Many believe that manners have gone out the window. As we look around it does become somewhat evident that few people treat each other pleasantly anymore. I think that there is a natural relation between the amount of people in any one place and the kind of courtesy that they used to treat each other with. I find it that the more crowded the environment the less likely that people are to be pleasant and to use good manners.
Manners are an incredibly powerful thing. Many write about the fact t...
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There are many strategies to try and deal with others. Many books are written about persuasion, body language, positive emotional interaction, and just about any other thing that you can think of that would allow you to interact better with others. What many forget is that unless they live somewhere out in the boonies, they are constantly surrounded by people. There is no better resource to learn how to interact with people than to ‘People Watch.’
People watching is something that not many in...
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Self-esteem is the prerequisite to self-confidence and to greater and better personal accomplishment. It is something that you must always work towards developing within yourself because it is the great resource that creates fine accomplishment. Self-esteem is also responsible for your internal happiness and is the one thing that can help you begin to truly enjoy your life. It is seldom the case that we all naturally feel great self-esteem, it is usually something that most of us have to work...
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We all want to be more creative. Being creative is something that is considered to be very important because it can help us in all aspects of our life. Whether we are writers or business people, creativity can help us in our personal professions. Creativity allows us to solve problems and to come up with answers that are usually considered to be ‘outside the box’. In this article I would like to focus on creative problem-solving and to give you a technique that can help you in this area.
As I...
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Personal discipline is important in everything that we do in life. You can come up with the best ideas but these ideas will be forever outside of your realm until you develop the discipline to create them. Discipline is what allows us to take action in areas that we find difficult.
Discipline allows us to become creators, it allows us to bring to life our greatest ideas and vision. While many see discipline is a type of endurance under stress, true discipline is really great personal understa...
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Many of us have habits that we would like to stop. Over time we tend to develop habits that we consider to be bad and as we recognize these as hurtful habits, we often commit to stop them. Many find that stopping these negative or bad habits can be very difficult. Always remember though that a habit is really just a routine and a routine can always be replaced by another one.
In order to try and change this old routine, make the decision right now that you are going to change. Do not be halfh...
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You need balance. The most important thing that you can devote your time to is balancing your life. This means that you need to examine and prioritize depending on your needs. Balance is the ability to finely tune your time and efforts so that you are getting what you want out of life.
You could picture for example one of those circus performers; he is on a high wire, spinning ten plates on long skinny sticks and balancing a chair on his chin. Most people could identify with this amazing char...
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Self-confidence comes easily to some while it is most difficult for others. Self-confidence can really be boiled down to a belief about your personal self. Even though it is the case that external circumstances tend to make self-confidence easy or very difficult, it is personal belief that is the source of all self-confidence. A belief in your own ability and in your own self-worth is imperative.
Self-confidence is not something that many are born with. It is the case then that self-confidenc...
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Personal change is a big priority with many people right now. This site for example is devoted to personal change and personal improvement. The underlying belief here is that you need to make a change of one kind or another in order to improve yourself, so here is some information to help you make that change. What you must realize though is that this change that you make must be done for the correct ‘personal’ reasons.
Many for example would have you change the way that you feel, telling you...
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Many believe that it is very difficult to change your world. Many believe that the way that you view reality is final and that you cannot change these perceptions. It is a fact though that you view the world through your beliefs and you can change these beliefs whenever you choose. Some also like to believe that changing these beliefs is impossible and that their beliefs are true fact about reality and life in general. It is very important that those that have those ideas change those beliefs...
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We all want to be confident. Confidence is definitely something that is of great help when we are trying to accomplish anything. Confidence is also a state of being that promotes happiness; this is so because confidence speaks of a well-balanced individual that is of strong character. Confidence speaks of a well grounded being that is assured of his or her personal capabilities.
While we tend to see confidence as a general thing, it is important to realize that confidence is not just one part...
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Empathy is not just wishy-washy and touchy-feely business. Empathy can actually be a very useful tool that can be used by all people to expand their awareness and their functionality within their own space. Hunters for example could greatly benefit from being able to empathize with their prey. A great hunter must be able to know all the routines of his prey. He must understand his prey implicitly and be able to anticipate future moves. If a hunter could also learn to become one with the envir...
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In all facets of life is always a good idea to have a contingency plan. You must try and get yourself into the habit of always thinking ahead. In this way you can plan one step ahead and therefore be prepared for anything or anyone that might come along. Eventually you will want to increase the steps ahead that you can plan and just like a chess master you can be three or four steps ahead of your competition.
It is very seldom that things go perfectly. No matter how hard we try to come up wit...
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Accomplishing your objectives can either be difficult or easy depending on how you go about it. Most people believe that it is a difficult world where we are all going uphill. With this personal belief any objective becomes very difficult. The reality of the situation though is that most of us do not use our minds properly and instead of using them to motivate us and to ease our tasks, we mostly use them to reinforce our beliefs in a hard life.
Most would tell you that in order to begin any t...
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Asking good questions is a great skill in life. Good questions can allow you to pursue the correct goal without the need to waste time and effort on something that is not required. With the right question you can solve any problem. Whether these problems are external ones that you wish to solve or whether they are personal internal problems; learning to ask the right questions is essential, without this ability you will be lost and will not be able to know how to go about overcoming any perso...
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We are all busy bees. Modern life has become so fast and so complicated that it is sometimes hard to keep up with how we are feeling inside. We are also all required to do our duty and these external responsibilities can create great pressure. On top of that, external peer pressure can sometimes be incredibly overwhelming, pushing us to do things that we would not normally do if such pressures were not applied upon us.
In this modern world it has becoming incredibly important that you take ti...
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In order to become successful in life you must be willing to assert yourself. The ability to be assertive is very important because it allows us to make your intentions known and well understood. Without this ability you end up being dominated by others and by the environment around you.
Assertiveness is usually a tricky topic because it can be seen by some as being overtly forceful or in some ways manipulative. Assertiveness though is positive action manifesting itself through strong persona...
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Having wonderful goals that you wish to meet is key to success in life. Many of us are great dreamers and there are many things that we would like to accomplish in this life. Some of us are even good planners and can set up different ways that we want to get these goals accomplish. But the most important thing about having goals is the ability to get started on them and to accomplish them.
In order to be a to get started on your goals, you must develop incredibly good reasons why these goals ...
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You must learn to be as flexible as possible when you’re trying to accomplish your goals. Life is a very difficult thing to predict. This is so because life is not a closed system; what this means is that random events and random things can be introduced into it at any time. If you are not able to predict something then it is very wise to always remember to stay flexible so that you can change in accordance with changing circumstance.
Always remember to hold your goals lightly. Never pu...
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I remember that as a kid I used to love the poltergeist movies. They scared me silly but I used to love to watch them because I suppose I used to love to be scared. In “poltergeist two” I remember that there was this great character that made a huge impression on me. He was a kindly preacher that did his best to impart great wisdom to all those that he came in contact with. His greatest line, and the line that I believe had the greatest amount of insight was, “you’re all gonna die!”
If ...
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