Self-Improvement and Interesting Knowledge
In order to become a more successful person you need to always have a plan. Success can only be achieved if you’re willing to take the time to think about your actions before you take them. Successful planning means that you take certain points into consideration and that you use them as a catalyst to plan your time effectively and to make sure that you have the correct strategy that fits within whatever time constraints you are working with. Consider these points before you take action...
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Pretending is fun. It is a healthy mental activity and it actually makes us happier and healthier. Through daydreaming and pretending we are able to create a mental scape that can alter our mental focus and change our physical bodies. This physical change is possible because the body can act on vividly imagined thoughts as if they were real. Through vivid imagination therefore you can create mental images that can have an incredibly positive effect on your entire psyche and physical structure...
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Clear focus is essential in personal success. Without clear focus you will not know what direction you need to go. Your forces will be scattered and you will not be able to put enough of yourself into the objectives that you wish to accomplish. Finding focus is sort of like being a laser, instead of shooting all of your energy in a scattered direction, you focus this energy instead into one singular task. In order to find focus you need to know your values. Values are the importance or the pr...
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As I have told you in other articles, beliefs are very important. A belief is sort of like an anchor that drives us in a certain direction and focuses our attention. A belief is therefore the key underlying structure in our understanding of our conscious reality. Beliefs are essentially the creators of reality and all truth is unquestionable belief. If you wish to change aspects of your personal reality, you must be able to change your beliefs. I have told you that you must begin to question ...
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There are situations that you can’t change. As hard as you try there will always be things that you cannot change. Time changes and through this change you change as well, there are times therefore when you will not be able to do things that you might be able to at a different time. It is possible that something can be beyond your powers at the moment, learn to accept this fact. It is even possible that there are certain things that you do not want to change at this moment, and that you...
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No matter what you do or where you go there will always be someone that is critical of your actions or beliefs. It can even be the case that some of these criticisms can turn into very negative remarks and insults. Most of us can usually deal with these negative remarks and insults easier than we can deal with less aggressive criticism because it is far easier to dismiss hysterical remarks. It is possible that some of this criticism is well-founded. It is always a good idea to maintain object...
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I just watched an amazing video by an American physicist called Richard Feynman. In it he lets you know about how he sees the world and how he as a physicist and a scientist sees beauty. It is inspirational and it shows you the wonderment and the drive that can propel man into the exploration of his universe. I have attached a link to the YouTube video at the bottom of this article so you can watch it. In this first video made about a series of talks that Feynman gave in order to promote  sci...
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There are times when you just need to take a break. There are times in our lives we to seem to be flooded with things to do and there doesn’t seem to be a light at the end of the tunnel. Looking at the machines around us, it is sometimes easy to identify with them and to believe that we to should keep going without stop. It is very important that you realize that you are not a machine and that unlike them you need to take a break. We need a break at the time we think we have the least h...
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Finding our personal motivation is very important. Our motivations are really our values and these values are essentially the most important things in our lives. These values are very important because they are the underlying motivating factors of our lives. You can say that they are sort of like our guiding principles that point us in the direction that we want to go and also set the standard of how we’re going to get there. Finding out what your motivations are, will greatly increase ...
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Time is a very precious thing. We are only given so much time on this Earth so its always a good idea to make sure that you are spending your time wisely. It is also possible that others could rob you of time if you are not careful and discerning as to how and with whom you want to spend this precious resource. The most important thing that you can do to stop wasting this precious resource is to develop a greater sense of self-worth. Self-worth might not be directly related to time and time m...
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A very interesting character in Taoist mythology is a fellow called “act on impulse”. He’s a great teacher that teaches you to ‘go for it’ and I think I particularly like him because he shows us mere mortals how we can take advantage of the situations around us. He would basically act without thought but his actions were always correct because by not thinking he was actually thinking in a deeper level. It seems that we all have such complex lives now. I wonder what our ancestors would t...
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I am certain that  you have all felt negative energy in the past. This negative energy can be the result of your own personal beliefs or the result of the beliefs and intentions of the people around you. Negative energy can be felt in different ways; some people for example feel certain physical symptoms like tenseness or low blood pressure, many feel negative energy as emotions, either feeling depressed, scared, or angry. Often times people that feel negative energies as emotions believe tha...
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We certainly do seem to live in interesting times. At this time in human history we all seem to be at odds with ourselves, perhaps this is how it was always and humanity is perhaps destined to always feel fractured. This is definitely the age of the intellect where we have been able to create incredible things through technology and scientific theology. But while the intellect does seem to reign supreme, at least in the west, our emotions have suffered as a consequence. Many of us feel that t...
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We have all heard of the positivity movement. This is the movement that tells us that in order to better our lives we must try to stay as happy as possible. With good intentions they expound the idea that happiness is the key to greater happiness. What is meant by this is that they believe that you should try and suppress your negative emotions while at the same time trying to express as much positive emotion as possible. As I said, this is a well-meaning group, that tells you that the best w...
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Empathy is an incredibly powerful tool. It is the ability to see from the perspective of the other and in this way to be able to experience, to a greater or lesser degree, what the other is experiencing. Some would have you believe that empathy is dangerous and that it can cloud your ability to function correctly. This fear is expounded because there’s a belief that the ego, or your personal self, will become completely overwhelmed by what you feel while you are experiencing things from...
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I am a firm believer, that contemplation is your greatest resource in the acquisition of inner wisdom. Contemplation is basically the ability to let your mind go into a type of free flow, or inner exploration, where on the one hand you might give your mind complete and free reign, to flow in whatever direction it wants, and in the other you stay focused, so that you are able to keep track of every single thought, that enters your mind. This is a tricky give and take, because if you focus too ...
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Believe it or not we are all constantly lying to ourselves. We all pretend to ourselves that we did not see a certain thing or that we did not experience this or that. It is amazing how powerful our minds are at being able to completely ignore certain data in order to make us feel better. The first big reason why we lie to ourselves is that we are trying to avoid pain. Quite often when we do not want to experience a negative feeling, we will often overlook internal thoughts and external sense...
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There are often times when we want to change something about ourselves or our environment. Change, if it is positive, is a good thing because it means that we are growing and expanding ourselves. Changes also a way of keeping things fresh and making life less dreary. Change is also needed when life becomes difficult and you need to change something in order to make things easier again. Quite often change means an alteration or a modification of a bad habit so that we are able to prosper inste...
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Persuasion is really one of the great human skills. Sometimes the word persuasion can make this art seem negative or underhanded. The reality of the situation though is that persuasion is really the art of great articulation. Seen this way, persuasion, can then be seen for what it really is and for what it should always ultimately become, which is the ability to articulate and to be able to make yourself understood. You can find many books on persuasion. There are many techniques that are exp...
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Happiness cannot be found through exterior circumstance. Happiness is something that we all search for, this is perhaps because when we are feeling happy it usually means that everything is going our way. Feeling good after all feels good. The positivity movement tells us that we should be happy all day all the time, but is this really a good thing? The reality of the situation is that if you try to make yourself happy when you’re really feeling sad, you are suppressing emotion and this...
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