredibly odd this time around. You have one candidate that is doing everything to emulate the great JFK himself and he even seems to be making his wife dress like Jackie. He has a name that is derived from a word that means blessing in many languages but, to those in the know, it means a man in black who would beguile you with his tongue (just before he takes you straight to hell by the way). While t...
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The world is changing very rapidly. We are being bombarded by new bits of information everyday, at a rate that would have driven our ancestors insane. TIME has just made YOU, that’s you and me and everybody else, person of the year. YouTube has created a universe that we might not have pondered just a few short years ago, and who knows what is on the horizon in the years to come.
Information, information everywhere! Introspection, self absorption, personal development, self motivation, person...
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Those that would be successful leaders must master paradox.
Leaders must be in it to win. Weather its overcoming an obstacle, finishing an objective, or beating the opposition; leaders have to be in it to prevail. If you do not carry a winning objective in mind, those that follow you will soon rebel.
Leaders need followers and followers need to feel that they stand behind someone that is strong and will succeed against any opposition. You cannot fake a winning attitude. You must know deep wit...
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In an earlier article I introduced you to a method that would show you How to Beat Insomnia. This article introduces you to the method of keeping completely still in order to willfully put yourself to sleep.
This article will focus on the same technique but the outcome this time will be slightly different. I am going to teach you a very simple method that you can use to attain deep meditative levels. Essentially it is a method that you can use to get almost asleep and in this way be able to a...
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Great leaders must be swift. Whatever it is that you need to do and whatever it is that you have to get done, has to be done quickly and with great confidence.
You must calculate and while you calculate you must not appear as if you are calculating. You must become a master of misdirection, and never let your competition see your intention, BUT there will come a time when calculation and misdirection will be over, this will be the time to act.
Action must always be swift and aggressive even w...
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Every single objective has cost.
Leaders must understand that any goal comes with a certain price. Nothing is free that is in anyway meaningful and certainly any campaign that has a possibility of success must have a certain cost.
This cost is not always measured in money or energy per se, often times what we risk is something more existential; our future.
Every time that you take responsibility for an action, you are risking your standing and reputation. You are putting yourself on the line...
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In order to be a good leader, you must be able to conceptualize and implement strategy. Any action that we take in life, weather its buying a house, eating dinner or crossing the street; involves strategic thinking and action.
It is the craziest of notions to think that strategy does not apply to everything that you do in life. You might think that it doesn’t apply to you if you are a happy go lucky wanderer but in all things, strategy has played a role in what you do and how successful you a...
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As I had discussed in part one of this article, modern man suffers from a serious lack of energy. I had mentioned our incredibly hectic modern pace, our lack of proper sleep, and our bad diet. Certainly, these are clear reasons for our energetic lack but aside from maybe learning to develop a better diet, there is very little that most people can do to help their current lot.
If you can, do slow down. But as I say this, I know that most people will not heed my advice. There are also a majorit...
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Is it me or do there seem to be more disasters lately? I am sure that if some research was done on the subject, it would be the case that disasters, hurricanes and volcano eruptions are no more prevalent today than at any other time. But to set my mind at ease, I submit to you the following article.
Water is the lifeblood of all that we do. We run our bodies with it and we also run our machinery with it. The average person can live only about three days without water.
Since one should always ...
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The ability to persuade others to your desires is an incredibly powerful thing. It is hyped about in many articles, books and seminars. What is rarely discussed in this material though is the power of the voice to persuade and entice others.
The timbre and resonance of a powerful voice can make a great impression on a person. The power to move people emotionally with your voice can be incredibly potent when you are trying to persuade others to your point of view.
The power of a well develope...
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Personal posture is such an important thing to the health and well being of the body that it seems almost criminal that it is not given more attention. You are essentially a physical structure like a house or a bridge and just like these structures, your alignment must be perfect or else you will begin to feel stress that will eventually lead to a structural collapse.
Certainly you are a moving object unlike a static building, you also have amazing powers of self healing but if you continue t...
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“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. “
— Frank Herbert, Dune
I like that quote. I like it because it is very true, fear is the little death; it obliterates your mind and your common sense. Fear, if unchecked can destroy any good effort that you might achieve. Everyone gets nervous, anxious, and fearful. But if you let these emotions overpower you, YOU are lost…literally.
Let us take for example one of the bigges...
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If I were to give my very best friend a present, what would it be? Certainly money is high on the list but I am not a rich man and I doubt that lint from my change pocket would fool anyone.
If I were to give my dear friend the greatest gift that I could think of, then I would give him the gift of peace of mind and freedom. To me these things are worth more than money because money doesn’t necessarily provide these things. Money can also be fickle; here today gone tomorrow.
But what if I had a...
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We tend to hear a lot of terrible things about the ego. How the ego destroys your life by burying you selfish emotions and acts. I have written a few articles myself on how the placation of the ego can be a most draining and self defeating idea.
But I think that there can be a great mistake made if you pursue this to extremes. The problem comes when we get lost in semantics and when slight variations in language obscure the greater reality. This happens when as Alfred Korzybski said, we “conf...
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In our modern and frantic world, lack of sleep and 12 hour work days are becoming the norm. In order to survive the incredibly taxing modern schedule, the average person has resorted to coffee, cigarettes and drugs of all kinds. We have so much to do but we lack the energy needed to get it all done. Four cups of coffee a day does not make for a healthy lifestyle. And the excessive toll that the nervous system endures can be fatal in the long run.
Is there a way to increase your energy? Is the...
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