There is no need to explain yourself to others. The time that you waste trying to explain yourself and your motives to others can be better spent focusing on your desired outcome. I have mentioned before that there is a natural need in other people to control situations and things, it is therefore expected that others will feel that you have to explain yourself to them.
Don’t let others intimidate you into having to explain yourself to them. Since most of us grew up with parents or parental l...
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Throughout the day and through out our lives there are many times when others project negative energy at us. You could say that throughout your day you are being constantly bombarded by the negative energy of others. There is no reason to worry about this as we are all very well psychologically protected, and we have learned from infancy to deal with this kind of bad energy.
You can imagine for example how often people tend to send negative energy your way when you are driving. Actually an...
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True life beauty comes from the small moments. There is so much magic and beauty in all of the small moments of life that it amazes me when others can’t see it. I often forget that I have trained myself, that I have taken time and effort to make sure that I am able to capture those fine small moments. You can also do this with little effort.
You have probably heard the phrase, “the devil is in the details.” Well you might say that you will not just find the devil there. Beauty is also in the ...
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At all cost, you must stop the worry. This is the most powerful foe that you will ever face. It strips away all positive energy and will ruin any good plan that you have made.
Worry is the focus of the mind on the future. This is a natural tendency that we all have to try and control our situation. The mind’s need to project into the future is a good thing and it is quite likely the reason why we have become so successful on planet Earth. If we think about the future, we can plan ahead, we mi...
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You can create your own happy place. I know, you are telling me that after watching “Fight Club” you think that this is not the best idea ever. Well let me tell you that going to your imaginary happy place is an incredibly powerful technique, no matter what Tyler Durden says.
The mind, and focused visualization in particular, is a very powerful thing. The Body is not able to tell the difference between a vividly visualized thing and the real life concrete thing. You can recreate the workings ...
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Here is a simple exercise to find your personality type. This is a very good way to see if you are an introvert or an extrovert. It’s good to know what kind of personality you have because it makes it much easier for you to understand yourself. Each personality type has different needs when it comes to many facets in life. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with others and the world at large.An extrovert wants to go out there and get his/her hands dirty. They are usually partici...
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Never lower your standards. Many people would love to bring you down just to make themselves feel better. Don’t give others this kind of power.
The world is full of those that would judge you. You might say that we are all programmed to judge others. It is after all a survival mechanism. If you are able to judge others, you are able to predict what they will do. This is a very powerful way to be able to take charge of any situation and to be able to control the outcome. It is for this reason ...
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Learn to question yourself at all times. Many people tend to take this the wrong way and think that I am advocating personal doubt. But this is not what questioning yourself means. What it means is that you must give yourself the time to explore your own being. Questioning yourself is really the art of personal contemplation.
The bull headed tend to think that to question is to doubt. And we are all told that doubt is a great enemy. Even Yoda tell us that we should, “do or do not.” But Yoda ...
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Your physiology is an incredible indicator of your mental state. It is possible that you have read or heard something about the incredible correlation between your body and your mind. If you watch shows like “the mentalists” or “Lie to me”, you will see the protagonist do amazing things just by watching and manipulating body language.
It is nearly impossible to separate body action and reaction from mental focus. When you are depressed for example, you hunch over, look down, and tend to frown...
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Don’t be scared to be alone. There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. To be alone is a good thing, it gives you time and the space needed to perform things that you cannot do around others. Loneliness is an emotional response that is usually brought around by a feeling of self pity.
There are many times in our lives when we need to be alone. Sometimes it seems like these alone periods in our lives happen on purpose or perhaps for a bigger reason. I believe that the...
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Affirmations are very powerful. They can be used to change a belief, and to give us positive emotions when we’re feeling quite negative. They are perhaps the best and easiest way to change how we feel at any moment. The trick is really the focus in that you need to be focused completely on the affirmation that you are using, or else it won’t work well.
In order to have positive and lasting results from an affirmation, these affirmations need to be done properly. The technique is most impo...
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In order to get things done you must keep track of your goals. We all have certain things I we to accomplish, and we all have time schedules. The only way that you can accomplish these desires is to be able to monitor what you have done and what you need to do.
Begin to keep track of your goals by asking yourself, “what have I done and so far”? It is most important that you are honest with yourself and that you are able to see that the only way that you will overcome hurdles is to keep a v...
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It is very a important thing you learn to surround yourself with positive people. The kind of people that you surround yourself with has a great influence on how you deal with life and what your resources are. It is therefore imperative that you surround yourself with people that will uplift you and will make you feel better, people that will provide a positive feedback, and will give you the positive energy that you need in order to be a success in life.
Others have an incredible influence ...
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I would like to share with you an exercise that I like to call, “Happy Calisthenics”. Sometimes it is very difficult to break a sad mood or a depressive state. Anyone who has found him/herself in the throes of a large depression, knows that stopping this kind of nasty blue state can be almost impossible. Most just opt to wait it out in the hopes that if they are patient enough it will go away.
The problem is that waiting around for these depressive states can be a bad thing. Often you make th...
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It is very difficult to get rich through hard work. You have to be able to come up with some kind of idea that will get you get you to the next level. Your imagination is the key.
First you have to get yourself out of poverty if you find yourself there. In order to do this you have to be able to find some work and to get paid well. You need to find a way to support yourself and your family, for this you will need to work. So yes this part of the equation does require that you do something to...
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Before you act, find out how risky any action is. Many things in life tend to be mundane, that is you do them because they need to get done. You brush your teeth or go to work for example. These are the mundane things of the day.
There are situations though that can get a bit risky. Often times these risky situations or challenges entice us with a reward, and depending on the risk, the reward can be great. When these situations present themselves, it is very important that you learn to assess...
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I wanted to write down my typical breakfast, or lack thereof really. I hope that it will help you to figure out a way to best start your day. I put it together to get a real good jump start in the morning. I have a pretty tricky stomach and I have to always make sure that I consider the many things that tend to upset it.
I don’t actually eat anything in the morning, I usually have a hot stimulating drink and some supplementary pills . I find that I am usually not very hungry first thing. I al...
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One of the hardest, yet one of the most powerful things that you can do to change your life is to; stop focusing on what you don’t want to happen. We all focus on that which is the most emotional thing in our present reality. What this means is that we dwell on the emotional. Unfortunately our emotions are often negative and we focus all our attention on that.
“&%*&^& happens!” That’s just the way life is, “sometimes good sometimes bad”. The problem lies in the fact that we spend...
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How positive do you feel about the things in your life? Most people tend to believe that they are very positive but they seldom take stock of their own thoughts. They figure that since they feel alright, then things must be fine. And fine for many is basically positive.
There is a big difference though between feeling fine and alright and being positive and happy. If you are pretty good at ignoring your mind or have such a busy life that you are seldom conscious of your own thoughts, you tend...
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I know that it is an often repeated line now that, ‘if you do what you love, money will follow.’ It is also possible that you have read quite a lot on the subject, but I think that it is really important that you keep reading things on this concept until it really starts to sink in.
Why is it so important to keep repeating this statement? It is important because repetition is a wonderful tool to help you condition your mind. The boys on ‘Madison Avenue’ have known this for decades and will sh...
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