When researching the paranormal, it is sometimes the case that you run into people that need help. While paranormal researchers might be pursuing the occult, UFOs, and cryptids, sometimes the people that they run into during these searches tend to be normal people that would just like to forget what they saw and return to their regular lives. Unfortunately sometimes these people continue to be plagued by these paranormal forces and they feel that there is no way that they can escape them.
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Thus far in our series on the possible existence of alien visitors, we have considered a number of facts and possibilities:
There seems to be some kind of aerial phenomena happening in the skies of planet Earth that is being witnessed by many people from all around the world.
While many scientific panels have been able to explain most of this weird phenomenon that is being experienced by people as being just natural in origin, there is still a large percentage of aerial sightings that remain...
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In the last installment of our UFO series, we considered the conservative 5% of all of the ‘verified as’ unknown aerial phenomenon that is reported around the Earth. Within this 5% we contemplated the theory that much of this aerial phenomenon consists of physical interstellar craft from other planets. In this article we’re going to explore the possibility that such aerial phenomenon could possibly be of an interdimensional nature.
The human species has made some great advancements tec...
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Having spent time around different paranormal groups, I have always found it very interesting that many of these intrepid paranormal investigators greatly fear that which they are looking for. For example, those paranormal investigators that are so popular now, those investigators that seek ghosts, tend to be deeply afraid of those ghost that they wish to find.
When you first meet them, they seem to be a tough bunch, many of these paranormal investigators. They tend to put on a very strong fr...
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A dear friend of mine sent me this e-mail a little while ago. This is a snippet from that e-mail;
Last week I was downloading some free game apps onto the iPad. One was Monopoly Hotels or something. Money literally falls from the sky just in case you need a few extra bucks to buy something. I can see why people get interested in these types of games because they are a bunch of quick wins. But I was trying the game out and all I could think of is that there isn’t even a story. Just...
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Astral projection, has been a very popular subject in the New Age movement for a very long time. You can find many books, that purport to teach you how to perform astral projection. Some of these books are modestly complex, and give you a number of different exercises that you can try, in order to achieve separation from your body. Other books that try to teach you how to perform astral projection, can be quite complex, and usually involve a set of energetic exercises, that you must perform o...
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When Darwin wrote “On the Origin of Species” on November 24/1859, it was indeed a monumental occasion for the emerging science of evolution. Scientists were finally given a theory that they were willing to get behind and like any new religion, its converts traveled far and wide preaching this gospel.
This article investigates the possibility that science and its greatest tenet Evolution, are in many ways a new religion.
How can I possibly make the statement that science is a religion? And mor...
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A key topic in this study of the paranormal, is the study of extra sensory perception. Extrasensory perception is usually defined as perception that goes beyond our usual ideas of what perception should be. That is perception that seems to be beyond our regular five senses.
Many wonder if extrasensory perception exists, and there have been many studies, both scientific and otherwise, to try and prove the existence of extrasensory perception. There have been many studies for example to see if ...
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When we speak about an entity such as ghosts or poltergeist, what kinds of creatures are these really? Even when we speak about creatures that we considered to be quite flesh and blood, like Bigfoot or the Loch Ness monster, could we sometimes be misidentifying what we see?
When I talk about inorganic beings, please do not believe that I am negating the existence of flesh and blood creatures like Bigfoot or the existence of life beyond the grave like ghosts. What I am doing is presenting a se...
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In the last article we explored the idea of UFOs and extraterrestrial aliens. We contemplated the possibility of their reality and we considered a little bit of the data that is available to us through different studies that had been done here in North America.
Using the Condon report for example, we found that there was conclusive evidence, by highly skilled and competent scientists, that 16% of the aerial phenomenon witnessed by people is of unknown origin. I stated that this is a huge perc...
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Arguably one of the hottest topics in the paranormal, is the existence of UFOs and aliens. As someone who has witnessed the UFO movement through many decades, it is quite interesting indeed to see the changes this movement has gone through.
The most interesting and perhaps the most thrilling change to the UFO movement and the possibility of alien contact, has been what I have seen within the scientific community. When this movement really picked up steam back in 1947, the scientific community...
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When we speak about the paranormal, we tend to be speaking about that which we consider the unknown. The unknown is a very large word in the sense that it could mean anything beyond our perceptions; for example the unknown to me could be anything that’s behind me, I can’t see behind me so essentially what is behind me is somewhat unknown.
The unknown also hides within self-imposed barriers. These self-imposed barriers are beliefs; beliefs that are so powerful that we sometimes cal...
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We are all members of a very shortsighted species. As I have discussed in other articles in this paranormal section, our perception of the world is very limited and yet we insist that our perceptions of reality are the only things that exists.
We are like the frog stuck inside a well who thinks that the sky is only a 3 foot by 3 foot circle above him
The frog having never seen the expanse of the sky outside of the well, only believes that the sky is a small and insignificant patch high above ...
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This is really the fundamental secret that allows a small few to control the many.
Books mentioned in the video:
The Occult Experience
Out of Body Experiences, Quickly and Naturally
We tend to be very sure of ourselves. You could ask just about any person on just about any topic that you like and he or she would tell you the way things are. When they tell you the way things are they will tell you in such a way that you will kn...
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Am I here now? This is probably the greatest question that you could ask yourself whenever you are trying to decide whether it is your mind that is clouding your perceptions. The concrete world around us exists because of the fact that our minds have been conditioned to only see this things around us in a certain way.
Have you ever gone into a situation expecting certain things? Have you ever judged or looked at something with the expectation of seeing things in a certain way? I’m confi...
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You are sitting in a room, you look about you and you perhaps see a plant or a table. Unless you are extremely sick or have ingested some kind of mind altering drug, you can be quite sure that what you see out there is real. Most of us do not question the things we perceive with our senses.
We can all say that what we see out there, what we experience, is real. We take it for granted that whatever we see in the outside world, whatever we perceive through our senses, is what is out there.
It ...
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“the world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind.” H.P. Lovecraft
Is it possible that H.P. Lovecraft was a dreamer?
His writing forever changed our conceptions of the world around us and even though he wrote as a fiction horror and science-fiction writer, his concepts of reality have expanded the possibilities of our minds. His perceptions of the reality around us were so far ahead of their time and so completely unique in so many ways, to other Western writers of the time, t...
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Getting a handle on the QWERTY (or) DVORAK debate
DVORAK is a revised layout of the English keyboard that was invented by the US physician Dr. August Dvorak in 1932. It is said to be far more efficient and faster than the QWERTY keyboard that is standard today. A great deal of controversy surrounds the battle between these two keyboard layouts and their practical application. This paper is written to try and address some of these issues and perhaps help in settling some of the debate. I hypot...
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The shortest route between two points is a straight line. Many people tend to forget the fact that we live in a physical world. Many also forget the fact that there are more worlds than this one, subtler worlds where our dreams and our internal thoughts tend to manifest at a much quicker rate. But in this world, this physical world, we must realize that things work slightly differently. In this world the shortest route between any two points in space and time is a straight line.
Those that wo...
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